diff --git a/bin/main.ml b/bin/main.ml
index abbb28a..784727d 100644
--- a/bin/main.ml
+++ b/bin/main.ml
@@ -30,8 +30,8 @@ let preprocess src =
let _ = run_command preprocess_cmd in
-let compile stage preprocessed_src =
- let _ = Compile.compile stage preprocessed_src in
+let compile stage optimizations preprocessed_src =
+ let _ = Compile.compile stage optimizations preprocessed_src in
(* remove preprocessed src *)
let cleanup_preprocessed = Printf.sprintf "rm %s" preprocessed_src in
run_command cleanup_preprocessed;
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ let assemble_and_link ?(link = true) ?(cleanup = true) ?(libs = []) src =
let cleanup_cmd = Printf.sprintf "rm %s" assembly_file in
run_command cleanup_cmd
-let driver target debug libs extra_credit int_only stage src =
+let driver target debug libs extra_credit int_only stage optimizations src =
let _ =
Settings.platform := target;
Settings.debug := debug;
@@ -62,12 +62,13 @@ let driver target debug libs extra_credit int_only stage src =
Settings.int_only := int_only
let preprocessed_name = preprocess src in
- let assembly_name = compile stage preprocessed_name in
+ let assembly_name = compile stage optimizations preprocessed_name in
match stage with
| Settings.Executable ->
- assemble_and_link ~link:true ~cleanup:(not debug) ~libs assembly_name
+ assemble_and_link ~link:true ~cleanup:(not debug.dump_asm) ~libs
+ assembly_name
| Settings.Obj ->
- assemble_and_link ~link:false ~cleanup:(not debug) assembly_name
+ assemble_and_link ~link:false ~cleanup:(not debug.dump_asm) assembly_name
| _ -> ()
(* Command-line options *)
@@ -152,15 +153,130 @@ let int_only =
Arg.(value & flag & info [ "int-only" ] ~doc)
let debug =
- let doc =
- "Write out pre- and post-register-allocation assembly and DOT files of \
- interference graphs."
+ let dump_tacky_opt =
+ let doc = "Dump TACKY at start and end of optimization phase." in
+ Arg.(value & flag & info [ "dump-tacky" ] ~doc)
- Arg.(value & flag & info [ "d" ] ~doc)
+ let dump_asm_opt =
+ let doc = "Dump assembly before and after pseudoreg allocation" in
+ Arg.(value & flag & info [ "dump-asm" ] ~doc)
+ in
+ let dump_const_fold_opt =
+ let doc =
+ "Dump TACKY immediately before and after each constant folding pass. \
+ Ignored if this optimization is not enabled."
+ in
+ Arg.(value & flag & info [ "dump-const-fold" ] ~doc)
+ in
+ let dump_dse_opt =
+ let doc =
+ "Dump debug info (e.g. control flow graph) during dead store \
+ elimination. Ignored if this optimization is not enabled."
+ in
+ Arg.(value & flag & info [ "dump-dse" ] ~doc)
+ in
+ let dump_copy_prop_opt =
+ let doc =
+ "Dump debug info (e.g. control flow graph) during copy pro. Ignored if \
+ this optimization is not enabled."
+ in
+ Arg.(value & flag & info [ "dump-copy-prop" ] ~doc)
+ in
+ let dump_unreachable_elim_opt =
+ let doc =
+ "Dump debug info (e.g. control flow graph) during unreachable code elim. \
+ Ignored if this optimization is not enabled."
+ in
+ Arg.(value & flag & info [ "dump-unreachable-elim" ] ~doc)
+ in
+ let dump_fun_opt =
+ let doc =
+ "Function to dump extra optimization details for (if not specified, dump \
+ info for all functions). Affects optimization-specific --dump* options \
+ but not --dump-tacky or --dump-asm."
+ in
+ Arg.(value & opt (some' string) None & info [ "dump-fun" ] ~doc)
+ in
+ let set_debug_options dump_asm dump_tacky constant_folding
+ dead_store_elimination copy_propagation unreachable_code_elimination
+ dump_fun =
+ Settings.
+ {
+ dump_asm;
+ dump_tacky;
+ dump_optimizations =
+ {
+ constant_folding;
+ dead_store_elimination;
+ unreachable_code_elimination;
+ copy_propagation;
+ };
+ dump_fun;
+ }
+ in
+ Cmdliner.Term.(
+ const set_debug_options
+ $ dump_asm_opt
+ $ dump_tacky_opt
+ $ dump_const_fold_opt
+ $ dump_dse_opt
+ $ dump_copy_prop_opt
+ $ dump_unreachable_elim_opt
+ $ dump_fun_opt)
let src_file =
Arg.(required & pos 0 (some non_dir_file) None & info [] ~docv:"files")
+(* optimization options *)
+let optimization_options =
+ let fold_constants =
+ let doc = "Enable constant folding" in
+ Arg.(value & flag & info [ "fold-constants" ] ~doc)
+ in
+ let eliminate_dead_stores =
+ let doc = "Enable dead store elimination" in
+ Arg.(value & flag & info [ "eliminate-dead-stores" ] ~doc)
+ in
+ let propagate_copies =
+ let doc = "Enable copy-propagation" in
+ Arg.(value & flag & info [ "propagate-copies" ] ~doc)
+ in
+ let eliminate_unreachable_code =
+ let doc = "Enable unreachable code eliminaiton" in
+ Arg.(value & flag & info [ "eliminate-unreachable-code" ] ~doc)
+ in
+ let optimize =
+ let doc = "enable optimizations" in
+ Arg.(value & flag & info [ "o"; "optimize" ] ~doc)
+ in
+ let set_options optimize constant_folding dead_store_elimination
+ copy_propagation unreachable_code_elimination =
+ if optimize then
+ (* TODO maybe warn if both --optimize and any of the other options are set, since those options will be redundant? *)
+ Settings.
+ {
+ constant_folding = true;
+ dead_store_elimination = true;
+ unreachable_code_elimination = true;
+ copy_propagation = true;
+ }
+ else
+ Settings.
+ {
+ constant_folding;
+ dead_store_elimination;
+ copy_propagation;
+ unreachable_code_elimination;
+ }
+ in
+ Cmdliner.Term.(
+ const set_options
+ $ optimize
+ $ fold_constants
+ $ eliminate_dead_stores
+ $ propagate_copies
+ $ eliminate_unreachable_code)
let cmd =
let doc = "A not-quite-C compiler" in
let info = Cmd.info "nqcc" ~doc in
@@ -173,6 +289,7 @@ let cmd =
$ extra_credit
$ int_only
$ stage
+ $ optimization_options
$ src_file)
let main () = exit (Cmd.eval cmd)
diff --git a/lib/backend/codegen.ml b/lib/backend/codegen.ml
index bc7ce08..74f8fa3 100644
--- a/lib/backend/codegen.ml
+++ b/lib/backend/codegen.ml
@@ -109,15 +109,7 @@ let convert_type = function
("Internal error, converting type to assembly: " ^ Types.show t)
[@coverage off]
-let tacky_type = function
- (* note: this reports the type of ConstChar as SChar instead of Char, doesn't matter in this context *)
- | Tacky.Constant c -> Const.type_of_const c
- | Tacky.Var v -> (
- try (Symbols.get v).t
- with Not_found ->
- failwith ("Internal error: " ^ v ^ " not in symbol table"))
-let asm_type = convert_type % tacky_type
+let asm_type = convert_type % Tacky.type_of_val
let convert_unop = function
| Tacky.Complement -> Assembly.Not
@@ -268,7 +260,7 @@ let classify_type tag =
let classify_tacky_val v =
- match tacky_type v with
+ match Tacky.type_of_val v with
| Structure tag -> classify_type tag
| Union tag -> classify_type tag
| _ ->
@@ -298,7 +290,7 @@ let classify_parameters tacky_vals return_on_stack =
| Constant _ ->
failwith "Internal error: constant byte array" [@coverage off]
- let var_size = Type_utils.get_size (tacky_type v) in
+ let var_size = Type_utils.get_size (Tacky.type_of_val v) in
let classes = classify_tacky_val v in
let updated_int, updated_dbl, use_stack =
if List.hd classes = Mem then
@@ -355,7 +347,7 @@ let classify_parameters tacky_vals return_on_stack =
let classify_return_value retval =
let open Assembly in
- let retval_type = tacky_type retval in
+ let retval_type = Tacky.type_of_val retval in
let classify_return_val_helper tag =
let classes = classify_type tag in
let var_name =
@@ -512,7 +504,7 @@ let convert_return_instruction = function
| Some v ->
let int_retvals, dbl_retvals, return_on_stack = classify_return_value v in
if return_on_stack then
- let byte_count = Type_utils.get_size (tacky_type v) in
+ let byte_count = Type_utils.get_size (Tacky.type_of_val v) in
let get_ptr = Assembly.Mov (Quadword, Memory (BP, -8), Reg AX) in
let copy_into_ptr =
copy_bytes (convert_val v) (Assembly.Memory (AX, 0)) ~byte_count
@@ -540,7 +532,7 @@ let convert_return_instruction = function
return_ints @ return_dbls @ [ Ret ]
let convert_instruction = function
- | Tacky.Copy { src; dst } when Type_utils.is_scalar (tacky_type src) ->
+ | Tacky.Copy { src; dst } when Type_utils.is_scalar (Tacky.type_of_val src) ->
let t = asm_type src in
let asm_src = convert_val src in
let asm_dst = convert_val dst in
@@ -548,7 +540,7 @@ let convert_instruction = function
| Tacky.Copy { src; dst } ->
let asm_src = convert_val src in
let asm_dst = convert_val dst in
- let byte_count = Type_utils.get_size (tacky_type src) in
+ let byte_count = Type_utils.get_size (Tacky.type_of_val src) in
copy_bytes asm_src asm_dst ~byte_count
| Tacky.Return maybe_val -> convert_return_instruction maybe_val
| Tacky.Unary { op = Not; src; dst } ->
@@ -571,7 +563,7 @@ let convert_instruction = function
Mov (dst_t, zero, asm_dst);
SetCC (E, asm_dst);
- | Tacky.Unary { op = Negate; src; dst } when tacky_type src = Double ->
+ | Tacky.Unary { op = Negate; src; dst } when Tacky.type_of_val src = Double ->
let asm_src = convert_val src in
let asm_dst = convert_val dst in
let negative_zero = add_constant ~alignment:16 (-0.0) in
@@ -602,7 +594,7 @@ let convert_instruction = function
let signed =
if src_t = Double then false
- else Type_utils.is_signed (tacky_type src1)
+ else Type_utils.is_signed (Tacky.type_of_val src1)
let cond_code = convert_cond_code signed op in
@@ -613,7 +605,7 @@ let convert_instruction = function
(* Division/modulo *)
| (Divide | Mod) when src_t <> Double ->
let result_reg = if op = Divide then Assembly.AX else DX in
- if Type_utils.is_signed (tacky_type src1) then
+ if Type_utils.is_signed (Tacky.type_of_val src1) then
Mov (src_t, asm_src1, Reg AX);
Cdq src_t;
@@ -628,7 +620,7 @@ let convert_instruction = function
Mov (src_t, Reg result_reg, asm_dst);
| BitshiftLeft | BitshiftRight -> (
- let is_signed = Type_utils.is_signed (tacky_type src1) in
+ let is_signed = Type_utils.is_signed (Tacky.type_of_val src1) in
let asm_op = convert_shift_op is_signed op in
let asm_t = asm_type src1 in
match asm_src2 with
