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Distributed and Parallel Computing - Distributed Computing


  • Distributed computing means computing on multiple nodes/processes
  • Each node as a unique ID
  • Nodes are connected via channels (i.e. edges)
  • Nodes do not share memory or a global clock
  • Nodes are either connected or not connected
  • Networks are strongly connected (i.e. there is a path between any two nodes)
  • Networks don't necessarily have to be complete (i.e. edge between every pair of nodes)
  • Channels may be directed or undirected
    • TODO: How does this relate to "nodes are either connected/not connected"?
  • Communication is passing messages over channels
  • Channels are not necessarily FIFO
  • Communication is asynchronous

Parameters of the Network

  • N number of nodes
  • E number of edges
  • D diameter of the network, i.e. the longest "shortest path" between any two nodes


  • Failure rate (FR): Number of failures per unit time
  • Mean time before failure (MTBF): 1/FR
  • e.g.
    • 1000 nodes, all critical
    • MTBF of each node is 10,000
    • FRₙ = 1/MTBF
    • FRₙ = 1/10,000
    • FRₛ = sum(FRₙ for n in nodes)
    • FRₛ = 1,000 * (1/10,000)
    • FRₛ = 1/10
    • MTBFₛ = 1/(1/10)
    • MTBFₛ = 10

Spanning Trees

  • Spanning tree:
    • Contains all the nodes of the network
    • Edges are a subset of the network's edges
    • No cycles
    • Undirected
  • Tree edges: edges in the spanning tree
  • Frond edges: edges in the network but not in the spanning tree
  • Sink tree: tree made by taking all edges of a spanning tree, and making them directed so that all paths end up at some chosen root node


  • We want to send a message to the whole network
  • If we send to neighbours recursively, it doesn't terminate
  • If we send to the spanning tree root, and then follow the reverse of the sink tree (as in the edges are reversed), then every node only sees the message once

Transition Systems

  • The behaviour of a distributed algorithm is given by a transition system:
    • Set of configurations: (λ, δ) ∈ C
      • Global state of the algorithm
      • C is the set of all possible configurations of an algorithm
    • Binary transition relation on C: λ → δ
      • Changes the global state from one configuration to another
    • A set of initial configurations: I
  • A configuration is terminal if there are no transitions out of the configuration
  • An execution is a sequence of states in C, beginning with an element in I, and can either be infinite or ending in a terminal configuration
  • A configuration is reachable if there is an execution that contains it

States and Events

  • Configuration consists of
    • The set of local states of each node
    • The messages in transit between the nodes
  • Transitions are connected with events
    • Internal: an action that modifies the internal state of a process
    • Send: A message is sent from a process
    • Receive: A message is received by a process
  • Initiator: the process where the first event is an internal, or a send event
  • Centralised: only one initiator
  • Decentralised: multiple initiators


  • Safety property
    • Must be true on every reachable configuration
  • Liveness property
    • Must be a reachable configuration with this property, from every configuration


  • Total order
    • a ≤ a reflexivity
    • a ≤ b && b ≤ a → a = b antisymmetry
    • a ≤ b && b ≤ c → a ≤ c transitivity
    • a ≤ b || b ≤ a totality
  • Partial order
    • a ≤ a reflexivity
    • a ≤ b && b ≤ a → a = b antisymmetry
    • a ≤ b && b ≤ c → a ≤ c transitivity
    • No totality
  • Causal order
    • a ≺ b iff a must occur before b in any execution
    • If a is send, and b is receive, then a ≺ b
    • a ≺ b && b ≺ c → a ≺ c


  • Executions are too specific, different orders means different executions but same work is done
  • Instead, we talk about "computations", a set of executions equivalent up to permutations of concurrent events

Local Clocks

  • Maps to a partially ordered set (i.e. integers) such that
    • a ≺ b ⇒ C(a) ≺ C(b)
  • Requires each process maintains a record of:
    • Its local logical clock, measuring the process's own progress
    • Its global logical clock, measuring its perception of global time

Lamport's Clock

  • Notated as LC(event)
  • Tracks local and global logical clocks in one variable
  • Let a be an event, and k be the clock value of the previous event
    • If a is internal or send, LC(a) = k + 1
    • If a is receive, and b is the send event of a, LC(a) = max(k, b + 1)
  • Consistent with causality, but not strongly consistent
    • i.e. a ≺ b ⇒ LC(a) ≺ LC(b) but not LC(a) ≺ LC(b) ⇒ a ≺ b

