Keycloak is an Open Source Identity and Access Management solution for modern Applications and Services. It enables to concentrate all the tasks related to identity and access management into the same place; once authenticated, a user session can be associated to a token that can be used to validate the access of all the resources available in the cluster.
This brief guide presents how to install Keycloak in HA in a K8S cluster with a PostgreSQL Database backend (also in HA).
More info at Keycloak's website
Here we assume that in the K8S cluster the following operators are installed and configured:
- NGINX Ingress Controller
- cert-manager
- A namespace in K8S cluster called keycloak-ha
You will need the following tools installed in your workstation:
The following steps will install the postgresql-operator in the namespace called keycloak-ha.
The Postgres Operator can be installed simply by applying yaml
manifests, after properly changing the namespace in file operator-service-account-rbac.yaml
for the service account
and cluster rolebinding
For more details, please visit the official documentation website.
# First, clone the repository and change to the directory postgres-operator
git clone
cd postgres-operator
# apply the manifests in the following order
kubectl create -f manifests/configmap.yaml -n keycloak-ha # configuration
kubectl create -f manifests/operator-service-account-rbac.yaml -n keycloak-ha # identity and permissions
kubectl create -f manifests/postgres-operator.yaml -n keycloak-ha # deployment
Starting the operator may take a few seconds. Check if the operator pod is running before applying a Postgres cluster manifest.
kubectl get pod -l name=postgres-operator -n keycloak-ha
If the operator pod is running, it listens to new events regarding PostgreSQL resources. Now, it's time to submit your first Postgres cluster manifest that you can find in manifests folder of this repo. If you need to add some more features, refer to the official docs.
# create a Postgres cluster
kubectl create -f keycloak-postgres-cluster-manifest.yaml
After the cluster manifest is submitted and passed the validation, the operator will create Service and Endpoint resources and a StatefulSet which spins up new pod(s) given the number of instances specified in the manifest.
All resources are named like the cluster. The database pods can be identified by their number suffix, starting from -0. They run the Spilo container image by Zalando.
As for the services and endpoints, there will be one for the master pod and another one for all the replicas (-repl suffix).
We suggest to check if all components are coming up. Use the label application=spilo
to filter, and check the label spilo-role
to see who is currently the master.
# check the deployed cluster
kubectl get postgresql
# check created database pods
kubectl get pods -l application=spilo -L spilo-role
# check created service resources
kubectl get svc -l application=spilo -L spilo-role
Apply the the manifest cert-manager-keycloak-certificate-request.yaml to get a certificate for the keycloak domain.
kubectl create -f manifests/cert-manager-keycloak-certificate-request.yaml -n keycloak-ha
This command will create a tls-secret
named keycloak-certificate-secret
. We will need it during the keycloak server deployment.
First of all get the helm charts from Codecentric:
#add the codecentric helm repository
helm repo add codecentric
#download the codecentric/keycloak charts on your pc
helm pull codecentric/keycloak
After extracting the archive, replace file keycloak/values.yaml
with conf-files/keycloak-values.yaml
Note, you need to rename the later one in values.yaml
The following are some changes that have bene done to user the resources deployed before in this guide:
# add the volume and volumeMount of the tls-certificate and of the custom template for keycloak in values.yaml file
extraVolumes: |
- name: keycloak-tls-certificate
defaultMode: 420
secretName: keycloak-tls-certificate-secret
- configMap:
defaultMode: 420
name: keycloak-theme-email
name: keycloak-theme-email
- configMap:
defaultMode: 420
name: keycloak-theme-email-messages
name: keycloak-theme-email-messages
- configMap:
defaultMode: 420
name: keycloak-theme-email-html
name: keycloak-theme-email-html
- configMap:
defaultMode: 420
name: keycloak-theme-email-text
name: keycloak-theme-email-text
extraVolumeMounts: |
- mountPath: /etc/x509/https
name: keycloak-tls-certificate
readOnly: true
- mountPath: /opt/jboss/keycloak/themes/crownlabs/email
name: keycloak-theme-email
readOnly: true
- mountPath: /opt/jboss/keycloak/themes/crownlabs/email/messages
name: keycloak-theme-email-messages
readOnly: true
- mountPath: /opt/jboss/keycloak/themes/crownlabs/email/html
name: keycloak-theme-email-html
readOnly: true
- mountPath: /opt/jboss/keycloak/themes/crownlabs/email/text
name: keycloak-theme-email-text
readOnly: true
Set the number of replicas of the server according to your preferences:
replicas: 3
Set the database config to use the PostgreSQL Cluster deployed before:
# If true, the Postgres chart is deployed
deployPostgres: false
# The database vendor. Can be either "postgres", "mysql", "mariadb", or "h2"
dbVendor: postgres
## The following values only apply if "deployPostgres" is set to "false"
dbName: keycloak
dbHost: keycloak-db-cluster
dbPort: 5432
## Database Credentials are loaded from a Secret residing in the same Namespace as keycloak.
## The Chart can read credentials from an existing Secret OR it can provision its own Secret.
## Specify existing Secret
# If set, specifies the Name of an existing Secret to read db credentials from.
existingSecret: "keycloak.keycloak-db-cluster.credentials"
existingSecretPasswordKey: "password" # read keycloak db password from existingSecret under this Key
existingSecretUsernameKey: "username" # read keycloak db user from existingSecret under this Key```
For more information visit the following page.
Type the following command:
helm install keycloak-server keycloak/ --namespace keycloak-ha
Now, check that the new pods are up and running. Once everything has gone smooth, apply the manifest to the service:
#apply manifests/keycloak-ingress.yaml in order to reach keycloak from outside.
kubectl create -f manifests/keycloak-ingress.yaml -n keycloak-ha
In order to customize the different email templates, proceed as follows:
- Edit the relevant files in templates/crownlabs;
- Create the config maps:
$ kubectl create configmap keycloak-theme-email -n keycloak-ha --from-file=templates/crownlabs/email/ $ kubectl create configmap keycloak-theme-email-html -n keycloak-ha --from-file=templates/crownlabs/email/html $ kubectl create configmap keycloak-theme-email-text -n keycloak-ha --from-file=templates/crownlabs/email/text $ kubectl create configmap keycloak-theme-email-messages -n keycloak-ha --from-file=templates/crownlabs/email/messages
- Restart the
pods to reload the configuration.
Please follow the official documentation to allow the K8s Api-server to exploit the running Keycloak instance as identity provider.
In order to start interacting with your Kubernetes cluster, you will use a command line tool called kubectl. You will need to install kubectl on your local machine.
A kubeconfig file is a file used to configure access to Kubernetes when used in conjunction with the kubectl commandline tool.
For more details on how kubeconfig and kubectl work together, see the Kubernetes documentation.
You should have kubectl installed at a version compatible to your cluster.
First, you should install Krew, which facilitates the use of kubectl plugins. Here there is the commands for Linux (Bash/Zsh):
set -x; cd "$(mktemp -d)" &&
curl -fsSLO "{tar.gz,yaml}" &&
tar zxvf krew.tar.gz &&
KREW=./krew-"$(uname | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')_amd64" &&
"$KREW" install --manifest=krew.yaml --archive=krew.tar.gz &&
"$KREW" update
Other configurations are available on the krew official documentation. In addition you have to enable krew by adding the following to your PATH:
export PATH="${KREW_ROOT:-$HOME/.krew}/bin:$PATH"
To make persistent this modification, you should add permanently the previous configuration to your bashrc/zshrc
First we have to install OIDC login plugin, which enables a single sign on (SSO) to a Kubernetes cluster and other development tools:
kubectl krew install oidc-login
Now, we can proceed to use your cluster.
Once, you have created your user in your Keycloak instance, you can configure oidc-login
by setting your credentials.
This could be done in two different ways:
- You can use a redirect via-browser to login by putting your user/password in the Identity Provider website and store only the temporary token in your
. - (or) You can set your username and password directly in
using the option--skip-open-browser
apiVersion: v1
- cluster:
certificate-authority-data: < ca.crt of the API Server >
server: https://__Your_API_Server_Address__
name: kubernetes
- context:
cluster: kubernetes
namespace: default
user: oidc
name: kubernetes
current-context: kubernetes
kind: Config
preferences: {}
- name: oidc
- oidc-login
- get-token
- --oidc-issuer-url=https://__Keycloak_ingress__/auth/realms/crownlabs
- --oidc-client-id=k8s
- --oidc-client-secret=xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx
- --skip-open-browser # This will prevent browser redirection
- --username=<Username>
- --password=<Password>
command: kubectl
env: null