@@ -651,7 +643,8 @@ let convert_instruction = function
Mov (src_t, asm_src1, asm_dst);
Binary { op = asm_op; t = src_t; src = asm_src2; dst = asm_dst };
- | Tacky.Load { src_ptr; dst } when Type_utils.is_scalar (tacky_type dst) ->
+ | Tacky.Load { src_ptr; dst }
+ when Type_utils.is_scalar (Tacky.type_of_val dst) ->
let asm_src_ptr = convert_val src_ptr in
let asm_dst = convert_val dst in
let t = asm_type dst in
@@ -659,10 +652,11 @@ let convert_instruction = function
| Tacky.Load { src_ptr; dst } ->
let asm_src_ptr = convert_val src_ptr in
let asm_dst = convert_val dst in
- let byte_count = Type_utils.get_size (tacky_type dst) in
+ let byte_count = Type_utils.get_size (Tacky.type_of_val dst) in
Mov (Quadword, asm_src_ptr, Reg R9)
:: copy_bytes (Memory (R9, 0)) asm_dst ~byte_count
- | Tacky.Store { src; dst_ptr } when Type_utils.is_scalar (tacky_type src) ->
+ | Tacky.Store { src; dst_ptr }
+ when Type_utils.is_scalar (Tacky.type_of_val src) ->
let asm_src = convert_val src in
let t = asm_type src in
let asm_dst_ptr = convert_val dst_ptr in
@@ -670,7 +664,7 @@ let convert_instruction = function
| Tacky.Store { src; dst_ptr } ->
let asm_src = convert_val src in
let asm_dst_ptr = convert_val dst_ptr in
- let byte_count = Type_utils.get_size (tacky_type src) in
+ let byte_count = Type_utils.get_size (Tacky.type_of_val src) in
Mov (Quadword, asm_dst_ptr, Reg R9)
:: copy_bytes asm_src (Memory (R9, 0)) ~byte_count
| Tacky.GetAddress { src; dst } ->
@@ -756,7 +750,7 @@ let convert_instruction = function
| Tacky.UIntToDouble { src; dst } ->
let asm_src = convert_val src in
let asm_dst = convert_val dst in
- if tacky_type src = Types.UChar then
+ if Tacky.type_of_val src = Types.UChar then
@@ -767,7 +761,7 @@ let convert_instruction = function
Cvtsi2sd (Longword, Reg R9, asm_dst);
- else if tacky_type src = Types.UInt then
+ else if Tacky.type_of_val src = Types.UInt then
@@ -805,9 +799,9 @@ let convert_instruction = function
| Tacky.DoubleToUInt { src; dst } ->
let asm_src = convert_val src in
let asm_dst = convert_val dst in
- if tacky_type dst = Types.UChar then
+ if Tacky.type_of_val dst = Types.UChar then
[ Cvttsd2si (Longword, asm_src, Reg R9); Mov (Byte, Reg R9, asm_dst) ]
- else if tacky_type dst = Types.UInt then
+ else if Tacky.type_of_val dst = Types.UInt then
Cvttsd2si (Quadword, asm_src, Reg R9);
@@ -835,21 +829,21 @@ let convert_instruction = function
Binary { op = Add; t = Quadword; src = r; dst = asm_dst };
Label end_lbl;
- | CopyToOffset { src; dst; offset } when Type_utils.is_scalar (tacky_type src)
- ->
+ | CopyToOffset { src; dst; offset }
+ when Type_utils.is_scalar (Tacky.type_of_val src) ->
[ Mov (asm_type src, convert_val src, PseudoMem (dst, offset)) ]
| CopyToOffset { src; dst; offset } ->
let asm_src = convert_val src in
let asm_dst = Assembly.PseudoMem (dst, offset) in
- let byte_count = Type_utils.get_size (tacky_type src) in
+ let byte_count = Type_utils.get_size (Tacky.type_of_val src) in
copy_bytes asm_src asm_dst ~byte_count
| CopyFromOffset { src; dst; offset }
- when Type_utils.is_scalar (tacky_type dst) ->
+ when Type_utils.is_scalar (Tacky.type_of_val dst) ->
[ Mov (asm_type dst, PseudoMem (src, offset), convert_val dst) ]
| CopyFromOffset { src; dst; offset } ->
let asm_src = Assembly.PseudoMem (src, offset) in
let asm_dst = convert_val dst in
- let byte_count = Type_utils.get_size (tacky_type dst) in
+ let byte_count = Type_utils.get_size (Tacky.type_of_val dst) in
copy_bytes asm_src asm_dst ~byte_count
| AddPtr { ptr; index = Constant (Const.ConstLong c); scale; dst } ->
(* note that typechecker converts index to long
diff --git a/lib/cfg.ml b/lib/cfg.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ac226cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/cfg.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,278 @@
+open Batteries
+(* a simplified instruction type that can represent both TACKY and assembly instructions *)
+type simple_instr =
+ | Label of string
+ | ConditionalJump of string
+ | UnconditionalJump of string
+ | Return
+ | Other
+module type INSTR = sig
+ type instr
+ (* functions for classifying basic blocks *)
+ val simplify : instr -> simple_instr
+ val pp_instr : Format.formatter -> instr -> unit
+module Cfg (Instr : INSTR) = struct
+ type node_id = Entry | Block of int | Exit
+ (* Cfg is parameterized by type of val we compute and type of instruction (we use both Tacky and assembly instructions )*)
+ type 'v basic_block = {
+ id : node_id;
+ instructions : ('v * Instr.instr) list;
+ mutable preds : node_id list;
+ mutable succs : node_id list;
+ value : 'v;
+ }
+ type 'v t = {
+ (* store basic blocks in association list, indexed by block # *)
+ basic_blocks : (int * 'v basic_block) list;
+ mutable entry_succs : node_id list;
+ mutable exit_preds : node_id list;
+ (* extra context for debugging *)
+ ctx : Context.t;
+ }
+ (* useful functions *)
+ let get_succs nd_id cfg =
+ match nd_id with
+ | Entry -> cfg.entry_succs
+ | Block n ->
+ let nd = List.assoc n cfg.basic_blocks in
+ nd.succs
+ | Exit -> []
+ let get_block_value blocknum cfg =
+ let nd = List.assoc blocknum cfg.basic_blocks in
+ nd.value
+ let update_successors ~f nd_id g =
+ match nd_id with
+ | Entry -> g.entry_succs <- f g.entry_succs
+ | Block n ->
+ let blk = List.assoc n g.basic_blocks in
+ blk.succs <- f blk.succs
+ | Exit -> failwith "Internal error: malformed CFG" [@coverage off]
+ let update_predecessors ~f nd_id g =
+ match nd_id with
+ | Entry -> failwith "Internal error: malformed CFG" [@coverage off]
+ | Block n ->
+ let blk = List.assoc n g.basic_blocks in
+ blk.preds <- f blk.preds
+ | Exit -> g.exit_preds <- f g.exit_preds
+ let add_edge pred succ g =
+ let add_id nd_id id_list =
+ if List.mem nd_id id_list then id_list else nd_id :: id_list
+ in
+ update_successors ~f:(add_id succ) pred g;
+ update_predecessors ~f:(add_id pred) succ g
+ let remove_edge pred succ g =
+ let remove_id nd_id id_list = Batteries.List.remove id_list nd_id in
+ update_successors ~f:(remove_id succ) pred g;
+ update_predecessors ~f:(remove_id pred) succ g
+ (* constructing the CFG *)
+ let partition_into_basic_blocks instructions =
+ let f (finished_blocks, current_block) i =
+ match Instr.simplify i with
+ | Label _ ->
+ let finished_blocks' =
+ if List.is_empty current_block then finished_blocks
+ else List.rev current_block :: finished_blocks
+ in
+ (finished_blocks', [ i ])
+ | ConditionalJump _ | UnconditionalJump _ | Return ->
+ let finished = List.rev (i :: current_block) in
+ (finished :: finished_blocks, [])
+ | Other -> (finished_blocks, i :: current_block)
+ in
+ let finished, last = List.fold_left f ([], []) instructions in
+ let all_blocks =
+ if List.is_empty last then finished else List.rev last :: finished
+ in
+ List.rev all_blocks
+ let add_all_edges g =
+ (* build map from labels to the IDS of the blocks that they start with *)
+ let label_map =
+ List.fold
+ (fun lbl_map (_, blk) ->
+ match Instr.simplify (snd (List.hd blk.instructions)) with
+ | Label lbl -> Map.add lbl blk.id lbl_map
+ | _ -> lbl_map)
+ Map.empty g.basic_blocks
+ in
+ (* add outgoing edges from a single basic block *)
+ let process_node (id_num, block) =
+ let next_block =
+ if id_num = fst (List.last g.basic_blocks) then Exit
+ else Block (id_num + 1)
+ in
+ let (), last_instr = List.last block.instructions in
+ match Instr.simplify last_instr with
+ | Return -> add_edge block.id Exit g
+ | UnconditionalJump target ->
+ let target_id = Map.find target label_map in
+ add_edge block.id target_id g
+ | ConditionalJump target ->
+ let target_id = Map.find target label_map in
+ add_edge block.id next_block g;
+ add_edge block.id target_id g
+ | _ -> add_edge block.id next_block g
+ in
+ add_edge Entry (Block 0) g;
+ List.iter process_node g.basic_blocks
+ let instructions_to_cfg ctx instructions =
+ let to_node idx instructions =
+ let ann x = ((), x) in
+ ( idx,
+ {
+ id = Block idx;
+ instructions = List.map ann instructions;
+ preds = [];
+ succs = [];
+ value = ();
+ } )
+ in
+ let cfg =
+ {
+ basic_blocks =
+ List.mapi to_node (partition_into_basic_blocks instructions);
+ entry_succs = [];
+ exit_preds = [];
+ ctx;
+ }
+ in
+ add_all_edges cfg;
+ cfg
+ (* converting back to instructions *)
+ let cfg_to_instructions g =
+ let blk_to_instrs (_, { instructions; _ }) = List.map snd instructions in
+ List.concat_map blk_to_instrs g.basic_blocks
+ (* working with annotations *)
+ let initialize_annotation cfg dummy_val =
+ let initialize_instruction (_, i) = (dummy_val, i) in
+ let initialize_block (idx, b) =
+ ( idx,
+ {
+ b with
+ instructions = List.map initialize_instruction b.instructions;
+ value = dummy_val;
+ } )
+ in
+ { cfg with basic_blocks = List.map initialize_block cfg.basic_blocks }
+ let strip_annotations cfg = initialize_annotation cfg ()
+ (* debugging *)
+ let print_graphviz tag pp_val cfg =
+ let filename = Debug.mk_filename tag cfg.ctx ".dot" in
+ let path =
+ if Filename.is_relative filename then
+ Filename.concat (Sys.getcwd ()) filename
+ else filename
+ in
+ let chan = open_out path in
+ let formatter = Format.formatter_of_out_channel chan in
+ let pp_node_id out = function
+ | Exit -> Format.pp_print_string out "exit"
+ | Entry -> Format.pp_print_string out "entry"
+ | Block n -> Format.fprintf out "block%d" n
+ in
+ let pp_annotated_instruction out (v, i) =
+ Format.pp_open_box out 0;
+ Format.fprintf out
+ "@{
+ @[%a | @]@,\
+ %a | @}@,"
+ Instr.pp_instr i pp_val v;
+ Format.pp_close_box out ()
+ in
+ let pp_block_instructions out blk =
+ Format.pp_open_vbox out 0;
+ Format.pp_open_tag out "table";
+ Format.fprintf out "@{@{%a@} | @}@," pp_node_id
+ blk.id;
+ Format.pp_print_list pp_annotated_instruction out blk.instructions;
+ (* print block annotations *)
