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OGQL Specification

The document describes the (informal) specification for Object Graph Qualification Language (OGQL). OGQL is effectively a search extension that provides a neat syntax for constructing an object graph based on simple conditions describing the graph edges you wish to traverse, along with a series of filters that can be applied to the vertices (instance data nodes) of each edge.

A Language for Graph Traversal

The basic purpose of the API is to provide a high level language that describes a graph traversal. Predicates are applied to both the vertices and edges of the graph, controlling the paths that will be selected.

The result of an OGQL query can be returned in various ways, but the primary type of result set is an adjacency list annotated with the path for each record (represented as a delimited string of object ids) and the distance from the starting point. The ordering of the records is depth first by default, which actually means ordered by path and distance in practise. This CAN be overridden if required, as described later in this document.

Alternative representations (such as pivoted and hierarchical result sets) are provided as recommendations elsewhere.

Traversal Rules

The rules governing traversal are fairly simple. Each edge must be directly connected to its immediate ancestor via the providing end of the association (i.e., the right node of the previous step must match the left node of the following). For any edge selected, both nodes MUST satisfy ALL join conditions declared in the step for the edge to be included in the result set.

Basic Syntax

The basic syntax of an OGQL query is expressed by the following PEG grammar:

query                       <- (intersection / union / set)+ subquery?;
set                         <- (negated_traversal_operator / 
                                recursion_operator)? (name_predicate / 
                                                      type_predicate /
                                                      filter_predicate /
                                                      group) ;
intersection                <- set intersect_operator query ;
union                       <- set union_operator query ;
subquery                    <- subquery_operator query ;
group                       <- ('(' (!')' query)* ')') ;
name_predicate              <- (![A-Z] word)+ bracketed_expression? ;
type_predicate              <- ('?' / (![a-z] word)+)+ bracketed_expression? ;
axis_predicate              <- (&'^' (![A-Z] word))+ ;
filter_predicate            <- (&name_predicate bracketed_expression) /
                                (&type_predicate bracketed_expression) ;
bracketed_expression        <- ('[' (!']' expression_list)* ']') ;
expression_list             <- head:expression tail:(junction expression)* ;
junction                    <- conjunction / disjunction ;
conjunction                 <- space+ 'AND' space+ ;
disjunction                 <- space+ 'OR'  space+ ;
expression                  <- data_point space? operator space? data_point_or_literal ;
data_point_or_literal       <- data_point / literal ;
data_point                  <- axis? '::' member_name ;
axis                        <- normative_axis / backreference '.' normative_axis ;
normative_axis              <- 'provider' / 'consumer' / 'left' / 'right' ;
backreference               <- (&'@' index)+ ;
member_name                 <- '$(' (!')' .)+ ')' / (![A-Z] word)+ / axis_predicate ;
operator                    <- '@' / 'eq' / 'gt' / 'lt' / 'neq' / 'lteq' / 'gteq' /
                                 'like' / 'matches' / 'contains' / 'in' /
                                 'starts_with' / 'ends_with' / 'path_exists' ;
literal                     <- literal_string / literal_number / date /
                                 version / boolean / constant ;
literal_string              <- "'" (!"'" .)* "'" ;
literal_number              <- literal_float / literal_int ;
literal_float               <- [0-9]+ '.' [0-9]+ ;
literal_int                 <- [0-9]+ ;
date                        <- 'DATE(' (!')' .)* ')' ;
version                     <- 'VSN(' (!')' .)* ')' ;
boolean                     <- 'TRUE' / 'FALSE' ;
constant                    <- ":" word+ ;
index                       <- [0-9]+ ;
%asset_name                  <- [\\w_]+ ;
%semver                      <- ([0-9]+ '.' [0-9]+ '.' [0-9]+) ;
word                        <- [\\w\\-_]+ ;
space                       <- [ \\t\\n\\s\\r] / crlf ;
crlf                        <- [\\r]? [\\n] ;
%sep                         <- (space+)? traversal_operator (space+)? ;
intersect_operator          <- (space+)? '=>' (space+)? ;
union_operator              <- (space+)? ',' (space+)? ;
subquery_operator           <- (space+)? '<-' (space+)? ;
negated_traversal_operator  <- '!' ;
recursion_operator          <- '*' ;

