From 233d865a552edb1c5b58937352f5e33906a3976d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Brendan <>
Date: Fri, 13 Sep 2024 02:10:10 -0700
Subject: [PATCH] Fix spelling (#998)

* minor readme updates
* add cspell config and fix spelling errors
* add CI job to check spelling
 .github/workflows/doxygen.yml                 |  10 +
 CMakeLists.txt                                |   4 +-                               |   4 +-
 LICENSE                                       |  14 +-
 RF24.h                                        |   4 +-
 cmake/PreventInSourceBuilds.cmake             |   8 +-
 cmake/detectCPU.cmake                         |   2 +-
 cmake/toolchains/arm64.cmake                  |   4 +-
 cmake/toolchains/armhf.cmake                  |   4 +-
 cmake/toolchains/i686.cmake                   |   4 +-
 cmake/toolchains/x86_64.cmake                 |   4 +-
 cspell.config.yaml                            | 313 +++++++++++++
 docs/                               |   8 +-
 docs/                                |   4 +-
 docs/                               |   2 +-
 docs/                         |   6 +-
 docs/                             |   2 +-
 docs/                              |   4 +-
 docs/                        |   2 +-
 docs/                           |   4 +-
 docs/sphinx/                           |   3 -
 docs/                           |   2 +-
 .../AcknowledgementPayloads.ino               | 418 +++++++++---------
 examples/GettingStarted/GettingStarted.ino    |   2 +-
 .../ManualAcknowledgements.ino                |   4 +-
 examples/MulticeiverDemo/MulticeiverDemo.ino  |   2 +-
 .../encodeRadioDetails/encodeRadioDetails.ino |   2 +-
 examples/encodeRadioDetails/  |   4 +-
 .../GettingStarted_HandlingFailures.ino       |   2 +-
 .../TransferTimeouts/TransferTimeouts.ino     |   4 +-
 .../old_backups/pingpair_dyn/pingpair_dyn.ino |   2 +-
 examples/old_backups/recipes/        |   9 +-
 .../timingSearch3pin/timingSearch3pin.ino     |   2 +-
 examples_linux/CMakeLists.txt                 |   2 +-
 examples_linux/acknowledgementPayloads.cpp    |   2 +-
 examples_linux/gettingstarted.cpp             |   2 +-
 .../gettingstarted_call_response_int.cpp      |   4 +-
 .../gettingstarted_call_response_int2.cpp     |   4 +-
 .../interrupts/transfer_interrupt.cpp         |   2 +-
 examples_linux/manualAcknowledgements.cpp     |   6 +-
 examples_linux/     |   4 +-
 examples_linux/multiceiverDemo.cpp            |   2 +-
 examples_linux/                      |   7 +-
 examples_pico/acknowledgementPayloads.cpp     |   6 +-
 examples_pico/defaultPins.h                   |   2 +-
 examples_pico/gettingStarted.cpp              |   2 +-
 examples_pico/manualAcknowledgements.cpp      |   4 +-
 examples_pico/multiceiverDemo.cpp             |   2 +-
 pyRF24/pyRF24.cpp                             |   4 +-
 utility/ATXMegaD3/RF24_arch_config.h          |   2 +-
 utility/ATXMegaD3/compatibility.c             |   4 +-
 utility/ATXMegaD3/compatibility.h             |   2 +-
 utility/ATXMegaD3/gpio_helper.c               |  30 +-
 utility/ATXMegaD3/gpio_helper.h               |   6 +-
 utility/ATXMegaD3/spi.h                       |   2 +-
 utility/MRAA/RF24_arch_config.h               |   2 +-
 utility/MRAA/compatibility.cpp                |   6 +-
 utility/MRAA/compatibility.h                  |   4 +-
 utility/MRAA/spi.cpp                          |  28 +-
 utility/MRAA/spi.h                            |  10 +-
 utility/RPi/spi.cpp                           |   4 +-
 utility/RPi/spi.h                             |  14 +-
 utility/SPIDEV/RF24_arch_config.h             |   2 +-
 utility/SPIDEV/compatibility.cpp              |   6 +-
 utility/SPIDEV/compatibility.h                |   4 +-
 utility/SPIDEV/spi.cpp                        |   6 +-
 utility/SPIDEV/spi.h                          |   2 +-
 utility/Template/RF24_arch_config.h           |   2 +-
 utility/Template/compatibility.h              |   4 +-
 utility/Template/spi.h                        |   6 +-
 utility/pigpio/RF24_arch_config.h             |   2 +-
 utility/pigpio/compatibility.cpp              |   6 +-
 utility/pigpio/compatibility.h                |   4 +-
 utility/pigpio/spi.cpp                        |   4 +-
 utility/pigpio/spi.h                          |   6 +-
 utility/rp2/RF24_arch_config.h                |   2 +-
 utility/rp2/spi.cpp                           |   4 +-
 utility/rp2/spi.h                             |   2 +-
 utility/wiringPi/spi.cpp                      |   6 +-
 79 files changed, 714 insertions(+), 386 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 cspell.config.yaml

diff --git a/.github/workflows/doxygen.yml b/.github/workflows/doxygen.yml
index 9be499d5f..7fc365a93 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/doxygen.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/doxygen.yml
@@ -36,6 +36,16 @@ on:
+  check-spelling:
+    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+    steps:
+      - uses: actions/setup-node@v4
+        with:
+          node-version: 20.x
+      - uses: actions/checkout@v4
+      - name: Install cSpell
+        run: npm install -g cspell
+      - run: npx cspell --gitignore --config cspell.config.yaml .
     uses: nRF24/.github/.github/workflows/build_docs.yaml@main
diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
index 2e922efd2..50dce9417 100644
--- a/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -72,12 +72,12 @@ endif()
 include(${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/cmake/detectCPU.cmake) # sets the variable SOC accordingly
 # auto-detect what driver to use
-# auto-detect can be overriden using `cmake .. -D RF24_DRIVER=<supported driver>`
+# auto-detect can be overridden using `cmake .. -D RF24_DRIVER=<supported driver>`
 #[[ adding the utility sub-directory will
     1. set variables RF24_DRIVER, RF24_LINKED_DRIVER, and RF24_DRIVER_SOURCES
-    2. copy the approriate /utility/*/includes.h file to the /utility folder
+    2. copy the appropriate /utility/*/includes.h file to the /utility folder
     3. set additional install rules according to the RF24_DRIVER specified
diff --git a/ b/
index 41f960580..39d102a37 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -4,11 +4,11 @@ These are the current requirements for getting your code included in RF24:
 - Try your best to follow the rest of the code, if you're unsure then [the NASA C style guide]( can help as it's closest to the current style.
-- Definetly follow [PEP-8]( if it's Python code.
+- Definitely follow [PEP-8]( if it's Python code.
 - Follow the [Arduino example formatting style]( for Arduino examples
-- Add [doxygen-compatible documentation]( to any new functions you add, or update existing documentation if you change behaviour
+- Add [doxygen-compatible documentation]( to any new functions you add, or update existing documentation if you change behavior
 - CMake modules and CMakeLists.txt files should also have a uniform syntax.
   - Indentation is a mandatory 4 spaces (not a `\t` character).
diff --git a/LICENSE b/LICENSE
index 23cb79033..9dc3f928f 100644
@@ -291,7 +291,7 @@ convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
 the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
-    Copyright (C) {year}  {fullname}
+    Copyright (C) {year}  {full name}
     This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
@@ -312,22 +312,22 @@ Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
 If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
 when it starts in an interactive mode:
-    Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year name of author
-    Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
+    SomeProgram version 69, Copyright (C) year name of author
+    SomeProgram comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
     This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
     under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
-The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
+The hypothetical commands `show w` and `show c` should show the appropriate
 parts of the General Public License.  Of course, the commands you use may
-be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
+be called something other than `show w` and `show c`; they could even be
 mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
 You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
 school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
 necessary.  Here is a sample; alter the names:
-  Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
-  `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
+  SomeCompany, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
+  'SomeProgram' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
   {signature of Ty Coon}, 1 April 1989
   Ty Coon, President of Vice
diff --git a/RF24.h b/RF24.h
index 2a8af2319..5971826f5 100644
--- a/RF24.h
+++ b/RF24.h
@@ -1746,7 +1746,7 @@ class RF24
      * On all devices but Linux and ATTiny, a small delay is added to the CSN toggling function
-     * This is intended to minimise the speed of SPI polling due to radio commands
+     * This is intended to minimize the speed of SPI polling due to radio commands
      * If using interrupts or timed requests, this can be set to 0 Default:5
@@ -1789,7 +1789,7 @@ class RF24
      * @brief Open or close all data pipes.
      * This function does not alter the addresses assigned to pipes. It is simply a
-     * convenience function that allows controling all pipes at once.
+     * convenience function that allows controlling all pipes at once.
      * @param isEnabled `true` opens all pipes; `false` closes all pipes.
