This page holds an overview and some example commands of how GeneLab processes 454 and IonTorrent amplicon datasets. Exact processing commands for specific datasets that have been released are provided with their processed data in the Open Science Data Repository (OSDR).
Date: January 13, 2021
Revision: -
Document Number: GL-DPPD-7106
Submitted by:
Michael D. Lee (GeneLab Analysis Team)
Approved by:
Sylvain Costes (GeneLab Project Manager)
Samrawit Gebre (GeneLab Deputy Project Manager and Interim GeneLab Configuration Manager)
Amanda Saravia-Butler (GeneLab Data Processing Lead)
Jonathan Galazka (GeneLab Project Scientist)
- Software used
- Reference databases used
- General processing overview with example commands
Program | Version* | Relevant Links |
FastQC | fastqc -v | |
MultiQC | multiqc -v | |
Cutadapt | cutadapt --version | |
bbduk | --version | |
vsearch | vsearch --version | |
R | R --version (at command line) | |
DECIPHER | packageVersion("DECIPHER") | |
biomformat | packageVersion("biomformat") | |
* Exact versions utilized for a given dataset are available along with the processing commands for each specific dataset (this is due to how the system may need to be updated regularly).
Program used | Database | Relevant Links |
DECIPHER | UNITE v2020 | |
Exact processing commands and output files listed in bold below are included with each Amplicon Seq processed dataset in the Open Science Data Repository (OSDR).
Uses FastQC
fastqc -o raw_fastqc_output *raw.fastq.gz
Parameter Definitions:
– the output directory to store results*raw.fastq.gz
– the input reads are specified as a positional argument, and can be given all at once with wildcards like this, or as individual arguments with spaces in between them
Input data:
- fastq, compressed or uncompressed
Output data:
- fastqc.html (FastQC output html summary)
- (FastQC output data)
Uses MultiQC
multiqc -o raw_multiqc_output -n raw_multiqc -z raw_fastqc_output/
Parameter Definitions:
– the output directory to store results-n
– the filename prefix of results-z
– specifies to zip the output data directoryraw_fastqc_output/
– the directory holding the output data from the fastqc run, provided as a positional argument
Input data:
- raw_fastqc_output/* (FastQC output data)
Output data:
- raw_multiqc_output/raw_multiqc_report.html (multiqc output html summary)
- raw_multiqc_output/ (zipped directory containing multiqc output data)
Uses cutadapt
The location and orientation of primers in the data is important to understand in deciding how to do this step. cutadapt
has many options for primer identification and removal. They are described in detail on their documentation page here:
The following example command shows how it was done for GLDS-72, which was 454 sequencing of the 16S gene using these primers:
- reverse: 5’- GCTGCCTCCCGTAGGAGT-3’
-o sample-1_trimmed.fastq.gz sample-1_raw.fastq.gz
Parameter Definitions:
– specifies the forward primer -
– specifies the reverse primer -
– specifies output primer-trimmed reads -
– positional argument specifying the input reads
Input data:
- sample-1_raw.fastq.gz (raw reads)
Output data:
- sample-1_trimmed.fastq.gz (primer-trimmed reads)
Uses bbduk in=sample-1_trimmed.fastq.gz out=sample-1_filtered.fastq.gz \
qtrim=r trimq=10 mlf=0.5 minavgquality=20 minlength=50
Parameter Definitions:
– the input file -
– the output file -
– specifies the direction to trim low-quality bases from -
– the minimum quality to keep while trimming low-quality bases -
– allowed minimum length after trimming is half the initial read size (read filtered out if shorter) -
– minimum average quality allowed after trimming (read filtered out if below) -
– allowed minimum length (backup tomlf
setting if starting read is shorter than 100 bps)
Input data:
- sample-1_trimmed.fastq.gz (primer-trimmed reads)
Output data:
- sample-1_filtered.fastq.gz (filtered reads)
Uses FastQC
fastqc -o filtered_fastqc_output *filtered.fastq.gz
Parameter Definitions:
– the output directory to store results*filtered.fastq.gz
– the input reads are specified as a positional argument, and can be given all at once with wildcards like this, or as individual arguments with spaces in between them
Input data:
- *filtered.fastq.gz (filtered reads)
Output data:
- *fastqc.html (FastQC output html summary)
- * (FastQC output data)
Uses MultiQC
multiqc -o filtered_multiqc_output -n filtered_multiqc -z filtered_fastqc_output
Parameter Definitions:
– the output directory to store results-n
– the filename prefix of results-z
– specifies to zip the output data directoryfiltered_fastqc_output
– the directory holding the output data from the fastqc run, provided as a positional argument
Input data:
- filtered_fastqc_output/* (FastQC output data)
Output data:
- filtered_multiqc_output/filtered_multiqc_report.html (multiqc output html summary)
- filtered_multiqc_output/ (zipped directory containing multiqc output data)
Uses vsearch
vsearch --derep_fulllength sample-1_filtered.fastq.gz --strand both \
--output sample-1_derep.fasta --sizeout --relabel "sample=sample-1;seq_"
Parameter Definitions:
– the vsearch commandsample-1_filtered.fastq.gz
– input file, provided as a positional argument--strand both
- specifies to check both orientations--output
- designate the name of the output fasta file--sizeout
- incorporates abundance information in the sequence header--relabel
- relabel the headers of the sequences starting with this prefix
Input data:
- sample-1_filtered.fastq.gz (filtered reads)
Output data:
- sample-1_derep.fasta (dereplicated reads)
cat *_derep.fasta > all-samples-seqs.fasta
rm *_derep.fasta
vsearch --derep_fulllength all-samples-seqs.fasta --strand both \
--output all-samples_derep.fasta --sizein --sizeout
Parameter Definitions:
– the vsearch commandall-samples-seqs.fasta