Vector Clock

  • Each process keeps a vector, the same length as the number of process
  • vᵢ[i] is the local logical clock
  • vᵢ[j] where i ≠ j, is process i's most recent knowledge of process j's logical clock
  • Initialise all of vᵢ to 0
    • If a is internal or send
      • vᵢ[i] += 1
    • If a is receive, and m is the vector clock sent with a
      • vᵢ = max(vᵢ, m); vᵢ[i] += 1
  • Ordering
    • u = v ↔ ∀i. u[i] = v[i]
    • u ≤ v ↔ ∀i. u[i] ≤ v[i]
    • u < v ↔ u ≤ v && ∃i. u[i] < v[i]
    • u || v ↔ u !≤ v && v !≤ u
  • Strongly consistent!

Mutual Exclusion

  • Centralised
    • Works
    • Easy to implement
    • Fair (in order of request)
    • No starvation (no node waits forever)
    • Only 3 messages per use of resource (ask, grant, release)
    • However, single point of failure, and a big bottleneck
  • Decentralised (Ricart-Agrawala)
    • To request a resource, send message to all process requesting resource
    • When process receives message:
      • If not using and doesn't want
        • Send OK back to sender
      • If has access
        • No reply, but queues the request
      • Wants the resource but doesn't have it
        • Compares logical clock value of requester
          • If requester has lower, send OK message
          • If requester has higher, queue message and send nothing
    • When sending a message, wait for an OK from everyone else, once this happens it can access the resource
    • When done with the resource, check queue and send OK to all of them
  • Advantages: works, fair, no starvation
  • Disadvantages: 2(n - 1) messages, N points of failure, every node needs to keep track of every other node in the system


  • Allows saving program state so we can resume later
  • Allows returning to previous state if things break
  • With distributed systems, can't do this because there's no global clock
  • Messages could be on the fly, difficult to record this state
  • Recording local snapshots must be coordinated correctly to ensure a consistent global snapshot
  • If each process takes a local snapshot:
    • An event is pre-snapshot if it occurs in a process before the local snapshot
    • Otherwise it is post-snapshot
  • A snapshot is consistent if
    • When a is pre-snapshot, x ≺ a implies x is pre-snapshot
    • A message is included in channel state if its sending is pre-snapshot and its receiving is post-snapshot

Chandy-Lamport Algorithm

  • Applies to FIFO channel systems only
  • Send control messages called markers along channels to separate pre- and post-snapshot events and trigger local snapshots
  • Initiator takes local snapshot and sends marker through all outgoing channels
  • When process pₘ receives marker along channel cₙₘ
    • If pₘ has not yet saved state
      • pₘ saves local state
      • pₘ sets cₙₘ state to {}
      • pₘ sends marker through to all outgoing channels
    • Else
      • pₘ records state of cₘₙ as set of all basic messages received after it has saved its local state, and before it received the marker message from pₙ


  • If a ≺ b and b is pre-snapshot then a is pre-snapshot
  • If a is send and b is receive of the same message in processes p and q
    • b is pre-snapshot → q has not received a marker when b occurs
    • Since channels are FIFO, p has not sent a marker when a occurs
    • Hence, a is pre-snapshot
    • This chain of causality travels through to all events
  • Message m between p, q is in channel state Cpq iff send of m at p is pre-snapshot, and receive at q is post-snapshot
    • Forward direction
      • Assume m ∈ Cpq
      • Since q has saved m, it must occur after we have the control message from another channel (or q is the initiator), so receive of m is post-snapshot
      • Since q has saved m, it must occur before q has the control message from p, so the send of m is before p has the control message, so send of m is pre-snapshot
    • Backwards direction
      • Assume send of m is pre-snapshot and receive of m is post-snapshot
      • Send of m pre-snapshot implies p saves state after sending m, hence control message sent down Cpq after m
        • And received in same order due to FIFO
      • Receive of m post-snapshot implies that q has received the control message already from a different node (or q is initiator)
      • Since q has saved local state but hasn't received control message from p, it saves m in Cpq

Lai-Yang-Mattern Algorithm

  • Works on non-FIFO channels
  • Rather than having separate marker messages, attach boolean flag to basic messages
    • Typically described as white/red
  • Lai-Yang algorithm didn't need control messages, but required keeping all message history
  • Lai-Yang-Mattern algorithm uses control messages with logical clocks


