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Helm vs Kustomize


Steps to create a chart

  1. Create directory for practice helm-example and move into the new directory.

    mkdir helm-example && cd helm-example
  2. Create helm. -> would generate a folder helm-example and files in it.

    helm create helm-example
  3. Go into the directory helm-example (a directory for chart) and check the generated files.

    cd helm-example
    ├── Chart.yaml
    ├── charts
    ├── templates
    │   ├── NOTES.txt
    │   ├── _helpers.tpl
    │   ├── deployment.yaml
    │   ├── hpa.yaml
    │   ├── ingress.yaml
    │   ├── service.yaml
    │   ├── serviceaccount.yaml
    │   └── tests
    │       └── test-connection.yaml
    └── values.yaml
    3 directories, 10 files
  4. Update templates to meet the requirements.

    1. Remove unnecessary templates.
    rm templates/hpa.yaml templates/ingress.yaml templates/serviceaccount.yaml
    1. Remove unnecessary values from values.yaml.

    2. Write your templates.

    3. You can use the following built-in objects.

      • Built-in Objects
        • Release: This object describes the release itself.
          • Release.Name
          • Release.Namespace ...
        • Values: Values passed into the template from the values.yaml file.
        • Chart: The contents of the Chart.yaml file.
          • Chart.Name
          • Chart.Version
        • Others: Files, Capabilities, Template
    4. Values: write values.yaml and pass them into template yaml with {{ }}

    5. Template functions: {{ quote .Values.favorite.drink }} or pipelines: {{ .Values.favorite.drink | quote }}

  5. Check with --dry-run.

    cd ..
    helm install helm-example --debug --dry-run ./helm-example
  6. Lint

    helm lint helm-example
  7. Install.

    helm install helm-example --debug ./helm-example
  8. Check helm

    helm ls
    NAME            NAMESPACE       REVISION        UPDATED                                 STATUS   CHART                    APP VERSION
    helm-example    default         1               2021-05-24 07:22:45.809015 +0900 JST    deployed helm-example-0.1.0       1.16.0
  9. Check pod

    kubectl get po
    NAME                            READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    helm-example-5d796c89c7-v4pvw   2/2     Running   0          80m
  10. Test

    helm test helm-example
  11. Package a chart.

    helm package helm-example
  12. Publish the chart. (Create a Github repo for Helm chart repository.

    1. Options1: push package and index to the chart repo.

      helm repo index ./ --url

      This would generate index.yaml. Push the index.yaml and helm-example-0.1.0.tgz to the chart repo.

    2. Option2: push chart source code + actions/helm-chart-releaser (ref: <- nakamasato/helm-charts uses this.

  13. Add the repo that is created above.

    helm repo add nakamasato
    helm repo update # update the repository info

    Search for your chart.

    helm search repo naka
    nakamasato/helm-example 0.1.0           v0.0.1          Simple API application.
  14. Install your helm chart.

    helm install example-from-my-repo nakamasato/helm-example
    NAME: example-from-my-repo
    LAST DEPLOYED: Tue May 25 09:07:24 2021
    NAMESPACE: default
    STATUS: deployed
    1. Get the application URL by running these commands:
    export POD_NAME=$(kubectl get pods --namespace default -l "," -o jsonpath="{.items[0]}")
    export CONTAINER_PORT=$(kubectl get pod --namespace default $POD_NAME -o jsonpath="{.spec.containers[0].ports[0].containerPort}")
    echo "Visit to use your application"
    kubectl --namespace default port-forward $POD_NAME 8080:$CONTAINER_PORT


Steps to create yaml for multiple envs

  1. Make a directory for two envs (dev, prod or any necessary envs)

    mkdir -p kustomize-example/{base,overlays/dev,overlays/prod} && cd kustomize-example
  2. Check structure.

    ├── base
    └── overlays
        ├── dev
        └── prod
    4 directories, 0 files
  3. Add necessary resources to base folder.

    Tips: Generate yaml with kubectl with --dry-run=client -o yaml


    kubectl create deployment kustomize-example --image nginx --replicas=1 --dry-run=client --output yaml > kustomize-example/base/deployment.yaml # need manual modification
    kubectl create service clusterip kustomize-example --tcp=80:80 --dry-run=client --output yaml > kustomize-example/base/service.yaml
    kubectl create configmap kustomize-example-uwsgi --from-literal=MYSQL_HOST=mysql.database.svc.cluster.local --from-literal=MYSQL_USER=user --from-literal=MYSQL_PORT=3306 --from-literal=MYSQL_DATABASE=test --dry-run=client -o yaml > kustomize-example/base/configmap.yaml
    kubectl create secret generic kustomize-example-uwsgi --from-literal=MYSQL_PASSWORD=password --dry-run=client -o yaml > kustomize-example/base/secret.yaml
  4. Check if base is valid.

    kubectl apply -k kustomize-example/base --dry-run=client
  5. Create Namespace kustomize-dev and kustomize-prod.

    kubectl create ns kustomize-dev --dry-run=client -o yaml > kustomize-example/ns-kustomize-dev.yaml
    kubectl create ns kustomize-prod --dry-run=client -o yaml > kustomize-example/ns-kustomize-prod.yaml
    kubectl apply -f kustomize-example/ns-kustomize-dev.yaml,kustomize-example/ns-kustomize-prod.yaml
  6. Create overlays.

