20170626, V0.9.12
- Updated Dependencies. Now using raspi-io@^8.0.1 which uses pigpio instead of wiringPI to overcome stability issues with 4.9 kernel.
20170123, V0.9.11
- Bug fixture: added missing require statement for new action
20170123, V0.9.10
- Added support for software PWM for raspi-io
- Added support for excluding pins from use with raspi-io. This might be useful if other GPIO drivers are used like pimatic-dht-sensors
- Added RGBLedDevice to provide control for common cathode/common cathode LEDs and PCA9685, an I2C-bus controlled 16-channel LED controller
- Revised README and docs
20170117, V0.9.9
- Improved device schema for temperature unit properties to editable with device editor
- Added debug mode property to enable plugin debugging mode
20170116, V0.9.8
- Improved error handling for the expander board, i.e. handle i2c errors due to misconfiguration
- Improved board configuration handling
20170115, V0.9.7
- Fixed initialization bug for expander board when used with raspi-io, issue #54
- Dependency updates
20161105, V0.9.6
- Fixed handling of i2c address property, issue #47
- Remove data listener on destruction of temperature device
- Added helper to release pins for analog sensors on destruction
20161105, V0.9.5
- fix for invalid I2C address problem, issue 46
- Revised README
20161027, V0.9.4
- Dependency updates
- Added JohnnyFiveTemperaturePressure device type, thanks @kanedo
20160512, V0.9.3
- Dependency updates
- Removed beta tag
20160506, V0.9.2 (beta)
- Dependency updates
- Added badges and travis build descriptor
20160503, V0.9.1 (beta)
- Dependency updates
20160427, V0.9.0 (beta)
- Added ESP-8266 board support (experimental)
- Pimatic 0.9 compatibility changes
- Dependency updates
- Moved release history to separate file
- Added license info to README
20160305, V0.8.8
- Dependency updates. Now includes support for Raspberry Pi 3
- Fixed some typos
20160210, V0.8.7
- Fixed initialization for "particle-io" boards, issue #3 - thanks @hoodpablo
- Updated README, fixed switch example
20160123, V0.8.6
- Updated dependency on "raspi-io" to include support for enabling pull up resistors by writing HIGH to the pin while in INPUT mode
- Tweaked johnny-five to allow for longer board initialization timeouts to provide for slow initialization of some Arduinos
- Added note to README about installation issue
20160121, V0.8.5
- Added support for Expander boards
- Improved support for setup of remote boards
- Improved robustness and error handling
20160112, V0.8.4
- Fixed dependency on etherport fork, thanks to @rubenoost7
20151229, V0.8.3
- Added board config option to set baudrate
- Fixed error in getBoard() function
20151228, V0.8.2
- Fix: Added missing board-manager.coffee to files property
20151228, V0.8.1
- Added experimental support for Photon boards
- Updated dependency on pimatic-plugin-commons
- Updated README
20151222, V0.8.0
- First release