Releases: neozhu/CleanArchitectureWithBlazorServer
Releases · neozhu/CleanArchitectureWithBlazorServer
What's Changed
- Dev by @neozhu in #170
- change readme by @neozhu in #171
- Improve the reset password function by @neozhu in #172
- refactoring code by @neozhu in #173
- refactoring code by @neozhu in #174
- update by @neozhu in #175
- Update localization resources by @DiyarBakir in #176
- Dev by @neozhu in #177
- add email templates by @neozhu in #178
- small change by @neozhu in #179
- refactoring code by @neozhu in #180
- refactoring generator template support output fields by @neozhu in #181
- refactoring code by @neozhu in #183
- fixed unit test by @neozhu in #184
- write unit test by @neozhu in #185
- add unit tests by @neozhu in #186
- Dev by @neozhu in #188
- #189 Adjust the edit user page layout by @neozhu in #190
- upgrade unget packages by @neozhu in #191
- add unit testing by @neozhu in #193
- Create ButtonTextTests.cs by @neozhu in #194
- Dev by @neozhu in #195
- add target property to menu by @neozhu in #200
- small change by @neozhu in #201
- Update "SelectedItems" to "@bind-SelectedItems" by @DiyarBakir in #199
- Dev by @neozhu in #203
- fixed change pagesize issue by @neozhu in #205
- move _mediator to savechangesinterceptor by @neozhu in #206
- fixed resources file issue, add log chart view component by @neozhu in #207
- Dev by @neozhu in #208
- small change by @neozhu in #209
- remove #pragma warning disable CS8602 by @neozhu in #210
- Dev by @neozhu in #213
- upgrade packages by @neozhu in #217
- bug fix by @neozhu in #218
- Dev by @neozhu in #219
- code refactoring by @neozhu in #220
- Update Users.razor by @neozhu in #221
- update languages by @neozhu in #222
- update resource by @neozhu in #223
- Create orgchart.png by @neozhu in #224
- Update Blazor.Server.UI.csproj by @neozhu in #225
- ApplicationDbContextInitialiser replace of applicationdbcontextseed by @neozhu in #226
- refactoring code by @neozhu in #227
- Dev by @neozhu in #228
- update nuget by @neozhu in #229
- Dev by @neozhu in #231
- remove ToDescriptionString() by @neozhu in #232
- Dev by @neozhu in #234
- code refactoring by @neozhu in #236
- Use IMediator instead of ISender by @neozhu in #237
- Dev by @neozhu in #238
- upgrade to dotnet 7 by @neozhu in #239
- Dev by @neozhu in #240
- Dev by @neozhu in #242
- Mergedev by @neozhu in #243
- Mergedev by @neozhu in #244
- Mergedev by @neozhu in #245
- Mergedev by @neozhu in #246
- docker image by @neozhu in #247
- Implement cookie authentication by @neozhu in #248
- Update UserLoginState.razor by @neozhu in #249
- Optimize cache by @neozhu in #250
- update role management by @neozhu in #251
- add default fontsize settings by @neozhu in #252
- fixed by @neozhu in #253
- fixed merge by @neozhu in #254
- add clear log command by @neozhu in #255
- Mergedev by @neozhu in #256
- add set permissions to users by @neozhu in #257
- refactoring MediatR ICacheableRequest/ICacheInvalidatorRequest by @neozhu in #258
- Mergedev by @neozhu in #259
- update nuget by @neozhu in #260
- add reconnect js by @neozhu in #261
- Correctly display user online status by @neozhu in #262
- Update UserLoginState.razor by @neozhu in #263
- Mergedev by @neozhu in #265
- Mergedev by @neozhu in #266
- Update Users.razor by @neozhu in #267
- Mergedev by @neozhu in #268
- Add ca-ES (Catalan) localization by @alexandrelozano in #269
- Mergedev by @neozhu in #270
- Update Blazor.Server.UI.csproj by @neozhu in #271
- Update by @alexandrelozano in #272
- Mergedev by @neozhu in #273
- rename AuditableEntity to BaseAuditableEntity. by @neozhu in #274
- Update BaseAuditableEntity.cs by @neozhu in #275
- Mergedev by @neozhu in #276
- upgrade nuget by @neozhu in #277
- move identity model to Domain Project by @neozhu in #278
- First approach to export to PDF using QuestPDF by @alexandrelozano in #279
- update by @neozhu in #280
- On button "UPLOAD PICTURE" add images to existing list instead of rep… by @alexandrelozano in #281
New Contributors
- @alexandrelozano made ...