  • Every process initialised to white
  • When a process saves its local state:
    • Turn red
    • Send control message on all outgoing channels to say how many white messages it has sent down that channel
  • Every basic message is the same colour as the process that sends it
  • White process can save local state at any time
    • But must save it no later than on receiving a red message, and before processing that message
  • When receiving the control message:
    • Save local state if it hasn't already
    • Process knows how many white messages it has received currently on each input channel
    • Process knows how many white messages it needs to receive from the control message
    • Waits for white messages
    • Each process channel computes channel state as the set of white messages it receives after saving its local state


  • a ≺ b ^ pre(b) → pre(a)
    • a, b ∈ q then trivially true
    • a := send(m), b := recv(m)
      • pre(b) → white(b)
      • white(b) → white(a)
      • white(a) → pre(a)
  • m ∈ Cpq → pre(send(m)) ^ post(send(m))
    • m ∈ Cpq → white(send(m)) → pre(send(m)) because of rules
    • m ∈ Cpq → control(q) ≺ recv(m)
    • control(q) ≺ recv(m) → red(recv(m)) → post(recv(m))
  • pre(send(m)) ^ post(send(m)) → m ∈ Cpq
    • pre(send(m)) → white(send(m))
    • post(recv(m)) → control(q) ≺ recv(m)
    • control(q) ≺ recv(m) → m ∈ Cpq

Multiple Snapshots

  • Instead of red/white, use counter k
  • On first snapshot, k = 0 is white, k = 1 is red
  • On second snapshot, k = 1 is white, k = 2 is red
  • If two nodes start snapshot concurrently, they will both increment and the snapshot will be the same

Wave Algorithms

  • Sends request through network to gather information
  • Can be used for: termination detection, routing, leader election, transaction commit voting
  • A wave algorithm needs three conditions:
    • Finite
    • One or more decide events
    • ∀ a ∈ D, p ∈ P. ∃ b ∈ p.E. b ≺ a where
      • D is the decide events
      • P is the processes
      • p.E is the events in a process p
      • Means every process must participate in each decide event

Traversal Algorithm

  • An initiator sends a token to visit each process
  • The token may collect/distribute information on the way
  • The token returns to the initiator
  • The initiator makes the decision

Tarry's Algorithm

  • Traversal algorithm for undirected networks
  • Two main rules:
    • A process never forwards the token through the same channel twice
    • A process only forwards the token to its parent when there is no other option
      • The parent is the first person to send the token to it
  • Performance
    • Number of messages: 2E
    • Time to complete: 2E


  • Token ends up at initiator
    • Token never sent through the same channel in same direction twice
    • When non-initiator holds token, received it one more time than it has sent it
    • Hence there is always a channel it has not sent it down yet, so can always send it on
    • Unless it is the initiator, in which case the algorithm ends
  • The token travels through each channel in each direction once
    • Do this through reductio ad absurdum
    • Assume that at termination, a channel has not been traversed by token in both directions
    • Let p be the (a) earliest visited (b) non-initiator process (c) that has a channel not traversed in the outgoing direction
    • Let s be the parent of p that has all channels traversed
    • As s is p's parent, p must have sent the message back to s
    • But in order to send to parent, p must have sent down all channels
    • Contradiction!

Depth first search

  • Token is forward to a process that has not yet held the token, in preference to one that has
  • Means that frond edges will only connect ancestors/descendants
  • We can make Tarry's algorithm DFS by adding a rule:
    • If rules 1&2 allow it, send the token down the same channel as soon as you receive it
  • We can use this to speed up search time:
    • Let the token carry information of all processes that carried it
    • Avoid sending this information down frond edges (meaning that extra memory would be required)
    • Messages only travel down spanning tree edges, so 2E → 2N - 2

Echo Algorithm

  • Wave, but not traversal algorithm
  • Centralised
  • Undirected networks
  • Outline:
    1. Initiator sends message to all neighbours
    2. When non-initiator receives message:
    • Makes the sender its parent
    • Sends message to all neighbours except its parent
    1. When non-initiator received messages from all neighbours:
    • Send message to parent
    1. When initiator received all messages from neighbours, the algorithm terminates
  • This builds a spanning tree
  • Number of messages: 2E
  • Worst case time to complete: 2N - 2


