This project is a ROS2 Package wrapper for the TurtleSim demo with DroidControlShip (DCS) and RadonUlzer (RU) robots under Webots.
These robot projects are build using PlatformIO. The ros2_dcs_turtlesim package creates a ROS2 cmake wrapper around them and adds a launch configuration for the turtle demo.
Go into the src folder of your ros2 workspace and checkout this repository there:
cd ros2_webots_ws/src
git clone
Checkout the following PlatformIO projects to a fitting location. This should not be inside your ROS workspace, as these are not ROS2 packages:
DroidControlShip: (Branch feature/ROS2)
git clone git clone cd DroidControlShip git checkout feature/ROS2
Link the micro-ROS library to the lib folder of DCS
cd DroidControlShip/lib ln -s ~/microros_ws/firmware/build libmicroros
Add the following environment variables which tell ros2_dcs_turtlesim
where the PlatformIO based projects are:
export DCS_HOME=<checkout location of DroidControlShip>
export RU_HOME=<checkout location of RadonUlzer>
Go into your ROS2 workspace and use the normal ROS2 commands for building
colcon build
source install/local_setup.bash
The first build must be the complete workspace. Later it is possible to build only this package (and in verbose mode) use:
colcon build --event-handlers console_direct+ --cmake-args -DCMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE=ON --packages-select ros2_dcs_turtlesim
source install/local_setup.bash
If you get error fatal error: rcl/rcl.h: No such file or directory
, you forgot to link the micro-ROS library into
the DCS workspace.
The ros2_dcs_turtlesim
includes a launch configuration. Run it using
ros2 launch ros2_dcs_turtlesim [args]
The argument launch_xrce:=true
is required unless the xrce agent is already running as a demon or in another terminal.
Supported launcher arguments:
Argument | Default | Description |
world | world:=worlds/minimal/DcsMinimal.wbt | Launch Webots with given world file. |
launch_webots | launch_webots:=true | Enable/Disable launch of Webots. |
launch_ru | launch_ru:=true | Enable/Disable launch of RadonUlzer controller. |
launch_dcs | launch_dcs:=true | Enable/Disable launch of DroidControlShip controller. |
launch_xrce | launch_xrce:=false | Enable/disable launch of the XRCE agent process. |
xrce_agent | xrce_agent:='/usr/local/bin/MicroXRCEAgent tcp4 -p 1883' | Define command line for XRCE agent. |
log_redirect | log_redirect:=false | Enable/Disable output redirection of Webots controllers to Webots console. |
The robot listens to Twist messages similar to the ROS2 TurtleSim demo. The turtle_teleop_key
tool can be used
to control it using the keyboard. Use the following command from a second terminal window for controlling the robot:
ros2 run turtlesim turtle_teleop_key --ros-args --remap turtle1/cmd_vel:=/cmd_vel