What's Changed
- add language resource by @neozhu in #113
- refactoring code by @neozhu in #114
- refactoring code by @neozhu in #115
- Dev by @neozhu in #116
- update by @neozhu in #117
- fixed #118 by @neozhu in #119
- fixed #120 by @neozhu in #121
- Dev by @neozhu in #123
- Simplify domain events. by @neozhu in #124
- Add validation rules for uploading attachments by @neozhu in #125
- refactoring domainevents by @neozhu in #126
- Update IdentityAuthenticationService.cs by @neozhu in #129
- refacing userprofile by @neozhu in #130
- update nuget by @neozhu in #131
- add file download function by @neozhu in #132
- Dev by @neozhu in #134
- Prevent user from login when their account is not Active. & Fix wrong naming "Dashbord" to "Dashboard" by @DiyarBakir in #135
- Update the login process by @neozhu in #136
- Update layout direction based on selected culture (language) by @DiyarBakir in #138
- update version by @neozhu in #139
- add language resources by @neozhu in #140
- update by @neozhu in #142
- refactoring code by @neozhu in #144
- Minor Code Refactor & Update User Page by @DiyarBakir in #145
- Improve RTL Layout by @DiyarBakir in #147
- testing code generator for pages template by @neozhu in #151
- create solution templates #154 by @neozhu in #155
- fixed datatable columns layout by @neozhu in #156
- Solution template by @neozhu in #157
- Update CustomError.razor by @neozhu in #158
- clean code by @neozhu in #159
- clean null reference warning when compiling code by @neozhu in #160
- create a DefaultJsonSerializerOptions by @neozhu in #161
- Update RequestLoggerTests.cs by @neozhu in #162
- fixed small issues by @neozhu in #163
- Update Tenants.razor by @neozhu in #164
- create DataRowExtensions for import excel by @neozhu in #166
- refactoring code by @neozhu in #167
- Complete Customer Implementation by @DiyarBakir in #165
- Update MediatorExtensions.cs by @neozhu in #168
- refactoring code for userservice by @neozhu in #169
New Contributors
- @DiyarBakir made their first contribution in #135
Full Changelog: ver0.9...ver1.0
support multi-tenancy for single database
What's Changed
- clean configuration by @neozhu in #92
- refactoring by @neozhu in #93
- add FluentEmail by @neozhu in #94
- fixed table new row edit inline by @neozhu in #95
- Update Application.csproj by @neozhu in #96
- Update MappingExtensions.cs by @neozhu in #97
- fixed: #79 by @neozhu in #98
- "MudBlazor" Version="6.0.10" by @neozhu in #99
- refactoring code by @neozhu in #100
- fixed: docker compose deploy by @neozhu in #101
- Update by @neozhu in #102
- update dark color styles by @neozhu in #104
- Update DefaultTheme.cs by @neozhu in #105
- fixed picklist autocomplete by @neozhu in #106
- fixed small issues by @neozhu in #107
- fixed: cache token issue by @neozhu in #108
- #51 done and rebuild home index page by @neozhu in #109
- implemented multi-tenant by @neozhu in #110
- support multi-tenancy for single database by @neozhu in #111
- refactoring code by @neozhu in #112
Full Changelog: ver0.8...ver0.9
What's Changed
- refacing by @neozhu in #33
- Update Roles.razor by @neozhu in #34
- add resources by @neozhu in #37
- fixed resource by @neozhu in #38
- update resource by @neozhu in #39
- update resource by @neozhu in #40
- Update LogoutConfirmation.razor by @neozhu in #41
- fixed: show user online/offline status by @neozhu in #42
- refactoring by @neozhu in #44
- #43 fixed by @neozhu in #45
- refactoring caching for products by @neozhu in #46
- refactoring by @neozhu in #47
- Update ProductsPaginationQuery.cs by @neozhu in #48
- refactoring code by @neozhu in #49
- refactoring cache code by @neozhu in #50
- refactoring by @neozhu in #52
- #53 fixed by @neozhu in #54
- refactoring by @neozhu in #55
- refactoring identity code by @neozhu in #57
- refactoring user menu by @neozhu in #58
- avoid threading issues with DbContext by @neozhu in #59
- Dev by @neozhu in #60
- clean code by @neozhu in #61
- Dev by @neozhu in #62
- Dev by @neozhu in #63
- Dev by @neozhu in #64
- Dev by @neozhu in #66
- Update CustomError.razor by @neozhu in #67
- Dev by @neozhu in #68
- Dev by @neozhu in #69
- Dev by @neozhu in #71
- Dev by @neozhu in #72
- update logs and audit pages by @neozhu in #74
- Update ApplicationBuilderExtensions.cs by @yfl8910 in #75
- Dev by @neozhu in #76
- update nuget by @neozhu in #77
- refactoring ConstantStringLocalizer by @neozhu in #80
- #73 by @neozhu in #81
- Dev by @neozhu in #82
- Update login with google and microsoft by @neozhu in #83
- finished google and Microsoft auth by @neozhu in #84
- add resouces by @neozhu in #85
- update resources by @neozhu in #87
- update layout by @neozhu in #88
- fixed: domain event handler not called or called twice by @neozhu in #90
New Contributors
Full Changelog: ver0.5...ver0.8
What's Changed
- Dev by @neozhu in #2
- fixed: cache clear issues by @neozhu in #3
- wip: dictionaries by @neozhu in #4
- Dev by @neozhu in #5
- udpate readme by @neozhu in #6
- develop user profile by @neozhu in #7
- fixed: register form issue #8 by @neozhu in #9
- add profile service implement profile change state by @neozhu in #10
- fix:The current thread is not associated with the Dispatcher. Use Inv… by @neozhu in #11
- update nuget by @neozhu in #12
- refactoring code for mudform by @neozhu in #13
- Auth by @neozhu in #14
- refactoring code for authentication by @neozhu in #15
- configuration docker-compose development environment by @neozhu in #17
- add languages resource by @neozhu in #18
- #19 Fixed login user registration by @neozhu in #20
- add prompt login fail messages by @neozhu in #21
- Update Login.razor by @neozhu in #22
- update dependency packages by @neozhu in #23
- change display action buttons by @neozhu in #25
- #24 fixed by @neozhu in #26
- refactoring custom exception by @neozhu in #27
- wip:refactoring code by @neozhu in #29
- wip: SignalR features by @neozhu in #30
- fixed authentication sate change by @neozhu in #31
Full Changelog: v0.1...ver0.5