In this lab, you will work with another real-world dataset that contains residential property sales across the UK, as reported to the Land Registry. You can download this dataset and many others from
As always, we begin by inspecting the data, which is in the ~/data/prop-prices.csv
file. Run the following command to take a look at some of the entries:
head ~/data/prop-prices.csv
Note that this time, the CSV file does not have headers. To determine which fields are available, consult the guidance page.
Next, load the prop-prices.csv
file as an DataFrame
, and register it as a temporary table so that you can run SQL queries:
columns = ['id', 'price', 'date', 'zip', 'type', 'new', 'duration', 'PAON',
'SAON', 'street', 'locality', 'town', 'district', 'county', 'ppd',
df ="inferSchema", "true").option("header", "false").csv("file:///home/ubuntu/data/prop-prices.csv")
for i, col in enumerate(df.columns):
df = df.withColumnRenamed(col, columns[i])
First, let's do some basic analysis on the data. Find how many records we have per year, and print them out sorted by year.
spark.sql("""select year(date), count(*)
from properties
group by year(date)
order by year(date)""").collect()
All right, so everyone knows that properties in London are expensive. Find the average property price by county, and print the top 10 most expensive counties.
spark.sql("""select county, avg(price)
from properties
group by county
order by avg(price) desc
limit 10""").collect()
Is there any trend for property sales during the year? Find the average property price in Greater London month over month in 2015 and 2016, and print it out by month.
spark.sql("""select year(date) as yr, month(date) as mth, avg(price)
from properties
where county='GREATER LONDON'
and year(date) >= 2015
group by year(date), month(date)
order by year(date), month(date)""").collect()
Bonus: use the Python matplotlib
module to plot the property price changes month-over-month across the entire dataset.
module is installed in the instructor-provided appliance. However, there is no X environment, so you will not be able to view the actual plot. For your own system, follow the installation instructions.
monthPrices = spark.sql("""select year(date), month(date), avg(price)
from properties
group by year(date), month(date)
order by year(date), month(date)""").collect()
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
values = map(lambda row: row[2], monthPrices)
plt.scatter(range(0,len(monthPrices)), list(values))
Now that you have experience in working with SQL, what are the advantages and disadvantages of using it compared to the Fluent query API?