    1. Make each overlay same as base.

      • kustomize-example/overlays/dev/kustomization.yaml:

        namespace: kustomize-dev
          - ../../base
      • kustomize-example/overlays/prod/kustomization.yaml:

        namespace: kustomize-prod
          - ../../base
      • Check

        kubectl diff -k kustomize-example/overlays/dev
        kubectl diff -k kustomize-example/overlays/prod
    2. Create files to overwrite base.


      • Add resource request/limit to prod.
      • Increase replicas for prod.
      1. Add patches to kustomize-example/overlays/prod/kustomization.yaml.


        + patches:
        +  - deployment.yaml
      2. Update resources to override base

        Example: kustomize-example/overlays/prod/deployemnt.yaml

        +        resources:
        +          requests:
        +            cpu: "100m"
        +            memory: "256Mi"
        +          limits:
        +            cpu: "1000m"
        +            memory: "256Mi"
  7. Apply overlays (prod in this case.).

    kubectl diff -k kustomize-example/overlays/prod
    @@ -123,7 +141,7 @@
    uid: 8a415db8-48c3-4a5b-831a-b70dd9adbf4c
    progressDeadlineSeconds: 600
    -  replicas: 1
    +  replicas: 2
    revisionHistoryLimit: 10
    @@ -143,7 +161,13 @@
        - image: nginx
            imagePullPolicy: Always
            name: nginx
    -        resources: {}
    +        resources:
    +          limits:
    +            cpu: "1"
    +            memory: 256Mi
    +          requests:
    +            cpu: 100m
    +            memory: 256Mi
            terminationMessagePath: /dev/termination-log
            terminationMessagePolicy: File
    @@ -158,7 +182,13 @@
            image: nakamasato/flask-test
            imagePullPolicy: Always
            name: uwsgi
    -        resources: {}
    +        resources:
    +          limits:
    +            cpu: "1"
    +            memory: 256Mi
    +          requests:
    +            cpu: 100m
    +            memory: 256Mi
            terminationMessagePath: /dev/termination-log
            terminationMessagePolicy: File
        dnsPolicy: ClusterFirst
    kubectl apply -k kustomize-example/overlays/prod

Example 1 (web app with mysql)

  1. Deploy dependencies.

    kubectl create ns database; kubectl apply -k dependencies/mysql
  2. Set up with kustomize

    1. Create Namespaces.

      kubectl apply -f kustomize-example/ns-kustomize-dev.yaml,kustomize-example/ns-kustomize-prod.yaml
    2. Deploy kustomize-example.

      kubectl apply -k kustomize-example/overlays/dev
      kubectl apply -k kustomize-example/overlays/prod
    3. Port-forward the service.

      kubectl port-forward svc/kustomize-example 8080:80 -n <namespace>
    4. Check the application functionality.

      curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"name": "naka", "email": "[email protected]"}' localhost:8080/users{"id":2,"name":"naka"}
  3. Set up with helm

    1. Install Helm chart.

      helm install helm-example nakamasato/helm-example -n helm-dev --create-namespace
      helm install helm-example nakamasato/helm-example -n helm-prod --create-namespace
    2. Port-forward the service.

      kubectl port-forward svc/helm-example 8080:80 -n <namespace>
    3. Check GET

      curl localhost:8080/users/1
  4. Update image.

    1. helm

      • helm upgrade --set nginx.image.tag=1.15.2 helm-example nakamasato/helm-example -n helm-dev


      • Prepare values-prod.yaml

      • Apply

        helm upgrade -f values-prod.yaml helm-example nakamasato/helm-example -n helm-prod
    2. kustomize

      • Add the following code to kustomize-example/overlays/prod/kustomization.yaml

          - name: nginx
            newName: nginx
            newTag: 1.15.2
      • Apply

        kubectl apply -k kustomize-example/overlays/prod


Version: v2.0.3

kubectl create namespace argocd
kubectl apply -n argocd -f
  1. Deploy using Kustomize

    1. Namespace

      kubectl apply -f kustomize-example/ns-kustomize-dev.yaml,kustomize-example/ns-kustomize-prod.yaml
    2. Apply ArgoProject, dev and prod Application.

      kubectl apply -f argocd/kustomize
  2. Deploy using Helm

    1. Apply ArgoProject, dev and prod Application.

      kubectl apply -f argocd/helm
