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GeneLab bioinformatics processing pipeline for Illumina RNA-sequencing data

This page holds an overview and instructions for how GeneLab processes RNAseq datasets. Exact processing commands and GL-DPPD-7101 revision used for specific datasets are available in the GLDS_Processing_Scripts sub-directory and are also provided with their processed data in the GeneLab Data Systems (GLDS) repository.

Date: August 6, 2019
Revision: A
Document Number: GL-DPPD-7101-A

Submitted by:
Amanda Saravia-Butler (GeneLab Data Processing Team)

Approved by:
Sylvain Costes (GeneLab Project Manager)
Samrawit Gebre (GeneLab Deputy Project Manager)
Homer Fogle (GeneLab Data Processing Representative)
Jonathan Galazka (GeneLab Project Scientist)
John Costa Sr. (GeneLab Configuration Manager)

Updates from original pipeline

The original pipeline only contained commands for steps 1-6. Revision A adds step 7, which includes instructions for generating normalized counts, differential gene expression (DGE) analysis with DESeq2, and adds annotations to the DGE output tables.

Note that steps 1-6 are identical to the original pipeline and since all RNAseq processed datasets (that contain more than one biological replicate per group) are processed through DGE, the original pipeline is not provided as a stand-alone document.

Table of contents

Software used

Program Version* Relevant Links
FastQC fastqc -v
MultiQC multiqc -v
Cutadapt cutadapt --version
TrimGalore! trim_galore -v
STAR STAR --version
RSEM rsem-calculate-expression --version
Bioconductor BiocManager::version()
DESeq2 packageVersion("DESeq2")
tximport packageVersion("tximport")
tidyverse packageVersion("tidyverse")
STRINGdb packageVersion("STRINGdb")
PANTHER.db packageVersion("PANTHER.db") packageVersion("") packageVersion("") packageVersion("") packageVersion("")
org.At.tair.db packageVersion("org.At.tair.db") packageVersion("")
org.Sc.sgd.db packageVersion("org.Sc.sgd.db")

* Exact versions are available along with the processing commands for each specific dataset in the GLDS_Processing_Scripts sub-directory.

General processing overview with example commands

Exact processing commands for specific datasets are provided in the GLDS_Processing_Scripts sub-directory and are also provided with their processed data in the GeneLab Data Systems (GLDS) repository.

1a. Raw Data QC

fastqc -o /path/to/raw_fastqc/output/directory *.fastq.gz

Parameter Definitions:

  • -o – the output directory to store results
  • *.fastq.gz – the input reads are specified as a positional argument, and can be given all at once with wildcards like this, or as individual arguments with spaces inbetween them

Input Data:

  • *fastq.gz (raw reads)

Output Data:

  • *fastqc.html (FastQC report)
  • * (FastQC data)

1b. Compile Raw Data QC

multiqc -o /path/to/raw_multiqc/output/directory /path/to/directory/containing/raw_fastqc/files

Parameter Definitions:

  • -o – the output directory to store results
  • /path/to/directory/containing/raw_fastqc/files – the directory holding the output data from the fastqc run, provided as a positional argument

Input Data:

  • *fastqc.html (FastQC report)
  • * (FastQC data)

Output Data:

  • raw_multiqc_report.html (multiqc report)
  • raw_multiqc_report_data (directory containing multiqc data)

2a. Trim/Filter Raw Data

trim_galore --gzip \
  --path_to_cutadapt /path/to/cutadapt \
  --phred33 \
  --illumina \ # if adapters are not illumina, replace with adapters used
  --output_dir /path/to/TrimGalore/output/directory \
  --paired \ # only for PE studies, remove this paramater if raw data are SE
  sample1_R1_raw.fastq.gz sample1_R2_raw.fastq.gz sample2_R1_raw.fastq.gz sample2_R2_raw.fastq.gz
# if SE, replace the last line with only the forward reads (R1) of each sample

Parameter Definitions:

  • --gzip – compress the output files with gzip
  • --path_to_cutadapt - specify path to cutadapt software if it is not in your $PATH
  • --phred33 - instructs cutadapt to use ASCII+33 quality scores as Phred scores for quality trimming
  • --illumina - defines the adapter sequence to be trimmed as the first 13bp of the Illumina universal adapter AGATCGGAAGAGC
  • --output_dir - the output directory to store results
  • --paired - indicates paired-end reads - both reads, forward (R1) and reverse (R2) must pass length threshold or else both reads are removed
  • sample1_R1_raw.fastq.gz sample1_R2_raw.fastq.gz sample2_R1_raw.fastq.gz sample2_R2_raw.fastq.gz – the input reads are specified as a positional argument, paired-end read files are listed pairwise such that the forward reads (*R1_raw.fastq.gz) are immediately followed by the respective reverse reads (*R2_raw.fastq.gz) for each sample

Input Data:

  • *fastq.gz (raw reads)

Output Data:

  • *fastq.gz (trimmed reads)
  • *trimming_report.txt (trimming report)

2b. Trimmed Data QC

fastqc -o /path/to/trimmed_fastqc/output/directory *.fastq.gz

Parameter Definitions:

  • -o – the output directory to store results
  • *.fastq.gz – the input reads are specified as a positional argument, and can be given all at once with wildcards like this, or as individual arguments with spaces inbetween them

Input Data:

  • *fastq.gz (trimmed reads)

Output Data:

  • *fastqc.html (FastQC report)
  • * (FastQC data)

2c. Compile Trimmed Data QC

multiqc -o /path/to/trimmed_multiqc/output/directory /path/to/directory/containing/trimmed_fastqc/files

Parameter Definitions:

  • -n - prefix name for output files
  • -o – the output directory to store results
  • /path/to/directory/containing/trimmed_fastqc/files – the directory holding the output data from the fastqc run, provided as a positional argument

Input Data:

  • *fastqc.html (FastQC report)
  • * (FastQC data)

Output Data:

  • trimmed_multiqc_report.html (multiqc report)
  • trimmed_multiqc_report_data (directory containing multiqc data)

3. Build STAR Reference

STAR --runThreadN NumberOfThreads \
  --runMode genomeGenerate \
  --limitGenomeGenerateRAM 55000000000 \
  --genomeSAindexNbases 14 \
  --genomeDir /path/to/STAR/genome/directory \
  --genomeFastaFiles /path/to/genome/fasta/file \
  --sjdbGTFfile /path/to/annotation/gtf/file \
  --sjdbOverhang ReadLength-1

