This is a repo to explore a solution to vcr/vcr#284.
This repo contains an example of generating dynamic response data based on request URI values. This implementation is not officially supported by VCR and uses private method hooks, so YMMV.
Requesting for "testd6ece47420e08c9aef1503a637d336e9" callback value
Received "testd6ece47420e08c9aef1503a637d336e9" method.
.Requesting for 'testmethod' callback value
Received "testmethod" method.
Finished in 0.80622 seconds
2 examples, 0 failures
Requesting for 'testmethod' callback value
Received "testmethod" method.
.Requesting for "testd23db33bd815b243fcc9bb0702e2b8ac" callback value
Received "testd23db33bd815b243fcc9bb0702e2b8ac" method.
Finished in 0.03636 seconds
2 examples, 0 failures