diff --git a/src/main/resources/drivers/Fortinet_FortiMail.js b/src/main/resources/drivers/Fortinet_FortiMail.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..04329915
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/resources/drivers/Fortinet_FortiMail.js
@@ -0,0 +1,273 @@
+ * Copyright 2013-2024 Netshot
+ *
+ * This file is part of Netshot.
+ *
+ * Netshot is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Netshot is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with Netshot. If not, see .
+ */
+ * 'Info' object = Meta data of the driver.
+ */
+var Info = {
+ name: "FortinetFortiMail", /* Unique identifier of the driver within Netshot. */
+ description: "Fortinet FortiMail", /* Description to be used in the UI. */
+ author: "Najihel",
+ version: "1.1" /* Version will appear in the Admin tab. */
+ * 'Config' object = Data fields to be included in each configuration revision.
+ */
+var Config = {
+ "osVersion": { /* This stores the detected FortiMail OS version on each snapshot. */
+ type: "Text",
+ title: "FortiMail OS version",
+ comparable: true,
+ searchable: true,
+ checkable: true,
+ dump: {
+ pre: "## FortiMail OS version:",
+ preLine: "## "
+ }
+ },
+ "configuration": { /* This stores the full textual configuration of the device on each snapshot. */
+ type: "LongText",
+ title: "Configuration",
+ comparable: true,
+ searchable: true,
+ checkable: true,
+ dump: {
+ pre: "## Configuration (taken on %when%):",
+ post: "## End of configuration"
+ }
+ }
+ * 'Device' object = Data fields to add to devices of this type.
+ */
+var Device = {
+ "haPeer": { /* This stores the name of an optional HA peer. */
+ type: "Text",
+ title: "HA peer name",
+ searchable: true,
+ checkable: true
+ }
+ * 'CLI' object = Definition of the finite state machine to recognize and handle the CLI prompt changes.
+ */
+var CLI = {
+ telnet: { /* Entry point for Telnet access. */
+ macros: { /* List of available macros in the CLI mode. */
+ basic: { /* 'basic' macro (will be called in the snapshot procedure. */
+ options: [ "login", "password", "basic" ], /* Possible next modes, Netshot will test the associated prompt regexp's. */
+ target: "basic" /* Netshot will target this mode. */
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ ssh: { /* Entry point for SSH access. */
+ macros: {
+ basic: {
+ options: [ "basic" ],
+ target: "basic"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ login: { /* 'login' prompt: send the username and expect the password prompt. */
+ prompt: / login: $/,
+ macros: {
+ auto: {
+ cmd: "$$NetshotUsername$$",
+ options: [ "password" ]
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ password: { /* 'password' prompt: send the password, and expect the basic prompt. */
+ prompt: /^Password: $/,
+ macros: {
+ auto: {
+ cmd: "$$NetshotPassword$$",
+ options: [ "loginAgain", "basic" ]
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ loginAgain: { /* 'login' prompt again: this means that authentication failed. */
+ prompt: / login: $/,
+ fail: "Authentication failed - Telnet authentication failure."
+ },
+ basic: { /* The basic FortiOS prompt. */
+ prompt: /^[A-Za-z0-9_\-\~]+?\s(\([A-Za-z0-9_\-\~]+?\)\s)?[#$]\s?$/,
+ error: /^(Unknown action|Command fail)/m,
+ pager: { /* 'pager': define how to handle the pager for long outputs. */
+ match: /^--More-- /,
+ response: " "
+ },
+ macros: {
+ }
+ }
+ * The 'snapshot' function entry point = Will be called by Netshot when initiating a snapshot of this type of device.
+ * @param cli = object used to interact with the current device via CLI.
+ * @param device = used to store data at the device level.
+ * @param config = used to store data at the configuration revision level.
+ */
+function snapshot(cli, device, config) {
+ // Targets the 'basic' CLI mode.
+ cli.macro("basic");
+ // 'status' will be used to read the version, hostname, etc.
+ var status = cli.command("get system status");
+ // Read version and family from the 'status' output.
+ var version = status.match(/Version:[\s]*(FortiMail([a-zA-Z0-9\-]*)) v(.*)/);
+ var family = "FortiMail";
+ device.set("family", family);
+ version = (version ? version[3] : "Unknown");
+ device.set("softwareVersion", version);
+ config.set("osVersion", version);
+ device.set("networkClass", "SERVER");
+ // The main configuration
+ var configuration = null;
+ // Store the interface config block
+ var showSystemInterface = cli.command("show system interface");
+ // Store the SNMP config block
+ var showSystemSnmp = cli.command("show system snmp sysinfo");
+ // Store the HA status
+ var getHa = cli.command("get system ha");
+ var configuration;
+ // The configuration is retrieved by a simple 'show' at the root level. Add grep to avoid paging.