Parameter Definitions:

  • --runThreadN – number of threads available on server node to create STAR reference
  • --runMode - instructs STAR to run genome indices generation job
  • --limitGenomeGenerateRAM - maximum RAM available (in bytes) to generate STAR reference, at least 35GB are needed for mouse and the example above shows 55GB
  • --genomeSAindexNbases - length (in bases) of the SA pre-indexing string, usually between 10 and 15. Longer strings require more memory but allow for faster searches. This value should be scaled down for smaller genomes (like bacteria) to min(14, log2(GenomeLength)/2 - 1). For example, for a 1 megaBase genome this value would be 9.
  • --genomeDir - specifies the path to the directory where the STAR reference will be stored. At least 100GB of available disk space is required for mammalian genomes.
  • --genomeFastaFiles - specifies one or more fasta file(s) containg the genome reference sequences
  • --sjdbGTFfile – specifies the file(s) containg annotated transcripts in the standard gtf format
  • --sjdbOverhang - indicates the length of the genomic sequence around the annotated junction to be used in constructing the splice junctions database. The length should be one less than the length of the reads.

Input Data:

  • *.fasta (genome sequence#)
  • *.gtf (genome annotation#)

#See document(s) in the GeneLab_Reference_and_Annotation_Files sub-directory for a list of the ensembl fasta genome sequences and associated gtf annotation files used to generate the RNAseq processed data available in the GLDS repository.

Output Data:

STAR genome reference, which consists of the following files:

  • chrLength.txt
  • chrNameLength.txt
  • chrName.txt
  • chrStart.txt
  • Genome
  • genomeParameters.txt
  • SA
  • SAindex
  • sjdbInfo.txt

4. Align reads to reference genome with STAR

STAR --twopassMode Basic \
	--limitBAMsortRAM 65000000000 \
	--genomeDir /path/to/STAR/genome/directory \
	--outSAMunmapped Within \
	--outFilterType BySJout \
	--outSAMattributes NH HI AS NM MD MC \
	--outFilterMultimapNmax 20 \
	--outFilterMismatchNmax 999 \
	--outFilterMismatchNoverReadLmax 0.04 \
	--alignIntronMin 20 \
	--alignIntronMax 1000000 \
	--alignMatesGapMax 1000000 \ # for PE only
	--alignSJoverhangMin 8 \
	--alignSJDBoverhangMin 1 \
	--sjdbScore 1 \
	--readFilesCommand zcat \
	--runThreadN NumberOfThreads \
	--outSAMtype BAM SortedByCoordinate \
	--quantMode TranscriptomeSAM \
	--outSAMheaderHD @HD VN:1.4 SO:coordinate \
	--outFileNamePrefix /path/to/STAR/output/directory/<sample_id> \
	--readFilesIn /path/to/trimmed_forward_reads \
	/path/to/trimmed_reverse_reads # only needed for PE studies

Parameter Definitions:

  • --twopassMode – specifies 2-pass mapping mode; the Basic option instructs STAR to perform the 1st pass mapping, then automatically extract junctions, insert them into the genome index, and re-map all reads in the 2nd mapping pass
  • --limitBAMsortRAM - maximum RAM available (in bytes) to sort the bam files, the example above indicates 65GB
  • --genomeDir - specifies the path to the directory where the STAR reference is stored
  • --outSAMunmapped - specifies ouput of unmapped reads in the sam format; the Within option instructs STAR to output the unmapped reads within the main sam file
  • --outFilterType - specifies the type of filtering; the BySJout option instructs STAR to keep only those reads that contain junctions that passed filtering in the output file
  • --outSAMattributes - list of desired sam attributes in the order desired for the output sam file; sam attribute descriptions can be found here
  • --outFilterMultimapNmax – specifies the maximum number of loci the read is allowed to map to; all alignments will be output only if the read maps to no more loci than this value
  • --outFilterMismatchNmax - maximum number of mismatches allowed to be included in the alignment output
  • --outFilterMismatchNoverReadLmax - ratio of mismatches to read length allowed to be included in the alignment output; the 0.04 value indicates that up to 4 mismatches are allowed per 100 bases
  • --alignIntronMin - minimum intron size; a genomic gap is considered an intron if its length is equal to or greater than this value, otherwise it is considered a deletion
  • --alignIntronMax - maximum intron size
  • --alignMatesGapMax - maximum genomic distance (in bases) between two mates of paired-end reads; this option should be removed for single-end reads
  • --alignSJoverhangMin - minimum overhang (i.e. block size) for unannotated spliced alignments
  • --alignSJDBoverhangMin - minimum overhang (i.e. block size) for annotated spliced alignments
  • --sjdbScore - additional alignment score for alignments that cross database junctions
  • --readFilesCommand - specifies command needed to interpret input files; the zcat option indicates input files are compressed with gzip and zcat will be used to uncompress the gzipped input files
  • --runThreadN - indicates the number of threads to be used for STAR alignment and should be set to the number of available cores on the server node
  • --outSAMtype - specifies desired output format; the BAM SortedByCoordinate options specify that the output file will be sorted by coordinate and be in the bam format
  • --quantMode - specifies the type(s) of quantification desired; the TranscriptomeSAM option instructs STAR to output a separate sam/bam file containing alignments to the transcriptome
  • --outSAMheaderHD - indicates a header line for the sam/bam file
  • --outFileNamePrefix - specifies the path to and prefix for the output file names; for GeneLab the prefix is the sample id
  • --readFilesIn - path to input read 1 (forward read) and read 2 (reverse read); for paired-end reads, read 1 and read 2 should be separated by a space; for single-end reads only read 1 should be indicated

Input Data:

  • STAR genome reference (output from Step 3)
  • *fastq.gz (trimmed reads)

Output Data:

  • *Aligned.sortedByCoord.out.bam# (sorted mapping to genome)
  • *Aligned.toTranscriptome.out.bam# (sorted mapping to transcriptome)
  • * (log file conting alignment info/stats such as reads mapped, etc)
  • *Log.out
  • *Log.progress.out
  • *
  • *_STARgenome (directory containing the following:)
    • sjdbInfo.txt
  • *_STARpass1 (directory containing the following:)
  • *_STARtmp (directory containing the following:)
    • BAMsort (directory containing subdirectories that are empty – this was the location for temp files that were automatically removed after successful completion)

#Output files available with RNAseq processed data in the GLDS repository.

