This example shows how to create custom dashboard storage in an ASP.NET Core application and to store dashboards in a database. To create custom dashboard storage, implement IDashboardStorage or IEditableDashboardStorage.
This example also contains an SQL file (SavedDashboards.sql). You can use it to recreate a database on your side. Do not forget to update the connection string in the appsettings.json file to make it valid in your environment.
The following API is used in the example:
Loads a dashboard with the specified ID in XDocument format from storage.
Returns a list of IDs and Captions of dashboards available in the data storage.
Saves the specified dashboard with new settings to the dashboard storage.
Saves a dashboard definition and its caption to the data storage and returns the ID of the new saved dashboard.
- Dashboard for Web Forms - How to Load and Save Dashboards from/to a Database
- Dashboard for Web Forms - How to Save Dashboards Created in ASPxDashboard to a DataSet
- Dashboard for MVC - How to Load and Save Dashboards from/to a Database
- Dashboard for MVC - How to Implement Multi-Tenant Dashboard Architecture