Structure, Traversal and Joining

An OGQL query is broken up into a set of ordered steps, defining how edges are to be connected. There are two primary kinds of step (to be discussed shortly), which can be extended with additional constraints to increase the selectivity of the edges chosen when producing the result set.

Steps are wired together using join operators, which define the relationship between edges.

The three join operators supported are

  1. intersection - written as a => b
  2. union - written as a, b
  3. relative complement - written as a | b

All the join operators are right associative. When intersection takes place, The parent/provider vertex (node) of each edge MUST be a child/consumer vertex (node) from the output of the previous step in order to qualify.

To make this clear, we can look at the following graph, represented as a list of edges (x, y):

[(b, d), (d, z), (c, e), (a, b), (b, c), (e, f), (n, k), (k, v)]

The adjacency list for this graph, starting at a would look like this:

distance      path
1             a => b
2             b => c
3             c => e
4             e => f
2             b => d
3             d => z

Note that the edges (n, k), (k, v) are not included in the results, because they are not found anywhere on the path from the starting point a. Understanding this constraint is vital.

The union operator, on the other hand, produces the (distinct) set of edges from two steps. In the case a, b, all a's and all b's will be returned (as a distinct set) in a flat adjacency list. A union is mostly useful as a consuming step in an intersection, for example

a-b => (b-c, b-d)

In this case, the b's in the union are candidates for intersecting with the b from the right nodes of the preceding step in the intersection.

Another important aspect of union is that all the right nodes in the set are potential inputs to any subsequent steps. We could thus produce two distinct paths through the previous graph like so:

a-b => b-c, b-d => c-e, d-z

In both the previous examples, we can introduce parenthesis as a form of grouping, although this isn't required because of the relative fixity of these operations. For clarity, the query above can be rewritten as

a-b => ((b-c, b-d) => (c-e, d-z))

The relative complement operation simply acts as a filter, producing all the edges in the preceding step whose right nodes do not match any left node in the following step. Because of the associativity rules, these filtered edges become the inputs to the next step, so that we can construct a query such as this (with parenthesis given for readability):

((a-b | b-c) => (b-d => d-z))

This effect can also be achieved using the various kinds of predicate available in the query, which will now be discussed in more detail.

The Implicit Name Predicate

The first and most important step predicate is the implicit name predicate which is used to filter the edges before further filtering is applied to its constituent vertices. This predicate is applied by gathering only associations (the edges of our graph) that somehow match the given name. Because this specification is deliberately vague with regards to implementation details, the tagging of graph edges could mean various things:

  • an in-memory graph might keep a tag field along with the vertices for edges
  • an object model (a la Java/.NET) might use a field/accessor name
  • an rdbms-based implementation might use a column or link/link-table name

In any case, if we are traversing the following model:

    +----------+ Stock +---------------+ Supplier
    |                                       |
    | (whstock)                             | (supContract)
    +             (whcontract)              +
Warehouse +----------------------------+ Contract

We might issue an OGQL query such as whstock which would return all warehouses and all their associated stocks, because the association type between these two is named whstock and that was the (implicit) predicate we applied to the query.

Another example would be traversing from the Warehouse via a Stock to a specific Supplier, which would be achieved with the query whstock => stockSupplier. In this case, the edges identified in the first step would be used to filter over all the stockSupplier edges based on the Stock nodes themselves, guaranteeing that you only link to suppliers whose Stock you currently hold.