+ configuration = cli.command("show", { timeout: 120000 });
+ // Read the device hostname from the 'status' output.
+ var hostname = status.match(/Hostname[\s]*:[\s]*(.*)$/m);
+ if (hostname) {
+ hostname = hostname[1];
+ device.set("name", hostname);
+ }
+ // Read the serial number from the 'status' output.
+ var serial = status.match(/Serial-Number[\s]*:[\s]*(.*)$/m);
+ if (serial) {
+ var module = {
+ slot: "Chassis",
+ partNumber: family,
+ serialNumber: serial[1]
+ };
+ device.add("module", module);
+ device.set("serialNumber", serial[1]);
+ }
+ else {
+ device.set("serialNumber", "");
+ }
+ // Read the contact and location fields from the configuration directly.
+ device.set("contact", "");
+ device.set("location", "");
+ var sysInfos = cli.findSections(showSystemSnmp, /config system snmp sysinfo/);
+ for (var s in sysInfos) {
+ var contact = sysInfos[s].config.match(/set contact (.*)/);
+ if (contact) {
+ device.set("contact", contact[1]);
+ }
+ var location = sysInfos[s].config.match(/set location (.*)/);
+ if (location) {
+ device.set("location", location[1]);
+ }
+ }
+ var peerPattern = /^([\s]*config-peer-ip[\s]*: )(.*)$/gm;
+ var match;
+ while (match = peerPattern.exec(getHa)) {
+ device.set("haPeer", match[2]);
+ break;
+ }
+ // Read the list of interfaces.
+ var interfaces = cli.findSections(showSystemInterface, /^ *edit (.*)/m);
+ for (var i in interfaces) {
+ var networkInterface = {
+ name: interfaces[i].match[1],
+ ip: []
+ };
+ var ipAddress = interfaces[i].config.match(/set ip (\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)\/(\d{2})/);
+ if (ipAddress) {
+ var ip = {
+ ip: ipAddress[1],
+ mask: parseInt(ipAddress[2]),
+ usage: "PRIMARY"
+ };
+ networkInterface.ip.push(ip);
+ }
+ if (interfaces[i].config.match(/set status down/)) {
+ networkInterface.disabled = true;
+ }
+ var descMatch = interfaces[i].config.match(/set description "(.+)"/);
+ if (descMatch) {
+ networkInterface.description = descMatch[1];
+ }
+ device.add("networkInterface", networkInterface);
+ }
+ var removeChangingParts = function(text) {
+ var cleaned = text;
+ cleaned = cleaned.replace(/^#conf_file_ver=.*/mg, "");
+ cleaned = cleaned.replace(/^ *set [a-z\-]+ ENC .*$/mg, "");
+ cleaned = cleaned.replace(/^ *set private-key "(.|[\r\n])*?"$/mg, "");
+ return cleaned;
+ }
+ // If only the passwords are changing (they are hashed with a new salt at each 'show') then
+ // just keep the previous configuration.
+ // That means we could miss a password change in the history of configurations, but no choice...
+ var previousConfiguration = device.get("configuration");
+ if (typeof previousConfiguration === "string" &&
+ removeChangingParts(previousConfiguration) === removeChangingParts(configuration)) {
+ config.set("configuration", previousConfiguration);
+ }
+ else {
+ config.set("configuration", configuration);
+ }
+// No known log message upon configuration change
+ * The 'analyzeTrap' function entry point = Will be called when receiving a trap for a device of this type.
+ * @param trap = the SNMP data embedded in the trap.
+ * @returns true if the trap indicates a configuration changes (this means to initiate a new snapshot).
+ */
+function analyzeTrap(trap) {
+ return trap[""] == "";
+ * The 'snmpAutoDiscover' function entry point = Will be called with the sysObjectID and sysDesc
+ * of a device when auto discovering the type of a device.
+ * @param sysObjectID = The SNMP sysObjectID of a device being discovered.
+ * @param sysDesc = The SNMP sysDesc of a device being discovered.
+ * @returns true if the scanned device is supported by this driver.
+ */
+function snmpAutoDiscover(sysObjectID, sysDesc) {
+ return sysObjectID.startsWith("");
diff --git a/src/main/resources/drivers/Fortinet_FortiManager.js b/src/main/resources/drivers/Fortinet_FortiManager.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9390a62f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/resources/drivers/Fortinet_FortiManager.js
@@ -0,0 +1,289 @@
+ * Copyright 2013-2024 Netshot
+ *
+ * This file is part of Netshot.
