Author: R. Jacob Vogelstein Updated by Noah J. Cowan, March 1, 2010
This archive is intended to simplify the process of creating a thesis in LaTeX that complies with the JHU formatting requirements.
1) Install LaTeX and a decent editor (ideally emacs+AUCTeX+RefTeX) on your computer.
2) To compile the included sample document, type "latex root". If you want to test the references and everything, use the usual magic sequence of commands:
pdflatex root bibtex root pdflatex root pdflatex root
Extra compiles may be needed for accurate TOC, List of Figures, etc.
- thesis.cls -- The TeX class file that contains many of the formatting commands.
- jhu12.clo -- The 12pt font "class option" file that contains the
specific formatting commands for a 12-point font JHU thesis document.
- IEEEtran.bst -- A recent version (as of May 2007) of the BibTeX style file for
formatting citations in the style used by IEEE Transactions journals.
- thesis.bib -- A sample bibliography file in BibTeX format.
- root.tex -- The "root" LaTeX file that contains the LaTeX preamble as
well as "include" statements for each of your thesis chapters.
- chapter0.tex -- A sample chapter with some formatting/header options.
- chapter1.tex -- Another sample chapter with some different
formatting/header options.
- rjvheadshot.jpg -- A sample graphic with the right dimesions for the
headshot used on the Vita page.
- root.pdf -- A compiled version of the sample document.
- jhu10.clo -- USE AT YOUR OWN RISK -- An old version of a 10pt font
"class option" file that DOES NOT FULLY COMPLY with the JHU thesis formatting requirements, but is better than nothing if you want to use a smaller font.
- jhu11.clo -- USE AT YOUR OWN RISK -- An old version of an 11pt font
"class option" file that DOES NOT FULLY COMPLY with the JHU thesis formatting requirements, but is better than nothing if you want to use a smaller font.
Figures should be generated as such:
\begin{figure}[htbp] \centering \includegraphics[width=\columnwidth]{myfigure} \caption{My caption} \label{fig:myfig} \end{figure}
Where the figure "myfigure.EXT" can be located in the directory designated by the graphicspath command in the root.tex file.
Note that no file extension is given in the includegraphicx command; this makes the code maximally portable for different graphics drivers. For pdflatex, there are many allowable extensions, including .pdf and .jpg among others. For plain latex, you generally have to use .eps files. But, if you hard-code the extension in your LaTeX code, then you will not be able to switch between latex and pdflatex.