+ Format.fprintf out "@{
%a | @}@," pp_val blk.value;
+ Format.pp_close_tag out ();
+ Format.pp_close_box out ()
+ in
+ let pp_block out (lbl, b) =
+ Format.fprintf out "block%d[label=<%a>]" lbl pp_block_instructions b
+ in
+ let pp_entry_edge out lbl =
+ Format.fprintf out "entry -> %a" pp_node_id lbl
+ in
+ let pp_edge i out succ =
+ Format.fprintf out "block%d -> %a" i pp_node_id succ
+ in
+ let pp_edges out ((lbl : int), (blk : 'a basic_block)) =
+ Format.open_vbox 0;
+ Format.pp_print_list (pp_edge lbl) out blk.succs;
+ Format.close_box ()
+ in
+ Format.pp_set_tags formatter true;
+ Format.pp_open_vbox formatter 0;
+ Format.pp_print_string formatter "digraph {";
+ Format.pp_print_break formatter 0 2;
+ Format.pp_open_vbox formatter 0;
+ Format.pp_print_string formatter "labeljust=l";
+ Format.pp_print_cut formatter ();
+ Format.pp_print_string formatter "node[shape=\"box\"]";
+ Format.pp_print_cut formatter ();
+ Format.pp_print_string formatter "entry[label=\"ENTRY\"]";
+ Format.pp_print_cut formatter ();
+ Format.pp_print_string formatter "exit[label=\"EXIT\"]";
+ Format.pp_print_cut formatter ();
+ Format.pp_print_list pp_block formatter cfg.basic_blocks;
+ Format.pp_print_cut formatter ();
+ Format.pp_print_list pp_entry_edge formatter cfg.entry_succs;
+ Format.pp_print_cut formatter ();
+ Format.pp_print_list pp_edges formatter cfg.basic_blocks;
+ Format.pp_close_box formatter ();
+ Format.pp_print_cut formatter ();
+ Format.pp_print_string formatter "}";
+ Format.pp_close_box formatter ();
+ Format.pp_print_newline formatter ();
+ close_out chan;
+ let cmd =
+ Printf.sprintf "dot -Tpng %s -o %s" filename
+ (Filename.chop_extension filename ^ ".png")
+ in
+ if Sys.command cmd <> 0 then failwith ("graphviz fail: " ^ cmd)
+ else if Sys.command ("rm " ^ filename) <> 0 then
+ failwith "failed to remove DOT file"
+ [@@coverage off]
+module TackyCfg = Cfg (struct
+ type instr = Tacky.instruction
+ let simplify = function
+ | Tacky.Label l -> Label l
+ | Jump target -> UnconditionalJump target
+ | JumpIfZero (_, target) -> ConditionalJump target
+ | JumpIfNotZero (_, target) -> ConditionalJump target
+ | Return _ -> Return
+ | _ -> Other
+ let pp_instr = Tacky_print.pp_instruction ~escape_brackets:true
+ [@@coverage off]
diff --git a/lib/cfg.mli b/lib/cfg.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1711a51
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/cfg.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+module TackyCfg : sig
+ type node_id = Entry | Block of int | Exit
+ (* Cfg is parameterized by type of val we compute and type of instruction (we use both Tacky and assembly instructions )*)
+ type 'v basic_block = {
+ id : node_id;
+ instructions : ('v * Tacky.instruction) list;
+ mutable preds : node_id list;
+ mutable succs : node_id list;
+ value : 'v;
+ }
+ type 'v t = {
+ (* store basic blocks in association list, indexed by block # *)
+ basic_blocks : (int * 'v basic_block) list;
+ mutable entry_succs : node_id list;
+ mutable exit_preds : node_id list;
+ ctx : Context.t;
+ }
+ val instructions_to_cfg : Context.t -> Tacky.instruction list -> unit t
+ val cfg_to_instructions : 'v t -> Tacky.instruction list
+ val get_succs : node_id -> 'v t -> node_id list
+ val get_block_value : int -> 'v t -> 'v
+ val add_edge : node_id -> node_id -> 'v t -> unit
+ val remove_edge : node_id -> node_id -> 'v t -> unit
+ val initialize_annotation : 'a t -> 'b -> 'b t
+ val strip_annotations : 'a t -> unit t
+ (* debugging *)
+ val print_graphviz :
+ string -> (Format.formatter -> 'v -> unit) -> 'v t -> unit
diff --git a/lib/compile.ml b/lib/compile.ml
index d1c0317..d4dae3f 100644
--- a/lib/compile.ml
+++ b/lib/compile.ml
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
open Batteries
-let compile stage src_file =
+let compile stage optimizations src_file =
(* read in the file - TODO use streams? *)
let source_lines = File.lines_of src_file in
(* concatenate all the lines *)
@@ -32,14 +32,18 @@ let compile stage src_file =
(* Convert the AST to TACKY *)
let tacky = Tacky_gen.gen validated_ast3 in
(* print to file (src filename with .debug.tacky extension) if debug is enabled*)
- Tacky_print.debug_print_tacky src_file tacky;
+ Tacky_print.debug_print_tacky ~tag:"pre_opt" ~file:src_file tacky;
+ (* optimize it! *)
+ let optimized_tacky = Optimize.optimize optimizations src_file tacky in
+ Tacky_print.debug_print_tacky ~tag:"post_opt" ~file:src_file
+ optimized_tacky;
if stage = Settings.Tacky then ()
(* Assembly generation has three steps:
* 1. convert TACKY to assembly *)
- let asm_ast = Codegen.gen tacky in
+ let asm_ast = Codegen.gen optimized_tacky in
(* print pre-pseudoreg-allocation assembly if debug enabled *)
- (if !Settings.debug then
+ (if !Settings.debug.dump_asm then
let prealloc_filename =
Filename.chop_extension src_file ^ ".prealloc.debug.s"
diff --git a/lib/compile.mli b/lib/compile.mli
index addba2a..bc07a70 100644
--- a/lib/compile.mli
+++ b/lib/compile.mli
@@ -1 +1 @@
-val compile : Settings.stage -> string -> unit
+val compile : Settings.stage -> Settings.optimizations -> string -> unit
diff --git a/lib/const.ml b/lib/const.ml
index 1016be5..4c796a0 100644
--- a/lib/const.ml
+++ b/lib/const.ml
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ type t =
| ConstUInt of UInt32.t
| ConstULong of UInt64.t
| ConstDouble of Float.t
+[@@deriving eq, ord]
(* print functions for debugging *)
let show = function
@@ -36,3 +37,12 @@ let type_of_const = function
| ConstUInt _ -> Types.UInt
| ConstULong _ -> Types.ULong
| ConstDouble _ -> Types.Double
+let to_int = function
+ | ConstChar c -> Int8.to_int c
+ | ConstUChar c -> UInt8.to_int c
+ | ConstInt i -> Int32.to_int i
+ | ConstLong l -> Int64.to_int l
+ | ConstUInt u -> UInt32.to_int u
+ | ConstULong ul -> UInt64.to_int ul
+ | ConstDouble d -> Float.to_int d
diff --git a/lib/context.ml b/lib/context.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0128f31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/context.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+(* Extra context about a TACKY function; used primarily for debugging *)
+type t = { filename : string; fun_name : string; params : string list }
diff --git a/lib/dune b/lib/dune
index e3bd448..ee56aef 100644
--- a/lib/dune
+++ b/lib/dune
@@ -4,23 +4,32 @@
(name nqcc)
+ address_taken
+ cfg
+ constant_folding
+ context
+ copy_prop
+ dead_store_elim
+ debug
+ optimize_utils
+ optimize
@@ -35,8 +44,9 @@
- unique_ids
- validate_labels)
+ validate_labels
+ unique_ids
+ unreachable_code_elim)
(libraries batteries ppx_deriving ppx_inline_test camlp-streams bisect_ppx)
(pps ppx_deriving.show ppx_deriving.eq ppx_deriving.ord ppx_inline_test))
diff --git a/lib/optimizations/address_taken.ml b/lib/optimizations/address_taken.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8e32f60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/optimizations/address_taken.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+open Batteries
+let analyze instrs =
+ let addr_taken = function
+ | Tacky.GetAddress { src = Var v; _ } -> Some v
+ | _ -> None
+ in
+ Set.of_list (List.filter_map addr_taken instrs)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/optimizations/address_taken.mli b/lib/optimizations/address_taken.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..688015c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/optimizations/address_taken.mli
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+val analyze : Tacky.instruction list -> string Batteries.Set.t
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/optimizations/constant_folding.ml b/lib/optimizations/constant_folding.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bba7349
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/optimizations/constant_folding.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
+open Cnums
+open Num_interfaces
+let evaluate_cast src_const dst =
+ let dst_type = Tacky.type_of_val dst in
+ let converted_src =
+ try Const_convert.const_convert dst_type src_const
+ with Failure _ ->
+ (* Undefined behavior (e.g. out of range conversion) so just use 0;
+ * behavior is undefined if this cast is ever executed. *)
+ Const_convert.const_convert dst_type Const.int_zero
+ in
+ Some (Tacky.Copy { src = Constant converted_src; dst })
+module type Evaluatable = sig
+ include BasicNumLike
+ val to_const : t -> Const.t
+module ConstEvaluator (E : Evaluatable) = struct
+ open E.Infix
+ open E.Compare
+ let int_of_bool b = if b then Const.int_one else Const.int_zero
+ let eval_unop v = function
+ | Tacky.Not -> int_of_bool (v = E.zero)
+ | Tacky.Complement -> E.to_const (E.lognot v)
+ | Tacky.Negate -> E.to_const (E.neg v)
+ let eval_binop v1 v2 = function
+ (* result is same type as source values *)
+ | Tacky.Add -> E.to_const (v1 + v2)
+ | Subtract -> E.to_const (v1 - v2)
+ | Multiply -> E.to_const (v1 * v2)
+ | Divide -> (
+ (* don't fail on division by zero; it may not actually be executed at runtime *)
+ try E.to_const (v1 / v2) with Division_by_zero -> E.to_const E.zero)
+ | Mod -> (
+ try E.(to_const (rem v1 v2))
+ with Division_by_zero -> E.to_const E.zero)
+ | BitwiseAnd -> E.(to_const (logand v1 v2))
+ | BitwiseOr -> E.(to_const (logor v1 v2))
+ | BitwiseXor -> E.(to_const (logxor v1 v2))
+ (* result is int *)
+ | Equal -> int_of_bool (v1 = v2)
+ | NotEqual -> int_of_bool (v1 <> v2)
+ | LessThan -> int_of_bool (v1 < v2)
+ | LessOrEqual -> int_of_bool (v1 <= v2)
+ | GreaterThan -> int_of_bool (v1 > v2)
+ | GreaterOrEqual -> int_of_bool (v1 >= v2)
+ | BitshiftLeft | BitshiftRight ->
+ failwith "Internal error: bitshift operations aren't handled here"
+ let eval_left_shift v shift_count = E.(to_const (shift_left v shift_count))