5. Build RSEM Reference

rsem-prepare-reference --gtf /path/to/annotation/gtf/file \
	/path/to/genome/fasta/file \

Parameter Definitions:

  • --gtf – specifies the file(s) containg annotated transcripts in the standard gtf format
  • /path/to/genome/fasta/file – specifies one or more fasta file(s) containg the genome reference sequences, provided as a positional argument
  • /path/to/RSEM/genome/directory/RSEM_ref_prefix - specifies the path to the directory where the RSEM reference will be stored and the prefix desired for the RSEM reference files, provided as a positional argument

Input Data:

  • *.fasta (genome sequence#)
  • *.gtf (genome annotation#)

#See document(s) in the GeneLab_Reference_and_Annotation_Files sub-directory for a list of the ensembl fasta genome sequences and associated gtf annotation files used to generate the RNAseq processed data available in the GLDS repository.

Output Data:

RSEM genome reference, which consists of the following files:

  • RSEM_ref_prefix.chrlist
  • RSEM_ref_prefix.grp
  • RSEM_ref_prefix.idx.fa
  • RSEM_ref_prefix.n2g.idx.fa
  • RSEM_ref_prefix.seq
  • RSEM_ref_prefix.ti
  • RSEM_ref_prefix.transcripts.fa

6. Count Aligned Reads with RSEM

rsem-calculate-expression --num-threads NumberOfThreads \
	--alignments \
	--bam \
	--paired-end \
	--seed 12345 \
	--estimate-rspd \
	--no-bam-output \
	--strandedness reverse \
	/path/to/*Aligned.toTranscriptome.out.bam \
	/path/to/RSEM/genome/directory/RSEM_ref_prefix \

Parameter Definitions:

  • --num-threads – specifies the number of threads to use
  • --alignments - indicates that the input file contains alignments in sam, bam, or cram format
  • --bam - specifies that the input alignments are in bam format
  • --paired-end - indicates that the input reads are paired-end reads; this option should be removed if the input reads are single-end
  • --seed - the seed for the random number generators used in calculating posterior mean estimates and credibility intervals; must be a non-negative 32-bit integer
  • --estimate-rspd - instructs RSEM to estimate the read start position distribution (rspd) from the data
  • --no-bam-output - instructs RSEM not to output any bam file
  • --strandedness - defines the strandedness of the RNAseq reads; the reverse option meas all reads are derived from the reverse strand, which should be used for Illumina TruSeq Stranded protocols
  • /path/to/*Aligned.toTranscriptome.out.bam - specifies path to input bam files, provided as a positional argument
  • /path/to/RSEM/genome/directory/RSEM_ref_prefix - specifies the path to the directory where the RSEM reference is stored and its prefix, provided as a positional argument
  • /path/to/RSEM/counts/output/directory – specifies the path to and prefix for the output file names; for GeneLab the prefix is the sample id

Input Data:

  • RSEM genome reference (output from Step 5)
  • *Aligned.toTranscriptome.out.bam (sorted mapping to transcriptome, output from Step 4)

Output Data:

  • *genes.results (counts per gene)
  • *isoforms.results (counts per isoform)
  • *stat (directory containing the following stats files)
    • *cnt
    • *model
    • *theta

7. Normalize Read Counts, Perform Differential Gene Expression Analysis, and Add Gene Annotations in R

7a. For Datasets with ERCC Spike-In

## Install R packages if not already installed

if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))

## Install annotation R packages if not already installed - only the annotation package for the organism that the data were derived from is required


##### Set up your environment #####

## Import libraries (tximport, DESeq2, tidyverse)


## Define which organism is used in the study - this should be consistent with the name in the organisms.csv file, which matches the abbreviations used in the Panther database for each organism

organism <- "organism_that_samples_were_derived_from"

## Create a *metadata.csv file, which indicates the group each samples belongs to, and put that file in your `work_dir`

## Define the location of the input data and where the ouput data will be printed to
work_dir="/path/to/working/directory" ## Must contain organisms.csv and *metadata.csv files

## Set your working directory to the directory containing the *metadata.csv file for the GLDS dataset being processed

##### Import *metadata.csv file #####

study <- read.csv(Sys.glob(file.path(work_dir,"*metadata.csv")), header = TRUE, row.names = 1, stringsAsFactors = TRUE)

##### Format groups and indicate the group that each sample belongs to #####

if (dim(study) >= 2){
	group<-apply(study,1,paste,collapse = " & ") # concatenate multiple factors into one condition per sample
} else{
group_names <- paste0("(",group,")",sep = "") # human readable group names
group <- make.names(group) # group naming compatible with R models
names(group) <- group_names

##### Format contrasts table, defining pairwise comparisons for all groups #####

contrasts <- combn(levels(factor(group)),2) # generate matrix of pairwise group combinations for comparison
contrast.names <- combn(levels(factor(names(group))),2)
contrast.names <- c(paste(contrast.names[1,],contrast.names[2,],sep = "v"),paste(contrast.names[2,],contrast.names[1,],sep = "v")) # format combinations for output table files names
contrasts <- cbind(contrasts,contrasts[c(2,1),])
colnames(contrasts) <- contrast.names

##### Import RSEM raw (gene) count data #####

files <- list.files(file.path(counts_dir),pattern = ".genes.results", full.names = TRUE)
names(files) <- rownames(study)
txi.rsem <- tximport(files, type = "rsem", txIn = FALSE, txOut = FALSE)

## Add 1 to genes with lengths of zero - needed to make DESeqDataSet object 
txi.rsem$length[txi.rsem$length == 0] <- 1

##### Make DESeqDataSet object #####

## Create data frame defining which group each sample belongs to
sampleTable <- data.frame(condition=factor(group))
rownames(sampleTable) <- colnames(txi.rsem$counts)

dds <- DESeqDataSetFromTximport(txi.rsem, sampleTable, ~condition)

##### Filter out genes with counts of less than 10 in all samples #####

keep <- rowSums(counts(dds)) > 10
dds <- dds[keep,]

##### Prepare filtered data to be normalized with and without considering ERCC genes #####

## Make a DESeqDataSet object using only filtered ERCC genes, which will be used for ERCC-normalization
ercc_rows <- grep("ERCC-",rownames(dds))
ercc_dds <- dds[ercc_rows,]

## Remove samples that do not contain ERCC counts
## Note: All samples should contain ERCC spike-in and thus ERCC counts, if some samples do not contain ERCC counts, those samples should be removed and not used for downstream analysis
ercc_dds <- ercc_dds[,colSums(counts(ercc_dds)) > 0]