     void toggleAllPipes(bool isEnabled);
diff --git a/cmake/PreventInSourceBuilds.cmake b/cmake/PreventInSourceBuilds.cmake
index dc4fd811b..ec288d50d 100644
--- a/cmake/PreventInSourceBuilds.cmake
+++ b/cmake/PreventInSourceBuilds.cmake
@@ -2,11 +2,11 @@
 # This function will prevent in-source builds
     # make sure the user doesn't play dirty with symlinks
-    get_filename_component(srcdir "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}" REALPATH)
-    get_filename_component(bindir "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}" REALPATH)
+    get_filename_component(src_dir "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}" REALPATH)
+    get_filename_component(bin_dir "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}" REALPATH)
     # disallow in-source builds
-    if("${srcdir}" STREQUAL "${bindir}")
+    if("${src_dir}" STREQUAL "${bin_dir}")
         message("Warning: in-source builds are disabled")
         message("Please create a separate build directory and run cmake from there")
@@ -15,4 +15,4 @@ function(AssureOutOfSourceBuilds)
diff --git a/cmake/detectCPU.cmake b/cmake/detectCPU.cmake
index cc3236282..d9c5ceef7 100644
--- a/cmake/detectCPU.cmake
+++ b/cmake/detectCPU.cmake
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ endif()
 message(STATUS "tool name being used: ${tool_name}")
-# add compiler flags to optomize builds with arm-linux-gnueabihf-g* compilers
+# add compiler flags to optimize builds with arm-linux-gnueabihf-g* compilers
 if("${tool_name}" STREQUAL "arm-linux-gnueabihf")
     if("${SOC}" STREQUAL "BCM2835" OR "${SOC}" STREQUAL "BCM2708")
         add_compile_options(-marm -march=armv6zk -mtune=arm1176jzf-s -mfpu=vfp -mfloat-abi=hard)
diff --git a/cmake/toolchains/arm64.cmake b/cmake/toolchains/arm64.cmake
index 23e41ca7f..6a3caae77 100644
--- a/cmake/toolchains/arm64.cmake
+++ b/cmake/toolchains/arm64.cmake
@@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ set(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER /usr/bin/aarch64-linux-gnu-g++)
 # add_compile_options(-I /usr/aarch64-linux-gnu/include) # this may not be best practice
-# CMAKE_STAGING_PREFIX is only useful for transfering a built CMake project to a target machine
-set(CMAKE_STAGING_PREFIX /home/devel/stage) # use CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX instead (see below comments)
+# CMAKE_STAGING_PREFIX is only useful for transferring a built CMake project to a target machine
+set(CMAKE_STAGING_PREFIX /home/dev/stage) # use CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX instead (see below comments)
 CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH is an empty list by default (this list can be modified where applicable)
 if cross-compiling a dependent lib (like MRAA - which is optional), then
diff --git a/cmake/toolchains/armhf.cmake b/cmake/toolchains/armhf.cmake
index 488b81a89..e02449fdd 100644
--- a/cmake/toolchains/armhf.cmake
+++ b/cmake/toolchains/armhf.cmake
@@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ set(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER /usr/bin/arm-linux-gnueabihf-g++)
 # add_compile_options(-I /usr/arm-linux-gnueabihf/include) # this may not be best practice
-# CMAKE_STAGING_PREFIX is only useful for transfering a built CMake project to a target machine
-set(CMAKE_STAGING_PREFIX /home/devel/stage) # use CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX instead (see below comments)
+# CMAKE_STAGING_PREFIX is only useful for transferring a built CMake project to a target machine
+set(CMAKE_STAGING_PREFIX /home/dev/stage) # use CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX instead (see below comments)
 CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH is an empty list by default (this list can be modified where applicable)
 if cross-compiling a dependent lib (like MRAA - which is optional), then
diff --git a/cmake/toolchains/i686.cmake b/cmake/toolchains/i686.cmake
index f3c42be06..8ce0e25cf 100644
--- a/cmake/toolchains/i686.cmake
+++ b/cmake/toolchains/i686.cmake
@@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ set(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER /usr/bin/i686-linux-gnu-g++)
 # add_compile_options(-I /usr/i686-linux-gnu/include) # this may not be best practice
-# CMAKE_STAGING_PREFIX is only useful for transfering a built CMake project to a target machine
-set(CMAKE_STAGING_PREFIX /home/devel/stage) # use CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX instead (see below comments)
+# CMAKE_STAGING_PREFIX is only useful for transferring a built CMake project to a target machine
+set(CMAKE_STAGING_PREFIX /home/dev/stage) # use CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX instead (see below comments)
 CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH is an empty list by default (this list can be modified where applicable)
 if cross-compiling a dependent lib (like MRAA - which is optional), then
diff --git a/cmake/toolchains/x86_64.cmake b/cmake/toolchains/x86_64.cmake
index e4ff737a8..2abb92fe1 100644
--- a/cmake/toolchains/x86_64.cmake
+++ b/cmake/toolchains/x86_64.cmake
@@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ set(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER /usr/bin/x86_64-linux-gnux32-g++)
 # add_compile_options(-I /usr/x86_64-linux-gnux32/include) # this may not be best practice
-# CMAKE_STAGING_PREFIX is only useful for transfering a built CMake project to a target machine
-set(CMAKE_STAGING_PREFIX /home/devel/stage) # use CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX instead (see below comments)
+# CMAKE_STAGING_PREFIX is only useful for transferring a built CMake project to a target machine
+set(CMAKE_STAGING_PREFIX /home/dev/stage) # use CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX instead (see below comments)
 CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH is an empty list by default (this list can be modified where applicable)
 if cross-compiling a dependent lib (like MRAA - which is optional), then
diff --git a/cspell.config.yaml b/cspell.config.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ebf65ffaf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cspell.config.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,313 @@
+version: "0.2"
+language: en
+  - aarch
+  - abled
+  - Achstetter
+  - addch
+  - addstr
+  - afen
+  - akatran
+  - apidoc
+  - Arduipi
+  - AREF
+  - argparser
+  - armhf
+  - armv
+  - Atmel
+  - atmelavr
+  - atmelmegaavr
+  - atmelsam
+  - attroff
+  - attron
+  - autosectionlabel
+  - Avamander
+  - bdist
+  - berryfied
+  - blogspot
+  - bndy
+  - bootloader
+  - BPLUS
+  - bufptr
+  - bugprone
+  - bysource
+  - bytearray
+  - calcsize
+  - cbps
+  - cbreak
+  - ccache
+  - ccmake
+  - cepin
+  - classname
+  - codecov
+  - Coliz
+  - cond
+  - Configurators
+  - cpack
+  - CPHA
+  - cpixip
+  - cppreference
+  - crclength
+  - CRCO
+  - crossunix
+  - crossunixccompiler
+  - cspin
+  - cstdio
+  - CTRLA
+  - CTRLB
+  - datarate
+  - datasheet
+  - Datasheets
+  - deinit
+  - Disabl
+  - Doherty
+  - doxygen
+  - doxygenfile
+  - doxygenfunction
+  - doxygengroup
+  - doxygenpage
+  - doxygenvariable
+  - DPICO
+  - dpkg
+  - DSOFT
+  - dstroy
+  - DYNPD
+  - ENAA
+  - endforeach
+  - endfunction
+  - endparblock
+  - endverbatim
+  - endwin
+  - Engelke
+  - enumvalue
+  - espressif
+  - Fals
+  - farconada
+  - fdevopen
+  - fsanitize
+  - fsel
+  - fstack
+  - ftime
+  - genindex
+  - gettingstarted
+  - gnueabihf
+  - gnux
+  - GPIO
+  - gpiochip
+  - gpiod
+  - Gunasekara
+  - Hallard
+  - HCURR
+  - HLINE
+  - HMISO
+  - HMOSI
+  - HSCLK
+  - hspi
+  - Ikpeoha
+  - imgui
+  - INPT
+  - Interprocedural
+  - intersphinx
+  - iomanip
+  - Jannis
+  - jscrane
+  - KBPS
+  - Konde
+  - kripton
+  - ldconfig
+  - ldiaz
+  - libboost
+  - libc
+  - libmaple
+  - libncurses
+  - librf
+  - linaro
+  - linenos
+  - literalinclude
+  - lossiness
+  - LPSTR
+  - lsbmode
+  - lwiring
+  - Makefiles
+  - Maniacbug
+  - markdownlint
+  - marm
+  - MBED
+  - MBPS
+  - MCUSR
+  - mfloat
+  - mfpu
+  - microcontroller
+  - milisec
+  - millis
+  - milliwatts
+  - MOSI
+  - MRAA
+  - MSVC
+  - mtune
+  - Multiceiver
+  - mypy
+  - nerdralph
+  - newlib
+  - nocbreak
+  - noecho
+  - nullptr
+  - Ofast
+  - OLED
+  - parblock
+  - Pastore
+  - pgmspace
+  - PICO
+  - PINB
+  - pingpair
+  - pinout
+  - pkgs
+  - PLOS
+  - PMIC
+  - PORTA
+  - PORTB
+  - PORTC
+  - PORTD
+  - Portenta
+  - PORTF
+  - postargs
+  - postinst
+  - postrm
+  - preargs
+  - premain
+  - prescalar
+  - Prescaler
+  - println
+  - pthread
+  - purinda
+  - pypi
+  - pyproject
+  - QTPY
+  - Quigg
+  - raspi
+  - rpmbuild
+  - rxbuff
+  - SAMD
+  - sccache
+  - sclk
+  - seealso
+  - Seow
+  - setuptools
+  - spaniakos
+  - Sparkfun
+  - Speedz
+  - SPID
+  - spidev
+  - sprintf
+  - stanleyseow
+  - stby
+  - stddef
+  - stdlib
+  - strresult
+  - ststm
+  - sunxi
+  - suppr
+  - sysroot
+  - tableofcontents
+  - toctree
+  - transfern
+  - transfernb
+  - txbuff
+  - UART
+  - undoc
+  - unexport
+  - userspace
+  - uspi
+  - vect
+  - venv
+  - vfpv
+  - vpfv
+  - VSPI
+  - Wcast
+  - Wconversion
+  - WDCE
+  - WDIE
+  - Wdouble
+  - WDRF
+  - wdtcsr
+  - Wduplicated
+  - Werror
+  - Wextra
+  - Wformat
+  - Wlogical
+  - Wmisleading
+  - Wnon
+  - Wnull
+  - Woverloaded
+  - Wpedantic
+  - Wshadow
+  - Wsign
+  - Wunused
+  - Wuseless
+  - XMEGA
+  - Yagarto
+  - zador
+  - .env/**
+  - .venv/**
+  - env/**
+  - venv/**
+  - "**.clang-tidy"
+  - "**.clang-format"
+  - .gitignore
+  - "**/*.{yml,yaml}"
+  - utility/RPi/bcm2835.*
+  - Makefile*
+  - make.bat
+  - Doxyfile
+  - configure
diff --git a/docs/ b/docs/
index 50d6d0cfb..a1068b4a5 100644
--- a/docs/
+++ b/docs/
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ SPI_UART SPI Pin Connections:
 ### Using a specific SPI Bus
 An alternate SPI bus can be specified using the overloaded `RF24::begin(_SPI*)` method.
-This is useful for some boards that offer more than 1 hardware-driven SPI bus or cetain Arduino
+This is useful for some boards that offer more than 1 hardware-driven SPI bus or certain Arduino
 cores that implement a software-driven (AKA bit-banged) SPI bus that does not use the DigitalIO
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ void setup() {
   // MISO = SD0
   // SCLK = CLK
   // CSN = GPIO0 (labeled D3 on the board)
-  // **notice we also passed `D3` to the RF24 contructor's csn_pin parameter**
+  // **notice we also passed `D3` to the RF24 constructor's csn_pin parameter**
@@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ located in their ArduinoCore repository (along with the SPI library for the ESP3
 RF24 radio(2, 0); // the (ce_pin, csn_pin) connected to the radio
 SPIClass* hspi = nullptr; // we'll instantiate this in the `setup()` function
-// by default the HSPI bus predefines the following pins
+// by default the HSPI bus pre-defines the following pins
 // HSPI_MISO = 12
 // HSPI_MOSI = 13
 // HSPI_SCLK = 14
@@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ void setup() {
 #### ATSAMD21 example
-@see The Suport for secondary SPI bus on ATSAMD21 chips is sparcely documented. However,
+@see The Support for secondary SPI bus on ATSAMD21 chips is scarcely documented. However,
 [Sparkfun has a tutorial about using a second SPI bus](
 that often refers to the
 [ArduinoCore-samd SPI library source code]( This example applies Sparkfun's tutorial toward the RF24 library.
diff --git a/docs/ b/docs/
index 20b7f0e9e..f04843881 100644
--- a/docs/
+++ b/docs/
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
-ATTiny support for this library relys on the SpenceKonde ATTinyCore. Be sure to have added this core to the Arduino Boards Manager with [this install guide](
+ATTiny support for this library relies on the SpenceKonde ATTinyCore. Be sure to have added this core to the Arduino Boards Manager with [this install guide](
 See the included rf24ping85 example for pin info and usage
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ nRF24L01 GND, pin1 --- GND  4|    |5  PB0 --- nRF24L01 MISO, pin7
 - Circuit idea from [NerdRalph's 3 pin solution](
 - Original RC combination was 1K/100nF. 22K/10nF combination worked better.
-- For best settletime delay value in RF24::csn() the timingSearch3pin.ino sketch can be used.
+- For best settle-time delay value in `RF24::csn()` the timingSearch3pin.ino sketch can be used.
 - This configuration is enabled when CE_PIN and CSN_PIN are equal, e.g. both 3
 - Because CE is always high the power consumption is higher than for 5 pins solution
diff --git a/docs/ b/docs/
index e0a3efb65..721c08885 100644
--- a/docs/
+++ b/docs/
@@ -54,4 +54,4 @@ Call the `__start_timer()` to start the millisecond timer.
 @note The millisecond functionality is based on the TCE0 so don't use these pins as IO.
-@note The operating frequency of the uC is 32MHz. If you have a different frequency, change the TCE0 registers appropriatly in function `__start_timer()` in **compatibility.c** file for your frequency.