+ let eval_right_shift v shift_count = E.(to_const (shift_right v shift_count))
+module IntEvaluator = ConstEvaluator (struct
+ include Batteries.Int32
+ let to_const i = Const.ConstInt i
+let%test "not_zero" =
+ IntEvaluator.eval_unop Int32.zero Tacky.Not = Const.int_one
+let%test "not_one" = IntEvaluator.eval_unop Int32.one Tacky.Not = Const.int_zero
+module LongEvaluator = ConstEvaluator (struct
+ include Batteries.Int64
+ let to_const l = Const.ConstLong l
+module UIntEvaluator = ConstEvaluator (struct
+ include UInt32
+ let to_const u = Const.ConstUInt u
+module ULongEvaluator = ConstEvaluator (struct
+ include UInt64
+ let to_const ul = Const.ConstULong ul
+module CharEvaluator = ConstEvaluator (struct
+ include Int8
+ let to_const c = Const.ConstChar c
+module UCharEvaluator = ConstEvaluator (struct
+ include UInt8
+ let to_const uc = Const.ConstUChar uc
+module DoubleEvaluator = ConstEvaluator (struct
+ include Float
+ let to_const d = Const.ConstDouble d
+ let rem _ = (failwith "Remainder of double not supported" [@coverage off])
+ let lognot _ =
+ (failwith "Bitwise complement of double not supported" [@coverage off])
+ let logand _ =
+ (failwith "Bitwise complement of double not supported" [@coverage off])
+ let logor _ =
+ (failwith "Bitwise complement of double not supported" [@coverage off])
+ let logxor _ =
+ (failwith "Bitwise complement of double not supported" [@coverage off])
+ let shift_left _ =
+ (failwith "Bitwise shift of double not supported" [@coverage off])
+ let shift_right _ =
+ (failwith "Bitwise shift of double not supported" [@coverage off])
+let evaluate_unop op = function
+ | Const.ConstChar c -> CharEvaluator.eval_unop c op
+ | ConstUChar uc -> UCharEvaluator.eval_unop uc op
+ | ConstInt i -> IntEvaluator.eval_unop i op
+ | ConstUInt u -> UIntEvaluator.eval_unop u op
+ | ConstLong l -> LongEvaluator.eval_unop l op
+ | ConstULong ul -> ULongEvaluator.eval_unop ul op
+ | ConstDouble d -> DoubleEvaluator.eval_unop d op
+let evaluate_binop op v1 v2 =
+ match (v1, v2) with
+ | Const.ConstChar c1, Const.ConstChar c2 -> CharEvaluator.eval_binop c1 c2 op
+ | ConstUChar c1, ConstUChar c2 -> UCharEvaluator.eval_binop c1 c2 op
+ | ConstInt i1, ConstInt i2 -> IntEvaluator.eval_binop i1 i2 op
+ | ConstUInt i1, ConstUInt i2 -> UIntEvaluator.eval_binop i1 i2 op
+ | ConstLong l1, ConstLong l2 -> LongEvaluator.eval_binop l1 l2 op
+ | ConstULong l1, ConstULong l2 -> ULongEvaluator.eval_binop l1 l2 op
+ | ConstDouble d1, ConstDouble d2 -> DoubleEvaluator.eval_binop d1 d2 op
+ | _ -> failwith "Internal error: mismatched types" [@coverage off]
+let evaluate_leftshift v1 v2 =
+ let shift_count = Const.to_int v2 in
+ match v1 with
+ | Const.ConstChar c -> CharEvaluator.eval_left_shift c shift_count
+ | ConstUChar uc -> UCharEvaluator.eval_left_shift uc shift_count
+ | ConstInt i -> IntEvaluator.eval_left_shift i shift_count
+ | ConstUInt u -> UIntEvaluator.eval_left_shift u shift_count
+ | ConstLong l -> LongEvaluator.eval_left_shift l shift_count
+ | ConstULong ul -> ULongEvaluator.eval_left_shift ul shift_count
+ | ConstDouble _ ->
+ failwith "Internal error: bitshift operation applied to double!"
+let evaluate_rightshift v1 v2 =
+ let shift_count = Const.to_int v2 in
+ match v1 with
+ | Const.ConstChar c -> CharEvaluator.eval_right_shift c shift_count
+ | ConstUChar uc -> UCharEvaluator.eval_right_shift uc shift_count
+ | ConstInt i -> IntEvaluator.eval_right_shift i shift_count
+ | ConstUInt u -> UIntEvaluator.eval_right_shift u shift_count
+ | ConstLong l -> LongEvaluator.eval_right_shift l shift_count
+ | ConstULong ul -> ULongEvaluator.eval_right_shift ul shift_count
+ | ConstDouble _ ->
+ failwith "Internal error: bitshift operation applied to double!"
+let is_zero c = evaluate_unop Not c = Const.ConstInt Int32.one
+let optimize_instruction = function
+ | Tacky.Unary { op; src = Constant c; dst } ->
+ let new_src = evaluate_unop op c in
+ Some (Tacky.Copy { src = Constant new_src; dst })
+ | Binary { op = BitshiftLeft; src1 = Constant c1; src2 = Constant c2; dst } ->
+ let new_src = evaluate_leftshift c1 c2 in
+ Some (Copy { src = Constant new_src; dst })
+ | Binary { op = BitshiftRight; src1 = Constant c1; src2 = Constant c2; dst }
+ ->
+ let new_src = evaluate_rightshift c1 c2 in
+ Some (Copy { src = Constant new_src; dst })
+ | Binary { op; src1 = Constant c1; src2 = Constant c2; dst } ->
+ let new_src = evaluate_binop op c1 c2 in
+ Some (Copy { src = Constant new_src; dst })
+ | JumpIfZero (Constant c, target) ->
+ if is_zero c then Some (Jump target) else None
+ | JumpIfNotZero (Constant c, target) ->
+ if is_zero c then None else Some (Jump target)
+ (* type conversions *)
+ | Truncate { src = Constant c; dst } -> evaluate_cast c dst
+ | SignExtend { src = Constant c; dst } -> evaluate_cast c dst
+ | ZeroExtend { src = Constant c; dst } -> evaluate_cast c dst
+ | DoubleToInt { src = Constant c; dst } -> evaluate_cast c dst
+ | DoubleToUInt { src = Constant c; dst } -> evaluate_cast c dst
+ | IntToDouble { src = Constant c; dst } -> evaluate_cast c dst
+ | UIntToDouble { src = Constant c; dst } -> evaluate_cast c dst
+ (* if this copies b/t values of different types, we'll replace it with a copy using
+ * src constant w/ same type as dst *)
+ | Copy { src = Constant c; dst } -> evaluate_cast c dst
+ (* other instructions can't be constnat folded *)
+ | i -> Some i
+let debug_print tag ctx instructions =
+ if
+ !Settings.debug.dump_optimizations.constant_folding
+ && Debug.is_dump_target ctx
+ then (
+ let tag' = tag ^ ".const_fold" in
+ let filename = Debug.mk_filename tag' ctx ".tacky" in
+ let chan = open_out filename in
+ let formatter = Format.formatter_of_out_channel chan in
+ let open Context in
+ Tacky_print.pp_function_definition false ctx.fun_name ctx.params formatter
+ instructions;
+ Format.pp_print_newline formatter ();
+ close_out chan)
+ else ()
+let optimize ctx instructions =
+ debug_print "pre" ctx instructions;
+ let optimized_instructions =
+ List.filter_map optimize_instruction instructions
+ in
+ debug_print "post" ctx optimized_instructions;
+ optimized_instructions
diff --git a/lib/optimizations/constant_folding.mli b/lib/optimizations/constant_folding.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8b8036a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/optimizations/constant_folding.mli
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+val optimize : Context.t -> Tacky.instruction list -> Tacky.instruction list
diff --git a/lib/optimizations/copy_prop.ml b/lib/optimizations/copy_prop.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..347e7d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/optimizations/copy_prop.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
+open Batteries
+module G = struct
+ include Cfg.TackyCfg
+(* represent a reaching copy as pair of tacky vals *)
+type cp = { src : Tacky.tacky_val; dst : Tacky.tacky_val } [@@deriving ord]
+let pp_cp fmt copy =
+ Format.fprintf fmt "%a = %a" Tacky_print.pp_tacky_val copy.dst
+ Tacky_print.pp_tacky_val copy.src
+(* be careful to always use our own eq/compare instead of built-in one b/c 0.0 and -0.0 compare equal, and NaN doesn't equal itself, using (=) *)
+module ReachingCopies = Set.Make (struct
+ type t = cp
+ let compare = compare_cp
+let eq = Tacky.equal_tacky_val
+let debug_print ~extra_tag cfg =
+ if
+ !Settings.debug.dump_optimizations.copy_propagation
+ && Debug.is_dump_target G.(cfg.ctx)
+ then
+ let copies_printer fmt copies =
+ Format.pp_open_box fmt 0;
+ Format.pp_print_list
+ ~pp_sep:(fun fmt () -> Format.pp_print_string fmt ", ")
+ pp_cp fmt
+ (ReachingCopies.to_list copies);
+ Format.pp_close_box fmt ()
+ in
+ let tag = "copy_prop." ^ extra_tag in
+ G.(print_graphviz tag copies_printer cfg)
+(* check whether two operands of Copy are, for our purposes, the same type *)
+let same_type v1 v2 =
+ let t1, t2 = Tacky.(type_of_val v1, type_of_val v2) in
+ t1 = t2 || Type_utils.is_signed t1 = Type_utils.is_signed t2
+let var_is_aliased aliased_vars = function
+ | Tacky.Constant _ -> false
+ (* all static variables are potentially aliased *)
+ | Var v when Set.mem v aliased_vars || Optimize_utils.is_static v -> true
+ | _ -> false
+let filter_updated copies updated =
+ (* A copy is killed if we've updated its src or destination *)
+ let is_killed cp = eq cp.src updated || eq cp.dst updated in
+ ReachingCopies.filter (not % is_killed) copies
+let transfer aliased_vars (block : ReachingCopies.t G.basic_block)
+ (initial_reaching_copies : ReachingCopies.t) =
+ let is_aliased = var_is_aliased aliased_vars in
+ let process_instr current_copies (_, i) =
+ let annotated_instr = (current_copies, i) in
+ let new_copies =
+ match i with
+ | Tacky.Copy { src; dst } ->
+ if ReachingCopies.mem { src = dst; dst = src } current_copies then
+ (* dst and src already have the same value, so there's no effect *)
+ current_copies
+ else if same_type src dst then
+ filter_updated current_copies dst |> ReachingCopies.add { src; dst }
+ (* if types are the same, kill dst but don't count this as a reaching copy *)
+ else filter_updated current_copies dst
+ | FunCall { dst; _ } ->
+ (* first filter out copies killed by dst *)
+ let copies' =
+ match dst with
+ | Some d -> filter_updated current_copies d
+ | None -> current_copies
+ in
+ (* then filter out copies that are static *)
+ ReachingCopies.filter
+ (fun cp -> not (is_aliased cp.src || is_aliased cp.dst))
+ copies'
+ | Store _ ->
+ let not_killed cp = not (is_aliased cp.src || is_aliased cp.dst) in
+ ReachingCopies.filter not_killed current_copies
+ | i -> (
+ match Optimize_utils.get_dst i with
+ | Some dst -> filter_updated current_copies dst
+ | None -> current_copies)
+ in
+ (new_copies, annotated_instr)
