So this guy did amazing work I'm going to do the php file and then put it here.
For the new OpeSimulator DEV
DTL/NSL Money Server by Fumi.Iseki and NSL , here is my test revision.
This is currently being tested with:
opensim- Dev - 50 target vs2019 mono 6.xx.x
Status works.
Test Grid:
Viewer link: secondlife://http|!!|8002+Welcome
binary testfiles Ubuntu 18 + Scripts + Money + landtool:
copy addon-modules to addon-modules
copy bin to bin
copy helper to web (www/html/helper) - work in progress
landtool.php works please insert the MySQL data in the landtool.php file.
This landtool.php version is standalone.
currency.php work in progress.
chmod +x
msbuild /p:Configuration=Release
start Visual studio with OpenSim.sln
or run compile.bat
Config: Robust, MoneyServer and OpenSim.
Start: 1. Robust, 2. MoneyServer, 3. OpenSim regions.
INFO: On Windows and Visual Studio, the Money Server only starts when mysql is running and config is set.