#Module systest_log# * [Description](#description) * [Function Index](#index) * [Function Details](#functions) Logging Event Handler - provides a gen_event based logging infrastructure which is very lightweight, at relatively low cost. __Behaviours:__ [`gen_event`](gen_event.md). ##Description## Whilst we aren't going to win any prizes for efficiency, we _only_ deal with logging test related information, so we can probably afford to be relatively lazy here. This approach also enables us to remain basically framework agnostic, and does allow a user (in theory) to provide a custom log handler that delegates to their own logging framework of choice. ##Function Index##
log/2Writes (with formatting as per log/3) to all logging handlers.
log/3Writes to the logging handler Scope, formatting Fmt with Args.
start/0Starts the default systest logging handler: 'system'.
start/3Starts a log handler registered with Id, using the callback module Mod and the io-device (i.e., file descriptor or registered io handling process name) Output.
start_file/2Starts a logging handler registered with 'Id', that outputs to File.
start_file/3as start_file/2, but takes a callback module.
##Function Details## ###activate_logging_subsystem/3## `activate_logging_subsystem(SubSys, Id, LogBase) -> any()` ###code_change/3## `code_change(OldVsn, State, Extra) -> any()` ###handle_call/2## `handle_call(X1, State) -> any()` ###handle_event/2## `handle_event(Message, State) -> any()` ###handle_info/2## `handle_info(Info, State) -> any()` ###init/1## `init(X1) -> any()` ###log/2## `log(Fmt, Args) -> any()` Writes (with formatting as per log/3) to all logging handlers. ###log/3## `log(Scope, Fmt, Args) -> any()` Writes to the logging handler Scope, formatting Fmt with Args. This should work in much the same way as io:format/2 does, although this is implementation dependent to some extent. ###start/0## `start() -> any()` Starts the default systest logging handler: 'system'. ###start/3## `start(Id, Mod, Output) -> any()` Starts a log handler registered with Id, using the callback module Mod and the io-device (i.e., file descriptor or registered io handling process name) Output. ###start_file/2## `start_file(Id, File) -> any()` Starts a logging handler registered with 'Id', that outputs to File. ###start_file/3## `start_file(Id, Mod, Path) -> any()` as start_file/2, but takes a callback module. ###start_link/0## `start_link() -> any()` ###terminate/2## `terminate(Reason, State) -> any()` ###write_log/4## `write_log(EvId, Fd, What, Args) -> any()`