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Kubernetes Operator Study Journey

1. Try using existing operators

  1. prometheus-operator
  2. postgres-operator
  3. strimzi
  4. argocd: appcontroller.go
  5. grafana-operator
  6. mysql-operator
  7. terraform-k8s

And more

2. Understand what is Kubernetes operator.

  1. Kubernetes Controller components.
  2. How Kubernetes Controlloer works.
  3. Custom Resource.

Kubernetes Operator

A Kubernetes operator is an application-specific controller that extends the functionality of the Kubernetes API to create, configure, and manage instances of complex applications on behalf of a Kubernetes user.

From What is a Kubernetes operator?

Operators are software extensions to Kubernetes that make use of custom resources to manage applications and their components. Operators follow Kubernetes principles, notably the control loop.


An Operator is like an automated Site Reliability Engineer for its application.

From Kubernetes Operators ~ Automating the Container Orchestration Platform ~

Operator vs. Controller

  • Controller(Custom Controller):Custom Resourceの管理を行うController。Control Loop(Reconciliation Loop)を実行するコンポーネント
  • Operator: CRDとCustom Controllerのセット。etcd operatorやmysql operatorなどのように、特定のソフトウェアの管理を自動化するためのソフトウェア

From 実践入門Kubernetesカスタムコントローラーへの道

  • Controllers can act on core resources such as deployments or services, which are typically part of the Kubernetes controller manager in the control plane, or can watch and manipulate user-defined custom resources.
  • Operators are controllers that encode some operational knowledge, such as application lifecycle management, along with the custom resources defined in Chapter 4.

From Programming Kubernetes

  • A controller is a loop that reads desired state ("spec), observed cluster state (others' "status"), and external state, and the reconciles cluster state and external state with the desired state, writing any observations down (to our own "status").
  • All of Kubernetes functions on this model.
  • An operator is a controller that encodes human operational knowledge: how do I run and manage a specific piece of complex software.
  • All operators are controllers, but not all controllers are operators.

From Tutorial: Zero to Operator in 90 Minutes! - Solly Ross, Google (YouTube)

For more detail:

3. Create a sample operator following a tutorial

There are several ways to create an operator. You can try any of them:

  1. operator-sdk
    1. go-based:
    2. helm-based:
    3. ansible-based:
  2. kubebuilder
    1. Tutorial: Building CronJob
  3. metacontroller
  4. KUDO (Kubernetes Universal Declarative Operator)
  5. つくって学ぶKubebuilder

You can also reference example controllers:

  1. Sample Controller
  2. Istio Example Controller
  3. Foo Controller with Kubebuilder
  4. Memcached Operator with Operator SDK

4. Understand more detail about each component



More Detailed:


  1. client-go:
    1. clientset is a client for the built-in API resources.
    2. informer: watch the changes of objects and reflect the changes to the in-memory-cache.
      1. factory: informers.NewSharedInformerFactory
      2. watcher
      3. lister
      4. indexer
      5. event handler
      6. reflector
    3. lister: Get data from in-memory cache.
    4. indexer: in-memory cache
    5. workqueue: A queue to store items that the controller will process.
  2. code-generator:
    1. Generate codes for clientset for a custom resource.
  3. apimachinery:
    1. Scheme: connects Kubernetes API and Go Types, API version conversion
  4. controller-runtime
    1. builder
    2. cache
    3. client
    4. cluster
    5. controller
    6. eventhandler
    7. inject
    8. log
    9. manager
    10. reconciler
    11. source
    12. webhook


5. Create your own operator

After creating a sample operator, you should have deeper understanding of Kubernetes operator. Now you can think about what kind of problem that you want to resolve by utilizing operator pattern.

To clarify a problem to resolve with a new operator, you can reference existing operators:

operator role language
prometheus-operator Manage Prometheus, Alertmanager and their configuration Golang
mysql-operator Manage MySQL cluster Python
postgres-operator Manage PostgreSQL cluster (version upgrade, live volume resize, ...) Golang
strimzi-kafka-operator Manage Kafka cluster, user, and topic Java
... ... ...


6. Tools

7. Study Golang for better code quality

  1. golang-standanrds/project-layout
  2. Learn Go with tests
  3. GoとDependency Injectionの現在
  4. Go Blog
  5. Gopher Reading List
  6. Type Embedding

8. Other Topics

  1. Write Kubernetes Operator in other languages
  2. Optimistic Concurrency Control

9. Keep learning

  1. 47 Things To Become a Kubernetes Expert
  2. Kubernetes API Basics - Resources, Kinds, and Objects
  3. Kubernetes API Conventions
  4. How To Call Kubernetes API using Simple HTTP Client
  5. How To Call Kubernetes API using Go - Types and Common Machinery
  6. How To Extend Kubernetes API - Kubernetes vs. Django
  7. 在不生成 crd client 代码的情况下通过 client-go 增删改查 k8s crd 资源
  8. kubebuilder vs operator-sdk (2019-04-10)
  9. client-go 中的 informer 源码分析
  10. Operator Best Practices