diff --git a/QUICK.md b/QUICK.md
deleted file mode 100644
index bfe2b812..00000000
--- a/QUICK.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,757 +0,0 @@
-simpleui 快速上手指南
-# 入门指引
- + [创建一个django项目](#创建一个django项目)
- + [修改默认后台模板为simpleui](#修改默认后台模板为simpleui)
- + [克隆静态文件到根目录](#克隆静态文件到根目录)
- + [启动项目查看效果](#启动项目查看效果)
- + [如何下载这个模版](#如何下载这个模版)
- + [切换主题](#切换主题)
- + [图标说明](#图标说明)
- + [关闭登录页粒子动画](#关闭登录页粒子动画)
-# 进阶指南
- + [默认主题](#默认主题)
- + [自定义主题](#自定义主题)
- + [修改首页图标](#修改默认图标)
- + [修改默认首页](#修改默认首页)
- + [修复首页跳转地址](#修复首页跳转地址)
- + [修改LOGO](#修改LOGO)
- + [配置首页模块](#配置首页模块)
- + [服务器信息](#服务器信息)
- + [快速操作](#快速操作)
- + [最近动作](#最近动作)
- + [使用分析](#使用分析)
- + [菜单](#菜单)
- + [自定义菜单](#自定义菜单)
- + [默认图标](#默认图标)
- + [自定义图标](#自定义图标)
- + [修改模板](#修改模板)
- + [开发调试](#开发调试)
- + [源码安装到本地](#源码安装到本地)
- + [重写页面](#重写页面)
- + [头部添加自定义代码](#头部添加自定义代码)
- + [底部添加自定义代码](#底部添加自定义代码)
- + [自定义按钮](#自定义按钮)
- + [离线模式](#离线模式)
- + [关闭Loading遮罩层](#关闭Loading遮罩层)
- + [admindoc](#admindoc)
-# 常见问题
- + [settings.py](#settingspy-找不到)
- + [python版本问题](#python版本问题)
- + [无法启动](#无法启动)
- + [样式正常加载显示不正常](#样式正常加载显示不正常)
-## 创建一个django项目
-## 修改默认后台模板为simpleui
- 我们只需要在项目中的settings.py文件中加入一行simpleui即可。
- 举个例子🌰:
- ```python
- # Application definition
- 'simpleui',
- 'django.contrib.admin',
- 'django.contrib.auth',
- 'django.contrib.contenttypes',
- 'django.contrib.sessions',
- 'django.contrib.messages',
- 'django.contrib.staticfiles',
- ...
- ]
- ```
- 如果关闭debug模式后,会出现静态资源无法访问,请查看[克隆静态文件到根目录](#克隆静态文件到根目录)
-## 克隆静态文件到根目录
-# SECURITY WARNING: don't run with debug turned on in production!
-DEBUG = True
-1. 在settings.py中加入:
- os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "static"),
- ]
-2. 克隆静态资源到项目的静态目录,然后交由nginx处理
- python3 manage.py collectstatic
- STATIC_ROOT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "static")
-## 启动项目查看效果
- python manage.py runserver 8000
-## 如何下载这个模版
-## 切换主题
-目前simpleui 内置28个流行样式风格的主题。后续随着版本的更新,会加入更多的主题。
-## 图标说明
-simpleui中显示的图标 可以参考[fontawesome](https://fontawesome.com/icons?d=gallery)的图标,只需要将完整的class名填入即可。
-## 关闭登录页粒子动画
-## 默认主题
-# 指定simpleui默认的主题,指定一个文件名,相对路径就从simpleui的theme目录读取
-SIMPLEUI_DEFAULT_THEME = 'admin.lte.css'
-### 主题列表:
-> 取对应的file即可设置成默认主题
-var SimpleuiThemes = [
- {
- text: "Default",
- menu: 'rgb(48, 65, 86)',
- logo: 'rgb(48, 65, 86)',
- top: '#FFF'
- },
- {
- text: "Simpleui-x",
- menu: '#2c2e39',
- logo: '#2c2e39',
- top: '#FFF',
- file: "simpleui.css"
- },
- {
- text: "Element-UI",
- file: "element.css",
- top: '#447eff',
- menu: '#FFf',
- logo: '#FFF'
- },
- {
- text: "layui",
- file: "layui.css",
- menu: '#393D49',
- logo: '#23262E',
- top: '#23262E'
- }, {
- text: "Ant Design Pro",
- file: "ant.design.css",
- menu: '#000b16',
- logo: '#002140',
- top: '#FFF'
- }, {
- text: "Admin LTE",
- file: "admin.lte.css",
- top: '#3c8dbc',
- logo: '#3c8dbc',
- menu: '#2b3539'
- }, {
- text: "Highdmin",
- file: "highdmin.css",
- top: '#02c0ce',
- menu: '#e0e0e0',
- logo: '#02c0ce'
- }, {
- text: "Aircraft",
- file: "aircraft.css",
- top: '-webkit-gradient(linear, left bottom, left top, color-stop(0, #4d5b76), color-stop(1, #6f80a1)) !important',
- menu: '#e0e0e0',
- logo: '-webkit-gradient(linear, left bottom, left top, color-stop(0, #4d5b76), color-stop(1, #6f80a1)) !important'
- }, {
- text: "Purple",
- file: "purple.css",
- top: '#FFF',
- logo: '#FFF',
- menu: '#3e4295'
- }, {
- text: "Gray",
- file: "gray.css",
- top: '#213a53',
- logo: '#213a53',
- menu: '#e0e0e0'
- },
- {
- text: "Dark green",
- file: "dark.green.css",
- top: '#f3f3f4',
- menu: '#283846',
- logo: '#283846'
- },
- {
- text: "Orange",
- file: "orange.css",
- top: 'linear-gradient(to right bottom, #da8342, #e45131)',
- logo: 'linear-gradient(to right bottom, #da8342, #e45131)',
- menu: '#FFF'
- },
- {
- text: "Black",
- file: "black.css",
- top: "#333",
- logo: "#333",
- menu: '#FFF'
- },
- {
- text: "Green",
- file: "green.css",
- top: '#19a97b',
- logo: '#FFF',
- menu: '#FFF'
- },
- {
- text: "Light",
- file: "light.css",
- top: "#ebf1f5",
- logo: "#ebf1f5",
- menu: "#ebf1f5"
- }, {
- text: 'Enterprise blue',
- file: 'e-blue.css',
- top: '#3ba1df',
- logo: '#3ba1df',
- menu: '#FFF'
- }, {
- text: 'Enterprise blue pro',
- file: 'e-blue-pro.css',
- top: '#3ba1df',
- logo: '#3ba1df',
- menu: 'rgb(38, 50, 56)'
- }, {
- text: 'Enterprise green',
- file: 'e-green.css',
- top: '#27ad60',
- logo: '#27ad60',
- menu: '#FFF'
- }, {
- text: 'Enterprise green pro',
- file: 'e-green-pro.css',
- top: '#27ad60',
- logo: '#27ad60',
- menu: 'rgb(38, 50, 56)'
- }, {
- text: 'Enterprise red',
- file: 'e-red.css',
- top: '#c9333e',
- logo: '#c9333e',
- menu: '#FFF'
- }, {
- text: 'Enterprise red pro',
- file: 'e-red-pro.css',
- top: '#c9333e',
- logo: '#c9333e',
- menu: 'rgb(38, 50, 56)'
- }, {
- text: 'Enterprise purple',
- file: 'e-purple.css',
- top: '#8263b1',
- logo: '#8263b1',
- menu: '#FFF'
- }, {
- text: 'Enterprise purple pro',
- file: 'e-purple-pro.css',
- top: '#8263b1',
- logo: '#8263b1',
- menu: 'rgb(38, 50, 56)'
- }, {
- text: 'Enterprise black',
- file: 'e-black.css',
- top: '#1f2c39',
- logo: '#1f2c39',
- menu: '#FFF'
- }, {
- text: 'Enterprise black pro',
- file: 'e-black-pro.css',
- top: '#1f2c39',
- logo: '#1f2c39',
- menu: 'rgb(38, 50, 56)'
- }, {
- text: 'x-green',
- file: 'x-green.css',
- top: '#2F9688',
- logo: '#2F9688',
- menu: 'rgb(38, 50, 56)'
- }, {
- text: 'x-red',
- file: 'x-red.css',
- top: '#AA3130',
- logo: 'rgb(38, 50, 56)',
- menu: 'rgb(38, 50, 56)'
- }, {
- text: 'x-blue',
- file: 'x-blue.css',
- top: '#FFF',
- logo: '#1E9FFF',
- menu: 'rgb(38, 50, 56)'
- }
-## 自定义主题
-theme.js 就是用于配置主题列表
-var SimpleuiThemes = [
- {
- "text": "Default"
- },
- {
- "text": "Simpleui-x",
- "file": "simpleui.css"
- },
- .....
-@import "base";
-@primary: #2096c8 !important;
-@color: white;
-@menu-color: #8aa4af !important;
-@menu-background: #2b3539 !important;
-@menu-color-hover: #FFF;
-@menu-background-hover: #1f272b;
-@menu-title-color: #FFF;
-@menu-title-background-color: #212c32;
-@menu-title-color-hover: #FFF;
-@menu-title-background-color-hover: #1f272b;
-@navbar-color: #fff;
-@navbar-background: #3c8dbc;
-npm install less -g
-lessc admin.lte.less>admin.lte.css
-## 修改默认图标
-## 修改默认首页
-+ 首页配置
-> SIMPLEUI_HOME_PAGE = 'https://www.baidu.com'
-+ 首页标题
-> SIMPLEUI_HOME_TITLE = '百度一下你就知道'
-+ 首页图标,支持element-ui和fontawesome的图标,参考https://fontawesome.com/icons图标
-> SIMPLEUI_HOME_ICON = 'fa fa-user'
-三项配置都是选填,不填都会有默认值。 [图标列表](https://fontawesome.com/icons)
-## 修复首页跳转地址
-# 设置simpleui 点击首页图标跳转的地址
-SIMPLEUI_INDEX = 'https://www.88cto.com'
-## 修改LOGO
-+ 自定义SIMPLEUI的Logo
-> SIMPLEUI_LOGO = 'https://avatars2.githubusercontent.com/u/13655483?s=60&v=4'
-## 配置首页模块
-### 服务器信息
-### 快速操作
-### 最近动作
-## 使用分析
-## 菜单
-### 自定义菜单
-#### system_keep 保留系统菜单
-#### menu_display 过滤显示菜单和排序功能
-#### dynamic 开启动态菜单功能
-#### menus说明
-#### 例子
-import time
- 'system_keep': False,
- 'menu_display': ['Simpleui', '测试', '权限认证', '动态菜单测试'], # 开启排序和过滤功能, 不填此字段为默认排序和全部显示, 空列表[] 为全部不显示.
- 'dynamic': True, # 设置是否开启动态菜单, 默认为False. 如果开启, 则会在每次用户登陆时动态展示菜单内容
- 'menus': [{
- 'name': 'Simpleui',
- 'icon': 'fas fa-code',
- 'url': 'https://gitee.com/tompeppa/simpleui'
- }, {
- 'app': 'auth',
- 'name': '权限认证',
- 'icon': 'fas fa-user-shield',
- 'models': [{
- 'name': '用户',
- 'icon': 'fa fa-user',
- 'url': 'auth/user/'
- }]
- }, {
- 'name': '测试',
- 'icon': 'fa fa-file',
- 'models': [{
- 'name': 'Baidu',
- 'url': 'http://baidu.com',
- 'icon': 'far fa-surprise'
- }, {
- 'name': '内网穿透',
- 'url': 'https://www.wezoz.com',
- 'icon': 'fab fa-github'
- }]
- }, {
- 'name': '动态菜单测试' ,
- 'icon': 'fa fa-desktop',
- 'models': [{
- 'name': time.time(),
- 'url': 'http://baidu.com',
- 'icon': 'far fa-surprise'
- }]
- }]
-### 默认图标
-### 自定义图标
->注:simpleui 原则上不涉及代码,所以采用setting方式。后续可考虑扩展Model的 Meta class 进行配置图标
- '系统管理': 'fab fa-apple',
- '员工管理': 'fas fa-user-tie'
-## 修改模板
-1. 先把simpleui克隆到静态目录下,参考[克隆静态文件到根目录](#克隆静态文件到根目录)
-2. 找到静态目录下的admin目录,里面就是simpleui的模板,直接修改相关html页面即可生效。
-## 开发调试
-1. 安装simpleui到项目中
-2. 找到simpleui的目录,然后删除
-3. 克隆simpleui源码到本地
-4. Linux、Unix、macOS环境下用软连接的方式,把项目依赖包中的simpleui目录指定到源码的simpleui目录
- ```shell
- ln -s 源文件 目标文件
- ```
-5. windows环境下请右键创建快捷方式
-## 源码安装到本地
-+ 克隆源码本地安装
-git clone https://github.com/newpanjing/simpleui
-cd simpleui
-python setup.py sdist install
-## 重写页面
- {% extends 'admin/index.html' %}
- {% load static %}
- {% block head %}
- {{ block.super }}
- ..此处写你的代码
- {% endblock %}
- {% block script %}
- {{ block.super }}
- ..此处写你的代码
- {% endblock %}
- 完全自定义
- 这里你是自定义的html代码
-## 头部添加自定义代码
- {% extends 'admin/index.html' %}
- {% load static %}
- {% block head %}
- {{ block.super }}
- ..此处写你的代码
- {% endblock %}
-## 底部添加自定义代码
- {% extends 'admin/index.html' %}
- {% load static %}
- {% block script %}
- {{ block.super }}
- ..此处写你的代码
- {% endblock %}
-## 自定义按钮
-> 需要在2.1.2以上版本生效
-django admin 默认提供了自定义按钮的支持,但是样式、图标均不可自定义,simpleui在django admin 自定义action的基础上增加了样式、图标、按钮类型自定义。
- @admin.register(Employe)
-class EmployeAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
- list_display = ('id', 'name', 'gender', 'idCard', 'phone', 'birthday', 'department', 'enable', 'create_time')
- # 增加自定义按钮
- actions = ['make_copy', 'custom_button']
- def custom_button(self, request, queryset):
- pass
- # 显示的文本,与django admin一致
- custom_button.short_description = '测试按钮'
- # icon,参考element-ui icon与https://fontawesome.com
- custom_button.icon = 'fas fa-audio-description'
- # 指定element-ui的按钮类型,参考https://element.eleme.cn/#/zh-CN/component/button
- custom_button.type = 'danger'
- # 给按钮追加自定义的颜色
- custom_button.style = 'color:black;'
- def make_copy(self, request, queryset):
- pass
- make_copy.short_description = '复制员工'
-### 字段:
-|icon|按钮图标,参考https://element.eleme.cn/#/zh-CN/component/icon与https://fontawesome.com,把class 复制进来即可|
-+ confirm 例子
- def message_test(self, request, queryset):
- messages.add_message(request, messages.SUCCESS, '操作成功123123123123')
- # 给按钮增加确认
- message_test.confirm = '你是否执意要点击这个按钮?'