  • Process stuck in infinite wait
  • Communication deadlock
    • Cycle of processes, each waiting for the next to send a message
  • Resource deadlock
    • Cycle of processes waiting for a resource held by the next process
    • Different resources

Dealing with Deadlocks

  • Make deadlocks impossible by designing protocols with this in mind
  • Only obtain resource if global state ensures it is safe
  • Detect deadlocks, and break the chain when they occur

Waits-For Graph (WFG)

  • Directed graph
  • Nodes are processes
  • Edge from p to q means that p is waiting for q to respond
  • If there's an cycle in the WFG, then a deadlock has happened (in simple models)
  • Single-resource model
    • Process can only have one outstanding request for a resource
    • Cycle in WFG means deadlock
    • Simplest model
  • AND model
    • Process can request multiple simultaneously, and all resources needed to unblock
    • Cycle in WFG means deadlock
  • OR model
    • Process can request multiple simultaneously, and only one resource needed to unblock
    • Cycle in WFG does not mean deadlock
    • Knot in WFG means deadlock
      • A knot is a set of vertices such that every vertex u reachable from a not vertex v can also reach v
  • AND-OR model
    • Generalises AND model and OR model
    • No simple graph structure for detecting deadlocks (TODO: why do we use it then?!)
  • p-out-of-q model
    • Equivalent to AND-OR model
    • Process requests p resources and q are needed to unblock
  • Unrestricted model
  • Problems
    • We need to maintain the WFG
    • We need to find cycles/knots in WFG
    • A deadlock detection algorithm must guarantee:
      1. Progress
      • All existing deadlocks must be found in finite time
      1. Safety
      • Must not report deadlocks that do not exist

WFGs Continued

  • There is a node v for each process in the network
  • Nodes can be active or blocked
  • Active node can make n-out-of-m requests of other nodes and then becomes blocked, or grant requests to other nodes
  • A blocked node can not make or grant requests, but can become active if a number of its requests are granted
  • When a blocked node gets n-out-of-m requests granted, it purges the remaining m - n requests
  • When node a gets a request from node b, there is a dependency for b→a
  • When a grants b's request, the dependency moves to a→b until b releases the resource

Distributed WFG

  • Do not wish to centralise
  • Each node retains information about local part of WFG
  • Distributed deadlock detection algorithm invoked by initiator
  • Each node u has a set of variables:
    • OUTᵤ: Set of nodes that u has sent ungranted requests to
    • INᵤ: Set of nodes that u has received requests from
    • nᵤ: Number of nodes that u needs to receive until it becomes unblocked
      • 0 ≤ nᵤ ≤ |OUTᵤ|
      • nᵤ = 0 ⇒ OUTᵤ = {}

Bracha-Toueg Deadlock Detection Algorithm

  • Idea: simulate granting of grantable requests and check if initiator node is unblocked
  • Variations:
    • Network with instant messages, base algorithm is static during deadlock detection
      • Needs INᵤ, OUTᵤ, nᵤ to be precalculated from the local state and channel states of a globally consistent snapshot
    • Network with time delays in message delivery, base algorithm is static
      • Relaxes the need for the channel states to be used
    • Network with time delays, base algorithm is dynamic
      • Relaxes the need for the global snapshot to be precalculated, i.e. integrates taking snapshot with deadlock detection
    • We will only look at variation 1
  • Get a spanning tree by virtually calling two nested echo algorithms
    • The first spanning tree is rooted at the initiator (using notify/done messages)
    • Nested spanning trees are rooted at each active node (using grant/ack messages)
  def notify(u):
    Traverse the tree, building a spanning tree. If we find a node that is not
    waiting on any resources (i.e. `u.n == 0`) call `grant()` on it.
    u.notified = True
    for w in u.out:
      w ! NOTIFY
    if u.n == 0:
    for w in u.out:
      w ? DONE

  def grant(u):
    Grant the resource held by this node.
    """ = True
    for w in
      w ! GRANT
    for w in
      w ? ACK

  def receive(u, message):
    if message == NOTIFY:
      if not u.notified:
      return DONE

    elif message == GRANT:
      if u.n > 0:
        u.n -= 1
        if u.n == 0:
      return ACK
  • Will say whether WFG is currently deadlocked, not if one will happen