+@note The operating frequency of the uC is 32MHz. If you have a different frequency, change the TCE0 registers appropriately in function `__start_timer()` in **compatibility.c** file for your frequency.
diff --git a/docs/ b/docs/
index f30d394bd..2d3fabdf8 100644
--- a/docs/
+++ b/docs/
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ RF24 library supports cross-compilation. Advantages of cross-compilation:
 Following prerequisites need to be assured:
-- ssh passwordless access to target machine [Here is a hint](
+- ssh password-less access to target machine [Here is a hint](
 - sudo of a remote user without password [Here is a hint](
 - cross-compilation toolchain for your target machine; for RPi
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ Following prerequisites need to be assured:
-4. (optional) install library to cross-compilation machine into cross-exvironment - important for compilation of examples
+4. (optional) install library to cross-compilation machine into cross-environment - important for compilation of examples
    sudo make install
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ Following prerequisites need to be assured:
    make upload
-## Cross comilation steps for python wrapper
+## Cross compilation steps for python wrapper
 ### Prerequisites
diff --git a/docs/ b/docs/
index 6da4e811d..197f9fdc2 100644
--- a/docs/
+++ b/docs/
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ CE and CSN are configurable.
 | 2   | VCC      | 3.3V        | pin 8              | pin 1           | regulator 3.3V required | rpi-3v3    | (17)              |
 | 3   | CE       | digIO 7     | pin 2              | pin 12          | pin to 3.3V             | rpi-gpio22 | (15)              |
 | 4   | CSN      | digIO 8     | pin 3              | pin 11          | RESET                   | rpi-gpio8  | (24)              |
-| 5   | SCK      | digIO 13    | pin 7              | pin 9           | SCK                     | rpi-sckl   | (23)              |
+| 5   | SCK      | digIO 13    | pin 7              | pin 9           | SCK                     | rpi-sclk   | (23)              |
 | 6   | MOSI     | digIO 11    | pin 6              | pin 7           | MOSI                    | rpi-mosi   | (19)              |
 | 7   | MISO     | digIO 12    | pin 5              | pin 8           | MISO                    | rpi-miso   | (21)              |
 | 8   | IRQ      | -           | -                  | -               | -                       | -          | -                 |
diff --git a/docs/ b/docs/
index 89000c639..6b179271d 100644
--- a/docs/
+++ b/docs/
@@ -125,10 +125,10 @@ In order to use the RF24 libraries in your RP2040 based project:
 Initially (without modification), the SPI bus uses the default pins defined in the
 Pico SDK repository's [pico-sdk/src/boards/include/boards/\<board_name>.h files](
 However, there may be some boards that do not define the necessary pins to use as defaults. This can
-be rememdied using either project source code or build-time configuration.
+be remedied using either project source code or build-time configuration.
 @warning There is no support for software driven SPI on RP2040 based boards at this time.
-If someone is so inclined to implement this using the Pico SDK's PIO (Programable Input
+If someone is so inclined to implement this using the Pico SDK's PIO (Programmable Input
 Output) feature, please submit an issue or pull request to the
 [RF24 repository](
diff --git a/docs/ b/docs/
index 0b83e92de..cef706131 100644
--- a/docs/
+++ b/docs/
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ to each library.
    See the included [\*.py files in the "examples_linux" folder](examples.html) for usage information.
 3. Running the Example
-   The python examples location differ for each RF24* resopitories.
+   The python examples location differ for each RF24* repositories.
    - navigate to *examples_linux* directory in the RF24 cloned repository
    - navigate to *RPi/pyRF24Network/examples* directory in the RF24Network cloned repository
    - navigate to *examples_RPi* directory in the RF24Mesh cloned repository
diff --git a/docs/ b/docs/
index 68b18bcac..eedd921db 100644
--- a/docs/
+++ b/docs/
@@ -79,12 +79,12 @@ See [the Raspberry Pi documentation about the GPIO pins](https://www.raspberrypi
 | 2   | VCC      | rpi-3v3    | (17)              |
 | 3   | CE       | rpi-gpio22 | (15)              |
 | 4   | CSN      | rpi-gpio8  | (24)              |
-| 5   | SCK      | rpi-sckl   | (23)              |
+| 5   | SCK      | rpi-sclk   | (23)              |
 | 6   | MOSI     | rpi-mosi   | (19)              |
 | 7   | MISO     | rpi-miso   | (21)              |
 | 8   | IRQ      | -          | -                 |
-## breif history of RF24 library lineage
+## brief history of RF24 library lineage
 Based on the arduino lib from [J. Coliz](,
 the library was berryfied by [Purinda Gunasekara](
diff --git a/docs/sphinx/ b/docs/sphinx/
index c9aa50c45..5e2fb065e 100644
--- a/docs/sphinx/
+++ b/docs/sphinx/
@@ -97,7 +97,6 @@
         # "toc.integrate",
         # "navigation.sections",
-        # "header.autohide",
         # "search.highlight",
@@ -128,8 +127,6 @@
     "repo_url": "",
     "repo_name": "RF24",
     "repo_type": "github",
-    # If False, expand all TOC entries
-    "globaltoc_collapse": False,
 object_description_options = [
diff --git a/docs/ b/docs/
index 94708a9f8..ed2780a17 100644
--- a/docs/
+++ b/docs/
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ There is a newer automatic install script that makes use of the CMake approach.
    nano gettingstarted.cpp
-   and edit the pin numbers as directed in the [linux/RPi general documation](
+   and edit the pin numbers as directed in the [linux/RPi general documentation](
    Create a build directory in the examples_linux directory and navigate to it.
    mkdir build
diff --git a/examples/AcknowledgementPayloads/AcknowledgementPayloads.ino b/examples/AcknowledgementPayloads/AcknowledgementPayloads.ino
index 0e511e0e6..f4c7f1785 100644
--- a/examples/AcknowledgementPayloads/AcknowledgementPayloads.ino
+++ b/examples/AcknowledgementPayloads/AcknowledgementPayloads.ino
@@ -1,209 +1,209 @@
- * See documentation at
- * See License information at root directory of this library
- * Author: Brendan Doherty (2bndy5)
- */
- * A simple example of sending data from 1 nRF24L01 transceiver to another
- * with Acknowledgement (ACK) payloads attached to ACK packets.
- *
- * This example was written to be used on 2 devices acting as "nodes".
- * Use the Serial Monitor to change each node's behavior.
- */
-#include <SPI.h>
-#include "printf.h"
-#include "RF24.h"
-#define CE_PIN 7
-#define CSN_PIN 8
-// instantiate an object for the nRF24L01 transceiver
-RF24 radio(CE_PIN, CSN_PIN);
-// an identifying device destination
-// Let these addresses be used for the pair
-uint8_t address[][6] = { "1Node", "2Node" };
-// It is very helpful to think of an address as a path instead of as
-// an identifying device destination
-// to use different addresses on a pair of radios, we need a variable to
-// uniquely identify which address this radio will use to transmit
-bool radioNumber = 1;  // 0 uses address[0] to transmit, 1 uses address[1] to transmit
-// Used to control whether this node is sending or receiving
-bool role = false;  // true = TX role, false = RX role
-// For this example, we'll be using a payload containing
-// a string & an integer number that will be incremented
-// on every successful transmission.
-// Make a data structure to store the entire payload of different datatypes
-struct PayloadStruct {
-  char message[7];  // only using 6 characters for TX & ACK payloads
-  uint8_t counter;
-PayloadStruct payload;
-void setup() {
-  Serial.begin(115200);
-  while (!Serial) {
-    // some boards need to wait to ensure access to serial over USB
-  }
-  // initialize the transceiver on the SPI bus
-  if (!radio.begin()) {
-    Serial.println(F("radio hardware is not responding!!"));
-    while (1) {}  // hold in infinite loop
-  }
-  // print example's introductory prompt
-  Serial.println(F("RF24/examples/AcknowledgementPayloads"));
-  // To set the radioNumber via the Serial monitor on startup
-  Serial.println(F("Which radio is this? Enter '0' or '1'. Defaults to '0'"));
-  while (!Serial.available()) {
-    // wait for user input
-  }
-  char input = Serial.parseInt();
-  radioNumber = input == 1;
-  Serial.print(F("radioNumber = "));
-  Serial.println((int)radioNumber);
-  // role variable is hardcoded to RX behavior, inform the user of this
-  Serial.println(F("*** PRESS 'T' to begin transmitting to the other node"));
-  // Set the PA Level low to try preventing power supply related problems
-  // because these examples are likely run with nodes in close proximity to
-  // each other.
-  radio.setPALevel(RF24_PA_LOW);  // RF24_PA_MAX is default.
-  // to use ACK payloads, we need to enable dynamic payload lengths (for all nodes)
-  radio.enableDynamicPayloads();  // ACK payloads are dynamically sized
-  // Acknowledgement packets have no payloads by default. We need to enable
-  // this feature for all nodes (TX & RX) to use ACK payloads.
-  radio.enableAckPayload();
-  // set the TX address of the RX node into the TX pipe
-  radio.openWritingPipe(address[radioNumber]);  // always uses pipe 0
-  // set the RX address of the TX node into a RX pipe
-  radio.openReadingPipe(1, address[!radioNumber]);  // using pipe 1
-  // additional setup specific to the node's role
-  if (role) {
-    // setup the TX payload
-    memcpy(payload.message, "Hello ", 6);  // set the payload message
-    radio.stopListening();                 // put radio in TX mode
-  } else {
-    // setup the ACK payload & load the first response into the FIFO
-    memcpy(payload.message, "World ", 6);  // set the payload message
-    // load the payload for the first received transmission on pipe 0
-    radio.writeAckPayload(1, &payload, sizeof(payload));
-    radio.startListening();  // put radio in RX mode
-  }
-  // For debugging info
-  // printf_begin();             // needed only once for printing details
-  // radio.printDetails();       // (smaller) function that prints raw register values
-  // radio.printPrettyDetails(); // (larger) function that prints human readable data
-void loop() {
-  if (role) {
-    // This device is a TX node
-    unsigned long start_timer = micros();                  // start the timer
-    bool report = radio.write(&payload, sizeof(payload));  // transmit & save the report
-    unsigned long end_timer = micros();                    // end the timer
-    if (report) {
-      Serial.print(F("Transmission successful! "));  // payload was delivered
-      Serial.print(F("Time to transmit = "));
-      Serial.print(end_timer - start_timer);  // print the timer result
-      Serial.print(F(" us. Sent: "));
-      Serial.print(payload.message);  // print the outgoing message
-      Serial.print(payload.counter);  // print the outgoing counter
-      uint8_t pipe;
-      if (radio.available(&pipe)) {  // is there an ACK payload? grab the pipe number that received it
-        PayloadStruct received;
-, sizeof(received));  // get incoming ACK payload
-        Serial.print(F(" Recieved "));
-        Serial.print(radio.getDynamicPayloadSize());  // print incoming payload size
-        Serial.print(F(" bytes on pipe "));
-        Serial.print(pipe);  // print pipe number that received the ACK
-        Serial.print(F(": "));
-        Serial.print(received.message);    // print incoming message
-        Serial.println(received.counter);  // print incoming counter
-        // save incoming counter & increment for next outgoing
-        payload.counter = received.counter + 1;
-      } else {
-        Serial.println(F(" Recieved: an empty ACK packet"));  // empty ACK packet received
-      }
-    } else {
-      Serial.println(F("Transmission failed or timed out"));  // payload was not delivered
-    }
-    // to make this example readable in the serial monitor
-    delay(1000);  // slow transmissions down by 1 second
-  } else {
-    // This device is a RX node
-    uint8_t pipe;
-    if (radio.available(&pipe)) {                     // is there a payload? get the pipe number that recieved it
-      uint8_t bytes = radio.getDynamicPayloadSize();  // get the size of the payload
-      PayloadStruct received;
-, sizeof(received));  // get incoming payload
-      Serial.print(F("Received "));
-      Serial.print(bytes);  // print the size of the payload
-      Serial.print(F(" bytes on pipe "));
-      Serial.print(pipe);  // print the pipe number
-      Serial.print(F(": "));
-      Serial.print(received.message);  // print incoming message
-      Serial.print(received.counter);  // print incoming counter
-      Serial.print(F(" Sent: "));
-      Serial.print(payload.message);    // print outgoing message
-      Serial.println(payload.counter);  // print outgoing counter
-      // save incoming counter & increment for next outgoing
-      payload.counter = received.counter + 1;
-      // load the payload for the first received transmission on pipe 0
-      radio.writeAckPayload(1, &payload, sizeof(payload));
-    }
-  }  // role
-  if (Serial.available()) {
-    // change the role via the serial monitor
-    char c = toupper(;
-    if (c == 'T' && !role) {
-      // Become the TX node
-      role = true;
-      Serial.println(F("*** CHANGING TO TRANSMIT ROLE -- PRESS 'R' TO SWITCH BACK"));
-      memcpy(payload.message, "Hello ", 6);  // change payload message
-      radio.stopListening();                 // this also discards any unused ACK payloads
-    } else if (c == 'R' && role) {
-      // Become the RX node
-      role = false;
-      Serial.println(F("*** CHANGING TO RECEIVE ROLE -- PRESS 'T' TO SWITCH BACK"));
-      memcpy(payload.message, "World ", 6);  // change payload message
-      // load the payload for the first received transmission on pipe 0
-      radio.writeAckPayload(1, &payload, sizeof(payload));
-      radio.startListening();
-    }
-  }
-}  // loop
+ * See documentation at
+ * See License information at root directory of this library
+ * Author: Brendan Doherty (2bndy5)
+ */
+ * A simple example of sending data from 1 nRF24L01 transceiver to another
+ * with Acknowledgement (ACK) payloads attached to ACK packets.