– input file, provided as a positional argument--strand both
- specifies to check both orientations--output
- designate the name of the output fasta file--sizein
- take into account abundance information in header--sizeout
- incorporates abundance information in the sequence header
Input data:
- all-samples-seqs.fasta (combined, individual-sample-dereplicated reads)
Output data:
- all-samples_derep.fasta (combined dereplicated reads)
vsearch --cluster_size all-samples_derep.fasta --id 0.97 --strand both \
--sizein --sizeout --relabel "OTU_" --centroids rep-seqs.fasta
Parameter Definitions:
– the vsearch commandall-samples_derep.fasta
– input file, provided as a positional argument--id
- specifies the percent identity to cluster at--strand both
- specifies to consider both orientations--sizein
- take into account abundance information in header--sizeout
- incorporates abundance information in the sequence header--relabel
- relabel the headers of the sequences starting with this prefix--centroids
- designate the name of the output fasta file holding representative sequences
Input data:
- all-samples_derep.fasta (combined dereplicated reads)
Output data:
- rep-seqs.fasta (representative sequences)
vsearch --sortbysize rep-seqs.fasta --minsize 2 --output rep-seqs-no-singletons.fasta
Parameter Definitions:
– the vsearch commandrep-seqs.fasta
– input file, provided as a positional argument--minsize
- minimum cluster size to be retained--output
- designate the name of the output fasta file holding filtered representative sequences
Input data:
- rep-seqs.fasta (representative sequences)
Output data:
- rep-seqs-no-singletons.fasta (representative sequences, with singletons removed)
vsearch --uchime_denovo rep-seqs-no-singletons.fasta --sizein --nonchimeras OTUs.fasta --relabel "OTU_"
Parameter Definitions:
– the vsearch commandrep-seqs-no-singletons.fasta
– input file, provided as a positional argument--sizein
- take into account abundance information in header--nonchimeras
- designate the name of the output fasta file holding filtered representative sequences--relabel
- relabel the headers of the sequences starting with this prefix
Input data:
- rep-seqs-no-singletons.fasta (representative sequences, with singletons removed)
Output data:
- OTUs.fasta (representative sequences, with singletons and chimeras removed)
vsearch --usearch_global all-samples-seqs.fasta -db OTUs.fasta --sizein \
--id 0.97 --otutabout - | sed 's/^#OTU ID/OTU_ID/' > counts.tsv
Parameter Definitions:
– the vsearch commandall-samples-seqs.fasta
– input file, provided as a positional argument (note this is our combined individual-dereplicated samples' fasta of reads generated in step 5b)--db
- specifies the reference OTUs to map to--id
- specifies the minimum percent identity to enable mapping a read to an OTU--otutabout
- designates the output of the count table (here going to stout in order to be modified in the subsequentsed
command| sed ... > counts.tsv
- renaming the first column header and writing tocounts.tsv
Input data:
- all-samples-seqs.fasta (combined, individual-sample-dereplicated reads)
- OTUs.fasta (representative sequences, with singletons and chimeras removed)
Output data:
- counts.tsv (count table of representative sequences per sample)
The following is performed within R.
Uses DECIPHER and biom-format
Reading in OTU sequences:
dna <- readDNAStringSet("OTUs.fasta")
Downloading the reference R taxonomy object:
Parameter Definitions:
– the function we are calling, with the following parameters set within it -
– specifying the url address of the file to download -
– specifying the path/name of the file after downloading
Loading taxonomy object:
Classifying sequences:
tax_info <- IdTaxa(test=dna, trainingSet=trainingSet, strand=“both”, processors=NULL)
Parameter Definitions:
tax_info <-
– specifies the variable that will store the results within in our R environment -
– the DECIPHER function we are calling, with the following parameters set within it -
– specifying the “dna” object created above holding the sequences we want to classify -
– specifying the reference database we downloaded and loaded above -
– specifying to check taxonomy assignment in both orientations -
– determine number of cores available and run in parallel when possible (can also take an integer specifying the number to run)
Creating table of taxonomy and setting any that are unclassified as "NA", and writing out:
ranks <- c("domain", "phylum", "class", "order", "family", "genus", "species")
tax_tab <- t(sapply(tax_info, function(x) {
m <- match(ranks, x$rank)
taxa <- x$taxon[m]
taxa[startsWith(taxa, "unclassified_")] <- NA
colnames(tax_tab) <- ranks
row.names(tax_tab) <- NULL
otu_ids <- names(tax_info)
tax_tab <- data.frame("OTU_ID"=otu_ids, tax_tab, check.names=FALSE)
write.table(tax_tab, "taxonomy.tsv", sep = "\t", quote=F, row.names=FALSE)
Reading in counts table and generating additional outputs:
otu_tab <- read.table("counts.tsv", sep="\t", header=TRUE, check.names=FALSE)
# generating and writing out biom file format
biom_object <- make_biom(data=otu_tab, observation_metadata=tax_tab)
write_biom(biom_object, "taxonomy-and-counts.biom")
# making a tsv of combined tax and counts
tax_and_count_tab <- merge(tax_tab, otu_tab)
write.table(tax_and_count_tab, "taxonomy-and-counts.tsv", sep="\t", quote=FALSE, row.names=FALSE)
Input data:
- OTUs.fasta (representative sequences, with singletons and chimeras removed)
- counts.tsv (count table of representative sequences per sample)
Output data:
- taxonomy.tsv (taxonomy table)
- taxonomy-and-counts.tsv (table with taxonomy of representative sequences and counts per sample)
- taxonomy-and-counts.biom (biom formatted file with taxonomy of representative sequences and counts per sample)