Please read this document carefully before contributing to this package.
When making a new release, the version tag should be chosen according to the principles of Semantic Versioning with the MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH pattern. If the new release introduces any breaking changes, the major version number MUST be increased to prevent consumers from accidentally updating to an incompatible version of this package. The minor version number is increased when backwards-compatible features are added. The patch version is increased only when making backwards-compatible bugfixes and security updates. Examples:
- If you add a new plugin to the bundle, increase the minor version.
- If you update a plugin and the update introduces breaking changes, bump the major version.
- If the updated plugin adds new backwards-compatible features, bump the minor version.
- If the update is a security update, bump the patch version.
- If you remove a plugin, increase the major version.
- If you update any metadata or documentation that has no effect on the actual code, increase the patch version (if a new release is even necessary).
When making a new release, don’t forget to also update the version number in the package.json file and update
Use Yarn to manage Node module dependencies. Since this package is metapackage, no JS code will be actually be used by the consumer so Node modules are only dev dependencies, e.g. Prettier for code formatting. This repository will not be published on NPM
Format all files with Prettier before committing your changes by running
yarn format