-+ 链接按钮
-> 在2.9或以上版本中生效
- # 增加自定义按钮
- actions = ['custom_button']
- def custom_button(self, request, queryset):
- pass
- # 显示的文本,与django admin一致
- custom_button.short_description = '测试按钮'
- # icon,参考element-ui icon与https://fontawesome.com
- custom_button.icon = 'fas fa-audio-description'
- # 指定element-ui的按钮类型,参考https://element.eleme.cn/#/zh-CN/component/button
- custom_button.type = 'danger'
- # 给按钮追加自定义的颜色
- custom_button.style = 'color:black;'
- # 链接按钮,设置之后直接访问该链接
- # 3中打开方式
- # action_type 0=当前页内打开,1=新tab打开,2=浏览器tab打开
- # 设置了action_type,不设置url,页面内将报错
- # 设置成链接类型的按钮后,custom_button方法将不会执行。
- custom_button.action_type = 0
- custom_button.action_url = 'http://www.baidu.com'
-## 离线模式
-> 在2.1.3或以上的版本中生效
-指定simpleui 是否以脱机模式加载静态资源,为True的时候将默认从本地读取所有资源,即使没有联网一样可以。适合内网项目
- 不填该项或者为False的时候,默认从第三方的cdn获取
-## 关闭Loading遮罩层
-> 在2.1.5或以上的版本中生效
-True或None 默认显示加载遮罩层,指定为False 不显示遮罩层。默认显示
-## admindoc
-admindoc需要simpleui 3.3+ 版本
-## 常见问题
- ### settings.py 找不到
- 这个文件是在自己创建的django项目中,不是在simpleui中。如果你熟悉django就会明白,如果不熟悉请先学习django。[django中文文档](https://docs.djangoproject.com/zh-hans/2.2/)
- ### python版本问题
- + 该项目推荐使用python3,python2.x可能会不兼容
- + 使用源码安装时如果出错,请指定python版本,python3 和 pip3
- ### 无法启动
- 可能由于某些未知的问题,导致项目无法启动,请不要放弃simpleui,你可以提[issue](https://github.com/newpanjing/simpleui/issues),或者直接加入QQ群:786576510,我们将协助解决。
- ### 样式正常加载显示不正常
- 在win8 系统中 可能会遇到,css以及其他文件全部正常加载,但是显示不正常。这是因为响应头为application/x-css,而不是text/css,造成浏览器不正常解析。
- #### 解决办法:
-1.运行cmd: 输入regedit 并回车
-2.在注册表HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT中找到.css 点击.css文件夹 修改Content Type 为 text/css
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index d71979b4..1ff5c25f 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -21,16 +21,16 @@ Django admin theme the simpleui
-中文 | English
+中文 | English
-社区 |
-文档 |
+社区 |
+文档 |
@@ -62,23 +62,8 @@ Django Admin默认界面设计语言存在着的一些不足,比如色彩单
+ QQ群号:873469913(满)
+ QQ群号:786576510(满)
-> 我们推荐在[Simple社区](https://simpleui.72wo.com)提问,方便以后大家有问题的时候直接查找。
+> 我们推荐在[猿堆堆社区](https://www.mldoo.com)提问,方便以后大家有问题的时候直接查找。
-## 社区APP
-+ macOS APP
-或者Mac App Store中搜索 `Simple社区`
-+ iOS APP
-或者iOS App Store中搜索 `猿堆堆`
## 专业版
> 如果免费版无法满足您的需求,我们还提供了一个功能更强大的pro版,可以满足更多的需求
@@ -87,7 +72,7 @@ https://apps.apple.com/cn/app/%E7%8C%BF%E5%A0%86%E5%A0%86/id6443633238
@@ -126,7 +111,7 @@ docker run -p 8080:8080 newpanjing/simpleui_demo
# 开始使用
-详细步骤请浏览 [使用文档](./QUICK.md)。 也可以参考[Demo](#在线Demo)
+详细步骤请浏览 [使用文档](https://newpanjing.github.io/simpleui_docs/config.html)。 也可以参考[Demo](#在线Demo)
+ 安装
diff --git a/RELEASE.sh b/RELEASE.sh
index 33430bd6..3aa19e13 100644
--- a/RELEASE.sh
+++ b/RELEASE.sh
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
#!/usr/bin/env zsh
-#echo 'release django-simpleui...'
-#rm -rf dist/*
-#python3 setup.py sdist
-#twine upload dist/*
-#echo 'release django-simpleui success.'
+echo 'release django-simpleui...'
+rm -rf dist/*
+python3 setup.py sdist
+twine upload dist/*
+echo 'release django-simpleui success.'
echo 'release simpleui...'
rm -rf dist/*
diff --git a/SECURITY.md b/SECURITY.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 04a8d6a6..00000000
--- a/SECURITY.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-# Security Policy
-## Reporting a Vulnerability
-1. Please report security issues to https://github.com/newpanjing/simpleui/security/advisories/new.
-2. Please also create a empty security issues for alerting me, as GitHub Advisory do not send a notification, I probably will miss without this. https://github.com/newpanjing/simpleui/issues/new?assignees=&labels=help&template=security.md
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-# 截止2023年03月18日
-## simpleui支持的django版本如下:
-| 版本号 |
-| 1.10.3 |
-| 1.10.5 |
-| 1.10.6 |
-| 1.11 |
-| 1.11.10 |
-| 1.11.11 |
-| 1.11.12 |
-| 1.11.13 |
-| 1.11.17 |
-| 1.11.18 |
-| 1.11.20 |
-| 1.11.3 |
-| 1.11.4 |
-| 1.11.6 |
-| 1.11.7 |
-| 1.11.8 |
-| 1.11.9 |
-| 1.8.5 |
-| 2.0 |
-| 2.0.1 |
-| 2.0.12 |
-| 2.0.13 |
-| 2.0.2 |
-| 2.0.4 |
-| 2.0.5 |
-| 2.0.6 |
-| 2.0.7 |
-| 2.0.8 |
-| 2.0.9 |
-| 2.1 |
-| 2.1.1 |
-| 2.1.2 |
-| 2.1.3 |
-| 2.1.4 |
-| 2.1.5 |
-| 2.1.7 |
-| 2.1.8 |
-| 2.2 |
-| 2.2.1 |
-| 3.x.x |
-| 4.x.x |
-## simpleui支持的python版本如下:
-| 版本号 |
-| 2.7.0 |
-| 2.7.10 |
-| 2.7.13 |
-| 2.7.15 |
-| 2.7.15rc1 |
-| 2.7.16 |
-| 2.7.5 |
-| 3.4.5 |
-| 3.5.0 |
-| 3.5.2 |
-| 3.5.3 |
-| 3.5.4 |
-| 3.5.4rc1 |
-| 3.5.5 |
-| 3.5.6 |
-| 3.6.0 |
-| 3.6.1 |
-| 3.6.2 |
-| 3.6.3 |
-| 3.6.4 |
-| 3.6.4rc1 |
-| 3.6.5 |
-| 3.6.6 |
-| 3.6.7 |
-| 3.6.8 |
-| 3.7.0 |
-| 3.7.0a4 |
-| 3.7.1 |
-| 3.7.2 |
-| 3.8.x |
-| 3.9.x |
-| 3.10.x |
-| 3.11.x |
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-+ rm -rf dist/*
-+ python3 setup.py sdist
-+ pip3 install twine
-+ twine upload dist/*
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-simpleui Quick Start Guide
-Many people will misunderstand **simpleui**. They think after downloading and installing **simpleui**, they can be used directly after startup. But **simpleui** is majorization on the basis of the **Django**. So, please [Create a Django project](#Create%2da%2dDjango%2dProject) using the command line or IDE, then [Modify the default template for simpleui](#Modify%2ddefault%2dtemplate%2dfor%2dsimpleui).
-Before starting,please take a minte to understand **settings.py**, because it's especially important in the next process.
-# Start Guide
- + [Create a Django project](#Create%2da%2dDjango%2dProject)
- + [Modify default template for simpleui](#Modify%2ddefault%2dtemplate%2dfor%2dsimpleui)
- + [Clone static file to the root](#Clone%2dstatic%2dfile%2dto%2dthe%2droot)
- + [Startup Project](#Startup%2dProject)
- + [How to download simpleui's template](#How%2dto%2ddownload%2dsimpleui's%2dtemplate)
- + [Switch Theme](#Switch%2dTheme)
- + [About Icons](#About%2dIcons)
-# Advance Guide
- + [Default Theme](#Default%2dTheme)
- + [Customize Theme](#Customize%2dTheme)
- + [Modify Default Icon](#Modify%2dDefault%2dIcon)
- + [Modify Default Home](#Modify%2dDefault%2dHome)
- + [Modify Home Jump Address](#Modify%2dHome%2dJump%2dAddress)
- + [Modify LOGO](#Modify%2dLOGO)
- + [Configure Home Module](#Configure%2dHome%2dModule)
- + [Server Information](#Server%2dInformation)
- + [Quick Operation](#Quick%2dOperation)
- + [Recent Action](#Recent%2dAction)
- + [Use Analysis](#Use%2dAnalysis)
- + [Menu](#Menu)
- + [Customize Munu](#Customize%2dMunu)
- + [Default Icon](#Default%2dIcon)
- + [Customize Icon](#Customize%2dIcon)
- + [Modify Templates](#Modify%2dTemplates)
- + [Develop and Debug](#Develop%2dand%2dDebug)
- + [Source Code install to local](#Source%2dCode%2dinstall%2dto%2dlocal)
- + [ReWrite Page](#ReWrite%2dPage)
- + [Custom code to Header](#Custom%2dcode%2dto%2dHeader)
- + [Custom code to Footer](#Custom%2dcode%2dto%2dFooter)
- + [Custom Action](#Custom%2dAction)
- + [Offline](#Offline)
- + [Close Loading](#Close%2dLoading)
- + [admindoc](#admindoc)
-# Common Problems
- + [settings.py](#Not%2dfound%2dsettings.py)
- + [python version problem](#python%2dversion%2dproblem)
- + [Unable to Start](#Unable%2dto%2dStart)
- + [Style Normal Loading But Display Abnormal](#Style%2dNormal%2dLoading%2dBut%2dDisplay%2dAbnormal)
-## Create a Django Project
-Django Documentation:[https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/2.2/intro/tutorial01/](https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/2.2/intro/tutorial01/)
-## Modify default template for simpleui
- We only need to add a line of **simpleui** in the **settings.py** of the project.
- For example 🌰:
- ```python
- # Application definition
- 'simpleui',
- 'django.contrib.admin',
- 'django.contrib.auth',
- 'django.contrib.contenttypes',
- 'django.contrib.sessions',
- 'django.contrib.messages',
- 'django.contrib.staticfiles',
- ...
- ]
- ```
- If **DEBUG = False**, static resources will be inaccessible,please go to [Clone static file to the root](#Clone%2dstatic%2dfile%2dto%2dthe%2droot)
-## Clone static file to the root
-Django have a mode is **DEBUG**, it's in **settings.py**. Default **DEBUG = True**.
