Technical flow how node
and transactor
services have to communicate to accomplish identity registration.
- node requests registration txFee with /fee/registration call
- node issues request to /identity/register with (params=[registryAddress, accountantID, stake, txFee, beneficiary(if stake>0) ], sig[params]) through Transactor
- Transactor extracts identity from sig
- Transactor checks if identity is not already registered
- Transactor calculates channel address
- Transactor starts watching BC (MYST token SC) for incoming tx to channel address
- when tx is mined Transactor calls registerIdentity on BC SCs (Transactor receives txFee)
- Transactor returns channel address to node
- show channel address to pay to on UI
- show identity registerFee is shown on UI
- user (node owner) transfers tokens (min txFee + registerFee amount) to given channel address
- node checks if identity is already registered (/identities/current ) and shows status on UI
- node requests Accountant for promotion to provider sending (params=[identity, beneficiary(or channelID), stake], sig[params] )
- Accountant calls BC through Transactor to register incoming channel for given identity
- Accountant returns incoming channelID (to receive money) to the node