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189 lines (140 loc) · 6.73 KB


Pixlet supports a few animation primitives. These are used to animate widgets from frame to frame.

All animations allow specifying an easing curve. This can either be one of the built-in "linear", "ease_in", "ease_out" or "ease_in_out" curves, a custom cubic bézier curve in the form "cubic-bezier(a, b, c, d)" or a custom easing function.

Warning: The animation module is in a state of flux. Especially Transformation and related classes are likely to change in the near term. Please be on the lookout for bugs, issues and potential improvements!


Animate a widget from start to end coordinates.

DEPRECATED: Please use animation.Transformation instead.


Name Type Description Required
child Widget Widget to animate Y
duration int Duration of animation in frames Y
curve str / function Easing curve to use, default is 'linear' Y
x_start int Horizontal start coordinate N
x_end int Horizontal end coordinate N
y_start int Vertical start coordinate N
y_end int Vertical end coordinate N
delay int Delay before animation in frames N
hold int Delay after animation in frames N


A keyframe defining specific point in time in the animation.

The keyframe percentage can is expressed as a floating point value between 0.0 and 1.0.


Name Type Description Required
percentage float Percentage of the time at which this keyframe occurs through the animation. Y
transforms [Transform] List of transforms at this keyframe to interpolate to or from. Y
curve str / function Easing curve to use, default is 'linear' N


An relative anchor point to use for scaling and rotation transforms.


Name Type Description Required
x float Horizontal anchor point Y
y float Vertical anchor point Y


Transform by rotating by a given angle in degrees.


Name Type Description Required
angle float / int Angle to rotate by in degrees Y


Transform by scaling by a given factor.


Name Type Description Required
x float / int Horizontal scale factor Y
y float / int Vertical scale factor Y


Transformation makes it possible to animate a child widget by transitioning between transforms which are applied to the child wiget.

It supports animating translation, scale and rotation of its child.

If you have used CSS transforms and animations before, some of the following concepts will be familiar to you.

Keyframes define a list of transforms to apply at a specific point in time, which is given as a percentage of the total animation duration.

A keyframe is created via animation.Keyframe(percentage, transforms, curve).

The percentage specifies its point in time and can be expressed as a floating point number in the range 0.0 to 1.0.

In case a keyframe at percentage 0% or 100% is missing, a default keyframe without transforms and with a "linear" easing curve is inserted.

As the animation progresses, transforms defined by the previous and next keyframe will be interpolated to determine the transform to apply at the current frame.

The duration and delay of the animation are expressed as a number of frames.

By default a transform origin of animation.Origin(0.5, 0.5) is used, which defines the anchor point for scaling and rotation to be exactly the center of the child widget. A different origin can be specified by providing a custom animation.Origin.

The animation direction defaults to normal, playing the animation forwards. Other possible values are reverse to play it backwards, alternate to play it forwards, then backwards or alternate-reverse to play it backwards, then forwards.

The animation fill_mode defaults to forwards, and controls which transforms will be applied to the child widget after the animation finishes. A value of forwards will retain the transforms of the last keyframe, while a value of backwards will rever to the transforms of the first keyframe.

When translating the child widget on the X- or Y-axis, it often is desireable to round to even integers, which can be controlled via rounding, which defaults to round. Possible values are round to round to the nearest integer, floor to round down, ceil to round up or none to not perform any rounding. Rounding only is applied for translation transforms, but not to scaling or rotation transforms.

If wait_for_child is set to True, the animation will finish and then wait for all child frames to play before restarting. If it is set to False, it will not wait.


Name Type Description Required
child Widget Widget to animate Y
keyframes [Keyframe] List of animation keyframes Y
duration int Duration of animation (in frames) Y
delay int Duration to wait before animation (in frames) N
width int Width of the animation canvas N
height int Height of the animation canvas N
origin Origin Origin for transforms, default is '50%, 50%' N
direction str Direction of the animation, default is 'normal' N
fill_mode str Fill mode of the animation, default is 'forwards' N
rounding str Rounding to use for interpolated translation coordinates (not used for scale and rotate), default is 'round' N
wait_for_child bool Wait for all child frames to play after finishing N


  child = render.Box(render.Circle(diameter = 6, color = "#0f0")),
  duration = 100,
  delay = 0,
  origin = animation.Origin(0.5, 0.5),
  direction = "alternate",
  fill_mode = "forwards",
  keyframes = [
      percentage = 0.0,
      transforms = [animation.Rotate(0), animation.Translate(-10, 0), animation.Rotate(0)],
      curve = "ease_in_out",
      percentage = 1.0,
      transforms = [animation.Rotate(360), animation.Translate(-10, 0), animation.Rotate(-360)],


Transform by translating by a given offset.


Name Type Description Required
x float / int Horizontal offset Y
y float / int Vertical offset Y