Type Name Predicates

Whereas an implicit name predicate filters on a named association - which we might think of as a kind of tagged edge in our graph - a predicate on a Type Name filters by Type. Clearly this concept is going to be implementation dependant, so that for a language with static typing (such as C++, Java, .NET and the like) the Type Name might be an indication of the classifier for the type hierarchy to which the vertices belong. A database driven implementation might equally use this to indicate a table (or noSQL bucket) name, or even a type indicator column in an EAV schema.

The primary rule governing Type Name Predicates is thus; When the predicate occurs in the initial step of a query, it indicates the type of the providing vertices in the first set of edges produced (i.e., the right nodes). In all other positions within the query, the predicate indicates the type of any consuming vertex (i.e., the left nodes). By way of example then, in the following query, the initial predicate acts as a filter on the edges produced by the second (following) step. In contrast, the final predicate indicates that any edge containing left nodes of the given type, should be returned, regardless of the type of edge it is (i.e., without reference to the tagging of edges that we see with implicit name predicates). Obviously the rules governing the use of the intersection operator still apply, such that only edges with inputs matching the outputs of the previous step(s) are valid:

Person => person-customer => Account

Filter Predicates

A filter predicate immediately follows either an implicit name predicate or a type name predicate. It is an expression enclosed in square brackets.

Access to the nodes (connected by an association) is achieved by specifying the axes on which the node lies. The two axes which MUST be supported are parent and child which refer to the left and right nodes of the association respectively. Implementations MAY alias these axes using the terms provider (for parent) and consumer (for child). Attributes of the edge nodes are accessed by specifying the required axis, followed by a double colon, followed by an attribute name. For example, to access the homepage property of a WebSite object on the child axis, you would specify WebSite[consumer::homepage].

The binary operations supported in filter predicates are:

  • Equals, written as eq
  • Greater-Than, written as gt
  • Less-Than, written as lt
  • Greater-Then or Equals, written as gteq
  • Less-Than or Equals, written as lteq
  • Contains, written as contains
  • Starts-With, written as starts_with
  • Ends-With, written as ends_with
  • Like (which accepts the wildcard %), written as like
  • Matches (taking a PCRE formatted regular expression), written as matches
  • Path-Exists (taking an XPath expression), written as path_exists
Literal Handling

Literal strings should be enclosed in single quotation marks, like so:

parent::$(display) contains 'Managed'

No syntactic distinction is made between floating point and decimal numbers, as these are non-mandatory and the same applies to dates versus timestamps. For numbers, no special treatment is necessary:

::max-connections gt 24        # integers
::max-load-threshold gt 85.9   # floats

Boolean values are expressed using two built-in constants, TRUE and FALSE. These MUST be upper cased in order to be recognised as boolean values. Other, user defined constants, SHOULD be referenced using the :<name> syntax.

Attributes containing Date information are also handled specially, by enclosing a date string in a pseudo-function DATE(...). For example:

::date-of-birth > DATE(12-04-1965)

Composite Filter Predicates

Each step may define multiple filter predicates, using a logical conjunction (expressed as AND) or disjunction (an OR) to join them. In the following example, we filter for customers with either gold account status or a good credit rating.

x-account[consumer::ac-status='gold' AND consumer::cr-rating `gt` CR_GOOD]

An implementation MUST evaluate predicates combined in this way by performing a full match of ALL the conditions given. The fixity of logical junctions is the same as that of the join operators, thus an implementation MUST evaluate them with precedence given to the expression(s) on the right (so that the expression 'a' AND 'b' OR 'c', is equivalent to 'a' AND ('b' OR 'c').

Grouping and SubQueries

Because the input to a step is always the output of the previous step - with the exception of the initial (root) step of the query - the default behaviour of a query is produce its output depth first. If we use an indentation based format - YAML in this case - to represent a simple result set, we can get an idea of this:

# (step1@(a-b => (b-c, b-d)) => step2@(b-k, b-n) => n-z)

Clearly the only outputs from step1 which are also acceptable inputs for step2, are b's and not c's or d's. Unfortunately only the outputs of the last step are going to be joined, therefore the intersection between a-b has already completed and the union of b-c, b-d for each b in a-b becomes the output for step1, causing step2 to be empty (as no b's have made it through to become its inputs).