+ *
+ * Netshot is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Netshot is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with Netshot. If not, see .
+ */
+ * 'Info' object = Meta data of the driver.
+ */
+var Info = {
+ name: "FortinetFortiManager", /* Unique identifier of the driver within Netshot. */
+ description: "Fortinet FortiManager and FortiAnalyzer", /* Description to be used in the UI. */
+ author: "Najihel",
+ version: "1.2" /* Version will appear in the Admin tab. */
+ * 'Config' object = Data fields to be included in each configuration revision.
+ */
+var Config = {
+ "osVersion": { /* This stores the detected FortiManager OS version on each snapshot. */
+ type: "Text",
+ title: "FortiManager OS version",
+ comparable: true,
+ searchable: true,
+ checkable: true,
+ dump: {
+ pre: "## FortiManager OS version:",
+ preLine: "## "
+ }
+ },
+ "configuration": { /* This stores the full textual configuration of the device on each snapshot. */
+ type: "LongText",
+ title: "Configuration",
+ comparable: true,
+ searchable: true,
+ checkable: true,
+ dump: {
+ pre: "## Configuration (taken on %when%):",
+ post: "## End of configuration"
+ }
+ }
+ * 'Device' object = Data fields to add to devices of this type.
+ */
+var Device = {
+ "haPeer": { /* This stores the name of an optional HA peer. */
+ type: "Text",
+ title: "HA peer name",
+ searchable: true,
+ checkable: true
+ }
+ * 'CLI' object = Definition of the finite state machine to recognize and handle the CLI prompt changes.
+ */
+var CLI = {
+ telnet: { /* Entry point for Telnet access. */
+ macros: { /* List of available macros in the CLI mode. */
+ basic: { /* 'basic' macro (will be called in the snapshot procedure. */
+ options: [ "login", "password", "basic" ], /* Possible next modes, Netshot will test the associated prompt regexp's. */
+ target: "basic" /* Netshot will target this mode. */
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ ssh: { /* Entry point for SSH access. */
+ macros: {
+ basic: {
+ options: [ "basic" ],
+ target: "basic"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ login: { /* 'login' prompt: send the username and expect the password prompt. */
+ prompt: / login: $/,
+ macros: {
+ auto: {
+ cmd: "$$NetshotUsername$$",
+ options: [ "password" ]
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ password: { /* 'password' prompt: send the password, and expect the basic prompt. */
+ prompt: /^Password: $/,
+ macros: {
+ auto: {
+ cmd: "$$NetshotPassword$$",
+ options: [ "loginAgain", "basic" ]
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ loginAgain: { /* 'login' prompt again: this means that authentication failed. */
+ prompt: / login: $/,
+ fail: "Authentication failed - Telnet authentication failure."
+ },
+ basic: { /* The basic FortiOS prompt. */
+ prompt: /^[A-Za-z0-9_\-\~]+?\s(\([A-Za-z0-9_\-\~]+?\)\s)?[#$]\s?$/,
+ error: /^(Unknown action|Command fail)/m,
+ pager: { /* 'pager': define how to handle the pager for long outputs. */
+ match: /^--More-- /,
+ response: " "
+ },
+ macros: {
+ }
+ }
+ * The 'snapshot' function entry point = Will be called by Netshot when initiating a snapshot of this type of device.
+ * @param cli = object used to interact with the current device via CLI.
+ * @param device = used to store data at the device level.
+ * @param config = used to store data at the configuration revision level.
+ */
+function snapshot(cli, device, config) {
+ // Targets the 'basic' CLI mode.
+ cli.macro("basic");
+ // 'status' will be used to read the version, hostname, etc.
+ var status = cli.command("get system status");
+ // Read version and family from the 'status' output.
+ var version = status.match(/^Version[\s]*: v([0-9]+.*)/m);
+ var platform = status.match(/^Platform Full Name[\s]*: ((.*?)(-.*)?)$/m);
+ var family = (platform ? platform[2] : "FortiManager");
+ platform = (platform ? platform[1] : "FortiManager");
+ device.set("family", family);
+ version = (version ? version[1] : "Unknown");
+ device.set("softwareVersion", version);
+ config.set("osVersion", version);
+ device.set("networkClass", "SERVER");
+ // The main configuration
+ var configuration = null;
+ // Store the interface config block
+ var showSystemInterface = cli.command("show system interface");
+ // Store the SNMP config block
+ var showSystemSnmp = cli.command("show system snmp sysinfo");
+ // Store the HA status
+ var getHa = "";
+ var haCommands = ["get system ha-status", "diagnose ha status"];
+ while (true) {
+ try {
+ getHa = haCommands.shift();
+ break;
+ }
+ catch (e) {
+ // ignore
+ }
+ }
+ var configuration;
+ // The configuration is retrieved by a simple 'show' at the root level. Add grep to avoid paging.
