- scripting architecture & guidance
- source code
- configuration
- based heavily on these scripts by hashicorp
if it doesnt copypasta, it doesnt belong in your stack
- consul, in its final form, is an authnz service mesh with support for dynamic configuration (kv) management and first class envoyproxy integration for east-west/north-south traffic, and second class (but well documented) support for haproxy
- we are happy with the HAProxy for north-south traffic, and it can be just as dynamic as envoy, but lacks the intuitive interface consul-envoy provides even considering haproxy's first class consul support via dataplane api
- Our goal is to achieve:
- zero trust
- complete immutable infrastructure from dev to prod
- north-south authN+Z service discovery (haproxy > envoy > consul > envoy > app)
- east-west authN+Z service mesh (app > envoy > consul > envoy > app)
- dynamic service configuration (consul-template, cli, http)
- multi-app containers: consul and envoy should be baked into the service image
NIRVai is a zero trust open source platform
all services must follow PoLP and require authnz
- complete CFSSL setup
- be sure to create a p12 cert to access consul UI from your browser
- see the env docs for how to set up /etc/ssl/certs
- if using our one of our docker configs
- take a look at core/{consul/vault/haproxy}
- bootstrap.sh files: varies depending if initiating a consul server or client and type of application
- compose.yaml: we inject the TLS certs as secrets into the container
- take a look at core/{consul/vault/haproxy}
# jq: # @see https://stedolan.github.io/jq/manual/
# consul: # @see https://developer.hashicorp.com/consul/docs/install
# directory structure matches:
├── scripts # @see https://github.com/nirv-ai/scripts
├── configs # @see https://github.com/nirv-ai/configs
│ └── consul
│ │ └── client # client agent confs
│ │ └── defaults # default confs for client services
│ │ └── global # confs applied to both server & client agents
│ │ └── intention # service authZ confs
│ │ └── policy
│ │ │ └── server # acl policies for server agents
│ │ │ └── service # acl policiess for services
│ │ └── server # server agent confs
│ │ └── service/$APP_X..Y
│ │ │ └── config # confs for this consul service
│ │ │ └── envoy # static envoy confs
│ │ ├── .env.cli # source this file to authnz with a consul server from host
├── secrets # chroot jail, a temporary folder or private git repo
│ └── consul
│ │ └── keys # we will persist created keys to this directory
│ │ └── tokens # we will persist created tokens to this directory
│ └── apps/$APP_PREFIX-$APP_X..Y
│ │ ├── $APP_ENV_AUTO # non empty file where vars are injected
│ │ │ ├── CONSUL_HTTP_TOKEN # consul agent token
│ │ │ ├── CONSUL_NODE_PREFIX # for setting -node=THIS_NAME-$(hostname)
│ │ │ ├── CONSUL_DNS_TOKEN # set as the default token for servers
│ │ └── src/consul
│ │ │ │ ├── consul.compose.bootstrap.sh # runtime init for consul & envoy
│ │ │ └── config
│ │ │ │ ├── config.client.* # client only confs
│ │ │ │ ├── config.global.* # server & clients confs
│ │ │ │ ├── config.server.* # server only confs
│ │ │ │ ├── config.service.$APP_X..Y # service specific confs
│ │ │ │ ├── env.token.hcl # created by bootstrap.sh: agent & default token
######################### platform interface
# all nirv scripts use this same interface
export APP_DIR_NAME=apps
export APP_ENV_AUTO=.env.auto
export APP_PREFIX=nirvai
export CERTS_DIR_HOST=/etc/ssl/certs
export MESH_HOSTNAME=mesh.nirv.ai
export REPO_DIR_NAME=core
######################### CONSUL INTERFACE
# path within the app dir
export CONSUL_APP_SRC_PATH='src/consul'
# e.g. /etc/ssl/certs/mesh.nirv.ai
export CONSUL_SERVER_APP_NAME='core-consul'
export DATA_CENTER='us-east'
export DNS_TOKEN_NAME='acl-policy-dns'
export ROOT_TOKEN_NAME='root'
