All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
This project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- WordPress release 6.4
- WordPress release prep
- Enhancement: Release for PHP 8.2
- Enhancement: Locates and shows .htaccess
- Enhancement: Showing 'overdue by' and 'due in' for scheduled events
- Enhancement: Highlight overdue events
- Enhancement: Improved display for cron and constants
- Fix: WP Cron checks
- WordPress release prep: 6.0
- Enhancement: WP-Cron testing
- Fix: Psalm suggestions
- Enhancement: improved WordPress cron
- Fix: Development tooling (CI)
- Enhancement: better testing, with more WP and PHP versions
- Enhancement: improved OPcache detection
- Fix: corrected translation anomalies
- Enhancement: added WPCron list
- Enhancement: improved development tooling for WordPress 5.9
- Enhancement: better placement of php.ini
- Enhancement: better translation strings
- Fix: corrected typos
- Enhancement: added translation strings and text domains
- Enhancement: added action link from plugins list
- Enhancement: copy and paste a value
- Enhancement: added user constants
- Enhancement: top menu and anchors
- Fix: build script as part of composer
- Enhancement: collapsible environment variables
- Enhancement: php.ini location and parsing
- Fix: typos