##### Generate a DESeqDataSet object using only non-ERCC genes #####

## dds_1 will be used to generate data without considering ERCC genes
dds_1 <- dds[-c(ercc_rows),] # remove ERCCs from full counts table

## dds_2 will be used to generate data with considering ERCC genes
dds_2 <- dds_1

##### Perform DESeq analysis with and without considering ERCC genes #####

## Run DESeq analysis with ERCC-normalization by replacing size factor object with ERCC size factors for rescaling
dds_2 <- estimateSizeFactors(dds_2, controlGenes=counts(ercc_dds))
dds_2 <- estimateDispersions(dds_2)
dds_2 <- nbinomWaldTest(dds_2)

## Run DESeq analysis without considering ERCC genes
dds_1 <- DESeq(dds_1)

##### Export unnormalized, normalized, and ERCC-normalized counts as well as the sample table #####

normCounts =, normalized=TRUE))
ERCCnormCounts =, normalized=TRUE))


##### Generate F statistic p-value (similar to ANOVA p-value) using DESeq2 likelihood ratio test (LRT) design #####

## Add 1 to all counts to avoid issues with log transformation 
normCounts <- normCounts +1
ERCCnormCounts <- ERCCnormCounts +1

## For non-ERCC normalized data
dds_1_lrt <- DESeq(dds_1, test = "LRT", reduced = ~ 1)
res_1_lrt <- results(dds_1_lrt)

## For ERCC-normalized data
dds_2_lrt <- DESeq(dds_2, test = "LRT", reduced = ~ 1)
res_2_lrt <- results(dds_2_lrt)

##### Generate annotated DGE tables #####

## Import table with organism db objects for annotation
organism_table <- read.csv(file.path(work_dir,"organisms.csv"))

## Load annotation libraries
library(STRINGdb) # for String database annotations
library(PANTHER.db) # for GOSLIM annotations

## Begin building anotation database
ann.dbi <- organism_table$annotations[organism_table$name == organism] # Organism specific gene annotation database
if(!require(ann.dbi, character.only=TRUE)) {
	BiocManager::install(ann.dbi, ask = FALSE)
	library(ann.dbi, character.only=TRUE)

#### Generate annotated DGE table for non-ERCC normalized counts ####

## Start by creating output tables with (non-ERCC) normalized sample expression values

## reduced output table 1 will be used to generate human-readable DGE table
reduced_output_table_1 <- normCounts

## output table 1 will be used to generate computer-readable DGE table, which is used to create GeneLab visualization plots
output_table_1 <- normCounts

## Iterate through Wald Tests to generate pairwise comparisons of all groups
for (i in 1:dim(contrasts)[2]){
	res_1 <- results(dds_1, contrast=c("condition",contrasts[1,i],contrasts[2,i]))
	res_1 <-[,c(2,5,6)]
	colnames(res_1) <-c(paste0("Log2fc_",colnames(contrasts)[i]),paste0("P.value_",colnames(contrasts)[i]),paste0("Adj.p.value_",colnames(contrasts)[i]))
	reduced_output_table_1 <- cbind(reduced_output_table_1,res_1)

## Create annotation table and add gene annotation columns
keytype = "ENSEMBL" # will be different if primary annotations are not ENSEMBL
annot <- data.frame(rownames(output_table_1), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
if ("SYMBOL" %in% columns(eval(parse(text = ann.dbi),env=.GlobalEnv))){
	annot$SYMBOL<-mapIds(eval(parse(text = ann.dbi),env=.GlobalEnv),keys = rownames(output_table_1),keytype = keytype, column = "SYMBOL", multiVals = "first")
if ("GENENAME" %in% columns(eval(parse(text = ann.dbi),env=.GlobalEnv))){
        annot$GENENAME<-mapIds(eval(parse(text = ann.dbi),env=.GlobalEnv),keys = rownames(output_table_1),keytype = keytype, column = "GENENAME", multiVals = "first")
if ("ENSEMBL" %in% columns(eval(parse(text = ann.dbi),env=.GlobalEnv))){
        annot$ENSEMBL<-mapIds(eval(parse(text = ann.dbi),env=.GlobalEnv),keys = rownames(output_table_1),keytype = keytype, column = "ENSEMBL", multiVals = "first")
if ("REFSEQ" %in% columns(eval(parse(text = ann.dbi),env=.GlobalEnv))){
        annot$REFSEQ<-mapIds(eval(parse(text = ann.dbi),env=.GlobalEnv),keys = rownames(output_table_1),keytype = keytype, column = "REFSEQ", multiVals = "first")
if ("ENTREZID" %in% columns(eval(parse(text = ann.dbi),env=.GlobalEnv))){
        annot$ENTREZID<-mapIds(eval(parse(text = ann.dbi),env=.GlobalEnv),keys = rownames(output_table_1),keytype = keytype, column = "ENTREZID", multiVals = "first")

## Create and add string annotation columns to the annotation table
string_db <- STRINGdb$new( version="10", species=organism_table$taxon[organism_table$name == organism],score_threshold=0)
string_map <- string_db$map(annot,"SYMBOL",removeUnmappedRows = FALSE, takeFirst = TRUE)[,c(1,6)]
string_map <- string_map[!duplicated(string_map$SYMBOL),]
annot <- dplyr::left_join(annot,string_map, by = "SYMBOL")

## Create and add columns containing GOSLIM ids using the panther annotation database to the annotation table
pthOrganisms(PANTHER.db) <- organism
panther <- mapIds(PANTHER.db,keys = annot$ENTREZID,keytype = "ENTREZ",column = "GOSLIM_ID", multiVals = "list")
panther <- na.omit(panther)
annot$GOSLIM_IDS <- panther

## Generate and add all sample mean column to the (non-ERCC) normalized counts table
output_table_1$All.mean <- rowMeans(normCounts, na.rm = TRUE, dims = 1)
reduced_output_table_1$All.mean <- rowMeans(normCounts, na.rm = TRUE, dims = 1)

## Generate and add all sample stdev column to the (non-ERCC) normalized counts table
output_table_1$stdev <- rowSds(as.matrix(normCounts), na.rm = TRUE, dims = 1)
reduced_output_table_1$All.stdev <- rowSds(as.matrix(normCounts), na.rm = TRUE, dims = 1)

