In this lab, you will analyze a real-world dataset -- information about startup companies. The source of this dataset is jSONAR.
This time, the data is provided as a JSON document, one entry per line. You can find it in /home/vagrant/data/companies.json
. Take a look at the first entry by using the following command:
head -n 1 /home/vagrant/data/companies.json
As you can see, the schema is fairly complicated -- it has a bunch of fields, nested objects, arrays, and so on. It describes the company's products, key people, acquisition data, and more. We are going to use Spark SQL to infer the schema of this JSON document, and then issue queries using a natural SQL syntax.
Create a DataFrame
from the JSON file so that its schema is automatically inferred, print out the resulting schema, and register it as a temporary table called "companies".
val companies ="file:///home/vagrant/data/companies.json")
First, let's talk about the money; figure out what the average acquisition price was.
sqlContext.sql("select avg(acquisition.price_amount) from companies").first()
Not too shabby. Let's get some additional detail -- print the average acquisition price grouped by number of years the company was active.
"""select acquisition.acquired_year-founded_year as years_active,
avg(acquisition.price_amount) as acq_price
from companies
where acquisition.price_amount is not null
group by acquisition.acquired_year-founded_year
order by acq_price desc""").collect()
Finally, let's try to figure out the relationship between the company's total funding and acquisition price. In order to do that, you'll need a UDF (user-defined function) that, given a company, returns the sum of all its funding rounds. First, build that function and register it with the name "total_funding".
import org.apache.spark.sql.Row
sqlContext.udf.register("total_funding", (investments: Seq[Row]) => {
val totals =[Row]("funding_round").getAs[Long]("raised_amount"))
Test your function by retrieving the total funding for a few companies, such as Facebook, Paypal, and Alibaba. Now, find the average ratio between the acquisition price and the total funding (which, in a simplistic way, represents return on investment).
"""select avg(acquisition.price_amount/total_funding(investments))
from companies
where acquisition.price_amount is not null
and total_funding(investments) != 0""").collect()
See discussion for the next lab.