When using @Messages annotations style, here is how to get the generated .properties files as well as the _lang.properties files all together for translation.
- create new dir/repo to store the generated properties files that is outside of the autopsy repo
- create the empty repo in github named "autopsy_bundles" and clone it, so it sits next to the autopsy dir.
build autopsy -- the 'build/classes/' dir in each module will contain all of the created classes and the .properties files
create a dir structure in the autopsy_bundles dir that only has the .properties files for a specific module, and only those from that module's build dir
for root modules: (replace ImageGallery with module name) $ find autopsy/ImageGallery/build/classes/org/sleuthkit/autopsy/imagegallery/ -iname "Bundle*.properties" -exec cp --parents {} autopsy_bundles/ ;
for Core modules: (replace corecomponents with module name) $ find autopsy/Core/build/classes/org/sleuthkit/autopsy/corecomponents/ -iname "Bundle*.properties" -exec cp --parents {} autopsy_bundles/ ;
commit and push those changes in the autopsy_bundles repo
when translated, copy the foreign properties files back into the src/ tree.
for root modules: (replace ImageGallery with module name) $ cd autopsy_bundles/autopsy/ImageGallery/build/classes/ $ find . -iname "Bundle_ja.properties" -exec cp --parents {} ../../../../../autopsy/ImageGallery/src/ ;
for Core modules: (replace corecomponents with module name) $ cd autopsy_bundles/autopsy/Core/build/classes/org/sleuthkit/autopsy/corecomponents $ find . -name "Bundle_ja.properties" -exec cp --parents {} /cygdrive/c/Users/nick/basis_dev_root/autopsy/Core/src/org/sleuthkit/autopsy/corecomponents/ ;
- commit new files to autopsy repo and push