Subqueries solve this grouping problem neatly. The whole subquery is applied to its target step depth first, but the results are effectively dropped when joining to the following step, such that the outputs of the step to which the subquery has been applied produces the inputs to the step following the subquery itself. If we change our example to use a subquery, we will see this in action:

# (step1@(a-b <- (b-c, b-d)) => step2@(b-k, b-n) => n-z)

The syntax for a subquery then, is <target> <- <subquery>, where both target and subquery are valid queries (or steps).

The order in which vertices are connected is generally the same order in which they're defined in the query. Thus if we grab order history for Customers, along with the Products purchased and any special Offers, we will obtain an order that reflects this:

# Query
customerOrders => orderProducts => productOffers

# Result Set
( Customer[Joe Blogs] => Order[1234] )
( Order[1234]         => Product[Ice Cream] )
( Product[Ice Cream]  => Offer[2-4-1] )

Edges can be grouped together at the same depth by applying a union, which by definition returns all its edges at the same distance to the preceding step. In the following query then, Products and Services are treated as siblings:

customerOrders => (orderProducts, orderServices) => serviceTerms

The most important point about this grouping is that the edges participating in the union, MUST all be connected to the output of the step, such that the consuming vertices from each of the prior edges are providing vertices in all of the edges (in all of the resulting edge sets) within the union group.

This example (above) further illustrates the way edges from a union are conjoined in following steps. The serviceTerms edges will appear for each Service in the orderServices set, but clearly there is no conjoining association between Product and Service so we will see a result set that looks something like this:

( 1, Customer['Joe Blogs']      => Order[1234] )
( 2, Order[1234]                => Service['Free Delivery'] )
( 3, Service['Free Delivery']   => Term[108641] )
( 2, Order[1234]                => Product['Ice Cream'] )

This time we'll use XML to get a feel for the traversal order:

<customer name="Joe Blogs">
    <order id="1234">
        <product name="Ice Cream" />
        <service name="Free Delivery">
            <term id=108641 condition="once-per-order"
                            level="48hr" />

If the model defined a relationship with Term, that existed for both Product and Service, we would see both sets of edges of conjoining nodes returned by the query (providing of course that the data points exist):

# Query
customerOrders => 
    (orderProducts, orderServices) => 

# Result Set
( 1, Customer['Joe Blogs']      => Order[1234] )
( 2, Order[1234]                => Product['Ice Cream'] )
( 3, Product['Ice Cream']       => Term[1135647] )
( 2, Order[1234]                => Service['Free Delivery'] )
( 3, Service['Free Delivery']   => Term[108641] )

And again in XML format:

<customer name="Joe Blogs">
    <order id="1234">
        <product name="Ice Cream">
            <term id="1135647" condition="statutory"
                               description="Manufacturers Guarantee" />
        <service name="Free Delivery">
            <term id="108641" condition="once-per-order"
                              level="best endeavours" />

In the preceding example, we moved from an implicit name predicate to a more expressive Type Name Predicate, indicating that we're interested in returning all objects of type Term which are associated with consumer/right nodes of the preceding steps (i.e., any Term that is associated with any Product in the orderProducts set or any Service in the orderServices set). We also used a filter predicate on the Type Name, to limit our results to Terms which are currently active.