+ in
+ let final_reaching_copies, annotated_instructions =
+ List.fold_left_map process_instr initial_reaching_copies block.instructions
+ in
+ {
+ block with
+ instructions = annotated_instructions;
+ value = final_reaching_copies;
+ }
+let meet ident cfg (block : ReachingCopies.t G.basic_block) =
+ (* arbitrartily choose value *)
+ let update_incoming incoming = function
+ | G.Entry -> ReachingCopies.empty
+ | Exit -> failwith "Internal error" [@coverage off]
+ | Block n ->
+ (* get current value for this block *)
+ let v = G.get_block_value n cfg in
+ ReachingCopies.inter v incoming
+ in
+ List.fold update_incoming ident block.preds
+let collect_all_copies cfg =
+ let f = function
+ | Tacky.Copy { src; dst } when same_type src dst -> Some { src; dst }
+ | _ -> None
+ in
+ cfg |> G.cfg_to_instructions |> List.filter_map f |> ReachingCopies.of_list
+let find_reaching_copies aliased_vars cfg =
+ let ident = collect_all_copies cfg in
+ let starting_cfg = G.initialize_annotation cfg ident in
+ let rec process_worklist current_cfg
+ (worklist : (int * ReachingCopies.t G.basic_block) list) =
+ debug_print ~extra_tag:"in_progress" current_cfg;
+ match worklist with
+ | [] -> current_cfg (* we're done *)
+ | (block_idx, blk) :: rest ->
+ let old_annotation = blk.value in
+ let incoming_copies = meet ident current_cfg blk in
+ let block' = transfer aliased_vars blk incoming_copies in
+ let updated_cfg =
+ G.
+ {
+ current_cfg with
+ basic_blocks =
+ List.modify block_idx (fun _ -> block') current_cfg.basic_blocks;
+ }
+ in
+ let new_worklist =
+ if ReachingCopies.equal old_annotation block'.value then rest
+ else
+ (* add successors to worklist *)
+ List.fold
+ (fun wklist -> function
+ | G.Exit -> wklist
+ | Entry ->
+ failwith "Internal error: malformed CFG" [@coverage off]
+ | Block n ->
+ if List.mem_assoc n wklist then wklist
+ else wklist @ [ (n, List.assoc n updated_cfg.basic_blocks) ])
+ rest block'.succs
+ in
+ process_worklist updated_cfg new_worklist
+ in
+ process_worklist starting_cfg starting_cfg.basic_blocks
+let rewrite_instruction (reaching_copies, i) =
+ (* filter out useless copies *)
+ match i with
+ | Tacky.Copy { src; dst }
+ when ReachingCopies.mem { src; dst } reaching_copies
+ || ReachingCopies.mem { src = dst; dst = src } reaching_copies ->
+ None
+ | _ ->
+ (* we're not filtering it out, so replace src instead *)
+ let replace op =
+ match op with
+ (* we never replace constants *)
+ | Tacky.Constant _ -> op
+ | Tacky.Var _ -> (
+ try
+ (* find th reaching copy whose destination is op *)
+ let matching_copy =
+ reaching_copies
+ |> ReachingCopies.to_list
+ |> List.find (fun cp -> eq cp.dst op)
+ in
+ matching_copy.src
+ (* didn't find one, just return op itself *)
+ with Not_found -> op)
+ in
+ let new_i =
+ match i with
+ | Tacky.Copy { src; dst } -> Tacky.Copy { src = replace src; dst }
+ | Unary u -> Unary { u with src = replace u.src }
+ | Binary b ->
+ Binary { b with src1 = replace b.src1; src2 = replace b.src2 }
+ | Return v -> Return (Option.map replace v)
+ | JumpIfZero (v, target) -> JumpIfZero (replace v, target)
+ | JumpIfNotZero (v, target) -> JumpIfNotZero (replace v, target)
+ | FunCall f -> FunCall { f with args = List.map replace f.args }
+ | SignExtend sx -> SignExtend { sx with src = replace sx.src }
+ | ZeroExtend zx -> ZeroExtend { zx with src = replace zx.src }
+ | DoubleToInt d2i -> DoubleToInt { d2i with src = replace d2i.src }
+ | IntToDouble i2d -> IntToDouble { i2d with src = replace i2d.src }
+ | DoubleToUInt d2u -> DoubleToUInt { d2u with src = replace d2u.src }
+ | UIntToDouble u2d -> UIntToDouble { u2d with src = replace u2d.src }
+ | Truncate t -> Truncate { t with src = replace t.src }
+ | Load l -> Load { l with src_ptr = replace l.src_ptr }
+ | Store s -> Store { s with src = replace s.src }
+ | AddPtr ap ->
+ AddPtr { ap with ptr = replace ap.ptr; index = replace ap.index }
+ | CopyToOffset c2o -> CopyToOffset { c2o with src = replace c2o.src }
+ | CopyFromOffset cfo -> (
+ match replace (Var cfo.src) with
+ | Var replaced -> CopyFromOffset { cfo with src = replaced }
+ | Constant _ -> failwith "internal error" [@coverage off])
+ | Label _ | Jump _ | GetAddress _ -> i
+ in
+ Some (reaching_copies, new_i)
+let optimize aliased_vars (cfg : 'a Cfg.TackyCfg.t) : 'b Cfg.TackyCfg.t =
+ let annotated_cfg = find_reaching_copies aliased_vars cfg in
+ let _ = debug_print ~extra_tag:"annotated" annotated_cfg in
+ let rewrite_block (idx, block) =
+ ( idx,
+ G.
+ {
+ block with
+ instructions = List.filter_map rewrite_instruction block.instructions;
+ } )
+ in
+ let transformed_cfg =
+ {
+ annotated_cfg with
+ basic_blocks = List.map rewrite_block annotated_cfg.basic_blocks;
+ }
+ in
+ let _ = debug_print ~extra_tag:"transformed" transformed_cfg in
+ (* remove annotations since we no longer need them *)
+ G.strip_annotations transformed_cfg
diff --git a/lib/optimizations/copy_prop.mli b/lib/optimizations/copy_prop.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9b719a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/optimizations/copy_prop.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+val optimize :
+ string Batteries.Set.t -> unit Cfg.TackyCfg.t -> unit Cfg.TackyCfg.t
diff --git a/lib/optimizations/dead_store_elim.ml b/lib/optimizations/dead_store_elim.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b507faf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/optimizations/dead_store_elim.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+open Batteries
+module G = struct
+ include Cfg.TackyCfg
+type annotated_block = string Set.t G.basic_block
+let debug_print ~extra_tag cfg =
+ if
+ !Settings.debug.dump_optimizations.dead_store_elimination
+ && Debug.is_dump_target G.(cfg.ctx)
+ then
+ let livevar_printer fmt live_vars =
+ Format.pp_open_box fmt 0;
+ Format.pp_print_list
+ ~pp_sep:(fun fmt () -> Format.pp_print_string fmt ", ")
+ Format.pp_print_string fmt (Set.to_list live_vars);
+ Format.pp_close_box fmt ()
+ in
+ let tag = "dse." ^ extra_tag in
+ G.(print_graphviz tag livevar_printer cfg)
+let transfer static_and_aliased_vars (block : annotated_block)
+ (end_live_variables : string Set.t) =
+ let remove_var var var_set =
+ match var with
+ | Tacky.Var v -> Set.remove v var_set
+ | Tacky.Constant _ -> failwith "Internal error" [@coverage off]
+ in
+ let add_var v var_set =
+ match v with
+ | Tacky.Constant _ -> var_set
+ | Var name -> Set.add name var_set
+ in
+ let add_vars used_vals var_set = List.fold_right add_var used_vals var_set in
+ let process_instr current_live_vars (_, i) =
+ let annotated_instr = (current_live_vars, i) in
+ let new_live_vars =
+ match i with
+ | Tacky.Binary b ->
+ current_live_vars |> remove_var b.dst |> add_vars [ b.src1; b.src2 ]
+ | Tacky.Unary u -> current_live_vars |> remove_var u.dst |> add_var u.src
+ | JumpIfZero (v, _) -> add_var v current_live_vars
+ | JumpIfNotZero (v, _) -> add_var v current_live_vars
+ | Copy c -> current_live_vars |> remove_var c.dst |> add_var c.src
+ | Return (Some v) -> current_live_vars |> add_var v
+ | FunCall f ->
+ let live_vars' =
+ match f.dst with
+ | Some d -> remove_var d current_live_vars
+ | None -> current_live_vars
+ in
+ let live_vars'' = add_vars f.args live_vars' in
+ Set.union live_vars'' static_and_aliased_vars
+ (* part II instructions *)
+ | SignExtend sx ->
+ current_live_vars |> remove_var sx.dst |> add_var sx.src
+ | ZeroExtend zx ->
+ current_live_vars |> remove_var zx.dst |> add_var zx.src
+ | DoubleToInt d2i ->
+ current_live_vars |> remove_var d2i.dst |> add_var d2i.src
+ | IntToDouble i2d ->
+ current_live_vars |> remove_var i2d.dst |> add_var i2d.src
+ | DoubleToUInt d2u ->
+ current_live_vars |> remove_var d2u.dst |> add_var d2u.src
+ | UIntToDouble u2d ->
+ current_live_vars |> remove_var u2d.dst |> add_var u2d.src
+ | Truncate t -> current_live_vars |> remove_var t.dst |> add_var t.src
+ | AddPtr { ptr; index; dst; _ } ->
+ current_live_vars |> remove_var dst |> add_vars [ ptr; index ]
+ | GetAddress { dst; _ } -> remove_var dst current_live_vars
+ | Load { src_ptr; dst } ->
+ current_live_vars
+ |> remove_var dst
+ |> add_var src_ptr
+ |> Set.union static_and_aliased_vars
+ | Store { src; dst_ptr } -> add_vars [ src; dst_ptr ] current_live_vars
+ | CopyToOffset { src; _ } -> add_var src current_live_vars
+ | CopyFromOffset { src; dst; _ } ->
+ current_live_vars |> remove_var dst |> add_var (Var src)
+ (* instructions with no impact *)
+ | Jump _ | Label _ | Return None -> current_live_vars
+ in
+ (new_live_vars, annotated_instr)
+ in
+ let incoming_live_vars, annotated_reversed_instructions =
+ block.instructions
+ |> List.rev
+ |> List.fold_left_map process_instr end_live_variables
+ in
+ {
+ block with
+ instructions = List.rev annotated_reversed_instructions;
+ value = incoming_live_vars;
+ }
+let meet static_vars cfg (block : annotated_block) =
+ let update_live live = function
+ | G.Entry -> failwith "Internal error: malformed CFG" [@coverage off]
+ | Exit -> Set.union live static_vars
+ | Block n -> Set.union live (G.get_block_value n cfg)
+ in
+ List.fold update_live Set.empty block.succs
+let find_live_variables static_vars aliased_vars (cfg : unit G.t) =
+ let starting_cfg = G.initialize_annotation cfg Set.empty in
+ let static_and_aliased_vars = Set.union static_vars aliased_vars in
+ let rec process_worklist current_cfg (worklist : (int * annotated_block) list)
+ =
+ debug_print ~extra_tag:"in_progress" current_cfg;
+ match worklist with
+ | [] -> current_cfg (* we're done*)
+ | (block_idx, blk) :: rest ->
+ let old_annotation = blk.value in
+ let live_vars_at_exit = meet static_vars current_cfg blk in
+ let block' = transfer static_and_aliased_vars blk live_vars_at_exit in
+ let updated_cfg =
+ G.
