diff --git a/doc/configuration.rst b/doc/configuration.rst index 10a7a0a..73e719d 100644 --- a/doc/configuration.rst +++ b/doc/configuration.rst @@ -85,7 +85,6 @@ The options for the VIC model include: * ``net_long``: net downward longwave flux [W/m2] * ``net_short``: net downward shortwave flux [W/m2 - * ``snow_cover``: fractional area of snow cover [fraction] * ``salbedo``: snow pack albedo [fraction] * ``snow_depth``: depth of snow pack [cm] @@ -100,13 +99,10 @@ The options for the VIC model include: * ``surfstor``: storage of liquid water and ice (not snow) on surface (ponding) [mm] * ``swe``: snow water equivalent in snow pack (including vegetation-intercepted snow) [mm] * ``wdew``: total moisture interception storage in canopy [mm] - * ``zwt``: water table position [cm] (zwt within lowest unsaturated layer) - * ``zwt_lumped``: lumped water table position [cm] (zwt of total moisture across all layers, lumped together) * ``baseflow``: baseflow out of the bottom layer [mm] * ``evap``: total net evaporation [mm] * ``evap_bare``: net evaporation from bare soil [mm] * ``evap_canop``: net evaporation from canopy interception [mm] - * ``inflow``: moisture that reaches top of soil column [mm] * ``prec``: incoming precipitation [mm] * ``rainf``: rainfall [mm] * ``refreeze``: refreezing of water in the snow [mm] @@ -116,32 +112,20 @@ The options for the VIC model include: * ``transp_veg``: net transpiration from vegetation [mm] * ``albedo``: average surface albedo [fraction] * ``baresoilt``: bare soil surface temperature [C] - * ``rad_temp``: average radiative surface temperature [K] - * ``snow_pack_temp``: snow pack temperature [C] * ``snow_surf_temp``: snow surface temperature [C] * ``soil_temp``: soil temperature [C] for each soil layer - * ``soil_tnode``: soil temperature [C] for each soil thermal node * ``surf_temp``: average surface temperature [C] * ``vegt``: average vegetation canopy temperature [C] * ``advection``: advected energy [W/m2] * ``grnd_flux``: net heat flux into ground [W/m2] - * ``in_long``: incoming longwave at ground surface (under veg) [W/m2] * ``latent``: net upward latent heat flux [W/m2] * ``melt_energy``: energy of fusion (melting) in snowpack [W/m2] - * ``r_net``: net downward radiation flux [W/m2] * ``rfrz_energy``: net energy used to refreeze liquid water in snowpack [W/m2] * ``sensible``: net upward sensible heat flux [W/m2] - * ``snow_flux``: energy flux through snow pack [W/m2] * ``aero_cond``: "scene" aerodynamic conductance [m/s] * ``air_temp``: air temperature [C] * ``longwave``: incoming longwave [W/m2] - * ``pressure``: near surface atmospheric pressure [kPa] - * ``qair``: specific humidity [kg/kg] - * ``rel_humid``: relative humidity [%] * ``shortwave``: incoming shortwave [W/m2] - * ``tskc``: cloud cover fraction [fraction] - * ``vegcover``: fractional area of plants [fraction] - * ``wind``: near surface wind speed [m/s] * ``observations``: a comma-separated list of the observations to be assimilated into VIC. Any of the datasets with ``AS`` mode outlined in the :ref:`database table ` can be used with their table name (without the schema, e.g. ``grace``) * ``update``: the date or frequency when assimilation should be performed. Valid options for the assimilation frequency are: ``daily``, ``weekly``, and ``monthly``. If this option is not set, assimilation is performed whenever the observation is available during the simulation period. When performing a forecast simulation, this option is not taken into account and assimilation is performed at the forecast initialization date @@ -153,7 +137,7 @@ The options for the DSSAT model include: * ``shapefile``: a shapefile contains the areas (e.g. administrative boundaries) for which DSSAT will be run (*required*) * ``ensemble size``: the size of the ensemble to be used (*optional*) -* ``assimilate``: flag indicating whether to assimilate soil moisture and LAI observations (*optional*) +* ``assimilate``: flag indicating whether to assimilate soil moisture (``sm``), LAI (``lai``) observations or both (*optional*)