## Add F statistic p-value (similar to ANOVA p-value) column to the (non-ERCC) normalized counts table
output_table_1$LRT.p.value <- res_1_lrt@listData$padj
reduced_output_table_1$LRT.p.value <- res_1_lrt@listData$padj

## Generate and add group mean and stdev columns to the (non-ERCC) normalized counts table
tcounts <-
tcounts$group <- group
group_means <- ~ group,data = tcounts,mean)))
group_means <- group_means[-c(1),]
colnames(group_means) <- paste0("Group.Mean_",levels(factor(names(group))))
group_stdev <- ~ group,data = tcounts,sd)))
group_stdev <- group_stdev[-c(1),]
colnames(group_stdev) <- paste0("Group.Stdev_",levels(factor(names(group))))

output_table_1 <- cbind(output_table_1,group_means)
reduced_output_table_1 <- cbind(reduced_output_table_1,group_means)

output_table_1 <- cbind(output_table_1,group_stdev)
reduced_output_table_1 <- cbind(reduced_output_table_1,group_stdev)


### Add columns needed to generate GeneLab visulaization plots to the (non-ERCC) normalized counts table

## Add column to indicate the sign (positive/negative) of log2fc for each pairwise comparison
updown_table <- sign(output_table_1[,grep("Log2fc_",colnames(output_table_1))])
colnames(updown_table) <- gsub("Log2fc","Updown",grep("Log2fc_",colnames(output_table_1),value = TRUE))
output_table_1 <- cbind(output_table_1,updown_table)

## Add column to indicate contrast significance with p <= 0.1
sig.1_table <- output_table_1[,grep("P.value_",colnames(output_table_1))]<=.1
colnames(sig.1_table) <- gsub("P.value","Sig.1",grep("P.value_",colnames(output_table_1),value = TRUE))
output_table_1 <- cbind(output_table_1,sig.1_table)

## Add column to indicate contrast significance with p <= 0.05
sig.05_table <- output_table_1[,grep("P.value_",colnames(output_table_1))]<=.05
colnames(sig.05_table) <- gsub("P.value","Sig.05",grep("P.value_",colnames(output_table_1),value = TRUE))
output_table_1 <- cbind(output_table_1,sig.05_table)

## Add columns for the volcano plot with p-value and adjusted p-value
log_pval_table <- log2(output_table_1[,grep("P.value_",colnames(output_table_1))])
colnames(log_pval_table) <- paste0("Log2_",colnames(log_pval_table))
output_table_1 <- cbind(output_table_1,log_pval_table)
log_adj_pval_table <- log2(output_table_1[,grep("Adj.p.value_",colnames(output_table_1))])
colnames(log_adj_pval_table) <- paste0("Log2_",colnames(log_adj_pval_table))
output_table_1 <- cbind(output_table_1,log_adj_pval_table)

### Combine annotations table and the (non-ERCC) normalized counts table

output_table_1 <- cbind(annot,output_table_1)
reduced_output_table_1 <- cbind(annot,reduced_output_table_1)
rownames(output_table_1) <- NULL
rownames(reduced_output_table_1) <- NULL

output_table_1$GOSLIM_IDS <- vapply(output_table_1$GOSLIM_IDS, paste, collapse = ", ", character(1L))
reduced_output_table_1$GOSLIM_IDS <- vapply(reduced_output_table_1$GOSLIM_IDS, paste, collapse = ", ", character(1L))

### Export human- and computer/visualization- readable DGE tables

write.csv(output_table_1,file.path(DGE_output, "visualization_output_table.csv"), row.names = FALSE)
write.csv(contrasts,file.path(DGE_output, "contrasts.csv"))
write.csv(reduced_output_table_1,file.path(DGE_output, "differential_expression.csv"), row.names = FALSE)

### Generate and export PCA table for GeneLab visualization plots

exp_raw <- log2(normCounts)
PCA_raw <- prcomp(t(exp_raw), scale = FALSE)
write.csv(PCA_raw$x,file.path(DGE_output, "visualization_PCA_table.csv"), row.names = TRUE)

#### Generate annotated DGE table for ERCC-normalized counts ####

## Start by creating output tables with ERCC-normalized sample expression values

## reduced output table 2 will be used to generate human-readable DGE table
reduced_output_table_2 <- ERCCnormCounts

## output table 2 will be used to generate computer-readable DGE table, which is used to create GeneLab visualization plots
output_table_2 <- ERCCnormCounts

## Iterate through Wald Tests to generate pairwise comparisons of all groups
for (i in 1:dim(contrasts)[2]){
        res_2 <- results(dds_2, contrast=c("condition",contrasts[1,i],contrasts[2,i]))
        res_2 <-[,c(2,5,6)]
        reduced_output_table_2 <- cbind(reduced_output_table_2,res_2)

## Create annotation table and add gene annotation columns
keytype = "ENSEMBL" # will be different if primary annotations are not ENSEMBL
annot <- data.frame(rownames(output_table_2), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
if ("SYMBOL" %in% columns(eval(parse(text = ann.dbi),env=.GlobalEnv))){
        annot$SYMBOL<-mapIds(eval(parse(text = ann.dbi),env=.GlobalEnv),keys = rownames(output_table_2),keytype = keytype, column = "SYMBOL", multiVals = "first")
if ("GENENAME" %in% columns(eval(parse(text = ann.dbi),env=.GlobalEnv))){
        annot$GENENAME<-mapIds(eval(parse(text = ann.dbi),env=.GlobalEnv),keys = rownames(output_table_2),keytype = keytype, column = "GENENAME", multiVals = "first")
if ("ENSEMBL" %in% columns(eval(parse(text = ann.dbi),env=.GlobalEnv))){
        annot$ENSEMBL<-mapIds(eval(parse(text = ann.dbi),env=.GlobalEnv),keys = rownames(output_table_2),keytype = keytype, column = "ENSEMBL", multiVals = "first")
if ("REFSEQ" %in% columns(eval(parse(text = ann.dbi),env=.GlobalEnv))){
        annot$REFSEQ<-mapIds(eval(parse(text = ann.dbi),env=.GlobalEnv),keys = rownames(output_table_2),keytype = keytype, column = "REFSEQ", multiVals = "first")
if ("ENTREZID" %in% columns(eval(parse(text = ann.dbi),env=.GlobalEnv))){
        annot$ENTREZID<-mapIds(eval(parse(text = ann.dbi),env=.GlobalEnv),keys = rownames(output_table_2),keytype = keytype, column = "ENTREZID", multiVals = "first")