-# SECURITY WARNING: don't run with debug turned on in production!
-DEBUG = True
-If **DEBUG = Fasle**, there are two ways to solve the situation that static resources can't be accessed.
-1. Modify **settings.py** , add following content:
- os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "static"),
- ]
-2. Clone static resources to the static directory of the project,then processed by **nginx**.
- python3 manage.py collectstatic
-If the clone error message indicates that the static directory could't be found,please open the **settings.py** and assign a static directory
- STATIC_ROOT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "static")
-## Startup Project
-After successfully adding **simpleui** in **settings.py**,Run command:
- python manage.py runserver 8000
-Open browser, input:
-if you find that the login page is different from before,Congratulations! You have successfully installed **simpleui**!Let's start enjoying **simpleui**!
-## How to download simpleui's template
-Currently unable to download templates,but we plan to launch **simple-admin's** html templates,can make more languages available.
-## Switch Theme
-Currently **simpleui** has 28 popular style themes. We will update more topics as the version is updated.
-## About Icons
-The icon displayed in **simpleui** can refer to the [fontawesome](https://fontawesome.com/icons?d=gallery) icon,just fill in the full class name.
-## Default Theme
-The default theme is configured in settings.py
-# Specify simpleui's default theme, specify a filename, and the relative path is read from simpleui's theme directory
-SIMPLEUI_DEFAULT_THEME = 'admin.lte.css'
-### Theme List:
-> Take the corresponding file can be set as the default theme
-var SimpleuiThemes = [
- {
- text: "Default",
- menu: 'rgb(48, 65, 86)',
- logo: 'rgb(48, 65, 86)',
- top: '#FFF'
- },
- {
- text: "Simpleui-x",
- menu: '#2c2e39',
- logo: '#2c2e39',
- top: '#FFF',
- file: "simpleui.css"
- },
- {
- text: "Element-UI",
- file: "element.css",
- top: '#447eff',
- menu: '#FFf',
- logo: '#FFF'
- },
- {
- text: "layui",
- file: "layui.css",
- menu: '#393D49',
- logo: '#23262E',
- top: '#23262E'
- }, {
- text: "Ant Design Pro",
- file: "ant.design.css",
- menu: '#000b16',
- logo: '#002140',
- top: '#FFF'
- }, {
- text: "Admin LTE",
- file: "admin.lte.css",
- top: '#3c8dbc',
- logo: '#3c8dbc',
- menu: '#2b3539'
- }, {
- text: "Highdmin",
- file: "highdmin.css",
- top: '#02c0ce',
- menu: '#e0e0e0',
- logo: '#02c0ce'
- }, {
- text: "Aircraft",
- file: "aircraft.css",
- top: '-webkit-gradient(linear, left bottom, left top, color-stop(0, #4d5b76), color-stop(1, #6f80a1)) !important',
- menu: '#e0e0e0',
- logo: '-webkit-gradient(linear, left bottom, left top, color-stop(0, #4d5b76), color-stop(1, #6f80a1)) !important'
- }, {
- text: "Purple",
- file: "purple.css",
- top: '#FFF',
- logo: '#FFF',
- menu: '#3e4295'
- }, {
- text: "Gray",
- file: "gray.css",
- top: '#213a53',
- logo: '#213a53',
- menu: '#e0e0e0'
- },
- {
- text: "Dark green",
- file: "dark.green.css",
- top: '#f3f3f4',
- menu: '#283846',
- logo: '#283846'
- },
- {
- text: "Orange",
- file: "orange.css",
- top: 'linear-gradient(to right bottom, #da8342, #e45131)',
- logo: 'linear-gradient(to right bottom, #da8342, #e45131)',
- menu: '#FFF'
- },
- {
- text: "Black",
- file: "black.css",
- top: "#333",
- logo: "#333",
- menu: '#FFF'
- },
- {
- text: "Green",
- file: "green.css",
- top: '#19a97b',
- logo: '#FFF',
- menu: '#FFF'
- },
- {
- text: "Light",
- file: "light.css",
- top: "#ebf1f5",
- logo: "#ebf1f5",
- menu: "#ebf1f5"
- }, {
- text: 'Enterprise blue',
- file: 'e-blue.css',
- top: '#3ba1df',
- logo: '#3ba1df',
- menu: '#FFF'
- }, {
- text: 'Enterprise blue pro',
- file: 'e-blue-pro.css',
- top: '#3ba1df',
- logo: '#3ba1df',
- menu: 'rgb(38, 50, 56)'
- }, {
- text: 'Enterprise green',
- file: 'e-green.css',
- top: '#27ad60',
- logo: '#27ad60',
- menu: '#FFF'
- }, {
- text: 'Enterprise green pro',
- file: 'e-green-pro.css',
- top: '#27ad60',
- logo: '#27ad60',
- menu: 'rgb(38, 50, 56)'
- }, {
- text: 'Enterprise red',
- file: 'e-red.css',
- top: '#c9333e',
- logo: '#c9333e',
- menu: '#FFF'
- }, {
- text: 'Enterprise red pro',
- file: 'e-red-pro.css',
- top: '#c9333e',
- logo: '#c9333e',
- menu: 'rgb(38, 50, 56)'
- }, {
- text: 'Enterprise purple',
- file: 'e-purple.css',
- top: '#8263b1',
- logo: '#8263b1',
- menu: '#FFF'
- }, {
- text: 'Enterprise purple pro',
- file: 'e-purple-pro.css',
- top: '#8263b1',
- logo: '#8263b1',
- menu: 'rgb(38, 50, 56)'
- }, {
- text: 'Enterprise black',
- file: 'e-black.css',
- top: '#1f2c39',
- logo: '#1f2c39',
- menu: '#FFF'
- }, {
- text: 'Enterprise black pro',
- file: 'e-black-pro.css',
- top: '#1f2c39',
- logo: '#1f2c39',
- menu: 'rgb(38, 50, 56)'
- }, {
- text: 'x-green',
- file: 'x-green.css',
- top: '#2F9688',
- logo: '#2F9688',
- menu: 'rgb(38, 50, 56)'
- }, {
- text: 'x-red',
- file: 'x-red.css',
- top: '#AA3130',
- logo: 'rgb(38, 50, 56)',
- menu: 'rgb(38, 50, 56)'
- }, {
- text: 'x-blue',
- file: 'x-blue.css',
- top: '#FFF',
- logo: '#1E9FFF',
- menu: 'rgb(38, 50, 56)'
- }
-## Customize Theme
-Before customizing the theme, please clone the static resources of **simpleui** to the root directory. Then you need to find **theme.js**, it's used to configure the list of topics.
-Please configure in this format.
-var SimpleuiThemes = [
- {
- "text": "Default"
- },
- {
- "text": "Simpleui-x",
- "file": "simpleui.css"
- },
- .....
-Before adding your style, please understand how **less** to used.
-Example for **admin.lte.less**
-@import "base";
-@primary: #2096c8 !important;
-@color: white;
-@menu-color: #8aa4af !important;
-@menu-background: #2b3539 !important;
-@menu-color-hover: #FFF;
-@menu-background-hover: #1f272b;
-@menu-title-color: #FFF;
-@menu-title-background-color: #212c32;
-@menu-title-color-hover: #FFF;
-@menu-title-background-color-hover: #1f272b;
-@navbar-color: #fff;
-@navbar-background: #3c8dbc;
-It will compile to **admin.lte.css**.
-You need to install **less**.
-npm install less -g
-lessc admin.lte.less>admin.lte.css
-## Modify Default Icon
-Django's built-in authentication and authorization and associated users and groups have been configured with an icon by default. Custom app will be the default icons and need to be configured in the **settings.py** file.
-## Modify Default Home
-**simpleui** has a default home page, which consists of quick navigation and recent operations.
-You can modify the default home page and add it to your project's **settings.py**:
-+ Home configuration
-> SIMPLEUI_HOME_PAGE = 'https://www.baidu.com'
-+ Home title
-> SIMPLEUI_HOME_TITLE = 'My Home Title'
-+ Home Icon,support `element-ui's` and `fontawesome's` icon,reference https://fontawesome.com/icons
-> SIMPLEUI_HOME_ICON = 'fa fa-user'
-The above three configurations are optional. If you don't fill, there will be default values. [Icon List](https://fontawesome.com/icons)
-## Modify Home Jump Address
-The top of the home page has a default jump address of /, this is root directory. If you need to customize, add some settings in your project's **settings.py**.
-# Configure simpleui Click the address of the home icon to jump.
-SIMPLEUI_INDEX = 'https://www.88cto.com'
-Relative and absolute paths can be set. There is nothing special about this address, it will call **window.open** to open the address directly.
-## Modify LOGO
-+ Customize SIMPLEUI's Logo
-> SIMPLEUI_LOGO = 'https://avatars2.githubusercontent.com/u/13655483?s=60&v=4'
-## Config Home Module
-The home page displays three modules by default, server information, quick operation and recent actions. You can show or hide some modules as needed.
-### Server Information
-### Quick Operation
-### Recent Action
-## Use Analysis
-`Default is True, statistical analysis information is only used to better help simpleui improvements, and doesn't read sensitive information. And the analysis data will not be shared with any third party.`
-|True|Collect and analyze,report only one analysis data a day。Default is True|
-|False|Don't collect and analyze|
-## Menu
-### Customize Munu
-#### Keep system menu
-system_keep field is used to tell **simpleui**,whether you need to keep the system default menu, the default is False, don't keep.
-If changed to True,custom and system menus will coexist.
-#### Menus Description
-|name|Menu name|
-|icon|Icon,refer element-ui和fontawesome|
-|url|link address,absolute or relative, if there is a models field, the url will be ignored|
-#### Example
- 'system_keep':False,
- 'menus': [{
- 'name': 'Simpleui',
- 'icon': 'fas fa-code',
- 'url': 'https://gitee.com/tompeppa/simpleui'
- }, {
- 'app': 'auth',
- 'name': 'Permission',
- 'icon': 'fas fa-user-shield',
- 'models': [{
- 'name': 'users',
- 'icon': 'fa fa-user',
- 'url': 'auth/user/'
- }]
- }, {
- 'name': 'Test',
- 'icon': 'fa fa-file',
- 'models': [{
- 'name': 'Baidu',
- 'url': 'http://baidu.com',
- 'icon': 'far fa-surprise'
- }, {
- 'name': 'Network',
- 'url': 'https://www.wezoz.com',
- 'icon': 'fab fa-github'
- }]
- }]
-If there is a **menus** field in **SIMPLEUI_CONFIG**,will override the system default menu。And the **menus** output in menus are not controlled by permissions。
-### Default Icon
-**simpleui** provides a default file icon for all menus for uniform style. Maybe you don't like it, you can choose to turn off the default icon.
-|True|Turn on the default icon,default is True|
-|False|Turn off the default icon|
-### Customize Icon
-**simpleui** only provides icons for the system default module. If you want to specify icons for other modules, you can customize the configuration. Icon reference please refer to:[About Icons](#About%2dIcons)
-Custom Icon->System Icon->Default Icon
->Note:**simpleui** doesn't involve code in principle, so use the **setting** method. In the future, may be consider extending the **Model**'s **Meta class** for configuration icons.
-|name|Module name, please note it's not the name of the **model**, it's the text displayd on the menu, because the **model** can be repeated, it will lead to indistinguishable|
-|icon|Icon name|
-For example:
- 'System_Manage': 'fab fa-apple',
- 'Employeee_Manage': 'fas fa-user-tie'
-## Modify Templates
-Modify the template based on **simpleui** need to require some understanding of django
-1. Clone **simpleui** into a static directory,refer to [Clone static file to the root](#Clone%2dstatic%2dfile%2dto%2dthe%2droot)
-2. Find the admin directory in the static directory,inner is the template of **simpleui**, directly modify the relevant html page to take effect.
-## Develop and Debug
-If you want to make some modifications based on **simpleui**, you can refer to the following steps:
-1. Install **simpleui** into the project
-2. Find the directory of **simpleui** and delete
-3. Clone **simpleui** source to local
-4. In the Linux、Unix、macOS environments,use the flexible connection method to assign the **simpleui** directory in the project dependency package to the **simpleui** directory of the source code.
- ```shell
- ln -s sourceFile TargetFile
- ```
-5. Right clicl on the windows environment to create a shortcut.
-Then you can modify and publish **simpleui**. If you have any questions, please join the QQ group:786576510
-## Source Code install to local
-+ Clone source code local installation
-git clone https://github.com/newpanjing/simpleui
-cd simpleui
-python setup.py sdist install
-Next steps please refer to [Modify default template for simpleui](#Modify%2ddefault%2dtemplate%2dfor%2dsimpleui)
-## ReWrite Page
-For example, rewrite the home page, create a new **admin** folder in the **templates** directory, and then add a index.html
-If you choose **extends**, you can only use **block**
-for example:
- {% extends 'admin/index.html' %}
- {% load static %}
- {%block head}
- {{ block.super }}
- ..your code..