+ *
+ * This example was written to be used on 2 devices acting as "nodes".
+ * Use the Serial Monitor to change each node's behavior.
+ */
+#include <SPI.h>
+#include "printf.h"
+#include "RF24.h"
+#define CE_PIN 7
+#define CSN_PIN 8
+// instantiate an object for the nRF24L01 transceiver
+RF24 radio(CE_PIN, CSN_PIN);
+// an identifying device destination
+// Let these addresses be used for the pair
+uint8_t address[][6] = { "1Node", "2Node" };
+// It is very helpful to think of an address as a path instead of as
+// an identifying device destination
+// to use different addresses on a pair of radios, we need a variable to
+// uniquely identify which address this radio will use to transmit
+bool radioNumber = 1;  // 0 uses address[0] to transmit, 1 uses address[1] to transmit
+// Used to control whether this node is sending or receiving
+bool role = false;  // true = TX role, false = RX role
+// For this example, we'll be using a payload containing
+// a string & an integer number that will be incremented
+// on every successful transmission.
+// Make a data structure to store the entire payload of different datatypes
+struct PayloadStruct {
+  char message[7];  // only using 6 characters for TX & ACK payloads
+  uint8_t counter;
+PayloadStruct payload;
+void setup() {
+  Serial.begin(115200);
+  while (!Serial) {
+    // some boards need to wait to ensure access to serial over USB
+  }
+  // initialize the transceiver on the SPI bus
+  if (!radio.begin()) {
+    Serial.println(F("radio hardware is not responding!!"));
+    while (1) {}  // hold in infinite loop
+  }
+  // print example's introductory prompt
+  Serial.println(F("RF24/examples/AcknowledgementPayloads"));
+  // To set the radioNumber via the Serial monitor on startup
+  Serial.println(F("Which radio is this? Enter '0' or '1'. Defaults to '0'"));
+  while (!Serial.available()) {
+    // wait for user input
+  }
+  char input = Serial.parseInt();
+  radioNumber = input == 1;
+  Serial.print(F("radioNumber = "));
+  Serial.println((int)radioNumber);
+  // role variable is hardcoded to RX behavior, inform the user of this
+  Serial.println(F("*** PRESS 'T' to begin transmitting to the other node"));
+  // Set the PA Level low to try preventing power supply related problems
+  // because these examples are likely run with nodes in close proximity to
+  // each other.
+  radio.setPALevel(RF24_PA_LOW);  // RF24_PA_MAX is default.
+  // to use ACK payloads, we need to enable dynamic payload lengths (for all nodes)
+  radio.enableDynamicPayloads();  // ACK payloads are dynamically sized
+  // Acknowledgement packets have no payloads by default. We need to enable
+  // this feature for all nodes (TX & RX) to use ACK payloads.
+  radio.enableAckPayload();
+  // set the TX address of the RX node into the TX pipe
+  radio.openWritingPipe(address[radioNumber]);  // always uses pipe 0
+  // set the RX address of the TX node into a RX pipe
+  radio.openReadingPipe(1, address[!radioNumber]);  // using pipe 1
+  // additional setup specific to the node's role
+  if (role) {
+    // setup the TX payload
+    memcpy(payload.message, "Hello ", 6);  // set the payload message
+    radio.stopListening();                 // put radio in TX mode
+  } else {
+    // setup the ACK payload & load the first response into the FIFO
+    memcpy(payload.message, "World ", 6);  // set the payload message
+    // load the payload for the first received transmission on pipe 0
+    radio.writeAckPayload(1, &payload, sizeof(payload));
+    radio.startListening();  // put radio in RX mode
+  }
+  // For debugging info
+  // printf_begin();             // needed only once for printing details
+  // radio.printDetails();       // (smaller) function that prints raw register values
+  // radio.printPrettyDetails(); // (larger) function that prints human readable data
+void loop() {
+  if (role) {
+    // This device is a TX node
+    unsigned long start_timer = micros();                  // start the timer
+    bool report = radio.write(&payload, sizeof(payload));  // transmit & save the report
+    unsigned long end_timer = micros();                    // end the timer
+    if (report) {
+      Serial.print(F("Transmission successful! "));  // payload was delivered
+      Serial.print(F("Time to transmit = "));
+      Serial.print(end_timer - start_timer);  // print the timer result
+      Serial.print(F(" us. Sent: "));
+      Serial.print(payload.message);  // print the outgoing message
+      Serial.print(payload.counter);  // print the outgoing counter
+      uint8_t pipe;
+      if (radio.available(&pipe)) {  // is there an ACK payload? grab the pipe number that received it
+        PayloadStruct received;
+, sizeof(received));  // get incoming ACK payload
+        Serial.print(F(" Received "));
+        Serial.print(radio.getDynamicPayloadSize());  // print incoming payload size
+        Serial.print(F(" bytes on pipe "));
+        Serial.print(pipe);  // print pipe number that received the ACK
+        Serial.print(F(": "));
+        Serial.print(received.message);    // print incoming message
+        Serial.println(received.counter);  // print incoming counter
+        // save incoming counter & increment for next outgoing
+        payload.counter = received.counter + 1;
+      } else {
+        Serial.println(F(" Received: an empty ACK packet"));  // empty ACK packet received
+      }
+    } else {
+      Serial.println(F("Transmission failed or timed out"));  // payload was not delivered
+    }
+    // to make this example readable in the serial monitor
+    delay(1000);  // slow transmissions down by 1 second
+  } else {
+    // This device is a RX node
+    uint8_t pipe;
+    if (radio.available(&pipe)) {                     // is there a payload? get the pipe number that received it
+      uint8_t bytes = radio.getDynamicPayloadSize();  // get the size of the payload
+      PayloadStruct received;
+, sizeof(received));  // get incoming payload
+      Serial.print(F("Received "));
+      Serial.print(bytes);  // print the size of the payload
+      Serial.print(F(" bytes on pipe "));
+      Serial.print(pipe);  // print the pipe number
+      Serial.print(F(": "));
+      Serial.print(received.message);  // print incoming message
+      Serial.print(received.counter);  // print incoming counter
+      Serial.print(F(" Sent: "));
+      Serial.print(payload.message);    // print outgoing message
+      Serial.println(payload.counter);  // print outgoing counter
+      // save incoming counter & increment for next outgoing
+      payload.counter = received.counter + 1;
+      // load the payload for the first received transmission on pipe 0
+      radio.writeAckPayload(1, &payload, sizeof(payload));
+    }
+  }  // role
+  if (Serial.available()) {
+    // change the role via the serial monitor
+    char c = toupper(;
+    if (c == 'T' && !role) {
+      // Become the TX node
+      role = true;
+      Serial.println(F("*** CHANGING TO TRANSMIT ROLE -- PRESS 'R' TO SWITCH BACK"));
+      memcpy(payload.message, "Hello ", 6);  // change payload message
+      radio.stopListening();                 // this also discards any unused ACK payloads
+    } else if (c == 'R' && role) {
+      // Become the RX node
+      role = false;
+      Serial.println(F("*** CHANGING TO RECEIVE ROLE -- PRESS 'T' TO SWITCH BACK"));
+      memcpy(payload.message, "World ", 6);  // change payload message
+      // load the payload for the first received transmission on pipe 0
+      radio.writeAckPayload(1, &payload, sizeof(payload));
+      radio.startListening();
+    }
+  }
+}  // loop
diff --git a/examples/GettingStarted/GettingStarted.ino b/examples/GettingStarted/GettingStarted.ino
index 49d305bc3..4132c1035 100644
--- a/examples/GettingStarted/GettingStarted.ino
+++ b/examples/GettingStarted/GettingStarted.ino
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ void loop() {
     // This device is a RX node
     uint8_t pipe;
-    if (radio.available(&pipe)) {              // is there a payload? get the pipe number that recieved it
+    if (radio.available(&pipe)) {              // is there a payload? get the pipe number that received it
       uint8_t bytes = radio.getPayloadSize();  // get the size of the payload, bytes);             // fetch payload from FIFO
       Serial.print(F("Received "));
diff --git a/examples/ManualAcknowledgements/ManualAcknowledgements.ino b/examples/ManualAcknowledgements/ManualAcknowledgements.ino
index 90612a8cf..3e8b8fc91 100644
--- a/examples/ManualAcknowledgements/ManualAcknowledgements.ino
+++ b/examples/ManualAcknowledgements/ManualAcknowledgements.ino
@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ void loop() {
         Serial.println(received.counter);    // print the incoming payload's counter
         payload.counter = received.counter;  // save incoming counter for next outgoing counter
       } else {
-        Serial.println(F(" Recieved no response."));  // no response received
+        Serial.println(F(" Received no response."));  // no response received
     } else {
       Serial.println(F("Transmission failed or timed out"));  // payload was not delivered
@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ void loop() {
     // This device is a RX node
     uint8_t pipe;
-    if (radio.available(&pipe)) {  // is there a payload? get the pipe number that recieved it
+    if (radio.available(&pipe)) {  // is there a payload? get the pipe number that received it
       PayloadStruct received;, sizeof(received));  // get incoming payload
       payload.counter = received.counter + 1;   // increment incoming counter for next outgoing response
diff --git a/examples/MulticeiverDemo/MulticeiverDemo.ino b/examples/MulticeiverDemo/MulticeiverDemo.ino
index 3c52ffeb4..8cc87335c 100644
--- a/examples/MulticeiverDemo/MulticeiverDemo.ino
+++ b/examples/MulticeiverDemo/MulticeiverDemo.ino
@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ void loop() {
     // This device is the RX node
     uint8_t pipe;
-    if (radio.available(&pipe)) {              // is there a payload? get the pipe number that recieved it
+    if (radio.available(&pipe)) {              // is there a payload? get the pipe number that received it
       uint8_t bytes = radio.getPayloadSize();  // get the size of the payload, bytes);             // fetch payload from FIFO
       Serial.print(F("Received "));
diff --git a/examples/encodeRadioDetails/encodeRadioDetails.ino b/examples/encodeRadioDetails/encodeRadioDetails.ino
index 506739315..6aee593c4 100644
--- a/examples/encodeRadioDetails/encodeRadioDetails.ino
+++ b/examples/encodeRadioDetails/encodeRadioDetails.ino
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ void setup() {
   Serial.println(F("\"\n***You may need to use 'python3' (without quotes) on Linux"));
 }  // setup
-/* Registers correspnding to index of encoded_details array
+/* Registers corresponding to index of encoded_details array
   0:     NRF_CONFIG
   1:     EN_AA
   2:     EN_RXADDR
diff --git a/examples/encodeRadioDetails/ b/examples/encodeRadioDetails/
index 8dee9bf66..2d09e2c9e 100644
--- a/examples/encodeRadioDetails/
+++ b/examples/encodeRadioDetails/
@@ -36,14 +36,14 @@ def hex_str_to_bytes(s_in: str) -> bytes:
 def address_repr(buf, reverse: bool = True, delimit: str = "") -> str:
-    """Convert a buffer into a hexlified string."""