## Create and add string annotation columns to the annotation table
string_db <- STRINGdb$new( version="10", species=organism_table$taxon[organism_table$name == organism],score_threshold=0)
string_map <- string_db$map(annot,"SYMBOL",removeUnmappedRows = FALSE, takeFirst = TRUE)[,c(1,6)]
string_map <- string_map[!duplicated(string_map$SYMBOL),]
annot <- dplyr::left_join(annot,string_map, by = "SYMBOL")

## Create and add columns containing GOSLIM ids using the panther annotation database to the annotation table
pthOrganisms(PANTHER.db) <- organism
panther <- mapIds(PANTHER.db,keys = annot$ENTREZID,keytype = "ENTREZ",column = "GOSLIM_ID", multiVals = "list")
panther <- na.omit(panther)
annot$GOSLIM_IDS <- panther

## Generate and add all sample mean column to the ERCC-normalized counts table
output_table_2$All.mean <- rowMeans(ERCCnormCounts, na.rm = TRUE, dims = 1)
reduced_output_table_2$All.mean <- rowMeans(ERCCnormCounts, na.rm = TRUE, dims = 1)

## Generate and add all sample stdev column to the ERCC-normalized counts table
output_table_2$stdev <- rowSds(as.matrix(ERCCnormCounts), na.rm = TRUE, dims = 1)
reduced_output_table_2$All.stdev <- rowSds(as.matrix(ERCCnormCounts), na.rm = TRUE, dims = 1)

## Add F statistic p-value (similar to ANOVA p-value) column to the ERCC-normalized counts table
output_table_2$LRT.p.value <- res_2_lrt@listData$padj
reduced_output_table_2$LRT.p.value <- res_2_lrt@listData$padj

## Generate and add group mean and stdev columns to the ERCC-normalized counts table
tcounts <-
tcounts$group <- group
group_means <- ~ group,data = tcounts,mean)))
group_means <- group_means[-c(1),]
colnames(group_means) <- paste0("Group.Mean_",levels(factor(names(group))))
group_stdev <- ~ group,data = tcounts,sd)))
group_stdev <- group_stdev[-c(1),]
colnames(group_stdev) <- paste0("Group.Stdev_",levels(factor(names(group))))

output_table_2 <- cbind(output_table_2,group_means)
reduced_output_table_2 <- cbind(reduced_output_table_2,group_means)

output_table_2 <- cbind(output_table_2,group_stdev)
reduced_output_table_2 <- cbind(reduced_output_table_2,group_stdev)


### Add columns needed to generate GeneLab visulaization plots to the ERCC-normalized counts table

## Add column to indicate the sign (positive/negative) of log2fc for each pairwise comparison
updown_table <- sign(output_table_2[,grep("Log2fc_",colnames(output_table_2))])
colnames(updown_table) <- gsub("Log2fc","Updown",grep("Log2fc_",colnames(output_table_2),value = TRUE))
output_table_2 <- cbind(output_table_2,updown_table)

## Add column to indicate contrast significance with p <= 0.1
sig.1_table <- output_table_2[,grep("P.value_",colnames(output_table_2))]<=.1
colnames(sig.1_table) <- gsub("P.value","Sig.1",grep("P.value_",colnames(output_table_2),value = TRUE))
output_table_2 <- cbind(output_table_2,sig.1_table)

## Add column to indicate contrast significance with p <= 0.05
sig.05_table <- output_table_2[,grep("P.value_",colnames(output_table_2))]<=.05
colnames(sig.05_table) <- gsub("P.value","Sig.05",grep("P.value_",colnames(output_table_2),value = TRUE))
output_table_2 <- cbind(output_table_2,sig.05_table)

## Add columns for the volcano plot with p-value and adjusted p-value
log_pval_table <- log2(output_table_2[,grep("P.value_",colnames(output_table_2))])
colnames(log_pval_table) <- paste0("Log2_",colnames(log_pval_table))
output_table_2 <- cbind(output_table_2,log_pval_table)
log_adj_pval_table <- log2(output_table_2[,grep("Adj.p.value_",colnames(output_table_2))])
colnames(log_adj_pval_table) <- paste0("Log2_",colnames(log_adj_pval_table))
output_table_2 <- cbind(output_table_2,log_adj_pval_table)

### Combine annotations table and the ERCC-normalized counts table

output_table_2 <- cbind(annot,output_table_2)
reduced_output_table_2 <- cbind(annot,reduced_output_table_2)
rownames(output_table_2) <- NULL
rownames(reduced_output_table_2) <- NULL

output_table_2$GOSLIM_IDS <- vapply(output_table_2$GOSLIM_IDS, paste, collapse = ", ", character(1L))
reduced_output_table_2$GOSLIM_IDS <- vapply(reduced_output_table_2$GOSLIM_IDS, paste, collapse = ", ", character(1L))

### Export human- and computer/visualization- readable DGE tables

write.csv(output_table_2,file.path(DGE_output_ERCC, "visualization_output_table_ERCCnorm.csv"), row.names = FALSE)
write.csv(contrasts,file.path(DGE_output_ERCC, "ERCCnorm_contrasts.csv"))
write.csv(reduced_output_table_2,file.path(DGE_output_ERCC, "ERCCnorm_differential_expression.csv"), row.names = FALSE)

### Generate and export PCA table for GeneLab visualization plots

exp_raw <- log2(ERCCnormCounts)
PCA_raw <- prcomp(t(exp_raw), scale = FALSE)
write.csv(PCA_raw$x,file.path(DGE_output_ERCC, "visualization_PCA_table_ERCCnorm.csv"), row.names = TRUE)

Input Data:

  • *metadata.csv (csv file identifying which group each sample belongs to for the respective GLDS dataset)
  • organisms.csv (csv file containing short name, species name, taxon ID, and annotation db object of model organisms hosted on GeneLab)
  • *genes.results (RSEM counts per gene, output from step 6)

Output Data:

Output data without considering ERCC spike-in genes:

  • Unnormalized_Counts.csv#
  • Normalized_Counts.csv#
  • SampleTable.csv
  • visualization_output_table.csv##
  • visualization_PCA_table.csv##
  • differential_expression.csv#
  • contrasts.csv#

Output data with considering ERCC spike-in genes:

  • ERCC_Normalized_Counts.csv#
  • visualization_output_table_ERCCnorm.csv##
  • visualization_PCA_table_ERCCnorm.csv##
  • ERCCnorm_differential_expression.csv#
  • ERCCnorm_contrasts.csv#

#Output files available with RNAseq processed data in the GLDS repository.