+ {
+ current_cfg with
+ basic_blocks =
+ List.modify block_idx (fun _ -> block') current_cfg.basic_blocks;
+ }
+ in
+ let new_worklist =
+ if Set.equal old_annotation block'.value then rest
+ else
+ List.fold
+ (fun wklist -> function
+ | G.Entry -> wklist
+ | Exit ->
+ failwith "Internal error: malformed CFG" [@coverage off]
+ | Block n ->
+ if List.mem_assoc n wklist then wklist
+ else (n, List.assoc n updated_cfg.basic_blocks) :: wklist)
+ rest block'.preds
+ in
+ process_worklist updated_cfg new_worklist
+ in
+ process_worklist starting_cfg (List.rev starting_cfg.basic_blocks)
+let is_dead_store (live_vars, i) =
+ match i with
+ | Tacky.FunCall _ -> false
+ | Tacky.Store _ -> false
+ | _ -> (
+ match Optimize_utils.get_dst i with
+ | Some (Var v) when not (Set.mem v live_vars) -> true
+ | _ -> false)
+let optimize aliased_vars cfg =
+ let entry_is_static = function
+ | v, Symbols.{ attrs = StaticAttr _; _ } -> Some v
+ | _ -> None
+ in
+ let static_vars =
+ Symbols.bindings () |> List.filter_map entry_is_static |> Set.of_list
+ in
+ let annotated_cfg = find_live_variables static_vars aliased_vars cfg in
+ let _ = debug_print ~extra_tag:"annotated" annotated_cfg in
+ let rewrite_block (idx, block) =
+ ( idx,
+ G.
+ {
+ block with
+ instructions = List.filter (not % is_dead_store) block.instructions;
+ } )
+ in
+ let transformed_cfg =
+ {
+ annotated_cfg with
+ basic_blocks = List.map rewrite_block annotated_cfg.basic_blocks;
+ }
+ in
+ let _ = debug_print ~extra_tag:"transformed" transformed_cfg in
+ G.strip_annotations transformed_cfg
diff --git a/lib/optimizations/dead_store_elim.mli b/lib/optimizations/dead_store_elim.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9b719a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/optimizations/dead_store_elim.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+val optimize :
+ string Batteries.Set.t -> unit Cfg.TackyCfg.t -> unit Cfg.TackyCfg.t
diff --git a/lib/optimizations/optimize.ml b/lib/optimizations/optimize.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bafa6d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/optimizations/optimize.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+open Batteries
+open Cfg
+(* main optimization pipeline *)
+let rec optimize_fun ctx (opts : Settings.optimizations) = function
+ | [] -> []
+ | instructions ->
+ let aliased_vars = Address_taken.analyze instructions in
+ (* run the optimization pipeline *)
+ let constant_folded =
+ if opts.constant_folding then Constant_folding.optimize ctx instructions
+ else instructions
+ in
+ let cfg = TackyCfg.instructions_to_cfg ctx constant_folded in
+ let cfg1 =
+ if opts.unreachable_code_elimination then
+ Unreachable_code_elim.optimize cfg
+ else cfg
+ in
+ let cfg2 =
+ if opts.copy_propagation then Copy_prop.optimize aliased_vars cfg1
+ else cfg1
+ in
+ let cfg3 =
+ if opts.dead_store_elimination then
+ Dead_store_elim.optimize aliased_vars cfg2
+ else cfg2
+ in
+ (* once we're done optimization, convert back to instruction list *)
+ let optimized_instructions = TackyCfg.cfg_to_instructions cfg3 in
+ if List.equal Tacky.equal_instruction instructions optimized_instructions
+ then optimized_instructions
+ (* If we found any optimizations, run it again! *)
+ else optimize_fun ctx opts optimized_instructions
+let optimize opts src_file tacky_program =
+ let open Tacky in
+ let (Program tls) = tacky_program in
+ let handle_tl = function
+ | Function f ->
+ let ctx =
+ Context.{ filename = src_file; fun_name = f.name; params = f.params }
+ in
+ Function { f with body = optimize_fun ctx opts f.body }
+ | other_tl -> other_tl
+ in
+ Program (List.map handle_tl tls)
diff --git a/lib/optimizations/optimize.mli b/lib/optimizations/optimize.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..50a252b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/optimizations/optimize.mli
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+val optimize : Settings.optimizations -> string -> Tacky.t -> Tacky.t
diff --git a/lib/optimizations/optimize_utils.ml b/lib/optimizations/optimize_utils.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e178efd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/optimizations/optimize_utils.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+(* a tiny helper function to get the destination of a tacky instruction; useful for both copy propagation and dead store elimination *)
+let get_dst = function
+ | Tacky.Copy { dst; _ } -> Some dst
+ | FunCall { dst; _ } -> dst
+ | Unary { dst; _ } -> Some dst
+ | Binary { dst; _ } -> Some dst
+ | SignExtend { dst; _ } -> Some dst
+ | ZeroExtend { dst; _ } -> Some dst
+ | DoubleToInt { dst; _ } -> Some dst
+ | DoubleToUInt { dst; _ } -> Some dst
+ | UIntToDouble { dst; _ } -> Some dst
+ | IntToDouble { dst; _ } -> Some dst
+ | Truncate { dst; _ } -> Some dst
+ | GetAddress { dst; _ } -> Some dst
+ | Load { dst; _ } -> Some dst
+ | AddPtr { dst; _ } -> Some dst
+ | CopyToOffset { dst; _ } -> Some (Var dst)
+ | CopyFromOffset { dst; _ } -> Some dst
+ | Store _ -> None
+ | Return _ | Jump _ | JumpIfZero _ | JumpIfNotZero _ | Label _ -> None
+let is_static v =
+ match (Symbols.get v).attrs with Symbols.StaticAttr _ -> true | _ -> false
diff --git a/lib/optimizations/optimize_utils.mli b/lib/optimizations/optimize_utils.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..78828c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/optimizations/optimize_utils.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+val get_dst : Tacky.instruction -> Tacky.tacky_val option
+val is_static : string -> bool
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/optimizations/unreachable_code_elim.ml b/lib/optimizations/unreachable_code_elim.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..803c8fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/optimizations/unreachable_code_elim.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+open Batteries
+module G = struct
+ include Cfg.TackyCfg
+let eliminate_unreachable_blocks (cfg : unit G.t) =
+ let rec dfs explored node_id =
+ (* we've already explored this node *)
+ if Set.mem node_id explored then explored
+ else
+ let explored' = Set.add node_id explored in
+ let succs = G.get_succs node_id cfg in
+ List.fold_left dfs explored' succs
+ in
+ let reachable_block_ids = dfs Set.empty G.Entry in
+ let f (_, (blk : unit G.basic_block)) =
+ if Set.mem blk.id reachable_block_ids then true
+ else (
+ (* Not reachable - remove edges and filter it out *)
+ List.iter (fun p -> G.remove_edge p blk.id cfg) blk.preds;
+ List.iter (fun s -> G.remove_edge blk.id s cfg) blk.succs;
+ false)
+ in
+ let updated_blocks = List.filter f cfg.basic_blocks in
+ G.{ cfg with basic_blocks = updated_blocks }
+let eliminate_useless_jumps (cfg : unit G.t) =
+ let drop_last lst = List.take (List.length lst - 1) lst in
+ let update idx ((n, (blk : unit G.basic_block)) as numbered_block) =
+ if idx = List.length cfg.basic_blocks - 1 then
+ (* don't modify last block *)
+ numbered_block
+ else
+ match List.last blk.instructions with
+ | _, Tacky.(Jump _ | JumpIfZero _ | JumpIfNotZero _) ->