+    """Convert a buffer into a hexadecimal string."""
     order = range(len(buf) - 1, -1, -1) if reverse else range(len(buf))
     return delimit.join(["%02X" % buf[byte] for byte in order])
 # pylint: disable=too-many-locals,too-many-statements
 def print_details(encoded_buf: bytearray):
-    """This debuggung function outputs all details about the nRF24L01."""
+    """This debugging function outputs all details about the nRF24L01."""
     # declare sequences
     pipes = [bytearray(5)] * 2 + [0] * 4
     pl_len = [0] * 6
diff --git a/examples/old_backups/GettingStarted_HandlingFailures/GettingStarted_HandlingFailures.ino b/examples/old_backups/GettingStarted_HandlingFailures/GettingStarted_HandlingFailures.ino
index 09f418223..d05add40f 100644
--- a/examples/old_backups/GettingStarted_HandlingFailures/GettingStarted_HandlingFailures.ino
+++ b/examples/old_backups/GettingStarted_HandlingFailures/GettingStarted_HandlingFailures.ino
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
   CRC Length     = 16 bits
   PA Power       = PA_LOW
-  Users can use this sketch to troubleshoot radio module wiring etc. as it makes the radios hot-swapable
+  Users can use this sketch to troubleshoot radio module wiring etc. as it makes the radios hot-swappable
   Updated: 2019 by TMRh20
diff --git a/examples/old_backups/TransferTimeouts/TransferTimeouts.ino b/examples/old_backups/TransferTimeouts/TransferTimeouts.ino
index 9abb4d369..dbb8d1a21 100644
--- a/examples/old_backups/TransferTimeouts/TransferTimeouts.ino
+++ b/examples/old_backups/TransferTimeouts/TransferTimeouts.ino
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
   the auto-retry functionality to any chosen time period, preventing data loss and ensuring
   the consistency of data.
-  This sketh demonstrates use of the writeBlocking() functionality, and extends the standard
+  This sketch demonstrates use of the writeBlocking() functionality, and extends the standard
   retry functionality of the radio. Payloads will be auto-retried until successful or the
   extended timeout period is reached.
@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ void loop(void) {
         rxTimer = millis();                             // Reset the timeout timer
         counter++;                                      // Keep a count of received payloads
       } else if (millis() - rxTimer > timeoutPeriod) {  // If no data available, check the timeout period
-        Serial.println("Transfer Failed");              // If per-payload timeout exceeeded, end the transfer
+        Serial.println("Transfer Failed");              // If per-payload timeout exceeded, end the transfer
         transferInProgress = 0;
       } else if (counter >= payloads) {    // If the specified number of payloads is reached, transfer is completed
         startTime = millis() - startTime;  // Calculate the total time spent during transfer
diff --git a/examples/old_backups/pingpair_dyn/pingpair_dyn.ino b/examples/old_backups/pingpair_dyn/pingpair_dyn.ino
index a27cbd39d..8df9524d2 100644
--- a/examples/old_backups/pingpair_dyn/pingpair_dyn.ino
+++ b/examples/old_backups/pingpair_dyn/pingpair_dyn.ino
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ void loop() {
     radio.startListening();  // Now, continue listening
-    unsigned long started_waiting_at = millis();  // Start a timer for measuring timout
+    unsigned long started_waiting_at = millis();  // Start a timer for measuring timeout
     bool timeout = false;
     while (!radio.available() && !timeout)  // Wait until we get a response or timeout is reached
diff --git a/examples/old_backups/recipes/ b/examples/old_backups/recipes/
index c22d7a24c..15ea3ff5f 100644
--- a/examples/old_backups/recipes/
+++ b/examples/old_backups/recipes/
@@ -1,2 +1,7 @@
-Note: These recipe examples may have not been maintained with library updates, and are provided as-is for reference purposes.
-Warning: These are recipe examples are intended for specific hardware usage.
\ No newline at end of file
+# Recipes
+> [!note]
+> These recipe examples may have not been maintained with library updates, and are provided as-is for reference purposes.
+> [!warning]
+> These are recipe examples are intended for specific hardware usage.
diff --git a/examples/rf24_ATTiny/timingSearch3pin/timingSearch3pin.ino b/examples/rf24_ATTiny/timingSearch3pin/timingSearch3pin.ino
index c2b79b3a6..5ec62856a 100644
--- a/examples/rf24_ATTiny/timingSearch3pin/timingSearch3pin.ino
+++ b/examples/rf24_ATTiny/timingSearch3pin/timingSearch3pin.ino
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
  * macros, defined as RF24_CSN_SETTLE_HIGH_DELAY and RF24_CSN_SETTLE_LOW_DELAY,
  * in RF24::csn().
  * The settle time values used here are 100/20. However, these values depend
- * on the actual used RC combiniation and voltage drop by LED. The
+ * on the actual used RC combination and voltage drop by LED. The
  * intermediate results are written to TX (PB3, pin 2 -- using Serial).
  * For schematic details, see introductory comment block in the
diff --git a/examples_linux/CMakeLists.txt b/examples_linux/CMakeLists.txt
index d48c1a989..f75d8b771 100644
--- a/examples_linux/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/examples_linux/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ add_compile_options(-Ofast -Wall) # passing the compiler a `-pthread` flag doesn
 include(../cmake/detectCPU.cmake) # sets the variable SOC accordingly
 # auto-detect what driver to use
-# auto-detect can be overriden using `cmake .. -D RF24_DRIVER=<supported driver>`
+# auto-detect can be overridden using `cmake .. -D RF24_DRIVER=<supported driver>`
 find_library(RF24 rf24 REQUIRED)
diff --git a/examples_linux/acknowledgementPayloads.cpp b/examples_linux/acknowledgementPayloads.cpp
index 1c784548a..5412160f3 100644
--- a/examples_linux/acknowledgementPayloads.cpp
+++ b/examples_linux/acknowledgementPayloads.cpp
@@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ void slave()
     time_t startTimer = time(nullptr);       // start a timer
     while (time(nullptr) - startTimer < 6) { // use 6 second timeout
         uint8_t pipe;
-        if (radio.available(&pipe)) {                      // is there a payload? get the pipe number that recieved it
+        if (radio.available(&pipe)) {                      // is there a payload? get the pipe number that received it
             uint8_t bytes = radio.getDynamicPayloadSize(); // get the size of the payload
             PayloadStruct received;
   , sizeof(received));         // fetch payload from RX FIFO
diff --git a/examples_linux/gettingstarted.cpp b/examples_linux/gettingstarted.cpp
index c5916a390..752611f6b 100644
--- a/examples_linux/gettingstarted.cpp
+++ b/examples_linux/gettingstarted.cpp
@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ void slave()
     time_t startTimer = time(nullptr);       // start a timer
     while (time(nullptr) - startTimer < 6) { // use 6 second timeout
         uint8_t pipe;
-        if (radio.available(&pipe)) {                        // is there a payload? get the pipe number that recieved it
+        if (radio.available(&pipe)) {                        // is there a payload? get the pipe number that received it
             uint8_t bytes = radio.getPayloadSize();          // get the size of the payload
   , bytes);                     // fetch payload from FIFO
             cout << "Received " << (unsigned int)bytes;      // print the size of the payload
diff --git a/examples_linux/interrupts/gettingstarted_call_response_int.cpp b/examples_linux/interrupts/gettingstarted_call_response_int.cpp
index 1362292c3..09f187a15 100644
--- a/examples_linux/interrupts/gettingstarted_call_response_int.cpp
+++ b/examples_linux/interrupts/gettingstarted_call_response_int.cpp
@@ -6,10 +6,10 @@ TMRh20 2014 - Updated to work with optimized RF24 Arduino library
  * Example for efficient call-response using ack-payloads and interrupts
  * This example continues to make use of all the normal functionality of the radios including
- * the auto-ack and auto-retry features, but allows ack-payloads to be written optionlly as well.
+ * the auto-ack and auto-retry features, but allows ack-payloads to be written optionally as well.
  * This allows very fast call-response communication, with the responding radio never having to
  * switch out of Primary Receiver mode to send back a payload, but having the option to switch to
- * primary transmitter if wanting to initiate communication instead of respond to a commmunication.
+ * primary transmitter if wanting to initiate communication instead of respond to a communication.
 #include <cstdlib>
diff --git a/examples_linux/interrupts/gettingstarted_call_response_int2.cpp b/examples_linux/interrupts/gettingstarted_call_response_int2.cpp
index f7fe2e35d..9f6491837 100644
--- a/examples_linux/interrupts/gettingstarted_call_response_int2.cpp
+++ b/examples_linux/interrupts/gettingstarted_call_response_int2.cpp
@@ -6,10 +6,10 @@ TMRh20 2014 - Updated to work with optimized RF24 Arduino library
  * Example for efficient call-response using ack-payloads
  * This example continues to make use of all the normal functionality of the radios including
- * the auto-ack and auto-retry features, but allows ack-payloads to be written optionlly as well.
+ * the auto-ack and auto-retry features, but allows ack-payloads to be written optionally as well.
  * This allows very fast call-response communication, with the responding radio never having to
  * switch out of Primary Receiver mode to send back a payload, but having the option to switch to
- * primary transmitter if wanting to initiate communication instead of respond to a commmunication.
+ * primary transmitter if wanting to initiate communication instead of respond to a communication.