- {% endblock %}
- {% block script %}
- {{ block.super }}
- ..your code..
- {% endblock %}
-If you want to rewrite all:
- Custom Code
- your code
-## Custom code to Header
- {% extends 'admin/index.html' %}
- {% load static %}
- {%block head}
- {{ block.super }}
- ..your code..
- {% endblock %}
-## Custom code to Footer
- {% extends 'admin/index.html' %}
- {% load static %}
- {% block script %}
- {{ block.super }}
- ..your code..
- {% endblock %}
-## Custom Action
-> Must be version 2.1.2 or above
-Django admin provides support for custom buttons by default, but styles and ICONS are not customizable. Simpleui adds custom styles, ICONS and button types to django admin custom action.
-class EmployeAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
- list_display = ('id', 'name', 'gender', 'idCard', 'phone', 'birthday', 'department', 'enable', 'create_time')
- # add action
- actions = ['make_copy', 'custom_button']
- def custom_button(self, request, queryset):
- pass
- # display text,Consistent with django admin
- custom_button.short_description = 'Test Button'
- # icon,reference:element-ui icon and https://fontawesome.com
- custom_button.icon = 'fas fa-audio-description'
- # Specify button type:https://element.eleme.cn/#/zh-CN/component/button
- custom_button.type = 'danger'
- # Custom style
- custom_button.style = 'color:black;'
- def make_copy(self, request, queryset):
- pass
- make_copy.short_description = 'Copy employe'
-Configuration compatible with native admin
-### Field:
-|icon|Button icon,Reference:https://element.eleme.cn/#/zh-CN/component/icon and https://fontawesome.com,copy class|
-|type|Button type,Reference:https://element.eleme.cn/#/zh-CN/component/button|
-|style|Customize CSS styles|
-|confirm|Requires version 3.4 or above|
-+ confirm demo
- def message_test(self, request, queryset):
- messages.add_message(request, messages.SUCCESS, 'Success')
- # Add confirmation to button
- message_test.confirm = 'Are you sure?'
-+ Link Button
-> Requires version 2.9 or above
-|action_type|0=The current page, 1=Simpleui New tab,2=Browser new tab|
-|action_url|The url address|
-## Offline
-> Requires version 2.1.3 or above
-Specifies whether simpleui loads static resources in offline mode. When true, all resources will be read locally by default, even if there is no networking. Suitable for intranet projects
-If you do not fill in the item or are false, the default is obtained from the third-party CDN.
-## Close Loading
-> Requires version 2.1.5 or above
-## admindoc
-Admindoc must be the simpleui3.3+ version
-## Common Problems
- ### Not found settings.py
- The file is in the django project, not in simpleui. If you are familiar with django, you will understand, if you are not familiar, please learn django first.[django documentation](https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/2.2/)
- ### python version problem
- + this project is recommended to use python3.x, python2.x may not be compatible.
- + If you make a mistake when using source installation, please specify the python version, python3 and pip3
- ### Unable to Start
- May be unable to start due to some unknown problem, please don't give up **simpleui**, you can commit [issue](https://github.com/newpanjing/simpleui/issues),or join QQ group directly:786576510,we will assist in solving.
- ### Style Normal Loading But Display Abnormal
- in the **Windows8** system, you may encounter that **css** and other files are all loaded normally, but the display is not normal.this is because the response header is **application/x-css**, not **text/css**, causing the browser to not parse properly.
- #### Solution:
-1.Run cmd: Input **regedit** and click Enter
-2.Find the **.css** in the registry **HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT** click on the **.css** floder Modify the **Content Type** to **text/css**.
->For more questions, please commit [issues](https://github.com/newpanjing/simpleui/issues) to us.
\ No newline at end of file
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-Make Django Admin simple and firendly
-Simple and friendly.
-Django admin theme the simpleui
-中文 | English
-simpleui Characteristics
-👍 Built in 28 popular themes
-⚡️ pip lightning installation, 100% compatible with native, `admin` without modifying the code
-✨ Multi-label pages, each module is more clear
-🎯 Simple configuration, get started quickly, add `simpleui` in `settings.py` and start it immediately, the efficiency is increased by `100%!` Make back-end development handy.
-☕️ `Element-UI` and `Vue` ,Let the `django admin` be better.
-🦀 Add support for Django3.0 Python3.8, Python3.9, dares to do the first person to eat crab.
-# Original intention of development
-`Django Admin` default interface design language has some shortcomings, such as single color, the use of a large number of lines, and obvious segmentation. To classify these shortcomings is that the interface is monotonous, obvious similarity, and lack of surprises. We believe that the new platform-like visual style can break these constraints, try some new explorations, and inspire traditional design cognition, so combined with the current design trend, I have conceived `Element+Django Admin's` Simpleui. Let `Django Admin` and `Element` make the perfect interaction. With the most popular back-end design style, let `Django Admin` is even more powerful.
-## QQ Group
-+ QQ group : 873469913
-## Document
-The document describes in detail how to use the installation, as well as a description of the various configuration items, please click on the link below.
- ### Important Things To Say Three Times:
-👉 1.[simpleui Document](https://simpleui.88cto.com/docs/simpleui/en/quick.html) 👈
-👉 2.[simpleui Document](https://simpleui.88cto.com/docs/simpleui/en/quick.html)👈
-👉 3.[simpleui Document](https://simpleui.88cto.com/docs/simpleui/en/quick.html)👈
-## Local Demo download
-If you don't have any `python django` basics, you can download a `demo` that can be run directly.
-[😝DEMO SourceCode](https://github.com/newpanjing/simpleui_demo)
-## Online Demo
-> Permission is limited, only the relevant data of the module can be viewed and cannot be operated. If you want to experience all the features, please install simpleui on your system to see the result.
-+ Address:[https://www.88cto.com/admin/](https://www.88cto.com/admin/)
-+ username:demo
-+ password:demo123456
-## Docker
-docker pull newpanjing/simpleui_demo
-docker run -p 8080:8080 newpanjing/simpleui_demo
-Open a browser and visit:
-# What is simpleui?
-🚀`simpleui` is django admin's theme. It is a page based on `element-ui` + `vue` development, rewriting and optimizing over `90%`.
-It is the same product as the suit. We are a theme that is more in line with the aesthetic and usage habits of Chinese people.
-# Start
-Detailed steps [Document](./QUICK_en.md). Also refer to [Demo](#Online%2dDemo)
-+ Installation
-pip install django-simpleui
-Use pip or [Clone Source](#Clone%2dsource%2dlocal%2dinstallation) after installing simpleui, and`simpleui` to the first line of `INSTALLED_APPS` in your project's `settings.py` file.
- For example🌰:
- ```python
- # Application definition
- 'simpleui',
- 'django.contrib.admin',
- 'django.contrib.auth',
- 'django.contrib.contenttypes',
- 'django.contrib.sessions',
- 'django.contrib.messages',
- 'django.contrib.staticfiles',
- ...
- ]
- ```
-If you don't know how to configure or how to use it,please download [local demo](#Local%2dDemo%2ddownload) to learning. Or join the QQ group : `786576510` consulting.
-# Upgrade simpleui
-pip install django-simpleui --upgrade
-# Clone source local installation
-git clone https://github.com/newpanjing/simpleui
-cd simpleui
-python setup.py sdist install
-## common problem:
-1. If turn off debug mode, execute the following command to clone the simpleui static file to the root directory.
- ```shell
- python3 manage.py collectstatic
- ```
-2. Clone static file error
-Please add in the `settings.py` file:
- ```shell
- STATIC_ROOT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "static")
- ```
-3. Please refer to other questions [django Documentation](https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/2.2/intro/tutorial01/).
-4. i18n internationalization adopt js internationalization, the default is English and Chinese, switch with the system. Please see [International configuration](/i18n.md)
-other questions [Quick start guide](./QUICK_en.md)
-## Support for django and python versions
-[List of Supported Versions](/VERSION.md)
-## Browser Compatibility
-![Chrome](https://raw.github.com/alrra/browser-logos/master/src/chrome/chrome_48x48.png) | ![Firefox](https://raw.github.com/alrra/browser-logos/master/src/firefox/firefox_48x48.png) | ![Edge](https://raw.github.com/alrra/browser-logos/master/src/edge/edge_48x48.png) | ![IE](https://raw.github.com/alrra/browser-logos/master/src/archive/internet-explorer_9-11/internet-explorer_9-11_48x48.png) | ![Safari](https://raw.github.com/alrra/browser-logos/master/src/safari/safari_48x48.png) | ![Opera](https://raw.github.com/alrra/browser-logos/master/src/opera/opera_48x48.png) | ![UC](https://raw.github.com/alrra/browser-logos/master/src/uc/uc_48x48.png)
-:---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---:
- ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | 11+ ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔
-## **README** Badge
-If your project is using Simpleui,you can put the Simpleui badge [![ice](https://img.shields.io/badge/developing%20with-Simpleui-2077ff.svg)](https://github.com/newpanjing/simpleui) add to your README:
-## Sponsor💰
-If you think that `simpleui` is helpful to you, you can sponsor us a cup of coffee and encourage us to continue to develop and maintain.
-![sponsor us](https://github.com/newpanjing/simpleui/raw/master/images/pay.png)
-# Login Page
-# Home Page
-# List Page
-# Switch Theme
-# Change Password
-# Edit Page
-# Set Font Size
-## Great developer
-The development of simpleui is supported by the following excellent contributors. If you want to contribute code to simpleui, fork to your repository and then make a merge request to the dev branch.
-|[@zhangzhibo1014](https://github.com/zhangzhibo1014)|Translate English document|
-|[@liaogx](https://github.com/liaogx)|Bug fix|
-|[@shouyong](https://github.com/shouyong)|Bug fix|
-|[@Roddy1219](https://github.com/Roddy1219)|Bug fix|
-|[@WalkerWang731](https://github.com/WalkerWang731)|Code contributions|
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- },
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- siteTitle: 'SimpleUI Docs',
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- footer: {
- message: 'Released under the MIT License.',
- copyright: 'Copyright © 2016-present Simple UI'
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- provider: 'local'
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- {text: '配置&Config', link: '/config'},
- {text: '社区', link: 'https://www.mldoo.com'},
- {
- text: '更新记录', link: 'https://github.com/newpanjing/simpleui/tags',
- },
- {text: '专业版', link: 'https://www.mldoo.com/simplepro'},
- ],
- sidebar: {
- '/config': [
- {text: '配置&指南', link: '/config'},
- {text: 'pip源切换', link: '#pip源切换'},
- {text: '安装', link: '#安装'},
- {text: '主题', link: '#主题'},
- {text: '图标', link: '#图标'},
- {text: '菜单', link: '#菜单'},
- {text: '模板', link: '#模板'},
- {text: '自定义按钮', link: '#自定义按钮-action'},
- {text: '配置', items:[
- {text: '关闭登录页粒子动画', link: '#关闭登录页粒子动画'},
- {text: '修改默认图标', link: '#修改默认图标'},
- {text: '修改默认首页', link: '#首页-修改默认'},
- {text: '修改首页地址', link: '#首页-跳转地址'},
- {text: '修改首页模块', link: '#首页-模块'},
- {text: '快速操作', link: '#快速操作'},
- {text: '关闭Loading遮罩层', link: '#关闭loading遮罩层'},
- ]},
- {text: '国际化', link: '#国际化'},
- {text: '插件', link: '#插件支持'},
- {text: '社区', link: 'https://www.mldoo.com'},
- ]
- },
- }
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-# 快速上手指南
-## 目录
-## pip源切换
-### 源列表
-- 豆瓣:http://pypi.douban.com/simple/
-- 中科大:https://pypi.mirrors.ustc.edu.cn/simple/
-- 清华:https://pypi.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/simple
-### 一次性使用
-可以在使用pip的时候加参数-i https://pypi.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/simple
-pip install django-simpleui -i https://pypi.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/simple
-### 永久修改
-#### Linux & MacOS
-linux下,修改 ~/.pip/pip.conf (没有就创建一个), 修改 index-url 为国内镜像地址,内容如下:
-index-url = https://pypi.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/simple
-#### Windows
-index-url = https://pypi.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/simple
-## 安装
-### pip安装
-pip3 install django-simpleui
-### 源码安装
-+ 克隆源码本地安装
-git clone https://github.com/newpanjing/simpleui
-cd simpleui
-python setup.py sdist install
-### 创建一个django项目
-### 修改默认后台模板为simpleui
- ```python
- # Application definition
- 'simpleui',
- 'django.contrib.admin',
- 'django.contrib.auth',
- 'django.contrib.contenttypes',
- 'django.contrib.sessions',
- 'django.contrib.messages',
- 'django.contrib.staticfiles',
- ...
- ]
- ```
-### 克隆静态文件
-# SECURITY WARNING: don't run with debug turned on in production!