export SERVER_TOKEN_NAME='acl-policy-consul'
## > see bootstrap.sh files for clients
# need to set token specifically for connect
# ^ else the default is used for envoy
# ^ this new token should be set in src/.env.auto
# need to ensure no one uses the management token
# ^ create a admin tokens like in vault
# TODO: create a token specifically for connect and dont reuse the same agent token
# TODO: ^ also need modify the policy for agent tokens follow least privileges
# TODO: or follow consul guidance and create specific intention tokens that are given to admins
# ^ for now you can get root-token in development with : `script.consul.sh get root-token`
# ^ without an upgrade to the token logic this is only useful for dev & validation
# cd to your app dir
################ delete data and existing tokens
## TODO: move these to consul.sh
sudo rm -rf apps/*/src/consul/data/*
sudo rm -rf ../secrets/consul/{tokens,keys}/*
################# create gossipkey, sync confs and start your stack
## create gossip key
script.consul.sh create gossipkey
script.consul.sh sync-confs
script.reset.compose.sh # >>> docker logs: blocked by ACLS
################# create root token and setup your cli
## copy and execute the cmd thats output then create a root token
## this is a manual step: you have to copy paste the output
script.consul.sh get cli-env
script.consul.sh create root-token # >>> docker log: bootstrap complete
## re-execute the cmd output by cli-env
## this is a manual step: you have to copy paste the output
## the consul server(s) should be the only member on the team
script.consul.sh get cli-env
################# create policies, tokens, intentions and service defaults
script.consul.sh create policies
script.consul.sh create server-policy-tokens
## FYI: service names must match svc configs
script.consul.sh create service-policy-tokens
script.consul.sh create intentions
script.consul.sh create defaults
################# review created policies and tokens
script.consul.sh list policies
script.consul.sh list tokens
################# update .env.auto, resync confs and restart stack
script.consul.sh sync-env-auto
script.consul.sh sync-confs
# every node should have a taggedAddress, else ACLs/tokens/wtf arent setup properely
## >>> docker log: agent: synced node info
script.consul.sh get nodes
script.consul.sh get team
script.consul.sh get root-token
- Congrats! you have a zero trust sservice mesh backed by CONSUL!
- We have a little secret:
you can bootstrap your entire stack with this copypasta
# setup vars
export APP_DIR_NAME=apps
export APP_ENV_AUTO=.env.auto
export APP_PREFIX=nirvai
export CERTS_DIR_HOST=/etc/ssl/certs
export MESH_HOSTNAME=mesh.nirv.ai
export REPO_DIR_NAME=core
export CONSUL_APP_SRC_PATH='src/consul'
export CONSUL_SERVER_APP_NAME='core-consul'
export DATA_CENTER='us-east'
export DNS_TOKEN_NAME='acl-policy-dns'
export ROOT_TOKEN_NAME='root'
export SERVER_TOKEN_NAME='acl-policy-consul'
# move into your repo dir
# rm previous consul data and tokens
sudo rm -rf apps/*/src/consul/data/*
sudo rm -rf ../secrets/consul/{tokens,keys}/*
# create gossipkey and start stack
script.consul.sh create gossipkey
script.consul.sh sync-confs
script.reset.compose.sh # >>> docker logs: blocked by ACLS
# setup your cli and create root-token
sleep 2s # wait 2s for services to start
source ../configs/consul/.env.cli
script.consul.sh create root-token
source ../configs/consul/.env.cli
# create policies, tokens, intentions, etc
script.consul.sh create policies
script.consul.sh create server-policy-tokens
## FYI: service names must match svc configs
script.consul.sh create service-policy-tokens
script.consul.sh create intentions
script.consul.sh create defaults
# update service envs then restart
script.consul.sh sync-env-auto
script.consul.sh sync-confs