Recursive Join Conditions

Sometimes it is necessary to find a recursive path through the input graph. We illustrate this with the following example:

|        |
|        | personRoles (^) / roleRelationship (v)
+        |

Let's take a sample data set for a small management chain:

Person =>   Role      =>  Person/Relationship
John   =>   Manager   =>  Julie
Julie  =>   Manager   =>  Susan

If we started our traversal with John, we would need to continue cycling through the associations between Person and Person via Role in order to generate a complete graph. If we were to write this query without informing the OGQL engine about the requirement for cycles, it would terminate too early:

# Query
personRoles => roleRelationship

# Result Set
( 1, Person['John']  => Role['Manager'] )
( 2, Role['Manager'] => Person['Julie'] )

When we want to follow the recursion in the input graph, we must explicitly tell the query engine this by prefixing the step with an asterisk. In a self referential association, we can do this on the implicit name predicate directly. So if the relationship was defined as Person-2-Person, we could apply the recursive join operator directly, like so:

# Query

We need to allow the recursion to traverse the additional association via Role therefore we apply the operator to the intersection of both steps instead:

# Query
*(personRoles => roleRelationship)

# Result Set
( 1, Person['John']  => Role['Manager'] )
( 2, Role['Manager'] => Person['Julie'] )
( 3, Person['Julie]  => Role['Manager] )
( 4, Role['Manager'] => Person['Susan'] )

Note that the distance from the start point increments contiguously, which is a feature of the traversal-order grouping that the intersection operator provides.

Step Aliases and Back-reference join conditions

Let's consider the following query defintion:

group1@(customer-order => order-supplier)

The <ref-name>@<step> syntax is used to provide an alias for a step, so that the named step may be used later on, in filter conditions.

Most edges are selected based on a single join condition, being later filtered by either implicit name predicate, Type Predicate, filter predicate or some combination of all the above. This primary join condition (as it is known) ensures that each child of a step in the query, MUST be the ancestor of one or more children in the following step, otherwise the path for that node WILL be terminated.

Whilst it is not possible to remove this primary join condition, it is possible to place additional constraints on the selection of edges, such that you can enforce the existence of multiple relationships to be present.

We take a simple example: producing an order history. Our history is produced by selecting an initial Customer node, grabbing all the customers Orders, all the Products for each Order and all the Offers for the Products. The query looks like this:

# Query
customerOrders => orderProducts => productOffers

# Result Set
( Customer[Joe Blogs] => Order[1234] )
( Order[1234]         => Product['Ice Cream'] )
( Product[Ice Cream]  => Offer[2-4-1] )

Whilst the results look right, it could be that this Offer was not applicable when the Order was placed/purchased, because of date/time limits for example. In this case, we could model the relationship between Offer and Order in an association type orderOffersApplied. Given this relationship, the OGQL query can filter the Offers by both the Product and Order like so:

# Query
customerOrders => 
    varname@(Product[consumer::type = 'Food']) =>

# Result Set
( Customer[Joe Blogs] => Order[1234] )
( Order[1234]         => Product[Ice Cream] )
## note that the incorrectly returned Offer his disappeared now...

The orderOffersApplied relationship exists on the Order object, which is the consuming object in the first step of the query. We therefore use a named variable as our back-reference, pointing to the second step: @varname. By itself, this isn't quite enough, as the in-step predicate is a relationship name, therefore we need to know whether it is the providing or consuming node that we should check. The syntax for this is @<StepRef>.<Axis>, as in @varname.consumer.

The next bit of syntax we must pay attention to is the accessor in the predicate. When square brackets appear after an implicit name predicate, they may indicate a back-reference join condition, or a standard filter predicate on one of the two nodes in the edge (provider or consumer). The presence of a back-reference to @varname is enough to know which kind of condition we're evaluating, but we need to know how the target of the back-reference is related to the consumer nodes in the current set of edges.

Normally the :: accessor denotes a lookup on either standard attributes or a specific attribute type. In this case however, it is prefixed with a ^ which denotes an association type (provided as an instance of an implicit name predicate). So the condition productOffers[@varname.consumer::^orderOffersApplied] can be read like this:

All edges in the productOffers set,
    where a consumer asset of the step aliased with 'varname'
        is connected to the consumer asset of the current (productOffers) set
    as a provider asset in the relationship "orderOffersApplied"