##Output files used to generate interactive plots from RNAseq processed data in the GLDS visualization portal.

7b. For Datasets without ERCC Spike-In

## Install R packages if not already installed

if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))

## Install annotation R packages if not already installed - only the annotation package for the organism that the data were derived from is required


##### Set up your environment #####

## Import libraries (tximport, DESeq2, tidyverse, Risa)


## Define which organism is used in the study - this should be consistent with the name in the organisms.csv file, which matches the abbreviations used in the Panther database for each organism

organism <- "organism_that_samples_were_derived_from"

## Create a *metadata.csv file, which indicates the group each samples belongs to, and put that file in your `work_dir`

## Define the location of the input data and where the ouput data will be printed to
work_dir="/path/to/working/directory" ## Must contain organisms.csv and *metadata.csv files

## Set your working directory to the directory containing the *metadata.csv file for the GLDS dataset being processed

##### Import *metadata.csv file #####

study <- read.csv(Sys.glob(file.path(work_dir,"*metadata.csv")), header = TRUE, row.names = 1, stringsAsFactors = TRUE)

##### Format groups and indicate the group that each sample belongs to #####

if (dim(study) >= 2){
	group<-apply(study,1,paste,collapse = " & ") # concatenate multiple factors into one condition per sample
} else{
group_names <- paste0("(",group,")",sep = "") # human readable group names
group <- make.names(group) # group naming compatible with R models
names(group) <- group_names

##### Format contrasts table, defining pairwise comparisons for all groups #####

contrasts <- combn(levels(factor(group)),2) # generate matrix of pairwise group combinations for comparison
contrast.names <- combn(levels(factor(names(group))),2)
contrast.names <- c(paste(contrast.names[1,],contrast.names[2,],sep = "v"),paste(contrast.names[2,],contrast.names[1,],sep = "v")) # format combinations for output table files names
contrasts <- cbind(contrasts,contrasts[c(2,1),])
colnames(contrasts) <- contrast.names

##### Import RSEM raw (gene) count data #####

files <- list.files(file.path(counts_dir),pattern = ".genes.results", full.names = TRUE)
names(files) <- rownames(study)
txi.rsem <- tximport(files, type = "rsem", txIn = FALSE, txOut = FALSE)

## Add 1 to genes with lengths of zero - needed to make DESeqDataSet object 
txi.rsem$length[txi.rsem$length == 0] <- 1

##### Make DESeqDataSet object #####

## Create data frame defining which group each sample belongs to
sampleTable <- data.frame(condition=factor(group))
rownames(sampleTable) <- colnames(txi.rsem$counts)

dds <- DESeqDataSetFromTximport(txi.rsem, sampleTable, ~condition)

##### Filter out genes with counts of less than 10 in all samples #####

keep <- rowSums(counts(dds)) > 10
dds <- dds[keep,]

##### Perform DESeq analysis #####

dds_1 <- DESeq(dds)

##### Export unnormalized and normalized counts as well as the sample table #####

normCounts =, normalized=TRUE))


##### Generate F statistic p-value (similar to ANOVA p-value) using DESeq2 likelihood ratio test (LRT) design #####

## Add 1 to all counts to avoid issues with log transformation 
normCounts <- normCounts +1

dds_1_lrt <- DESeq(dds_1, test = "LRT", reduced = ~ 1)
res_1_lrt <- results(dds_1_lrt)

##### Generate annotated DGE tables #####

## Import table with organism db objects for annotation
organism_table <- read.csv(file.path(work_dir,"organisms.csv"))

## Load annotation libraries
library(STRINGdb) # for String database annotations
library(PANTHER.db) # for GOSLIM annotations

## Begin building anotation database
ann.dbi <- organism_table$annotations[organism_table$name == organism] # Organism specific gene annotation database
if(!require(ann.dbi, character.only=TRUE)) {
	BiocManager::install(ann.dbi, ask = FALSE)
	library(ann.dbi, character.only=TRUE)

#### Generate annotated DGE table containing normalized counts ####

## Start by creating output tables with normalized sample expression values

## reduced output table 1 will be used to generate human-readable DGE table
reduced_output_table_1 <- normCounts

## output table 1 will be used to generate computer-readable DGE table, which is used to create GeneLab visualization plots
output_table_1 <- normCounts

## Iterate through Wald Tests to generate pairwise comparisons of all groups
for (i in 1:dim(contrasts)[2]){
	res_1 <- results(dds_1, contrast=c("condition",contrasts[1,i],contrasts[2,i]))
	res_1 <-[,c(2,5,6)]
	colnames(res_1) <-c(paste0("Log2fc_",colnames(contrasts)[i]),paste0("P.value_",colnames(contrasts)[i]),paste0("Adj.p.value_",colnames(contrasts)[i]))
	reduced_output_table_1 <- cbind(reduced_output_table_1,res_1)

## Create annotation table and add gene annotation columns
keytype = "ENSEMBL" # will be different if primary annotations are not ENSEMBL
annot <- data.frame(rownames(output_table_1), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
if ("SYMBOL" %in% columns(eval(parse(text = ann.dbi),env=.GlobalEnv))){
	annot$SYMBOL<-mapIds(eval(parse(text = ann.dbi),env=.GlobalEnv),keys = rownames(output_table_1),keytype = keytype, column = "SYMBOL", multiVals = "first")
if ("GENENAME" %in% columns(eval(parse(text = ann.dbi),env=.GlobalEnv))){
        annot$GENENAME<-mapIds(eval(parse(text = ann.dbi),env=.GlobalEnv),keys = rownames(output_table_1),keytype = keytype, column = "GENENAME", multiVals = "first")
if ("ENSEMBL" %in% columns(eval(parse(text = ann.dbi),env=.GlobalEnv))){
        annot$ENSEMBL<-mapIds(eval(parse(text = ann.dbi),env=.GlobalEnv),keys = rownames(output_table_1),keytype = keytype, column = "ENSEMBL", multiVals = "first")
if ("REFSEQ" %in% columns(eval(parse(text = ann.dbi),env=.GlobalEnv))){
        annot$REFSEQ<-mapIds(eval(parse(text = ann.dbi),env=.GlobalEnv),keys = rownames(output_table_1),keytype = keytype, column = "REFSEQ", multiVals = "first")
if ("ENTREZID" %in% columns(eval(parse(text = ann.dbi),env=.GlobalEnv))){
        annot$ENTREZID<-mapIds(eval(parse(text = ann.dbi),env=.GlobalEnv),keys = rownames(output_table_1),keytype = keytype, column = "ENTREZID", multiVals = "first")