+ let _, default_succ = List.at cfg.basic_blocks (idx + 1) in
+ if List.for_all (fun nd -> nd = default_succ.id) blk.succs then
+ (* jump instruction is useless, we can drop it *)
+ (n, { blk with instructions = drop_last blk.instructions })
+ else numbered_block
+ | _ -> numbered_block
+ in
+ { cfg with basic_blocks = List.mapi update cfg.basic_blocks }
+let eliminate_useless_labels (cfg : unit G.t) =
+ let update idx ((n, (blk : unit G.basic_block)) as numbered_block) =
+ match blk.instructions with
+ | (_, Tacky.Label _) :: rest ->
+ let default_pred =
+ if idx = 0 then G.Entry
+ else (snd (List.at cfg.basic_blocks (idx - 1))).id
+ in
+ if List.for_all (fun nd -> nd = default_pred) blk.preds then
+ (n, { blk with instructions = rest })
+ else numbered_block
+ | _ -> numbered_block
+ in
+ { cfg with basic_blocks = List.mapi update cfg.basic_blocks }
+let remove_empty_blocks (cfg : unit G.t) =
+ let remove (_, (blk : unit G.basic_block)) =
+ if blk.instructions = [] then
+ (* block is empty, remove it
+ but first update edges
+ *)
+ match (blk.preds, blk.succs) with
+ | [ pred ], [ succ ] ->
+ (* add edge from predecessor to successor, remove edges from either to blk *)
+ G.remove_edge pred blk.id cfg;
+ G.remove_edge blk.id succ cfg;
+ G.add_edge pred succ cfg;
+ false
+ | _ ->
+ failwith
+ "Empty block should have exactly one predecessor and one successor"
+ [@coverage off]
+ else true
+ in
+ { cfg with basic_blocks = List.filter remove cfg.basic_blocks }
+(* Print CFG if debug flag is on *)
+let debug_print ~extra_tag cfg =
+ let _ =
+ if
+ !Settings.debug.dump_optimizations.unreachable_code_elimination
+ && Debug.is_dump_target G.(cfg.ctx)
+ then
+ (* no annotations, so annotation printer is no-op*)
+ let nop_printer _fmt () = () in
+ let tag = "unreachable." ^ extra_tag in
+ G.(print_graphviz tag nop_printer cfg)
+ in
+ (* return it so we can use this in pipeline*)
+ cfg
+let optimize cfg =
+ debug_print ~extra_tag:"pre" cfg
+ |> eliminate_unreachable_blocks
+ |> debug_print ~extra_tag:"post_unreachable_block_elim"
+ |> eliminate_useless_jumps
+ |> debug_print ~extra_tag:"post_jump_elim"
+ |> eliminate_useless_labels
+ |> debug_print ~extra_tag:"post_lbl_elim"
+ |> remove_empty_blocks
+ |> debug_print ~extra_tag:"post_empty_block_elim"
diff --git a/lib/optimizations/unreachable_code_elim.mli b/lib/optimizations/unreachable_code_elim.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..998a3bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/optimizations/unreachable_code_elim.mli
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+val optimize : unit Cfg.TackyCfg.t -> unit Cfg.TackyCfg.t
diff --git a/lib/settings.ml b/lib/settings.ml
index 85cc31c..a1a8d1e 100644
--- a/lib/settings.ml
+++ b/lib/settings.ml
@@ -20,7 +20,40 @@ type extra_credit =
| Nan
| Union
-let platform = ref OS_X (* default to OS X *)
+let platform = ref OS_X (* default to OS_X *)
let extra_credit_flags = ref []
let int_only = ref false
-let debug = ref false
+type optimizations = {
+ constant_folding : bool;
+ dead_store_elimination : bool;
+ unreachable_code_elimination : bool;
+ copy_propagation : bool;
+type debug_options = {
+ (* dumping intermediate representations *)
+ dump_tacky : bool;
+ dump_asm : bool;
+ (* dumping extra info about specific optimizations*)
+ dump_optimizations : optimizations;
+ (* If specified, we dump optimization info only for this function;
+ * otherwise dump for all functions
+ * doesn't impact dump_tacky/dump_asm, which always dump the whole program *)
+ dump_fun : string option;
+let debug =
+ ref
+ {
+ dump_tacky = false;
+ dump_asm = false;
+ dump_optimizations =
+ {
+ constant_folding = false;
+ dead_store_elimination = false;
+ unreachable_code_elimination = false;
+ copy_propagation = false;
+ };
+ dump_fun = None;
+ }
diff --git a/lib/settings.mli b/lib/settings.mli
index 2d8fa52..57c3998 100644
--- a/lib/settings.mli
+++ b/lib/settings.mli
@@ -1,7 +1,24 @@
type stage = Lex | Parse | Validate | Tacky | Codegen | Assembly | Obj | Executable
type target = OS_X | Linux
type extra_credit = Bitwise | Compound | Increment | Goto | Switch | Nan | Union
+type optimizations = {
+ constant_folding : bool;
+ dead_store_elimination : bool;
+ unreachable_code_elimination : bool;
+ copy_propagation : bool;
+type debug_options = {
+ (* dumping intermediate representations *)
+ dump_tacky : bool;
+ dump_asm : bool;
+ (* dumping extra info about specific optimizations*)
+ dump_optimizations : optimizations;
+ (* If specified, we dump optimization info only for this function;
+ * otherwise dump for all functions
+ * doesn't impact dump_tacky/dump_asm, which always dump the whole program *)
+ dump_fun : string option;
val platform : target ref
val extra_credit_flags : extra_credit list ref
-val debug : bool ref
val int_only: bool ref
+val debug : debug_options ref
diff --git a/lib/tacky.ml b/lib/tacky.ml
index 137af6a..52f772b 100644
--- a/lib/tacky.ml
+++ b/lib/tacky.ml
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
[@@@coverage exclude_file]
-type unary_operator = Complement | Negate | Not [@@deriving show]
+open Cnums
+type unary_operator = Complement | Negate | Not [@@deriving show, eq, ord]
type binary_operator =
| Add
@@ -19,13 +21,39 @@ type binary_operator =
| LessOrEqual
| GreaterThan
| GreaterOrEqual
-[@@deriving show]
+[@@deriving show, eq, ord]
-type tacky_val = Constant of Const.t | Var of string
+(* we need a custom comparison function for constants to make sure that 0.0 and -0.0 don't compare equal *)
+let const_compare a b =
+ match (a, b) with
+ | Const.ConstDouble d1, Const.ConstDouble d2
+ when Float.is_nan d1 && Float.is_nan d2 ->
+ (* For these purposes, nans should compare equal *)
+ 0
+ | Const.ConstDouble d1, Const.ConstDouble d2 when d1 = d2 ->
+ Float.compare (Float.copysign 1. d1) (Float.copysign 1. d2)
+ | _ -> Const.compare a b
+type tacky_val =
+ | Constant of
+ (Const.t
+ [@compare fun a b -> const_compare a b]
+ [@equal fun a b -> const_compare a b = 0])
+ | Var of string
+[@@deriving eq, ord]
let show_tacky_val = function Constant c -> Const.show c | Var v -> v
let pp_tacky_val fmt v = Format.pp_print_string fmt (show_tacky_val v)
+(* TODO maybe this should be in a separate module? *)
+let type_of_val = function
+ (* note: this reports the type of ConstChar as SChar instead of Char, doesn't matter in this context *)
+ | Constant c -> Const.type_of_const c
+ | Var v -> (
+ try (Symbols.get v).t
+ with Not_found ->
+ failwith ("Internal error: " ^ v ^ " not in symbol table"))
type instruction =
| Return of tacky_val option
| SignExtend of { src : tacky_val; dst : tacky_val }
@@ -59,7 +87,7 @@ type instruction =
| JumpIfNotZero of tacky_val * string
| Label of string
| FunCall of { f : string; args : tacky_val list; dst : tacky_val option }
-[@@deriving show { with_path = false }]
+[@@deriving show { with_path = false }, eq, ord]
type top_level =
| Function of {
diff --git a/lib/tacky_print.ml b/lib/tacky_print.ml
index 19023de..3c2a185 100644
--- a/lib/tacky_print.ml
+++ b/lib/tacky_print.ml
@@ -15,7 +15,8 @@ let pp_unary_operator out = function
| Negate -> Format.pp_print_string out "-"
| Not -> Format.pp_print_string out "!"