 #include <cstdlib>
diff --git a/examples_linux/interrupts/transfer_interrupt.cpp b/examples_linux/interrupts/transfer_interrupt.cpp
index b634c6807..a726bac8e 100644
--- a/examples_linux/interrupts/transfer_interrupt.cpp
+++ b/examples_linux/interrupts/transfer_interrupt.cpp
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ TMRh20 2014
 /** General Data Transfer Rate Test
  * This example demonstrates basic data transfer functionality with the
- updated library. This example will display the transfer rates acheived using
+ updated library. This example will display the transfer rates achieved using
  the slower form of high-speed transfer using blocking-writes.
diff --git a/examples_linux/manualAcknowledgements.cpp b/examples_linux/manualAcknowledgements.cpp
index a10280b15..621093250 100644
--- a/examples_linux/manualAcknowledgements.cpp
+++ b/examples_linux/manualAcknowledgements.cpp
@@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ void master()
                 cout << (unsigned int)payload.counter;    // print outgoing counter
                 PayloadStruct received;
       , sizeof(received));     // get incoming payload
-                cout << " Recieved " << (unsigned int)bytes; // print incoming payload size
+                cout << " Received " << (unsigned int)bytes; // print incoming payload size
                 cout << " on pipe " << (unsigned int)pipe;   // print RX pipe number
                 cout << ": " << received.message;            // print the incoming message
                 cout << (unsigned int)received.counter;      // print the incoming counter
@@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ void master()
                 payload.counter = received.counter; // save incoming counter for next outgoing counter
             else {
-                cout << "Recieved no response." << endl; // no response received
+                cout << "Received no response." << endl; // no response received
         else {
@@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ void slave()
     time_t startTimer = time(nullptr);       // start a timer
     while (time(nullptr) - startTimer < 6) { // use 6 second timeout
         uint8_t pipe;
-        if (radio.available(&pipe)) {               // is there a payload? get the pipe number that recieved it
+        if (radio.available(&pipe)) {               // is there a payload? get the pipe number that received it
             uint8_t bytes = radio.getPayloadSize(); // get size of incoming payload
             PayloadStruct received;
   , sizeof(received)); // get incoming payload
diff --git a/examples_linux/ b/examples_linux/
index b577281b8..c38824103 100644
--- a/examples_linux/
+++ b/examples_linux/
@@ -93,9 +93,9 @@ def master():
             print("Transmission failed or timed out")
             radio.startListening()  # put radio in RX mode
-            timout = time.monotonic() * 1000 + 200  # use 200 ms timeout
+            timeout = time.monotonic() * 1000 + 200  # use 200 ms timeout
             # declare a variable to save the incoming response
-            while not radio.available() and time.monotonic() * 1000 < timout:
+            while not radio.available() and time.monotonic() * 1000 < timeout:
                 pass  # wait for incoming payload or timeout
             radio.stopListening()  # put radio in TX mode
             end_timer = time.monotonic_ns()  # end timer
diff --git a/examples_linux/multiceiverDemo.cpp b/examples_linux/multiceiverDemo.cpp
index 9a405fa88..aa8744736 100644
--- a/examples_linux/multiceiverDemo.cpp
+++ b/examples_linux/multiceiverDemo.cpp
@@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ void slave()
     time_t startTimer = time(nullptr);       // start a timer
     while (time(nullptr) - startTimer < 6) { // use 6 second timeout
         uint8_t pipe;
-        if (radio.available(&pipe)) {                             // is there a payload? get the pipe number that recieved it
+        if (radio.available(&pipe)) {                             // is there a payload? get the pipe number that received it
             uint8_t bytes = radio.getPayloadSize();               // get the size of the payload
   , bytes);                          // fetch payload from FIFO
             cout << "Received " << (unsigned int)bytes;           // print the size of the payload
diff --git a/examples_linux/ b/examples_linux/
index 0fcad99a0..259b40215 100644
--- a/examples_linux/
+++ b/examples_linux/
@@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
-Note: These examples were originally designed for RPi, but should work on any supported Linux platform, with the proper pin configuration.
+# Linux examples
-See for more information
\ No newline at end of file
+> [!note]
+> These examples were originally designed for RPi, but should work on any supported Linux platform, with the proper pin configuration.
+See for more information
diff --git a/examples_pico/acknowledgementPayloads.cpp b/examples_pico/acknowledgementPayloads.cpp
index 66367ac05..599e59ed8 100644
--- a/examples_pico/acknowledgementPayloads.cpp
+++ b/examples_pico/acknowledgementPayloads.cpp
@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ void loop()
       , sizeof(received)); // get incoming ACK payload
                 // print details about incoming payload
-                printf(" Recieved %d bytes on pipe %d: %s%d\n",
+                printf(" Received %d bytes on pipe %d: %s%d\n",
@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ void loop()
                 payload.counter = received.counter + 1;
             else {
-                printf(" Recieved: an empty ACK packet\n"); // empty ACK packet received
+                printf(" Received: an empty ACK packet\n"); // empty ACK packet received
         else {
@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ void loop()
         // This device is a RX node
         uint8_t pipe;
-        if (radio.available(&pipe)) {                      // is there a payload? get the pipe number that recieved it
+        if (radio.available(&pipe)) {                      // is there a payload? get the pipe number that received it
             uint8_t bytes = radio.getDynamicPayloadSize(); // get the size of the payload
             PayloadStruct received;
   , sizeof(received)); // get incoming payload
diff --git a/examples_pico/defaultPins.h b/examples_pico/defaultPins.h
index 319beed0d..93c8ce3fd 100644
--- a/examples_pico/defaultPins.h
+++ b/examples_pico/defaultPins.h
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-// pre-chossen pins for different boards
+// pre-chosen pins for different boards
diff --git a/examples_pico/gettingStarted.cpp b/examples_pico/gettingStarted.cpp
index 32d83d285..f7dfaacb4 100644
--- a/examples_pico/gettingStarted.cpp
+++ b/examples_pico/gettingStarted.cpp
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ void loop()
         // This device is a RX node
         uint8_t pipe;
-        if (radio.available(&pipe)) {               // is there a payload? get the pipe number that recieved it
+        if (radio.available(&pipe)) {               // is there a payload? get the pipe number that received it
             uint8_t bytes = radio.getPayloadSize(); // get the size of the payload
   , bytes);            // fetch payload from FIFO
diff --git a/examples_pico/manualAcknowledgements.cpp b/examples_pico/manualAcknowledgements.cpp
index bfe2d57f9..c0362a8f4 100644
--- a/examples_pico/manualAcknowledgements.cpp
+++ b/examples_pico/manualAcknowledgements.cpp
@@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ void loop()
                 payload.counter = received.counter; // save incoming counter for next outgoing counter
             else {
-                printf(" Recieved no response.\n"); // no response received
+                printf(" Received no response.\n"); // no response received
         else {
@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ void loop()
         // This device is a RX node
         uint8_t pipe;
-        if (radio.available(&pipe)) { // is there a payload? get the pipe number that recieved it
+        if (radio.available(&pipe)) { // is there a payload? get the pipe number that received it
             PayloadStruct received;
   , sizeof(received)); // get incoming payload
             payload.counter = received.counter + 1;  // increment incoming counter for next outgoing response
diff --git a/examples_pico/multiceiverDemo.cpp b/examples_pico/multiceiverDemo.cpp
index 18a7d40f8..a187ab2c9 100644
--- a/examples_pico/multiceiverDemo.cpp
+++ b/examples_pico/multiceiverDemo.cpp
@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ void loop()
         // This device is the RX node
         uint8_t pipe;
-        while (radio.available(&pipe)) {            // is there a payload? get the pipe number that recieved it
+        while (radio.available(&pipe)) {            // is there a payload? get the pipe number that received it
             uint8_t bytes = radio.getPayloadSize(); // get the size of the payload
   , bytes);            // fetch payload from FIFO
diff --git a/pyRF24/pyRF24.cpp b/pyRF24/pyRF24.cpp
index eb6dc6199..d154a68cb 100644
--- a/pyRF24/pyRF24.cpp
+++ b/pyRF24/pyRF24.cpp
@@ -285,8 +285,8 @@ BOOST_PYTHON_MODULE(RF24)
     // ******************** RF24 class  **************************
     bp::class_<RF24>("RF24", bp::init<uint16_t, uint16_t>((bp::arg("_cepin"), bp::arg("_cspin"))))
 #if defined(RF24_LINUX) && !defined(MRAA)
-        .def(bp::init<uint16_t, uint16_t, uint32_t>((bp::arg("_cepin"), bp::arg("_cspin"), bp::arg("spispeed"))))
-        .def(bp::init<uint32_t>((bp::arg("spispeed"))))
+        .def(bp::init<uint16_t, uint16_t, uint32_t>((bp::arg("_cepin"), bp::arg("_cspin"), bp::arg("spi_speed"))))
+        .def(bp::init<uint32_t>((bp::arg("spi_speed"))))
         .def("available", (bool(::RF24::*)())(&::RF24::available))
diff --git a/utility/ATXMegaD3/RF24_arch_config.h b/utility/ATXMegaD3/RF24_arch_config.h
index 96df91740..a93d8c3b7 100644
--- a/utility/ATXMegaD3/RF24_arch_config.h
+++ b/utility/ATXMegaD3/RF24_arch_config.h
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ typedef uint16_t rf24_gpio_pin_t;
 #define OUTPUT                   GPIO::DIRECTION_OUT
 #define digitalWrite(pin, value) GPIO::write(pin, value)
 #define pinMode(pin, direction)  GPIO::open(pin, direction)
-#define delay(milisec)           __msleep(milisec)
+#define delay(millisec)          __msleep(millisec)
 #define delayMicroseconds(usec)  __usleep(usec)
 #define millis()                 __millis()
diff --git a/utility/ATXMegaD3/compatibility.c b/utility/ATXMegaD3/compatibility.c
index 4f8437e88..5f51e6bd7 100644
--- a/utility/ATXMegaD3/compatibility.c
+++ b/utility/ATXMegaD3/compatibility.c
@@ -11,9 +11,9 @@
 volatile uint32_t _millis;
-void __msleep(int milisec)
+void __msleep(int millisec)
-    while (milisec-- > 0) {
+    while (millisec-- > 0) {
diff --git a/utility/ATXMegaD3/compatibility.h b/utility/ATXMegaD3/compatibility.h
index 75b04b2e8..f97ca365a 100644
--- a/utility/ATXMegaD3/compatibility.h
+++ b/utility/ATXMegaD3/compatibility.h
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ extern "C" {
 //#include <time.h>
 //#include <sys/time.h>
-void __msleep(int milisec);
+void __msleep(int millisec);
 void __usleep(int usec);
diff --git a/utility/ATXMegaD3/gpio_helper.c b/utility/ATXMegaD3/gpio_helper.c
index 7c5a28643..e709ddd75 100644
--- a/utility/ATXMegaD3/gpio_helper.c
+++ b/utility/ATXMegaD3/gpio_helper.c
@@ -8,35 +8,35 @@
 #include "gpio_helper.h"
- * Get the port corresponding in portnum. Default is PORTC.
+ * Get the port corresponding in port_num. Default is PORTC.
