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A minimal example of a connector using the service-integration SDK


  • Java 8
  • Docker
  • A mysql instance running at localhost:3306 with username root and a blank password

Running the application

In the IDE

  • run ChattyPieConnectorApplication

On the command-line

  • ./mvnw spring-boot:run

This starts the connector application's http server and exposes the main endpoint localhost:8080/api/v1/integration/processEvent which a marketplace can send event notifications to.

Changing the default port

  • By default, it starts on port 8080.
  • To override, add the -Dserver.port=XXXX jvm arg

Starting dependencies locally

By default the application is expecting a MySQL instance to be running at localhost:3306 and a smtp server running on localhost:3025. If you do not have both, we offer a docker compose file at the root. Run it with

docker-compose up

Accessing the app

To verify that the server is running correctly, check if a GET request at the /health endpoint of a running CPC instance. For example, if the connector were deployed at the health endpoint would be and it would be expected to return returns 200(OK) if the server is up and running.

Adding a new field to the database

Let's say you want to add a new column to the company_account table and expose it as a field in the CompanyAccount bean. Let's walk through the process required for that.

Create Flyway migration

  • Add .sql migration file in src/main/resources/db.migration/: this new file should contain the addition of your new column.
  • Run the migrations against your local db. To do this, start the app - ./mvnw spring-boot:run.

Regenerate the beans

  • Classes such as CompanyAccount and ChatroomCreationRecord are beans generated by QueryDSL based on your database tables.
  • When making table changes, you need to regenerate the beans so they reflect the new table state.
  • Regenerate the beans with: mvn clean generate-sources -DskipDbCodeGeneration=false
    • This assumes a default db at localhost:3306 with username root and a blank password.
    • Optional params available to override those defaults are:
      • -Dmodel.source.db.username=[your-local-db-user]
      • -Dmodel.source.db.password=[your-local-db-password]
      • -Dmodel.source.db.url=[connection-string-for-your-db-here]
  • The updated sources will be regenerated in src/main/java/com/chattypie/persistence/model
  • Commit the updated files like any other sources.
  • Note: keep in mind this entire package is autogenerated, so do not edit any code in it: your changes will be overridden the next time someone regenerates the beans.

Dependencies version update

Using the versions maven plugin, you can keep your dependencies & maven plugins up-to-date. Most of those commands directly modify your pom.xml.

  • update the spring-boot parent version: ./mvnw versions:update-parent
  • update all dependencies: ./mvnw versions:use-latest-releases
    • Warning: this might take a long time to complete
  • display available maven plugin updates ./mvnw versions:display-plugin-updates
    • If newer versions are available, you will need to manually update pom.xml.

Deploying the connector

See the deployment instructions in our wiki