-let pp_binary_operator out = function
+(* optional escape_brackets argument lets us escape < and > when instructions appear in HTML-style tables in graphviz *)
+let pp_binary_operator ?(escape_brackets = false) out = function
| Add -> Format.pp_print_string out "+"
| Subtract -> Format.pp_print_string out "-"
| Multiply -> Format.pp_print_string out "*"
@@ -28,10 +29,18 @@ let pp_binary_operator out = function
| BitwiseXor -> Format.pp_print_string out "^"
| Equal -> Format.pp_print_string out "=="
| NotEqual -> Format.pp_print_string out "!="
- | LessThan -> Format.pp_print_string out "<"
- | LessOrEqual -> Format.pp_print_string out "<="
- | GreaterThan -> Format.pp_print_string out ">"
- | GreaterOrEqual -> Format.pp_print_string out "<="
+ | LessThan ->
+ let s = if escape_brackets then "<" else "<" in
+ Format.pp_print_string out s
+ | LessOrEqual ->
+ let s = if escape_brackets then "<=" else "<=" in
+ Format.pp_print_string out s
+ | GreaterThan ->
+ let s = if escape_brackets then ">" else ">" in
+ Format.pp_print_string out s
+ | GreaterOrEqual ->
+ let s = if escape_brackets then ">=" else ">=" in
+ Format.pp_print_string out s
let const_to_string = function
| Const.ConstInt i -> Int32.to_string i
@@ -46,7 +55,7 @@ let pp_tacky_val out = function
| Constant i -> Format.pp_print_string out (const_to_string i)
| Var s -> Format.pp_print_string out s
-let pp_instruction out = function
+let pp_instruction ?(escape_brackets = false) out = function
| Return None -> Format.pp_print_string out "Return"
| Return (Some v) -> Format.fprintf out "Return(%a)" pp_tacky_val v
| Unary { op; src; dst } ->
@@ -54,7 +63,8 @@ let pp_instruction out = function
pp_tacky_val src
| Binary { op; src1; src2; dst } ->
Format.fprintf out "%a = %a %a %a" pp_tacky_val dst pp_tacky_val src1
- pp_binary_operator op pp_tacky_val src2
+ (pp_binary_operator ~escape_brackets)
+ op pp_tacky_val src2
| Copy { src; dst } ->
Format.fprintf out "%a = %a" pp_tacky_val dst pp_tacky_val src
| Jump s -> Format.fprintf out "Jump(%s)" s
@@ -105,7 +115,8 @@ let pp_instruction out = function
| CopyFromOffset { src; offset; dst } ->
Format.fprintf out "%a = %s[offset = %d]" pp_tacky_val dst src offset
-let pp_function_definition global name params out body =
+let pp_function_definition ?(escape_brackets = false) global name params out
+ body =
Format.pp_open_vbox out 0;
if global then Format.pp_print_string out "global ";
Format.fprintf out "%s(%a):" name
@@ -113,13 +124,13 @@ let pp_function_definition global name params out body =
Format.pp_print_break out 0 4;
Format.pp_open_vbox out 0;
- Format.pp_print_list pp_instruction out body;
+ Format.pp_print_list (pp_instruction ~escape_brackets) out body;
Format.pp_close_box out ();
Format.pp_close_box out ()
-let pp_tl out = function
+let pp_tl ?(escape_brackets = false) out = function
| Function { global; name; params; body } ->
- pp_function_definition global name params out body
+ pp_function_definition ~escape_brackets global name params out body
| StaticVariable { global; name; init; t } ->
Format.pp_open_vbox out 0;
if global then Format.pp_print_string out "global ";
@@ -131,20 +142,22 @@ let pp_tl out = function
Initializers.pp_static_init init;
Format.pp_close_box out ()
-let pp_program out (Program tls) =
+let pp_program ?(escape_brackets = false) out (Program tls) =
Format.pp_open_vbox out 0;
~pp_sep:(fun out () ->
(* print _two_ newlines b/t top levels *)
Format.pp_print_cut out ();
Format.pp_print_cut out ())
- pp_tl out tls;
+ (pp_tl ~escape_brackets) out tls;
Format.pp_close_box out ();
Format.pp_print_newline out () (* flush *)
-let debug_print_tacky src_filename tacky_prog =
- if !Settings.debug then (
- let tacky_file = Filename.chop_extension src_filename ^ ".debug.tacky" in
+let debug_print_tacky ~tag ~file tacky_prog =
+ if !Settings.debug.dump_tacky then (
+ let tacky_file =
+ Printf.sprintf "%s.%s.tacky" (Filename.remove_extension file) tag
+ in
let chan = open_out tacky_file in
let formatter = Format.formatter_of_out_channel chan in
pp_program formatter tacky_prog;
diff --git a/lib/util/cnums.ml b/lib/util/cnums.ml
index 23d6806..0ce5a4c 100644
--- a/lib/util/cnums.ml
+++ b/lib/util/cnums.ml
@@ -6,7 +6,20 @@ module Float = struct
[@@@coverage off]
- type t = float [@@deriving show]
+ type t = float [@@deriving show, eq]
+ (* Override Compare to handle NaN correctly *)
+ module Compare = struct
+ (* Ugly batteries thing *)
+ type bat__compare_t = float
+ let ( = ) = Stdlib.( = )
+ let ( > ) = Stdlib.( > )
+ let ( >= ) = Stdlib.( >= )
+ let ( < ) = Stdlib.( < )
+ let ( <= ) = Stdlib.( <= )
+ let ( <> ) = Stdlib.( <> )
+ end
[@@@coverage on]
@@ -14,11 +27,13 @@ end
module Int8 : NumLike = struct
[@@@coverage off]
- type t = int32 [@@deriving show]
+ type t = int32 [@@deriving show, eq, ord]
[@@@coverage on]
let zero = Int32.zero
+ let lognot = Int32.lognot
+ let rem = Int32.rem
(* internal function to sign-or-zero-extend into upper bytes *)
let reset_upper_bytes x =
@@ -31,6 +46,25 @@ module Int8 : NumLike = struct
let bitmask = 0xffffff00l in
Int32.logor x bitmask
+ let neg = reset_upper_bytes % Int32.neg
+ module Infix = struct
+ let ( + ) x y = reset_upper_bytes Int32.Infix.(x + y)
+ let ( - ) x y = reset_upper_bytes Int32.Infix.(x - y)
+ (* don't need to explicitly wrap division; if x and y are in range of int8, result will be too *)
+ let ( / ) = Int32.Infix.( / )
+ let ( * ) x y = reset_upper_bytes Int32.Infix.(x * y)
+ end
+ module Compare = Int32.Compare
+ let logand x y = reset_upper_bytes (Int32.logand x y)
+ let logor x y = reset_upper_bytes (Int32.logor x y)
+ let logxor x y = reset_upper_bytes (Int32.logxor x y)
+ let shift_left x y = reset_upper_bytes (Int32.shift_left x y)
+ let shift_right x y = reset_upper_bytes (Int32.shift_right x y)
let check_range x =
if x > 127l || x < -128l then failwith "Out of range" else x
@@ -52,20 +86,59 @@ module Int8 : NumLike = struct
let to_string = Int32.to_string
+module MakeCompare (C : sig
+ type t
+ val compare : t -> t -> int
+end) : Compare with type t = C.t = struct
+ type t = C.t
+ let ( = ) x y = C.compare x y = 0
+ let ( <> ) x y = C.compare x y <> 0
+ let ( > ) x y = C.compare x y > 0
+ let ( >= ) x y = C.compare x y >= 0
+ let ( < ) x y = C.compare x y < 0
+ let ( <= ) x y = C.compare x y <= 0
module UInt8 : NumLike = struct
[@@@coverage off]
- type t = int32 [@@deriving show]
+ type t = int32 [@@deriving show, eq]
[@@@coverage on]
let zero = Int32.zero
+ let lognot = Int32.lognot
+ let compare = Int32.unsigned_compare
+ let rem = Int32.unsigned_rem
(* internal function to sign-or-zero-extend into upper bytes *)
let reset_upper_bytes x =
let bitmask = 0x000000ffl in
Int32.logand x bitmask
+ let neg = reset_upper_bytes % Int32.neg
+ module Infix = struct
+ let ( + ) x y = reset_upper_bytes Int32.Infix.(x + y)
+ let ( - ) x y = reset_upper_bytes Int32.Infix.(x - y)
+ let ( / ) x y = Int32.unsigned_div x y
+ let ( * ) x y = reset_upper_bytes Int32.Infix.(x * y)
+ end
+ module Compare = MakeCompare (struct
+ type t = int32
+ let compare = Int32.unsigned_compare
+ end)
+ let logand x y = reset_upper_bytes (Int32.logand x y)
+ let logor x y = reset_upper_bytes (Int32.logor x y)
+ let logxor x y = reset_upper_bytes (Int32.logxor x y)
+ let shift_left x y = reset_upper_bytes (Int32.shift_left x y)
+ let shift_right x y = reset_upper_bytes (Int32.shift_right_logical x y)
let of_int i =
let x = Int32.of_int i in
reset_upper_bytes x
@@ -87,11 +160,34 @@ end
module UInt32 : NumLike = struct
[@@@coverage off]
- type t = int32 [@@deriving show]
+ type t = int32 [@@deriving show, eq]
[@@@coverage on]
let zero = Int32.zero
+ let compare = Int32.unsigned_compare
+ let rem = Int32.unsigned_rem
+ let neg = Int32.neg
+ let lognot = Int32.lognot
+ let shift_left x y = Int32.shift_left x y
+ let shift_right x y = Int32.shift_right_logical x y
+ module Infix = struct
+ let ( + ) x y = Int32.Infix.(x + y)
+ let ( - ) x y = Int32.Infix.(x - y)
+ let ( / ) = Int32.unsigned_div
+ let ( * ) x y = Int32.Infix.(x * y)
+ end
+ module Compare = MakeCompare (struct
+ type t = int32
+ let compare = Int32.unsigned_compare
+ end)
+ let logand x y = Int32.logand x y
+ let logor x y = Int32.logor x y
+ let logxor x y = Int32.logxor x y
let of_int = Int32.of_int
let to_int x =
@@ -119,11 +215,34 @@ let%test "uint_type_conversion" =
module UInt64 : NumLike = struct
[@@@coverage off]
- type t = int64 [@@deriving show]
+ type t = int64 [@@deriving show, eq]
[@@@coverage on]
let zero = Int64.zero
+ let compare = Int64.unsigned_compare
+ let neg = Int64.neg
+ let lognot = Int64.lognot
+ let rem = Int64.unsigned_rem
+ module Infix = struct
+ let ( + ) x y = Int64.Infix.(x + y)
+ let ( - ) x y = Int64.Infix.(x - y)
+ let ( / ) = Int64.unsigned_div
+ let ( * ) x y = Int64.Infix.(x * y)
+ end
+ module Compare = MakeCompare (struct
+ type t = int64
+ let compare = Int64.unsigned_compare
+ end)
+ let logand x y = Int64.logand x y
+ let logor x y = Int64.logor x y
+ let logxor x y = Int64.logxor x y
+ let shift_left x y = Int64.shift_left x y
+ let shift_right x y = Int64.shift_right_logical x y
let of_int = Int64.of_int
let to_int x =
diff --git a/lib/util/debug.ml b/lib/util/debug.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..51c1cda
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/util/debug.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+open Context
+let is_dump_target ctx =
+ match !Settings.debug.dump_fun with
+ (* If we didn't specify which fun to dump info about, dump info for all of them *)
+ | None -> true
+ (* Otherwise, check if the current fun is the target fun *)
+ | Some target when ctx.fun_name = target -> true
+ | Some _other -> false
+(* prefix is some user-friendly label indicating e.g. current optimization, ext is file extension, including . *)
+let mk_filename prefix ctx ext =
+ let base_filename =
+ ctx.filename |> Filename.chop_extension |> Filename.basename
+ in
+ Unique_ids.make_label
+ (Printf.sprintf "%s.%s.%s" prefix ctx.fun_name base_filename)
+ ^ ext
diff --git a/lib/util/num_interfaces.ml b/lib/util/num_interfaces.ml
index 41c704e..ba81f36 100644
--- a/lib/util/num_interfaces.ml
+++ b/lib/util/num_interfaces.ml
@@ -1,10 +1,49 @@
+module type Infix = sig
+ type t
+ val ( + ) : t -> t -> t
+ val ( - ) : t -> t -> t
+ val ( / ) : t -> t -> t
+ val ( * ) : t -> t -> t
+module type Compare = sig
+ type t
+ val ( = ) : t -> t -> bool
+ val ( <> ) : t -> t -> bool
+ val ( < ) : t -> t -> bool
+ val ( <= ) : t -> t -> bool
+ val ( > ) : t -> t -> bool
+ val ( >= ) : t -> t -> bool
(* basic interface supporting integer conversions,
* satisfied by both our types and the ones provided by batteries *)
-module type NumLike = sig
+module type BasicNumLike = sig
type t
+ module Infix : Infix with type t := t
+ module Compare : Compare with type t := t
val zero : t
+ val compare : t -> t -> int
+ val equal : t -> t -> bool
+ val lognot : t -> t
+ val neg : t -> t
+ val rem : t -> t -> t
+ (* Bitwise operations *)
+ val logand : t -> t -> t
+ val logor : t -> t -> t
+ val logxor : t -> t -> t
+ val shift_left : t -> int -> t
+ val shift_right : t -> int -> t
+module type NumLike = sig
+ include BasicNumLike
(* conversions *)
val of_int32 : int32 -> t