-PORT_t* GPIO_getPort(int pinnum, uint8_t* pin_bm)
-//PORT_t * GPIO_getPort(int portnum)
+PORT_t* GPIO_getPort(int pin_num, uint8_t* pin_bm)
+//PORT_t * GPIO_getPort(int port_num)
     PORT_t* port = &PORTC;
-    if ((pinnum >= XMEGA_PORTA_PIN0) && (pinnum <= XMEGA_PORTA_PIN7)) {
+    if ((pin_num >= XMEGA_PORTA_PIN0) && (pin_num <= XMEGA_PORTA_PIN7)) {
         port = &PORTA;
-        *pin_bm = (1 << pinnum);
+        *pin_bm = (1 << pin_num);
-    else if ((pinnum >= XMEGA_PORTB_PIN0) && (pinnum <= XMEGA_PORTB_PIN7)) {
+    else if ((pin_num >= XMEGA_PORTB_PIN0) && (pin_num <= XMEGA_PORTB_PIN7)) {
         port = &PORTB;
-        *pin_bm = (1 << (pinnum - 8));
+        *pin_bm = (1 << (pin_num - 8));
-    else if ((pinnum >= XMEGA_PORTC_PIN0) && (pinnum <= XMEGA_PORTC_PIN7)) {
+    else if ((pin_num >= XMEGA_PORTC_PIN0) && (pin_num <= XMEGA_PORTC_PIN7)) {
         port = &PORTC;
-        *pin_bm = (1 << (pinnum - 16));
+        *pin_bm = (1 << (pin_num - 16));
-    else if ((pinnum >= XMEGA_PORTD_PIN0) && (pinnum <= XMEGA_PORTD_PIN7)) {
+    else if ((pin_num >= XMEGA_PORTD_PIN0) && (pin_num <= XMEGA_PORTD_PIN7)) {
         port = &PORTD;
-        *pin_bm = (1 << (pinnum - 24));
+        *pin_bm = (1 << (pin_num - 24));
-    else if ((pinnum >= XMEGA_PORTE_PIN0) && (pinnum <= XMEGA_PORTE_PIN7)) {
+    else if ((pin_num >= XMEGA_PORTE_PIN0) && (pin_num <= XMEGA_PORTE_PIN7)) {
         port = &PORTE;
-        *pin_bm = (1 << (pinnum - 32));
+        *pin_bm = (1 << (pin_num - 32));
-    else if ((pinnum >= XMEGA_PORTF_PIN0) && (pinnum <= XMEGA_PORTF_PIN7)) {
+    else if ((pin_num >= XMEGA_PORTF_PIN0) && (pin_num <= XMEGA_PORTF_PIN7)) {
         port = &PORTF;
-        *pin_bm = (1 << (pinnum - 40));
+        *pin_bm = (1 << (pin_num - 40));
     return port;
diff --git a/utility/ATXMegaD3/gpio_helper.h b/utility/ATXMegaD3/gpio_helper.h
index b41a22af8..8fdbbefd8 100644
--- a/utility/ATXMegaD3/gpio_helper.h
+++ b/utility/ATXMegaD3/gpio_helper.h
@@ -72,9 +72,9 @@ extern "C" {
 #define XMEGA_SPI_PORT_C 20
 #define XMEGA_SPI_PORT_D 28
-//void GPIO_getPort(int pinnum, PORT_t * port, uint8_t pin);
-//void GPIO_getPort(int pinnum, PORT_t * port, uint8_t * pin_bm);
-PORT_t* GPIO_getPort(int pinnum, uint8_t* pin_bm);
+//void GPIO_getPort(int pin_num, PORT_t * port, uint8_t pin);
+//void GPIO_getPort(int pin_num, PORT_t * port, uint8_t * pin_bm);
+PORT_t* GPIO_getPort(int pin_num, uint8_t* pin_bm);
 #ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/utility/ATXMegaD3/spi.h b/utility/ATXMegaD3/spi.h
index 7bf02164c..5b5648296 100644
--- a/utility/ATXMegaD3/spi.h
+++ b/utility/ATXMegaD3/spi.h
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ class SPI
     uint8_t transfer(uint8_t tx_);
-    void transfernb(char* tbuf, char* rbuf, uint32_t len);
+    void transfernb(char* txBuf, char* rxBuf, uint32_t len);
     void transfern(char* buf, uint32_t len);
diff --git a/utility/MRAA/RF24_arch_config.h b/utility/MRAA/RF24_arch_config.h
index a286a4dfa..e0fb193e2 100644
--- a/utility/MRAA/RF24_arch_config.h
+++ b/utility/MRAA/RF24_arch_config.h
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
 #ifndef __TIME_H__
     // Prophet: Redefine time functions only if precompiled arduino time is not included
-    #define delay(milisec)          __msleep(milisec)
+    #define delay(millisec)         __msleep(millisec)
     #define delayMicroseconds(usec) __usleep(usec)
     #define millis()                __millis()
diff --git a/utility/MRAA/compatibility.cpp b/utility/MRAA/compatibility.cpp
index 68f99b319..62c743a6a 100644
--- a/utility/MRAA/compatibility.cpp
+++ b/utility/MRAA/compatibility.cpp
@@ -2,11 +2,11 @@
 #include <chrono>
 #include "compatibility.h"
-void __msleep(int milisec)
+void __msleep(int millisec)
     struct timespec req; // = {0};
-    req.tv_sec = (time_t)milisec / 1000;
-    req.tv_nsec = (milisec % 1000) * 1000000L;
+    req.tv_sec = (time_t)millisec / 1000;
+    req.tv_nsec = (millisec % 1000) * 1000000L;
     clock_nanosleep(CLOCK_REALTIME, 0, &req, NULL);
diff --git a/utility/MRAA/compatibility.h b/utility/MRAA/compatibility.h
index 3658033bf..754864305 100644
--- a/utility/MRAA/compatibility.h
+++ b/utility/MRAA/compatibility.h
@@ -14,9 +14,9 @@ extern "C" {
 #include <stdint.h>
-void __msleep(int milisec);
+void __msleep(int millisec);
-void __usleep(int milisec);
+void __usleep(int microsec);
 void __start_timer();
diff --git a/utility/MRAA/spi.cpp b/utility/MRAA/spi.cpp
index a689576d5..1de132e30 100644
--- a/utility/MRAA/spi.cpp
+++ b/utility/MRAA/spi.cpp
@@ -4,17 +4,17 @@
-    mspi = NULL;
+    mraa_spi = NULL;
 void SPI::begin(int busNo, uint32_t spi_speed)
     // init mraa spi bus, it will handle chip select internally. For CS pin wiring user must check SPI details in hardware manual
-    mspi = new mraa::Spi(busNo);
+    mraa_spi = new mraa::Spi(busNo);
     mraa::Result result;
-    result = mspi->mode(mraa::SPI_MODE0);
+    result = mraa_spi->mode(mraa::SPI_MODE0);
     if (result != mraa::Result::SUCCESS) {
         std::string msg = "[SPI::begin] Could not set bus mode;";
         msg += mraa_strresult((mraa_result_t)result);
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ void SPI::begin(int busNo, uint32_t spi_speed)
-    result = mspi->bitPerWord(8);
+    result = mraa_spi->bitPerWord(8);
     if (result != mraa::Result::SUCCESS) {
         std::string msg = "[SPI::begin] Could not set bus bits per word;";
         msg += mraa_strresult((mraa_result_t)result);
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ void SPI::begin(int busNo, uint32_t spi_speed)
     // Prophet: this will try to set 8MHz, however MRAA will reset to max platform speed and syslog a message of it
-    result = mspi->frequency(spi_speed);
+    result = mraa_spi->frequency(spi_speed);
     if (result != mraa::Result::SUCCESS) {
         std::string msg = "[SPI::begin] Could not set bus frequency;";
         msg += mraa_strresult((mraa_result_t)result);
@@ -42,30 +42,30 @@ void SPI::begin(int busNo, uint32_t spi_speed)
 void SPI::end()
-    // Prophet: we should check for existence of mspi before deleting it
-    if (mspi != NULL) {
-        delete mspi;
+    // Prophet: we should check for existence of mraa_spi before deleting it
+    if (mraa_spi != NULL) {
+        delete mraa_spi;
 void SPI::setBitOrder(uint8_t bit_order)
-    if (mspi != NULL) {
-        mspi->lsbmode((mraa_boolean_t)bit_order);
+    if (mraa_spi != NULL) {
+        mraa_spi->lsbmode((mraa_boolean_t)bit_order);
     } // Prophet: bit_order
 void SPI::setDataMode(uint8_t data_mode)
-    if (mspi != NULL) {
-        mspi->mode((mraa::Spi_Mode)data_mode);
+    if (mraa_spi != NULL) {
+        mraa_spi->mode((mraa::Spi_Mode)data_mode);
 void SPI::setClockDivider(uint32_t spi_speed)
-    if (mspi != NULL) {
-        mspi->frequency(spi_speed);
+    if (mraa_spi != NULL) {
+        mraa_spi->frequency(spi_speed);
diff --git a/utility/MRAA/spi.h b/utility/MRAA/spi.h
index 3475b3632..453e4851d 100644
--- a/utility/MRAA/spi.h
+++ b/utility/MRAA/spi.h
@@ -35,11 +35,11 @@ class SPI
     virtual ~SPI();
-    mraa::Spi* mspi;
+    mraa::Spi* mraa_spi;
     inline uint8_t transfer(uint8_t _data);
-    inline void transfernb(char* tbuf, char* rbuf, uint32_t len);
+    inline void transfernb(char* txBuf, char* rxBuf, uint32_t len);
     inline void transfern(char* buf, uint32_t len);
@@ -62,12 +62,12 @@ class SPI
 uint8_t SPI::transfer(uint8_t _data)
-    return mspi->writeByte(_data);
+    return mraa_spi->writeByte(_data);
-void SPI::transfernb(char* tbuf, char* rbuf, uint32_t len)
+void SPI::transfernb(char* txBuf, char* rxBuf, uint32_t len)
-    mspi->transfer((uint8_t*)tbuf, (uint8_t*)rbuf, len);
+    mraa_spi->transfer((uint8_t*)txBuf, (uint8_t*)rxBuf, len);
 void SPI::transfern(char* buf, uint32_t len)
diff --git a/utility/RPi/spi.cpp b/utility/RPi/spi.cpp
index 794931e00..6d2843f09 100644
--- a/utility/RPi/spi.cpp
+++ b/utility/RPi/spi.cpp
@@ -28,8 +28,8 @@ void SPI::beginTransaction(SPISettings settings)
-    setDataMode(settings.dmode);
-    setClockDivider(settings.clck);
+    setDataMode(settings.dataMode);
+    setClockDivider(settings.clock);
 void SPI::endTransaction()
diff --git a/utility/RPi/spi.h b/utility/RPi/spi.h
index 895ebe4e8..9b6321b54 100644
--- a/utility/RPi/spi.h
+++ b/utility/RPi/spi.h
@@ -31,16 +31,16 @@ class SPISettings
         init(RF24_SPI_SPEED, MSBFIRST, SPI_MODE0);
-    uint32_t clck;
+    uint32_t clock;
     uint8_t border;
-    uint8_t dmode;
+    uint8_t dataMode;
     void init(uint32_t clock, uint8_t bitOrder, uint8_t dataMode)
-        clck = clock;
+        clock = clock;
         border = bitOrder;
-        dmode = dataMode;
+        dataMode = dataMode;
     friend class SPIClass;
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ class SPI
     inline static uint8_t transfer(uint8_t _data);
-    inline static void transfernb(char* tbuf, char* rbuf, uint32_t len);
+    inline static void transfernb(char* txBuf, char* rxBuf, uint32_t len);
     inline static void transfern(char* buf, uint32_t len);
@@ -82,9 +82,9 @@ uint8_t SPI::transfer(uint8_t _data)
     return data;
-void SPI::transfernb(char* tbuf, char* rbuf, uint32_t len)
+void SPI::transfernb(char* txBuf, char* rxBuf, uint32_t len)
-    bcm2835_spi_transfernb(tbuf, rbuf, len);
+    bcm2835_spi_transfernb(txBuf, rxBuf, len);
 void SPI::transfern(char* buf, uint32_t len)
diff --git a/utility/SPIDEV/RF24_arch_config.h b/utility/SPIDEV/RF24_arch_config.h
index 05fa53bf4..acf994e57 100644