-DEBUG = True
-1. 在settings.py中加入:
- os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "static"),
- ]
-2. 克隆静态资源到项目的静态目录,然后交由nginx处理
- python3 manage.py collectstatic
- STATIC_ROOT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "static")
-### 启动项目
- python manage.py runserver 8000
-## 主题
-### 默认主题
-# 指定simpleui默认的主题,指定一个文件名,相对路径就从simpleui的theme目录读取
-SIMPLEUI_DEFAULT_THEME = 'admin.lte.css'
-### 切换主题
-目前simpleui 内置28个流行样式风格的主题。后续随着版本的更新,会加入更多的主题。
-### 主题列表
-> 取对应的file即可设置成默认主题
-var SimpleuiThemes = [
- {
- text: "Default",
- menu: 'rgb(48, 65, 86)',
- logo: 'rgb(48, 65, 86)',
- top: '#FFF'
- },
- {
- text: "Simpleui-x",
- menu: '#2c2e39',
- logo: '#2c2e39',
- top: '#FFF',
- file: "simpleui.css"
- },
- {
- text: "Element-UI",
- file: "element.css",
- top: '#447eff',
- menu: '#FFf',
- logo: '#FFF'
- },
- {
- text: "layui",
- file: "layui.css",
- menu: '#393D49',
- logo: '#23262E',
- top: '#23262E'
- }, {
- text: "Ant Design Pro",
- file: "ant.design.css",
- menu: '#000b16',
- logo: '#002140',
- top: '#FFF'
- }, {
- text: "Admin LTE",
- file: "admin.lte.css",
- top: '#3c8dbc',
- logo: '#3c8dbc',
- menu: '#2b3539'
- }, {
- text: "Highdmin",
- file: "highdmin.css",
- top: '#02c0ce',
- menu: '#e0e0e0',
- logo: '#02c0ce'
- }, {
- text: "Aircraft",
- file: "aircraft.css",
- top: '-webkit-gradient(linear, left bottom, left top, color-stop(0, #4d5b76), color-stop(1, #6f80a1)) !important',
- menu: '#e0e0e0',
- logo: '-webkit-gradient(linear, left bottom, left top, color-stop(0, #4d5b76), color-stop(1, #6f80a1)) !important'
- }, {
- text: "Purple",
- file: "purple.css",
- top: '#FFF',
- logo: '#FFF',
- menu: '#3e4295'
- }, {
- text: "Gray",
- file: "gray.css",
- top: '#213a53',
- logo: '#213a53',
- menu: '#e0e0e0'
- },
- {
- text: "Dark green",
- file: "dark.green.css",
- top: '#f3f3f4',
- menu: '#283846',
- logo: '#283846'
- },
- {
- text: "Orange",
- file: "orange.css",
- top: 'linear-gradient(to right bottom, #da8342, #e45131)',
- logo: 'linear-gradient(to right bottom, #da8342, #e45131)',
- menu: '#FFF'
- },
- {
- text: "Black",
- file: "black.css",
- top: "#333",
- logo: "#333",
- menu: '#FFF'
- },
- {
- text: "Green",
- file: "green.css",
- top: '#19a97b',
- logo: '#FFF',
- menu: '#FFF'
- },
- {
- text: "Light",
- file: "light.css",
- top: "#ebf1f5",
- logo: "#ebf1f5",
- menu: "#ebf1f5"
- }, {
- text: 'Enterprise blue',
- file: 'e-blue.css',
- top: '#3ba1df',
- logo: '#3ba1df',
- menu: '#FFF'
- }, {
- text: 'Enterprise blue pro',
- file: 'e-blue-pro.css',
- top: '#3ba1df',
- logo: '#3ba1df',
- menu: 'rgb(38, 50, 56)'
- }, {
- text: 'Enterprise green',
- file: 'e-green.css',
- top: '#27ad60',
- logo: '#27ad60',
- menu: '#FFF'
- }, {
- text: 'Enterprise green pro',
- file: 'e-green-pro.css',
- top: '#27ad60',
- logo: '#27ad60',
- menu: 'rgb(38, 50, 56)'
- }, {
- text: 'Enterprise red',
- file: 'e-red.css',
- top: '#c9333e',
- logo: '#c9333e',
- menu: '#FFF'
- }, {
- text: 'Enterprise red pro',
- file: 'e-red-pro.css',
- top: '#c9333e',
- logo: '#c9333e',
- menu: 'rgb(38, 50, 56)'
- }, {
- text: 'Enterprise purple',
- file: 'e-purple.css',
- top: '#8263b1',
- logo: '#8263b1',
- menu: '#FFF'
- }, {
- text: 'Enterprise purple pro',
- file: 'e-purple-pro.css',
- top: '#8263b1',
- logo: '#8263b1',
- menu: 'rgb(38, 50, 56)'
- }, {
- text: 'Enterprise black',
- file: 'e-black.css',
- top: '#1f2c39',
- logo: '#1f2c39',
- menu: '#FFF'
- }, {
- text: 'Enterprise black pro',
- file: 'e-black-pro.css',
- top: '#1f2c39',
- logo: '#1f2c39',
- menu: 'rgb(38, 50, 56)'
- }, {
- text: 'x-green',
- file: 'x-green.css',
- top: '#2F9688',
- logo: '#2F9688',
- menu: 'rgb(38, 50, 56)'
- }, {
- text: 'x-red',
- file: 'x-red.css',
- top: '#AA3130',
- logo: 'rgb(38, 50, 56)',
- menu: 'rgb(38, 50, 56)'
- }, {
- text: 'x-blue',
- file: 'x-blue.css',
- top: '#FFF',
- logo: '#1E9FFF',
- menu: 'rgb(38, 50, 56)'
- }
-### 自定义主题
-theme.js 就是用于配置主题列表
-var SimpleuiThemes = [
- {
- "text": "Default"
- },
- {
- "text": "Simpleui-x",
- "file": "simpleui.css"
- },
- .....
-@import "base";
-@primary: #2096c8 !important;
-@color: white;
-@menu-color: #8aa4af !important;
-@menu-background: #2b3539 !important;
-@menu-color-hover: #FFF;
-@menu-background-hover: #1f272b;
-@menu-title-color: #FFF;
-@menu-title-background-color: #212c32;
-@menu-title-color-hover: #FFF;
-@menu-title-background-color-hover: #1f272b;
-@navbar-color: #fff;
-@navbar-background: #3c8dbc;
-npm install less -g
-lessc admin.lte.less>admin.lte.css
-## 图标
-### 说明
-simpleui中显示的图标 可以参考[fontawesome](https://fontawesome.com/icons?d=gallery)的图标,只需要将完整的class名填入即可。
-### 默认图标
-### 自定义图标
->注:simpleui 原则上不涉及代码,所以采用setting方式。后续可考虑扩展Model的 Meta class 进行配置图标
- '系统管理': 'fab fa-apple',
- '员工管理': 'fas fa-user-tie'
-## 菜单
-### 自定义菜单
-### system_keep 保留系统菜单
-### menu_display 过滤显示菜单和排序功能
-### dynamic 开启动态菜单功能
-### menus说明 (2021.2已加入3级菜单)
-|models|子菜单,自2021.02.01+版本 支持最多3级菜单,使用方法可以看下方例子|
-### 例子
-import time
- 'system_keep': False,
- 'menu_display': ['Simpleui', '测试', '权限认证', '动态菜单测试'], # 开启排序和过滤功能, 不填此字段为默认排序和全部显示, 空列表[] 为全部不显示.
- 'dynamic': True, # 设置是否开启动态菜单, 默认为False. 如果开启, 则会在每次用户登陆时动态展示菜单内容
- 'menus': [{
- 'name': 'Simpleui',
- 'icon': 'fas fa-code',
- 'url': 'https://gitee.com/tompeppa/simpleui',
- # 浏览器新标签中打开
- 'newTab': True,
- }, {
- 'app': 'auth',
- 'name': '权限认证',
- 'icon': 'fas fa-user-shield',
- 'models': [{
- 'name': '用户',
- 'icon': 'fa fa-user',
- 'url': 'auth/user/'
- }]
- }, {
- # 自2021.02.01+ 支持多级菜单,models 为子菜单名
- 'name': '多级菜单测试',
- 'icon': 'fa fa-file',
- # 二级菜单
- 'models': [{
- 'name': 'Baidu',
- 'icon': 'far fa-surprise',
- # 第三级菜单 ,
- 'models': [
- {
- 'name': '爱奇艺',
- 'url': 'https://www.iqiyi.com/dianshiju/'
- # 第四级就不支持了,element只支持了3级
- }, {
- 'name': '百度问答',
- 'icon': 'far fa-surprise',
- 'url': 'https://zhidao.baidu.com/'
- }
- ]
- }, {
- 'name': '内网穿透',
- 'url': 'https://www.wezoz.com',
- 'icon': 'fab fa-github'
- }]
- }, {
- 'name': '动态菜单测试' ,
- 'icon': 'fa fa-desktop',
- 'models': [{
- 'name': time.time(),
- 'url': 'http://baidu.com',
- 'icon': 'far fa-surprise'
- }]
- }]
-## 模板
-### 修改模板
-1. 先把simpleui克隆到静态目录下,参考[克隆静态文件到根目录](#克隆静态文件到根目录)
-2. 找到静态目录下的admin目录,里面就是simpleui的模板,直接修改相关html页面即可生效。
-### 重写页面
- {% extends 'admin/index.html' %}
- {% load static %}
- {% block head %}
- {{ block.super }}
- ..此处写你的代码
- {% endblock %}
- {% block script %}
- {{ block.super }}
- ..此处写你的代码
- {% endblock %}
- 完全自定义
- 这里你是自定义的html代码
-#### 头部添加自定义代码
- {% extends 'admin/index.html' %}
- {% load static %}
- {% block head %}
- {{ block.super }}
- ..此处写你的代码
- {% endblock %}
-#### 底部添加自定义代码
- {% extends 'admin/index.html' %}
- {% load static %}
- {% block script %}
- {{ block.super }}
- ..此处写你的代码
- {% endblock %}
-## 自定义按钮&Action
-### 介绍
-> 需要在2.1.2以上版本生效
-django admin 默认提供了自定义按钮的支持,但是样式、图标均不可自定义,simpleui在django admin 自定义action的基础上增加了样式、图标、按钮类型自定义。
-### 例子
- @admin.register(Employe)
-class EmployeAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
- list_display = ('id', 'name', 'gender', 'idCard', 'phone', 'birthday', 'department', 'enable', 'create_time')
- # 增加自定义按钮
- actions = ['make_copy', 'custom_button']
- def custom_button(self, request, queryset):
- pass
- # 显示的文本,与django admin一致
- custom_button.short_description = '测试按钮'
- # icon,参考element-ui icon与https://fontawesome.com
- custom_button.icon = 'fas fa-audio-description'
- # 指定element-ui的按钮类型,参考https://element.eleme.cn/#/zh-CN/component/button
- custom_button.type = 'danger'
- # 给按钮追加自定义的颜色
- custom_button.style = 'color:black;'
- def make_copy(self, request, queryset):
- pass
- make_copy.short_description = '复制员工'
-### 字段参数
-|icon|按钮图标,参考https://element.eleme.cn/#/zh-CN/component/icon与https://fontawesome.com,把class 复制进来即可|
-### confirm 例子
- def message_test(self, request, queryset):
- messages.add_message(request, messages.SUCCESS, '操作成功123123123123')
- # 给按钮增加确认
- message_test.confirm = '你是否执意要点击这个按钮?'
-### 链接按钮
-> 在2.9或以上版本中生效
- # 增加自定义按钮
- actions = ['custom_button']
- def custom_button(self, request, queryset):
- pass
- # 显示的文本,与django admin一致
- custom_button.short_description = '测试按钮'
- # icon,参考element-ui icon与https://fontawesome.com
- custom_button.icon = 'fas fa-audio-description'
- # 指定element-ui的按钮类型,参考https://element.eleme.cn/#/zh-CN/component/button
- custom_button.type = 'danger'
- # 给按钮追加自定义的颜色
- custom_button.style = 'color:black;'
- # 链接按钮,设置之后直接访问该链接
- # 3中打开方式
- # action_type 0=当前页内打开,1=新tab打开,2=浏览器tab打开
- # 设置了action_type,不设置url,页面内将报错
- # 设置成链接类型的按钮后,custom_button方法将不会执行。
- custom_button.action_type = 0
- custom_button.action_url = 'http://www.baidu.com'
-### layer对话框按钮
-> 在2021.1.0及以上版本中生效
-需要继承`AjaxAdmin` 在`from simpleui.admin import AjaxAdmin`包中
-#### 效果
-#### 字段说明
-##### params字段
-|size|组件的大小,取值为:medium / small / mini|
-#### options字段
-#### 例子
-class RecordAdmin(ImportExportActionModelAdmin, AjaxAdmin):
- resource_class = ProxyResource
- list_display = ('id', 'name', 'type', 'money', 'create_date')
- list_per_page = 10
- actions = ('layer_input',)
- def layer_input(self, request, queryset):
- # 这里的queryset 会有数据过滤,只包含选中的数据
- post = request.POST
- # 这里获取到数据后,可以做些业务处理
- # post中的_action 是方法名
- # post中 _selected 是选中的数据,逗号分割
- if not post.get('_selected'):
- return JsonResponse(data={
- 'status': 'error',
- 'msg': '请先选中数据!'