+ configuration = cli.command("show", { timeout: 120000 });
+ // Read the device hostname from the 'status' output.
+ var hostname = status.match(/^Hostname[\s]*:[\s]*(.*)$/m);
+ if (hostname) {
+ hostname = hostname[1];
+ device.set("name", hostname);
+ }
+ // Read the serial number from the 'status' output.
+ var serial = status.match(/^Serial Number[\s]*:[\s]*(.*)$/m);
+ if (serial) {
+ var module = {
+ slot: "Chassis",
+ partNumber: platform,
+ serialNumber: serial[1]
+ };
+ device.add("module", module);
+ device.set("serialNumber", serial[1]);
+ }
+ else {
+ device.set("serialNumber", "");
+ }
+ // Read the contact and location fields from the configuration directly.
+ device.set("contact", "");
+ device.set("location", "");
+ var sysInfos = cli.findSections(showSystemSnmp, /config system snmp sysinfo/);
+ for (var s in sysInfos) {
+ var contact = sysInfos[s].config.match(/set contact_info "(.*)"/);
+ if (contact) {
+ device.set("contact", contact[1]);
+ }
+ var location = sysInfos[s].config.match(/set location "(.*)"/);
+ if (location) {
+ device.set("location", location[1]);
+ }
+ }
+ var peerPattern = /^([\s]*hostname:[\s]*)(.*)$/gm;
+ var match;
+ while (match = peerPattern.exec(getHa)) {
+ if (match[2] != hostname) {
+ device.set("haPeer", match[2]);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // Read the list of interfaces.
+ var vdomArp = {};
+ var interfaces = cli.findSections(showSystemInterface, /^ *edit "(.*)"/m);
+ for (var i in interfaces) {
+ var networkInterface = {
+ name: interfaces[i].match[1],
+ ip: []
+ };
+ var ipAddress = interfaces[i].config.match(/set ip (\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+) (\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)/);
+ if (ipAddress) {
+ var ip = {
+ ip: ipAddress[1],
+ mask: ipAddress[2],
+ usage: "PRIMARY"
+ };
+ networkInterface.ip.push(ip);
+ }
+ if (interfaces[i].config.match(/set status down/)) {
+ networkInterface.disabled = true;
+ }
+ var descMatch = interfaces[i].config.match(/set description "(.+)"/);
+ if (descMatch) {
+ networkInterface.description = descMatch[1];
+ }
+ device.add("networkInterface", networkInterface);
+ }
+ var removeChangingParts = function(text) {
+ var cleaned = text;
+ cleaned = cleaned.replace(/^#conf_file_ver=.*/mg, "");
+ cleaned = cleaned.replace(/^ *set (passphrase|password|passwd|secondary-secret|crptpasswd) ENC .*$/mg, "");
+ cleaned = cleaned.replace(/^ *set private-key "(.|[\r\n])*?"$/mg, "");
+ return cleaned;
+ }
+ // If only the passwords are changing (they are hashed with a new salt at each 'show') then
+ // just keep the previous configuration.
+ // That means we could miss a password change in the history of configurations, but no choice...
+ var previousConfiguration = device.get("configuration");
+ if (typeof previousConfiguration === "string" &&
+ removeChangingParts(previousConfiguration) === removeChangingParts(configuration)) {
+ config.set("configuration", previousConfiguration);
+ }
+ else {
+ config.set("configuration", configuration);
+ }
+// No known log message upon configuration change
+ * The 'analyzeTrap' function entry point = Will be called when receiving a trap for a device of this type.
+ * @param trap = the SNMP data embedded in the trap.
+ * @returns true if the trap indicates a configuration changes (this means to initiate a new snapshot).
+ */
+function analyzeTrap(trap) {
+ return trap[""] == "";
+ * The 'snmpAutoDiscover' function entry point = Will be called with the sysObjectID and sysDesc
+ * of a device when auto discovering the type of a device.
+ * @param sysObjectID = The SNMP sysObjectID of a device being discovered.
+ * @param sysDesc = The SNMP sysDesc of a device being discovered.
+ * @returns true if the scanned device is supported by this driver.
+ */
+function snmpAutoDiscover(sysObjectID, sysDesc) {
+ return sysObjectID.startsWith("");