--- a/utility/SPIDEV/RF24_arch_config.h
+++ b/utility/SPIDEV/RF24_arch_config.h
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ typedef uint16_t prog_uint16_t;
 #define OUTPUT                   GPIO::DIRECTION_OUT
 #define digitalWrite(pin, value) GPIO::write(pin, value)
 #define pinMode(pin, direction)  GPIO::open(pin, direction)
-#define delay(milisec)           __msleep(milisec)
+#define delay(millisec)          __msleep(millisec)
 #define delayMicroseconds(usec)  __usleep(usec)
 #define millis()                 __millis()
diff --git a/utility/SPIDEV/compatibility.cpp b/utility/SPIDEV/compatibility.cpp
index 14b0b5181..d223e9d30 100644
--- a/utility/SPIDEV/compatibility.cpp
+++ b/utility/SPIDEV/compatibility.cpp
@@ -10,11 +10,11 @@ long long mtime, seconds, useconds;
 //static struct timeval start, end;
 //struct timespec start, end;
-void __msleep(int milisec)
+void __msleep(int millisec)
     struct timespec req; // = {0};
-    req.tv_sec = (time_t)milisec / 1000;
-    req.tv_nsec = (milisec % 1000) * 1000000L;
+    req.tv_sec = (time_t)millisec / 1000;
+    req.tv_nsec = (millisec % 1000) * 1000000L;
     //nanosleep(&req, (struct timespec *)NULL);
     clock_nanosleep(CLOCK_REALTIME, 0, &req, NULL);
diff --git a/utility/SPIDEV/compatibility.h b/utility/SPIDEV/compatibility.h
index 6158d0ad2..755fd3668 100644
--- a/utility/SPIDEV/compatibility.h
+++ b/utility/SPIDEV/compatibility.h
@@ -15,9 +15,9 @@ extern "C" {
 #include <stdint.h> // for uintXX_t types
-void __msleep(int milisec);
+void __msleep(int millisec);
-void __usleep(int milisec);
+void __usleep(int microsec);
 void __start_timer();
diff --git a/utility/SPIDEV/spi.cpp b/utility/SPIDEV/spi.cpp
index 4a5ba9034..6266e5068 100644
--- a/utility/SPIDEV/spi.cpp
+++ b/utility/SPIDEV/spi.cpp
@@ -146,12 +146,12 @@ uint8_t SPI::transfer(uint8_t tx)
     return rx;
-void SPI::transfernb(char* tbuf, char* rbuf, uint32_t len)
+void SPI::transfernb(char* txBuf, char* rxBuf, uint32_t len)
     struct spi_ioc_transfer tr;
     memset(&tr, 0, sizeof(tr));
-    tr.tx_buf = (unsigned long)tbuf;
-    tr.rx_buf = (unsigned long)rbuf;
+    tr.tx_buf = (unsigned long)txBuf;
+    tr.rx_buf = (unsigned long)rxBuf;
     tr.len = len;
     tr.speed_hz = _spi_speed; //RF24_SPI_SPEED;
     tr.delay_usecs = 0;
diff --git a/utility/SPIDEV/spi.h b/utility/SPIDEV/spi.h
index 8dcc291c3..238577374 100644
--- a/utility/SPIDEV/spi.h
+++ b/utility/SPIDEV/spi.h
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ class SPI
     uint8_t transfer(uint8_t tx);
-    void transfernb(char* tbuf, char* rbuf, uint32_t len);
+    void transfernb(char* txBuf, char* rxBuf, uint32_t len);
     void transfern(char* buf, uint32_t len);
diff --git a/utility/Template/RF24_arch_config.h b/utility/Template/RF24_arch_config.h
index 3fb986b3e..2cfd75aad 100644
--- a/utility/Template/RF24_arch_config.h
+++ b/utility/Template/RF24_arch_config.h
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ typedef uint16_t rf24_gpio_pin_t;
 #define OUTPUT                   GPIO::DIRECTION_OUT
 #define digitalWrite(pin, value) GPIO::write(pin, value)
 #define pinMode(pin, direction)  GPIO::open(pin, direction)
-#define delay(milisec)           __msleep(milisec)
+#define delay(millisec)          __msleep(millisec)
 #define delayMicroseconds(usec)  __usleep(usec)
 #define millis()                 __millis()
diff --git a/utility/Template/compatibility.h b/utility/Template/compatibility.h
index 2408b073a..49c33e1ed 100644
--- a/utility/Template/compatibility.h
+++ b/utility/Template/compatibility.h
@@ -19,9 +19,9 @@ extern "C" {
 #include <stdint.h>
-void __msleep(int milisec);
+void __msleep(int millisec);
-void __usleep(int milisec);
+void __usleep(int microsec);
 void __start_timer();
diff --git a/utility/Template/spi.h b/utility/Template/spi.h
index 22ac04fef..c4432a340 100644
--- a/utility/Template/spi.h
+++ b/utility/Template/spi.h
@@ -40,11 +40,11 @@ class SPI
      * Transfer a buffer of data
-     * @param tbuf Transmit buffer
-     * @param rbuf Receive buffer
+     * @param txBuf Transmit buffer
+     * @param rxBuf Receive buffer
      * @param len Length of the data
-    void transfernb(char* tbuf, char* rbuf, uint32_t len);
+    void transfernb(char* txBuf, char* rxBuf, uint32_t len);
      * Transfer a buffer of data without an rx buffer
diff --git a/utility/pigpio/RF24_arch_config.h b/utility/pigpio/RF24_arch_config.h
index 81a4788d2..3d05c09c4 100644
--- a/utility/pigpio/RF24_arch_config.h
+++ b/utility/pigpio/RF24_arch_config.h
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ typedef uint8_t rf24_gpio_pin_t;
 #define OUTPUT                   GPIO::DIRECTION_OUT
 #define digitalWrite(pin, value) GPIO::write(pin, value)
 #define pinMode(pin, direction)  GPIO::open(pin, direction)
-#define delay(milisec)           __msleep(milisec)
+#define delay(millisec)          __msleep(millisec)
 #define delayMicroseconds(usec)  __usleep(usec)
 #define millis()                 __millis()
diff --git a/utility/pigpio/compatibility.cpp b/utility/pigpio/compatibility.cpp
index 65ba305ec..f28cf3dee 100644
--- a/utility/pigpio/compatibility.cpp
+++ b/utility/pigpio/compatibility.cpp
@@ -6,11 +6,11 @@ long long mtime, seconds, useconds;
 //static struct timeval start, end;
 //struct timespec start, end;
-void __msleep(int milisec)
+void __msleep(int millisec)
     struct timespec req; // = {0};
-    req.tv_sec = (time_t)milisec / 1000;
-    req.tv_nsec = (milisec % 1000) * 1000000L;
+    req.tv_sec = (time_t)millisec / 1000;
+    req.tv_nsec = (millisec % 1000) * 1000000L;
     //nanosleep(&req, (struct timespec *)NULL);
     clock_nanosleep(CLOCK_REALTIME, 0, &req, NULL);
diff --git a/utility/pigpio/compatibility.h b/utility/pigpio/compatibility.h
index 25cbd052c..b94c5713f 100644
--- a/utility/pigpio/compatibility.h
+++ b/utility/pigpio/compatibility.h
@@ -10,9 +10,9 @@
 extern "C" {
-void __msleep(int milisec);
+void __msleep(int millisec);
-void __usleep(int milisec);
+void __usleep(int microsec);
 void __start_timer();
diff --git a/utility/pigpio/spi.cpp b/utility/pigpio/spi.cpp
index cb9824266..8698a14a0 100644
--- a/utility/pigpio/spi.cpp
+++ b/utility/pigpio/spi.cpp
@@ -30,9 +30,9 @@ uint8_t SPI::transfer(char tx)
     return rbuf;
-void SPI::transfernb(char* tbuf, char* rbuf, uint32_t len)
+void SPI::transfernb(char* txBuf, char* rxBuf, uint32_t len)
-    spiXfer(spiHandle, tbuf, rbuf, len);
+    spiXfer(spiHandle, txBuf, rxBuf, len);
diff --git a/utility/pigpio/spi.h b/utility/pigpio/spi.h
index 12f8f06ba..9c5fa2ad0 100644
--- a/utility/pigpio/spi.h
+++ b/utility/pigpio/spi.h
@@ -41,11 +41,11 @@ class SPI
      * Transfer a buffer of data
-     * @param tbuf Transmit buffer
-     * @param rbuf Receive buffer
+     * @param txBuf Transmit buffer
+     * @param rxBuf Receive buffer
      * @param len Length of the data
-    void transfernb(char* tbuf, char* rbuf, uint32_t len);
+    void transfernb(char* txBuf, char* rxBuf, uint32_t len);
      * Transfer a buffer of data without an rx buffer
diff --git a/utility/rp2/RF24_arch_config.h b/utility/rp2/RF24_arch_config.h
index c5e0b7c3d..d58a752cf 100644
--- a/utility/rp2/RF24_arch_config.h
+++ b/utility/rp2/RF24_arch_config.h
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ typedef uint8_t rf24_gpio_pin_t;
 #define OUTPUT                   GPIO::DIRECTION_OUT
 #define digitalWrite(pin, value) GPIO::write(pin, value)
 #define pinMode(pin, direction)  GPIO::open(pin, direction)
-#define delay(milisec)           sleep_ms(milisec)
+#define delay(millisec)          sleep_ms(millisec)
 #define delayMicroseconds(usec)  sleep_us(usec)
 #define millis()                 to_ms_since_boot(get_absolute_time())
diff --git a/utility/rp2/spi.cpp b/utility/rp2/spi.cpp
index f3e88d0f9..56489b740 100644
--- a/utility/rp2/spi.cpp
+++ b/utility/rp2/spi.cpp
@@ -24,9 +24,9 @@ uint8_t SPI::transfer(uint8_t tx_)
     return recv;
-void SPI::transfernb(const uint8_t* tbuf, uint8_t* rbuf, uint32_t len)
+void SPI::transfernb(const uint8_t* txBuf, uint8_t* rxBuf, uint32_t len)
-    spi_write_read_blocking(_hw_id, tbuf, rbuf, len);
+    spi_write_read_blocking(_hw_id, txBuf, rxBuf, len);
 void SPI::transfern(const uint8_t* buf, uint32_t len)
diff --git a/utility/rp2/spi.h b/utility/rp2/spi.h
index e6b3f420d..255cfaa30 100644
--- a/utility/rp2/spi.h
+++ b/utility/rp2/spi.h
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ class SPI
     uint8_t transfer(uint8_t tx_);
-    void transfernb(const uint8_t* tbuf, uint8_t* rbuf, uint32_t len);
+    void transfernb(const uint8_t* txBuf, uint8_t* rxBuf, uint32_t len);
     void transfern(const uint8_t* buf, uint32_t len);
diff --git a/utility/wiringPi/spi.cpp b/utility/wiringPi/spi.cpp
index 992ae1f24..5c0cd6ef9 100644
--- a/utility/wiringPi/spi.cpp
+++ b/utility/wiringPi/spi.cpp
@@ -58,11 +58,11 @@ void SPI::transfern(char* buf, uint32_t len)
-void SPI::transfernb(char* tbuf, char* rbuf, uint32_t len)
+void SPI::transfernb(char* txBuf, char* rxBuf, uint32_t len)
     // using an auxiliary buffer to keep tx and rx different
     memset(xferBuf, 0, sizeof(xferBuf));
-    memcpy(xferBuf, tbuf, len);
+    memcpy(xferBuf, txBuf, len);
     if (wiringPiSPIDataRW(channel, xferBuf, len) < 0) {
         std::string msg = "[SPI::transfernb] Cannot send spi message; ";
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ void SPI::transfernb(char* tbuf, char* rbuf, uint32_t len)
         throw SPIException(msg);
-    memcpy(rbuf, xferBuf, len);
+    memcpy(rxBuf, xferBuf, len);