- })
- else:
- return JsonResponse(data={
- 'status': 'success',
- 'msg': '处理成功!'
- })
- layer_input.short_description = '弹出对话框输入'
- layer_input.type = 'success'
- layer_input.icon = 'el-icon-s-promotion'
- # 指定一个输入参数,应该是一个数组
- # 指定为弹出层,这个参数最关键
- layer_input.layer = {
- # 弹出层中的输入框配置
- # 这里指定对话框的标题
- 'title': '弹出层输入框',
- # 提示信息
- 'tips': '这个弹出对话框是需要在admin中进行定义,数据新增编辑等功能,需要自己来实现。',
- # 确认按钮显示文本
- 'confirm_button': '确认提交',
- # 取消按钮显示文本
- 'cancel_button': '取消',
- # 弹出层对话框的宽度,默认50%
- 'width': '40%',
- # 表单中 label的宽度,对应element-ui的 label-width,默认80px
- 'labelWidth': "80px",
- 'params': [{
- # 这里的type 对应el-input的原生input属性,默认为input
- 'type': 'input',
- # key 对应post参数中的key
- 'key': 'name',
- # 显示的文本
- 'label': '名称',
- # 为空校验,默认为False
- 'require': True
- }, {
- 'type': 'select',
- 'key': 'type',
- 'label': '类型',
- 'width': '200px',
- # size对应elementui的size,取值为:medium / small / mini
- 'size': 'small',
- # value字段可以指定默认值
- 'value': '0',
- 'options': [{
- 'key': '0',
- 'label': '收入'
- }, {
- 'key': '1',
- 'label': '支出'
- }]
- }, {
- 'type': 'number',
- 'key': 'money',
- 'label': '金额',
- # 设置默认值
- 'value': 1000
- }, {
- 'type': 'date',
- 'key': 'date',
- 'label': '日期',
- }, {
- 'type': 'datetime',
- 'key': 'datetime',
- 'label': '时间',
- }, {
- 'type': 'rate',
- 'key': 'star',
- 'label': '评价等级'
- }, {
- 'type': 'color',
- 'key': 'color',
- 'label': '颜色'
- }, {
- 'type': 'slider',
- 'key': 'slider',
- 'label': '滑块'
- }, {
- 'type': 'switch',
- 'key': 'switch',
- 'label': 'switch开关'
- }, {
- 'type': 'input_number',
- 'key': 'input_number',
- 'label': 'input number'
- }, {
- 'type': 'checkbox',
- 'key': 'checkbox',
- # 必须指定默认值
- 'value': [],
- 'label': '复选框',
- 'options': [{
- 'key': '0',
- 'label': '收入'
- }, {
- 'key': '1',
- 'label': '支出'
- }, {
- 'key': '2',
- 'label': '收益'
- }]
- }, {
- 'type': 'radio',
- 'key': 'radio',
- 'label': '单选框',
- 'options': [{
- 'key': '0',
- 'label': '收入'
- }, {
- 'key': '1',
- 'label': '支出'
- }, {
- 'key': '2',
- 'label': '收益'
- }]
- }]
- }
-#### action 返回结果
- 'status': 'error',
- 'msg': '请先选中数据!'
-> status = success/error
-> msg = 自定义
-#### 对话框按钮说明
-1. 如果需要作为增加和编辑 需要自己实现业务逻辑,编辑的时候将数据填充到value字段即可。
-2. 限制选中后才能提交数据,可以在后台进行限制
-3. 2020.1.0 及以上版本生效,需要继承`AjaxAdmin` 在`from simpleui.admin import AjaxAdmin`包中。 不继承提交数据会500或者404
- 例如:
- if not post.get('_selected'):
- return JsonResponse(data={
- 'status': 'error',
- 'msg': '请先选中数据!'
- })
-### layer 文件上传
-> 自2021.4.2+版本开始,支持layer中上传文件
-class LayerAdmin(AjaxAdmin):
- actions = ('upload_file',)
- def upload_file(self, request, queryset):
- # 这里的upload 就是和params中配置的key一样
- upload= request.FILES['upload']
- print(upload)
- pass
- upload_file.short_description = '文件上传对话框'
- upload_file.type = 'success'
- upload_file.icon = 'el-icon-upload'
- upload_file.enable = True
- upload_file.layer = {
- 'params': [{
- 'type': 'file',
- 'key': 'upload',
- 'label': '文件'
- }]
- }
-## 配置
-simpleui在django 原生admin的基础上增加了若干自定义的配置,这些配置均是在`settings.py`文件中完成。
-### 关闭登录页粒子动画
-### 修改默认图标
-### 首页-修改默认
-+ 首页配置
-> SIMPLEUI_HOME_PAGE = 'https://www.baidu.com'
-+ 首页标题
-> SIMPLEUI_HOME_TITLE = '百度一下你就知道'
-+ 首页图标,支持element-ui和fontawesome的图标,参考https://fontawesome.com/icons图标
-> SIMPLEUI_HOME_ICON = 'fa fa-user'
-三项配置都是选填,不填都会有默认值。 [图标列表](https://fontawesome.com/icons)
-### 首页-跳转地址
-# 设置simpleui 点击首页图标跳转的地址
-SIMPLEUI_INDEX = 'https://www.88cto.com'
-### 首页-模块
-### 修改LOGO
-+ 自定义SIMPLEUI的Logo
-> SIMPLEUI_LOGO = 'https://avatars2.githubusercontent.com/u/13655483?s=60&v=4'
-### 服务器信息
-### 快速操作
-### 最近动作
-### 使用分析
-### 离线模式
-> 在2.1.3或以上的版本中生效
-指定simpleui 是否以脱机模式加载静态资源,为True的时候将默认从本地读取所有资源,即使没有联网一样可以。适合内网项目
-### 关闭Loading遮罩层
-> 在2.1.5或以上的版本中生效
-True或None 默认显示加载遮罩层,指定为False 不显示遮罩层。默认显示
-## 插件支持
-### django-import-export
-### admindoc
-admindoc需要simpleui 3.3+ 版本
-### simplepro
-simplepro也是我们推出的一个升级版的django admin插件,在现有的基础上,做了大量改进和优化。并且一前后分离的方式加载数据。
-## 国际化
-simpleui 国际化采用js前端国际化,因为没有涉及到后端,所以没有django标准的国际化文件。
-将simpleui 克隆到静态目录,然后添加需要的语言
-语言命名与django LANGUAGE_CODE 一致
-将文件命名为: [code].js
-+ zh-hans.js
-+ en-us.js
-## 常见问题
-### settings.py 找不到
- 这个文件是在自己创建的django项目中,不是在simpleui中。如果你熟悉django就会明白,如果不熟悉请先学习django。[django中文文档](https://docs.djangoproject.com/zh-hans/2.2/)
-### python版本问题
- + 该项目推荐使用python3,python2.x可能会不兼容
- + 使用源码安装时如果出错,请指定python版本,python3 和 pip3
-### 无法启动
-### 样式正常加载显示不正常
-在win8 系统中 可能会遇到,css以及其他文件全部正常加载,但是显示不正常。这是因为响应头为application/x-css,而不是text/css,造成浏览器不正常解析。
-#### 解决办法:
-1.运行cmd: 输入regedit 并回车
-2.在注册表HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT中找到.css 点击.css文件夹 修改Content Type 为 text/css
-### 如何下载这个模版
-### 反馈建议
-### 开发调试
-1. 安装simpleui到项目中
-2. 找到simpleui的目录,然后删除
-3. 克隆simpleui源码到本地
-4. Linux、Unix、macOS环境下用软连接的方式,把项目依赖包中的simpleui目录指定到源码的simpleui目录
- ```shell
- ln -s 源文件 目标文件
- ```
-5. windows环境下请右键创建快捷方式
-### 官网&反馈
diff --git a/docs/docs/custom.md b/docs/docs/custom.md
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-# 付费定制
-## 软件定制
-## 有偿解决问题
-## 联系方式
-QQ: 599194993
-WeChat: PAN0204219
-E-Mail: newpanjing@icloud.com
-# Paid customization
-We can provide paid customized services based on Python, Java, Node.js, etc.
-## Software customization
-We can provide a full set of development and customization services such as websites, APPs, small programs, official accounts, management systems, etc.
-## Pay to solve the problem
-If you encounter some functions that cannot be implemented with django and other frameworks in use, we can help you implement them.
-## Contact information
-QQ: 599194993
-WeChat: PAN0204219
-E-Mail: newpanjing@icloud.com
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-simpleui Quick Start Guide
-Many people will misunderstand **simpleui**. They think after downloading and installing **simpleui**, they can be used directly after startup. But **simpleui** is majorization on the basis of the **Django**. So, please [Create a Django project](#Create%2da%2dDjango%2dProject) using the command line or IDE, then [Modify the default template for simpleui](#Modify%2ddefault%2dtemplate%2dfor%2dsimpleui).
-Before starting,please take a minte to understand **settings.py**, because it's especially important in the next process.
-# Start Guide
- + [Create a Django project](#Create%2da%2dDjango%2dProject)
- + [Modify default template for simpleui](#Modify%2ddefault%2dtemplate%2dfor%2dsimpleui)
- + [Clone static file to the root](#Clone%2dstatic%2dfile%2dto%2dthe%2droot)
- + [Startup Project](#Startup%2dProject)
- + [How to download simpleui's template](#How%2dto%2ddownload%2dsimpleui's%2dtemplate)
- + [Switch Theme](#Switch%2dTheme)
- + [About Icons](#About%2dIcons)
-# Advance Guide
- + [Default Theme](#Default%2dTheme)
- + [Customize Theme](#Customize%2dTheme)
- + [Modify Default Icon](#Modify%2dDefault%2dIcon)
- + [Modify Default Home](#Modify%2dDefault%2dHome)
- + [Modify Home Jump Address](#Modify%2dHome%2dJump%2dAddress)
- + [Modify LOGO](#Modify%2dLOGO)
- + [Configure Home Module](#Configure%2dHome%2dModule)
- + [Server Information](#Server%2dInformation)
- + [Quick Operation](#Quick%2dOperation)
- + [Recent Action](#Recent%2dAction)
- + [Use Analysis](#Use%2dAnalysis)
- + [Menu](#Menu)
- + [Customize Munu](#Customize%2dMunu)
- + [Default Icon](#Default%2dIcon)
- + [Customize Icon](#Customize%2dIcon)
- + [Modify Templates](#Modify%2dTemplates)
- + [Develop and Debug](#Develop%2dand%2dDebug)
- + [Source Code install to local](#Source%2dCode%2dinstall%2dto%2dlocal)
- + [ReWrite Page](#ReWrite%2dPage)
- + [Custom code to Header](#Custom%2dcode%2dto%2dHeader)
- + [Custom code to Footer](#Custom%2dcode%2dto%2dFooter)
- + [Custom Action](#Custom%2dAction)
- + [Offline](#Offline)
- + [Close Loading](#Close%2dLoading)
- + [admindoc](#admindoc)
-# Common Problems
- + [settings.py](#Not%2dfound%2dsettings.py)
- + [python version problem](#python%2dversion%2dproblem)
- + [Unable to Start](#Unable%2dto%2dStart)
- + [Style Normal Loading But Display Abnormal](#Style%2dNormal%2dLoading%2dBut%2dDisplay%2dAbnormal)
-## Create a Django Project
-Django Documentation:[https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/2.2/intro/tutorial01/](https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/2.2/intro/tutorial01/)
-## Modify default template for simpleui
- We only need to add a line of **simpleui** in the **settings.py** of the project.
- For example 🌰:
- ```python
- # Application definition
- 'simpleui',
- 'django.contrib.admin',
- 'django.contrib.auth',
- 'django.contrib.contenttypes',
- 'django.contrib.sessions',
- 'django.contrib.messages',
- 'django.contrib.staticfiles',
- ...
- ]
- ```
- If **DEBUG = False**, static resources will be inaccessible,please go to [Clone static file to the root](#Clone%2dstatic%2dfile%2dto%2dthe%2droot)
-## Clone static file to the root
-Django have a mode is **DEBUG**, it's in **settings.py**. Default **DEBUG = True**.
-# SECURITY WARNING: don't run with debug turned on in production!
-DEBUG = True
-If **DEBUG = Fasle**, there are two ways to solve the situation that static resources can't be accessed.
-1. Modify **settings.py** , add following content:
- os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "static"),
- ]
-2. Clone static resources to the static directory of the project,then processed by **nginx**.
- python3 manage.py collectstatic
-If the clone error message indicates that the static directory could't be found,please open the **settings.py** and assign a static directory
- STATIC_ROOT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "static")
-## Startup Project
-After successfully adding **simpleui** in **settings.py**,Run command:
- python manage.py runserver 8000
-Open browser, input:
-if you find that the login page is different from before,Congratulations! You have successfully installed **simpleui**!Let's start enjoying **simpleui**!