## Create and add string annotation columns to the annotation table
string_db <- STRINGdb$new( version="10", species=organism_table$taxon[organism_table$name == organism],score_threshold=0)
string_map <- string_db$map(annot,"SYMBOL",removeUnmappedRows = FALSE, takeFirst = TRUE)[,c(1,6)]
string_map <- string_map[!duplicated(string_map$SYMBOL),]
annot <- dplyr::left_join(annot,string_map, by = "SYMBOL")

## Create and add columns containing GOSLIM ids using the panther annotation database to the annotation table
pthOrganisms(PANTHER.db) <- organism
panther <- mapIds(PANTHER.db,keys = annot$ENTREZID,keytype = "ENTREZ",column = "GOSLIM_ID", multiVals = "list")
panther <- na.omit(panther)
annot$GOSLIM_IDS <- panther

## Generate and add all sample mean column to the normalized counts table
output_table_1$All.mean <- rowMeans(normCounts, na.rm = TRUE, dims = 1)
reduced_output_table_1$All.mean <- rowMeans(normCounts, na.rm = TRUE, dims = 1)

## Generate and add all sample stdev column to the normalized counts table
output_table_1$stdev <- rowSds(as.matrix(normCounts), na.rm = TRUE, dims = 1)
reduced_output_table_1$All.stdev <- rowSds(as.matrix(normCounts), na.rm = TRUE, dims = 1)

## Add F statistic p-value (similar to ANOVA p-value) column to the normalized counts table
output_table_1$LRT.p.value <- res_1_lrt@listData$padj
reduced_output_table_1$LRT.p.value <- res_1_lrt@listData$padj

## Generate and add group mean and stdev columns to the normalized counts table
tcounts <-
tcounts$group <- group
group_means <- ~ group,data = tcounts,mean)))
group_means <- group_means[-c(1),]
colnames(group_means) <- paste0("Group.Mean_",levels(factor(names(group))))
group_stdev <- ~ group,data = tcounts,sd)))
group_stdev <- group_stdev[-c(1),]
colnames(group_stdev) <- paste0("Group.Stdev_",levels(factor(names(group))))

output_table_1 <- cbind(output_table_1,group_means)
reduced_output_table_1 <- cbind(reduced_output_table_1,group_means)

output_table_1 <- cbind(output_table_1,group_stdev)
reduced_output_table_1 <- cbind(reduced_output_table_1,group_stdev)


### Add columns needed to generate GeneLab visulaization plots to the normalized counts table

## Add column to indicate the sign (positive/negative) of log2fc for each pairwise comparison
updown_table <- sign(output_table_1[,grep("Log2fc_",colnames(output_table_1))])
colnames(updown_table) <- gsub("Log2fc","Updown",grep("Log2fc_",colnames(output_table_1),value = TRUE))
output_table_1 <- cbind(output_table_1,updown_table)

## Add column to indicate contrast significance with p <= 0.1
sig.1_table <- output_table_1[,grep("P.value_",colnames(output_table_1))]<=.1
colnames(sig.1_table) <- gsub("P.value","Sig.1",grep("P.value_",colnames(output_table_1),value = TRUE))
output_table_1 <- cbind(output_table_1,sig.1_table)

## Add column to indicate contrast significance with p <= 0.05
sig.05_table <- output_table_1[,grep("P.value_",colnames(output_table_1))]<=.05
colnames(sig.05_table) <- gsub("P.value","Sig.05",grep("P.value_",colnames(output_table_1),value = TRUE))
output_table_1 <- cbind(output_table_1,sig.05_table)

## Add columns for the volcano plot with p-value and adjusted p-value
log_pval_table <- log2(output_table_1[,grep("P.value_",colnames(output_table_1))])
colnames(log_pval_table) <- paste0("Log2_",colnames(log_pval_table))
output_table_1 <- cbind(output_table_1,log_pval_table)
log_adj_pval_table <- log2(output_table_1[,grep("Adj.p.value_",colnames(output_table_1))])
colnames(log_adj_pval_table) <- paste0("Log2_",colnames(log_adj_pval_table))
output_table_1 <- cbind(output_table_1,log_adj_pval_table)

### Combine annotations table and the normalized counts table

output_table_1 <- cbind(annot,output_table_1)
reduced_output_table_1 <- cbind(annot,reduced_output_table_1)
rownames(output_table_1) <- NULL
rownames(reduced_output_table_1) <- NULL

output_table_1$GOSLIM_IDS <- vapply(output_table_1$GOSLIM_IDS, paste, collapse = ", ", character(1L))
reduced_output_table_1$GOSLIM_IDS <- vapply(reduced_output_table_1$GOSLIM_IDS, paste, collapse = ", ", character(1L))

### Export human- and computer/visualization- readable DGE tables

write.csv(output_table_1,file.path(DGE_output, "visualization_output_table.csv"), row.names = FALSE)
write.csv(contrasts,file.path(DGE_output, "contrasts.csv"))
write.csv(reduced_output_table_1,file.path(DGE_output, "differential_expression.csv"), row.names = FALSE)

### Generate and export PCA table for GeneLab visualization plots

exp_raw <- log2(normCounts)
PCA_raw <- prcomp(t(exp_raw), scale = FALSE)
write.csv(PCA_raw$x,file.path(DGE_output, "visualization_PCA_table.csv"), row.names = TRUE)

Input Data:

  • *metadata.csv (csv file identifying which group each sample belongs to for the respective GLDS dataset)
  • organisms.csv (csv file containing short name, species name, taxon ID, and annotation db object of model organisms hosted on GeneLab)
  • *genes.results (RSEM counts per gene, output from step 6)

Output Data:

  • Unnormalized_Counts.csv#
  • Normalized_Counts.csv#
  • SampleTable.csv
  • visualization_output_table.csv##
  • visualization_PCA_table.csv##
  • differential_expression.csv#
  • contrasts.csv#

#Output files available with RNAseq processed data in the GLDS repository.

##Output files used to generate interactive plots from RNAseq processed data in the GLDS visualization portal.