-## How to download simpleui's template
-Currently unable to download templates,but we plan to launch **simple-admin's** html templates,can make more languages available.
-## Switch Theme
-Currently **simpleui** has 28 popular style themes. We will update more topics as the version is updated.
-## About Icons
-The icon displayed in **simpleui** can refer to the [fontawesome](https://fontawesome.com/icons?d=gallery) icon,just fill in the full class name.
-## Default Theme
-The default theme is configured in settings.py
-# Specify simpleui's default theme, specify a filename, and the relative path is read from simpleui's theme directory
-SIMPLEUI_DEFAULT_THEME = 'admin.lte.css'
-### Theme List:
-> Take the corresponding file can be set as the default theme
-var SimpleuiThemes = [
- {
- text: "Default",
- menu: 'rgb(48, 65, 86)',
- logo: 'rgb(48, 65, 86)',
- top: '#FFF'
- },
- {
- text: "Simpleui-x",
- menu: '#2c2e39',
- logo: '#2c2e39',
- top: '#FFF',
- file: "simpleui.css"
- },
- {
- text: "Element-UI",
- file: "element.css",
- top: '#447eff',
- menu: '#FFf',
- logo: '#FFF'
- },
- {
- text: "layui",
- file: "layui.css",
- menu: '#393D49',
- logo: '#23262E',
- top: '#23262E'
- }, {
- text: "Ant Design Pro",
- file: "ant.design.css",
- menu: '#000b16',
- logo: '#002140',
- top: '#FFF'
- }, {
- text: "Admin LTE",
- file: "admin.lte.css",
- top: '#3c8dbc',
- logo: '#3c8dbc',
- menu: '#2b3539'
- }, {
- text: "Highdmin",
- file: "highdmin.css",
- top: '#02c0ce',
- menu: '#e0e0e0',
- logo: '#02c0ce'
- }, {
- text: "Aircraft",
- file: "aircraft.css",
- top: '-webkit-gradient(linear, left bottom, left top, color-stop(0, #4d5b76), color-stop(1, #6f80a1)) !important',
- menu: '#e0e0e0',
- logo: '-webkit-gradient(linear, left bottom, left top, color-stop(0, #4d5b76), color-stop(1, #6f80a1)) !important'
- }, {
- text: "Purple",
- file: "purple.css",
- top: '#FFF',
- logo: '#FFF',
- menu: '#3e4295'
- }, {
- text: "Gray",
- file: "gray.css",
- top: '#213a53',
- logo: '#213a53',
- menu: '#e0e0e0'
- },
- {
- text: "Dark green",
- file: "dark.green.css",
- top: '#f3f3f4',
- menu: '#283846',
- logo: '#283846'
- },
- {
- text: "Orange",
- file: "orange.css",
- top: 'linear-gradient(to right bottom, #da8342, #e45131)',
- logo: 'linear-gradient(to right bottom, #da8342, #e45131)',
- menu: '#FFF'
- },
- {
- text: "Black",
- file: "black.css",
- top: "#333",
- logo: "#333",
- menu: '#FFF'
- },
- {
- text: "Green",
- file: "green.css",
- top: '#19a97b',
- logo: '#FFF',
- menu: '#FFF'
- },
- {
- text: "Light",
- file: "light.css",
- top: "#ebf1f5",
- logo: "#ebf1f5",
- menu: "#ebf1f5"
- }, {
- text: 'Enterprise blue',
- file: 'e-blue.css',
- top: '#3ba1df',
- logo: '#3ba1df',
- menu: '#FFF'
- }, {
- text: 'Enterprise blue pro',
- file: 'e-blue-pro.css',
- top: '#3ba1df',
- logo: '#3ba1df',
- menu: 'rgb(38, 50, 56)'
- }, {
- text: 'Enterprise green',
- file: 'e-green.css',
- top: '#27ad60',
- logo: '#27ad60',
- menu: '#FFF'
- }, {
- text: 'Enterprise green pro',
- file: 'e-green-pro.css',
- top: '#27ad60',
- logo: '#27ad60',
- menu: 'rgb(38, 50, 56)'
- }, {
- text: 'Enterprise red',
- file: 'e-red.css',
- top: '#c9333e',
- logo: '#c9333e',
- menu: '#FFF'
- }, {
- text: 'Enterprise red pro',
- file: 'e-red-pro.css',
- top: '#c9333e',
- logo: '#c9333e',
- menu: 'rgb(38, 50, 56)'
- }, {
- text: 'Enterprise purple',
- file: 'e-purple.css',
- top: '#8263b1',
- logo: '#8263b1',
- menu: '#FFF'
- }, {
- text: 'Enterprise purple pro',
- file: 'e-purple-pro.css',
- top: '#8263b1',
- logo: '#8263b1',
- menu: 'rgb(38, 50, 56)'
- }, {
- text: 'Enterprise black',
- file: 'e-black.css',
- top: '#1f2c39',
- logo: '#1f2c39',
- menu: '#FFF'
- }, {
- text: 'Enterprise black pro',
- file: 'e-black-pro.css',
- top: '#1f2c39',
- logo: '#1f2c39',
- menu: 'rgb(38, 50, 56)'
- }, {
- text: 'x-green',
- file: 'x-green.css',
- top: '#2F9688',
- logo: '#2F9688',
- menu: 'rgb(38, 50, 56)'
- }, {
- text: 'x-red',
- file: 'x-red.css',
- top: '#AA3130',
- logo: 'rgb(38, 50, 56)',
- menu: 'rgb(38, 50, 56)'
- }, {
- text: 'x-blue',
- file: 'x-blue.css',
- top: '#FFF',
- logo: '#1E9FFF',
- menu: 'rgb(38, 50, 56)'
- }
-## Customize Theme
-Before customizing the theme, please clone the static resources of **simpleui** to the root directory. Then you need to find **theme.js**, it's used to configure the list of topics.
-Please configure in this format.
-var SimpleuiThemes = [
- {
- "text": "Default"
- },
- {
- "text": "Simpleui-x",
- "file": "simpleui.css"
- },
- .....
-Before adding your style, please understand how **less** to used.
-Example for **admin.lte.less**
-@import "base";
-@primary: #2096c8 !important;
-@color: white;
-@menu-color: #8aa4af !important;
-@menu-background: #2b3539 !important;
-@menu-color-hover: #FFF;
-@menu-background-hover: #1f272b;
-@menu-title-color: #FFF;
-@menu-title-background-color: #212c32;
-@menu-title-color-hover: #FFF;
-@menu-title-background-color-hover: #1f272b;
-@navbar-color: #fff;
-@navbar-background: #3c8dbc;
-It will compile to **admin.lte.css**.
-You need to install **less**.
-npm install less -g
-lessc admin.lte.less>admin.lte.css
-## Modify Default Icon
-Django's built-in authentication and authorization and associated users and groups have been configured with an icon by default. Custom app will be the default icons and need to be configured in the **settings.py** file.
-## Modify Default Home
-**simpleui** has a default home page, which consists of quick navigation and recent operations.
-You can modify the default home page and add it to your project's **settings.py**:
-+ Home configuration
-> SIMPLEUI_HOME_PAGE = 'https://www.baidu.com'
-+ Home title
-> SIMPLEUI_HOME_TITLE = 'My Home Title'
-+ Home Icon,support `element-ui's` and `fontawesome's` icon,reference https://fontawesome.com/icons
-> SIMPLEUI_HOME_ICON = 'fa fa-user'
-The above three configurations are optional. If you don't fill, there will be default values. [Icon List](https://fontawesome.com/icons)
-## Modify Home Jump Address
-The top of the home page has a default jump address of /, this is root directory. If you need to customize, add some settings in your project's **settings.py**.
-# Configure simpleui Click the address of the home icon to jump.
-SIMPLEUI_INDEX = 'https://www.88cto.com'
-Relative and absolute paths can be set. There is nothing special about this address, it will call **window.open** to open the address directly.
-## Modify LOGO
-+ Customize SIMPLEUI's Logo
-> SIMPLEUI_LOGO = 'https://avatars2.githubusercontent.com/u/13655483?s=60&v=4'
-## Config Home Module
-The home page displays three modules by default, server information, quick operation and recent actions. You can show or hide some modules as needed.
-### Server Information
-### Quick Operation
-### Recent Action
-## Use Analysis
-`Default is True, statistical analysis information is only used to better help simpleui improvements, and doesn't read sensitive information. And the analysis data will not be shared with any third party.`
-|True|Collect and analyze,report only one analysis data a day。Default is True|
-|False|Don't collect and analyze|
-## Menu
-### Customize Munu
-#### Keep system menu
-system_keep field is used to tell **simpleui**,whether you need to keep the system default menu, the default is False, don't keep.
-If changed to True,custom and system menus will coexist.
-#### Menus Description
-|name|Menu name|
-|icon|Icon,refer element-ui和fontawesome|
-|url|link address,absolute or relative, if there is a models field, the url will be ignored|
-|models|submenu, Since 2021.02.01+ version supports up to 3 levels of menus|
-|newTab|boolean,default:False,Open it in a browser TAB|
-#### Example
- 'system_keep':False,
- 'menus': [{
- 'name': 'Simpleui',
- 'icon': 'fas fa-code',
- 'url': 'https://gitee.com/tompeppa/simpleui'
- }, {
- 'app': 'auth',
- 'name': 'Permission',
- 'icon': 'fas fa-user-shield',
- 'models': [{
- 'name': 'users',
- 'icon': 'fa fa-user',
- 'url': 'auth/user/'
- }]
- }, {
- # Since 2021.02.01+ supports multi-level menus, models is the submenu name
- 'name': 'Multi-level menu test',
- 'icon': 'fa fa-file',
- 'models': [
- {
- 'name': 'IQiyi',
- # The fourth level is not supported, the element only supports level 3
- 'models': [
- {
- 'name': 'Movie',
- 'url': 'https://www.iqiyi.com/dianying/',
- 'newTab': True
- }, {
- 'name': 'TV series',
- 'url': 'https://www.iqiyi.com/dianshiju/'
- },
- ]
- }, {
- 'name': 'Network',
- 'url': 'https://www.wezoz.com',
- 'icon': 'fab fa-github'
- }]
- }]
-If there is a **menus** field in **SIMPLEUI_CONFIG**,will override the system default menu。And the **menus** output in menus are not controlled by permissions。
-### Default Icon
-**simpleui** provides a default file icon for all menus for uniform style. Maybe you don't like it, you can choose to turn off the default icon.
-|True|Turn on the default icon,default is True|
-|False|Turn off the default icon|
-### Customize Icon
-**simpleui** only provides icons for the system default module. If you want to specify icons for other modules, you can customize the configuration. Icon reference please refer to:[About Icons](#About%2dIcons)
-Custom Icon->System Icon->Default Icon
->Note:**simpleui** doesn't involve code in principle, so use the **setting** method. In the future, may be consider extending the **Model**'s **Meta class** for configuration icons.
-|name|Module name, please note it's not the name of the **model**, it's the text displayd on the menu, because the **model** can be repeated, it will lead to indistinguishable|
-|icon|Icon name|
-For example:
- 'System_Manage': 'fab fa-apple',
- 'Employeee_Manage': 'fas fa-user-tie'
-## Modify Templates
-Modify the template based on **simpleui** need to require some understanding of django
-1. Clone **simpleui** into a static directory,refer to [Clone static file to the root](#Clone%2dstatic%2dfile%2dto%2dthe%2droot)
-2. Find the admin directory in the static directory,inner is the template of **simpleui**, directly modify the relevant html page to take effect.
-## Develop and Debug
-If you want to make some modifications based on **simpleui**, you can refer to the following steps:
-1. Install **simpleui** into the project
-2. Find the directory of **simpleui** and delete
-3. Clone **simpleui** source to local
-4. In the Linux、Unix、macOS environments,use the flexible connection method to assign the **simpleui** directory in the project dependency package to the **simpleui** directory of the source code.
- ```shell
- ln -s sourceFile TargetFile
- ```
-5. Right clicl on the windows environment to create a shortcut.
-Then you can modify and publish **simpleui**. If you have any questions, please join the QQ group:786576510
-## Source Code install to local
-+ Clone source code local installation
-git clone https://github.com/newpanjing/simpleui
-cd simpleui
-python setup.py sdist install
-Next steps please refer to [Modify default template for simpleui](#Modify%2ddefault%2dtemplate%2dfor%2dsimpleui)
-## ReWrite Page
-For example, rewrite the home page, create a new **admin** folder in the **templates** directory, and then add a index.html
-If you choose **extends**, you can only use **block**
-for example:
- {% extends 'admin/index.html' %}
- {% load static %}
- {%block head}
- {{ block.super }}
- ..your code..
- {% endblock %}
- {% block script %}
- {{ block.super }}
- ..your code..
- {% endblock %}
-If you want to rewrite all:
- Custom Code
- your code
-## Custom code to Header
- {% extends 'admin/index.html' %}
- {% load static %}
- {%block head}
- {{ block.super }}
- ..your code..
- {% endblock %}
-## Custom code to Footer
- {% extends 'admin/index.html' %}
- {% load static %}
- {% block script %}
- {{ block.super }}
- ..your code..
- {% endblock %}
-## Custom Action
-> Must be version 2.1.2 or above
-Django admin provides support for custom buttons by default, but styles and ICONS are not customizable. Simpleui adds custom styles, ICONS and button types to django admin custom action.
-class EmployeAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
- list_display = ('id', 'name', 'gender', 'idCard', 'phone', 'birthday', 'department', 'enable', 'create_time')
- # add action
- actions = ['make_copy', 'custom_button']
- def custom_button(self, request, queryset):
- pass
- # display text,Consistent with django admin
- custom_button.short_description = 'Test Button'
- # icon,reference:element-ui icon and https://fontawesome.com
- custom_button.icon = 'fas fa-audio-description'
- # Specify button type:https://element.eleme.cn/#/zh-CN/component/button
- custom_button.type = 'danger'
- # Custom style
- custom_button.style = 'color:black;'
- def make_copy(self, request, queryset):
- pass
- make_copy.short_description = 'Copy employe'
-Configuration compatible with native admin
-### Field:
-|icon|Button icon,Reference:https://element.eleme.cn/#/zh-CN/component/icon and https://fontawesome.com,copy class|
-|type|Button type,Reference:https://element.eleme.cn/#/zh-CN/component/button|
-|style|Customize CSS styles|
-|confirm|Requires version 3.4 or above|
-+ confirm demo
- def message_test(self, request, queryset):
- messages.add_message(request, messages.SUCCESS, 'Success')
- # Add confirmation to button
- message_test.confirm = 'Are you sure?'
-+ Link Button
-> Requires version 2.9 or above
-|action_type|0=The current page, 1=Simpleui New tab,2=Browser new tab|
-|action_url|The url address|
-### layer dialog button
-> Effective in 2021.1.0 and above
-The dialog button is to configure the action in the admin, you can customize the input fields, and then through the ajax request to the action for business processing.
-Need to inherit `AjaxAdmin` in `from simpleui.admin import AjaxAdmin` package
-`simplepro` will also support the dialog button function synchronously.
-#### Effect
-#### Field Description
-The following fields refer to the `layer` property of `action`
-|title|Dialog title|
-|tips|Dialog prompts|
-|confirm_button|Confirm button text|
-|cancel_button|Cancel button text|
-|width|The width of the dialog box, in percentage, for example: 50%|
-|labelWidth|The label width of the table, for example: 80px|
-|params|Fields in the dialog table, array|
-##### params field
-|type|Type, value: input native attributes, and elementui: select, date, datetime, rate, color, slider, switch, input_number, checkbox, radio|
-|key|Parameter name, the name obtained in the post parameter|
-|value|default value, array or text|
-|label|The name of the field displayed in the table|
-|size|The size of the component, the value is: medium / small / mini|
-|require|is required, the value is: True/False|
-|width|The width of the input box, for example: 200px|
-|options|options, array, available when type is select, checkbox, radio|
-#### options field
-|label|Display text|
-#### Examples
-class RecordAdmin(ImportExportActionModelAdmin, AjaxAdmin):
- resource_class = ProxyResource
- list_display = ('id','name','type','money','create_date')
- list_per_page = 10
- actions = ('layer_input',)
- def layer_input(self, request, queryset):
- # The queryset here will filter data and only include the selected data
- post = request.POST
- # After getting the data here, you can do some business processing
- # _action in post is the method name
- # post _selected is the selected data, separated by commas
- if not post.get('_selected'):
- return JsonResponse(data={
- 'status':'error',
- 'msg':'Please select the data first! '
- })
- else:
- return JsonResponse(data={
- 'status':'success',
- 'msg':'Processed successfully! '
- })
- layer_input.short_description ='Pop up dialog box input'
- layer_input.type ='success'
- layer_input.icon ='el-icon-s-promotion'
- # Specify an input parameter, which should be an array
- # Designated as a pop-up layer, this parameter is the most critical
- layer_input.layer = {
- # Input box configuration in the pop-up layer
- # Specify the title of the dialog box here
- 'title':'Pop-up layer input box',
- # Tips
- 'tips':'This pop-up dialog box needs to be defined in the admin, and the new data editing and other functions need to be implemented by yourself. ',
- # Confirm button display text
- 'confirm_button':'Confirm submission',
- # Cancel button display text
- 'cancel_button':'Cancel',
- # The width of the pop-up layer dialog, the default is 50%
- 'width': '40%',
- # The width of the label in the form, corresponding to the label-width of element-ui, the default is 80px
- 'labelWidth': "80px",
- 'params': [{
- # The type here corresponds to the native input attribute of el-input, the default is input
- 'type':'input',
- # key corresponds to the key in the post parameter
- 'key':'name',
- # Displayed text
- 'label':'Name',
- # Is empty check, the default is False
- 'require': True
- }, {
- 'type':'select',
- 'key':'type',
- 'label':'Type',
- 'width': '200px',
- # size corresponds to the size of elementui, the value is: medium / small / mini
- 'size':'small',
- # The value field can specify the default value
- 'value': '0',
- 'options': [{
- 'key': '0',
- 'label':'Income'
- }, {
- 'key': '1',
- 'label':'Expenses'
- }]
- }, {
- 'type':'number',
- 'key':'money',
- 'label':'Amount',
- # Set default value
- 'value': 1000
- }, {
- 'type':'date',
- 'key':'date',
- 'label':'Date',
- }, {
- 'type':'datetime',
- 'key':'datetime',
- 'label':'Time',
- }, {
- 'type':'rate',
- 'key':'star',
- 'label':'evaluation level'
- }, {
- 'type':'color',
- 'key':'color',
- 'label':'color'
- }, {
- 'type':'slider',
- 'key':'slider',
- 'label':'slider'
- }, {
- 'type':'switch',
- 'key':'switch',
- 'label':'switch switch'
- }, {
- 'type':'input_number',
- 'key':'input_number',
- 'label':'input number'
- }, {
- 'type':'checkbox',
- 'key':'checkbox',
- # Must specify default value
- 'value': [],
- 'label':'Checkbox',
- 'options': [{
- 'key': '0',
- 'label':'Income'
- }, {
- 'key': '1',
- 'label':'Expenses'
- }, {
- 'key': '2',
- 'label':'Profit'
- }]
- }, {
- 'type':'radio',
- 'key':'radio',
- 'label':'Single selection box',
- 'options': [{
- 'key': '0',
- 'label':'Income'
- }, {
- 'key': '1',
- 'label':'Expenses'
- }, {
- 'key': '2',
- 'label':'Profit'
- }]
- }]
- }
-#### action returns results
- 'status':'error',
- 'msg':'Please select the data first! '
-> status = success/error
-> msg = custom
-#### Dialog button description
-1. If you need to add and edit, you need to implement the business logic yourself, just fill the value field with the data when editing.
-2. Data can only be submitted after the restriction is selected, and can be restricted in the background
-3. Versions 2020.1.0 and above take effect, you need to inherit `AjaxAdmin` in the `from simpleui.admin import AjaxAdmin` package. 500 or 404 if not inherited submitted data
- if not post.get('_selected'):
- return JsonResponse(data={
- 'status':'error',
- 'msg':'Please select the data first! '
- })
-### Layer file upload
->starting with version 2021.4.2+, supports uploading files in Layer
-class LayerAdmin(AjaxAdmin):
-actions = ('upload_file',)
-def upload_file(self, request, queryset):
-# Upload is the same key as the key used in params
-upload= request.FILES['upload']
-Upload_file.short_description = 'File Upload Dialog'
-upload_file.type = 'success'
-upload_file.icon = 'el-icon-upload'
-upload_file.enable = True
-upload_file.layer = {
-'params': [{
-'type': 'file',
-'key': 'upload',
-'label': 'file'
-` ` `
-## Offline
-> Requires version 2.1.3 or above
-Specifies whether simpleui loads static resources in offline mode. When true, all resources will be read locally by default, even if there is no networking. Suitable for intranet projects
-If you do not fill in the item or are false, the default is obtained from the third-party CDN.
-## Close Loading
-> Requires version 2.1.5 or above
-## admindoc
-Admindoc must be the simpleui3.3+ version
-## Common Problems
- ### Not found settings.py
- The file is in the django project, not in simpleui. If you are familiar with django, you will understand, if you are not familiar, please learn django first.[django documentation](https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/2.2/)
- ### python version problem
- + this project is recommended to use python3.x, python2.x may not be compatible.
- + If you make a mistake when using source installation, please specify the python version, python3 and pip3
- ### Unable to Start
- May be unable to start due to some unknown problem, please don't give up **simpleui**, you can commit [issue](https://github.com/newpanjing/simpleui/issues),or join QQ group directly:786576510,we will assist in solving.
- ### Style Normal Loading But Display Abnormal
- in the **Windows8** system, you may encounter that **css** and other files are all loaded normally, but the display is not normal.this is because the response header is **application/x-css**, not **text/css**, causing the browser to not parse properly.
- #### Solution:
-1.Run cmd: Input **regedit** and click Enter
-2.Find the **.css** in the registry **HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT** click on the **.css** floder Modify the **Content Type** to **text/css**.
->For more questions, please commit [issues](https://github.com/newpanjing/simpleui/issues) to us.
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@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-layout: home
- name: Simple UI
- text: Django & Admin UI Framework.
- tagline: Beautiful Admin theme
- image:
- src: /images/hero.png
- alt: VitePress
- actions:
- - theme: brand
- text: Get Started
- link: /guide/what-is-vitepress
- - theme: alt
- text: View on GitHub
- link: https://github.com/newpanjing/simpleui
- - icon: 🎉
- title: Simple and minimal, always
- - icon: 🎨
- title: Multiple themes
- - icon: 📦
- title: One-step installation
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-layout: home
- name: Simple UI
- text: Django & 后台主题框架.
- tagline: 美化Django Admin
- image:
- src: /images/hero.png
- alt: VitePress
- actions:
- - theme: brand
- text: 快速开始
- link: /config
- - theme: alt
- text: Github
- link: https://github.com/newpanjing/simpleui
- - icon: 🎉
- title: 简单不简约
- - icon: 🎨
- title: 多款主题
- - icon: 📦
- title: 一键安装
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- "name": "docs",
- "version": "1.0.0",
- "description": "",
- "scripts": {
- "dev": "vitepress dev docs",
- "build": "vitepress build docs",
- "serve": "vitepress serve docs"
- },
- "author": "",
- "license": "ISC",
- "dependencies": {
- "vitepress": "^1.0.0-rc.7"
- }
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deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/i18n.md
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@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-# i18n 国际化
-将simpleui 克隆到静态目录,然后添加需要的语言
-语言命名与django LANGUAGE_CODE 一致
-将文件命名为: [code].js
-+ zh-hans.js
-+ en-us.js
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-# 2021.10.15
-## fix bug
-+ [ ] layer 路径问题 和修复 #401
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@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-# 2021.10.15
-## fix bug
-+ [ ] layer 路径问题 和修复
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/releases/2021.8.16.md b/releases/2021.8.16.md
deleted file mode 100644
index c6390e34..00000000
--- a/releases/2021.8.16.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-# 2021.8.16
-## fix bug
-+ [ ] 修复多admin编辑页面出错问题 #393
-+ [ ] AjaxAdmin bugfix #391
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/releases/2021.8.17.md b/releases/2021.8.17.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 4358b36e..00000000
--- a/releases/2021.8.17.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-# 2021.8.17
-## fix bug
-+ [ ] 解决`request.current_app`可能造成的错误
-+ [ ] 修复黑色主题可能造成的页面效果不一致的问题
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/releases/2022.1.md b/releases/2022.1.md
deleted file mode 100644
index bb277d63..00000000
--- a/releases/2022.1.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-# 2022.1
-+ [ ] Support Django 4.0
-+ [ ] Fix bug.
-+ [ ] Update Element-UI
diff --git a/releases/2022.2.16.md b/releases/2022.2.16.md
deleted file mode 100644
index c3180d47..00000000
--- a/releases/2022.2.16.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-# 2022.2.16
-+ [ ] fix #420
-+ [ ] fix #408
diff --git a/releases/2022.2.md b/releases/2022.2.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 0d4ed1e5..00000000
--- a/releases/2022.2.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-# 2022.2
-+ [ ] Remove CDN
diff --git a/releases/2022.3.1.md b/releases/2022.3.1.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 5d20bf97..00000000
--- a/releases/2022.3.1.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-# 2022.3.1
-fix bug
diff --git a/releases/2022.3.13.md b/releases/2022.3.13.md
deleted file mode 100644
index aea1e047..00000000
--- a/releases/2022.3.13.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-# 2022.3.13
-fix `layer` bug
diff --git a/simpleui/__init__.py b/simpleui/__init__.py
index 25236eff..b1c71f8f 100644
--- a/simpleui/__init__.py
+++ b/simpleui/__init__.py
@@ -2,4 +2,4 @@
def get_version():
- return '2023.03.01'
+ return '2023.08.28'