diff --git a/integrationTests/chainSimulator/staking/delegation_test.go b/integrationTests/chainSimulator/staking/delegation_test.go
index fe5b29d057f..679f3df95a9 100644
--- a/integrationTests/chainSimulator/staking/delegation_test.go
+++ b/integrationTests/chainSimulator/staking/delegation_test.go
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ const gasLimitForAddNodesOperation = 500_000_000
 const gasLimitForUndelegateOperation = 500_000_000
 const gasLimitForMergeOperation = 600_000_000
 const gasLimitForDelegate = 12_000_000
+const gasLimitForUnBond = 12_000_000
 const minGasPrice = 1000000000
 const txVersion = 1
 const mockTxSignature = "sig"
diff --git a/integrationTests/chainSimulator/staking/stakeAndUnStake_test.go b/integrationTests/chainSimulator/staking/stakeAndUnStake_test.go
index b512183ad1f..34ab9c44f78 100644
--- a/integrationTests/chainSimulator/staking/stakeAndUnStake_test.go
+++ b/integrationTests/chainSimulator/staking/stakeAndUnStake_test.go
@@ -1147,3 +1147,1143 @@ func testChainSimulatorDirectStakedUnstakeFundsWithDeactivationAndReactivation(t
 	testBLSKeyStaked(t, cs, metachainNode, blsKeys[0], targetEpoch)
 	testBLSKeyStaked(t, cs, metachainNode, blsKeys[1], targetEpoch)
+// Test description:
+// Withdraw unstaked funds before unbonding period should return error
+// Internal test scenario #28
+func TestChainSimulator_DirectStakingNodes_WithdrawUnstakedFundsBeforeUnbonding(t *testing.T) {
+	if testing.Short() {
+		t.Skip("this is not a short test")
+	}
+	roundDurationInMillis := uint64(6000)
+	roundsPerEpoch := core.OptionalUint64{
+		HasValue: true,
+		Value:    30,
+	}
+	// Test Steps
+	// 1. Create from the owner of staked nodes a transaction to withdraw the unstaked funds
+	// 2. Check the outcome of the TX & verify new stake state with vmquery ("getUnStakedTokensList")
+	t.Run("staking ph 4 is not active", func(t *testing.T) {
+		cs, err := chainSimulator.NewChainSimulator(chainSimulator.ArgsChainSimulator{
+			BypassTxSignatureCheck:   false,
+			TempDir:                  t.TempDir(),
+			PathToInitialConfig:      defaultPathToInitialConfig,
+			NumOfShards:              3,
+			GenesisTimestamp:         time.Now().Unix(),
+			RoundDurationInMillis:    roundDurationInMillis,
+			RoundsPerEpoch:           roundsPerEpoch,
+			ApiInterface:             api.NewNoApiInterface(),
+			MinNodesPerShard:         3,
+			MetaChainMinNodes:        3,
+			NumNodesWaitingListMeta:  3,
+			NumNodesWaitingListShard: 3,
+			AlterConfigsFunction: func(cfg *config.Configs) {
+				cfg.EpochConfig.EnableEpochs.StakingV4Step1EnableEpoch = 100
+				cfg.EpochConfig.EnableEpochs.StakingV4Step2EnableEpoch = 101
+				cfg.EpochConfig.EnableEpochs.StakingV4Step3EnableEpoch = 102
+				cfg.EpochConfig.EnableEpochs.MaxNodesChangeEnableEpoch[2].EpochEnable = 102
+			},
+		})
+		require.Nil(t, err)
+		require.NotNil(t, cs)
+		defer cs.Close()
+		testChainSimulatorDirectStakedWithdrawUnstakedFundsBeforeUnbonding(t, cs, 1)
+	})
+	t.Run("staking ph 4 step 1 is active", func(t *testing.T) {
+		cs, err := chainSimulator.NewChainSimulator(chainSimulator.ArgsChainSimulator{
+			BypassTxSignatureCheck:   false,
+			TempDir:                  t.TempDir(),
+			PathToInitialConfig:      defaultPathToInitialConfig,
+			NumOfShards:              3,
+			GenesisTimestamp:         time.Now().Unix(),
+			RoundDurationInMillis:    roundDurationInMillis,
+			RoundsPerEpoch:           roundsPerEpoch,
+			ApiInterface:             api.NewNoApiInterface(),
+			MinNodesPerShard:         3,
+			MetaChainMinNodes:        3,
+			NumNodesWaitingListMeta:  3,
+			NumNodesWaitingListShard: 3,
+			AlterConfigsFunction: func(cfg *config.Configs) {
+				cfg.EpochConfig.EnableEpochs.StakingV4Step1EnableEpoch = 2
+				cfg.EpochConfig.EnableEpochs.StakingV4Step2EnableEpoch = 3
+				cfg.EpochConfig.EnableEpochs.StakingV4Step3EnableEpoch = 4
+				cfg.EpochConfig.EnableEpochs.MaxNodesChangeEnableEpoch[2].EpochEnable = 4
+			},
+		})
+		require.Nil(t, err)
+		require.NotNil(t, cs)
+		defer cs.Close()
+		testChainSimulatorDirectStakedWithdrawUnstakedFundsBeforeUnbonding(t, cs, 2)
+	})
+	t.Run("staking ph 4 step 2 is active", func(t *testing.T) {
+		cs, err := chainSimulator.NewChainSimulator(chainSimulator.ArgsChainSimulator{
+			BypassTxSignatureCheck:   false,
+			TempDir:                  t.TempDir(),
+			PathToInitialConfig:      defaultPathToInitialConfig,
+			NumOfShards:              3,
+			GenesisTimestamp:         time.Now().Unix(),
+			RoundDurationInMillis:    roundDurationInMillis,
+			RoundsPerEpoch:           roundsPerEpoch,
+			ApiInterface:             api.NewNoApiInterface(),
+			MinNodesPerShard:         3,
+			MetaChainMinNodes:        3,
+			NumNodesWaitingListMeta:  3,
+			NumNodesWaitingListShard: 3,
+			AlterConfigsFunction: func(cfg *config.Configs) {
+				cfg.EpochConfig.EnableEpochs.StakingV4Step1EnableEpoch = 2
+				cfg.EpochConfig.EnableEpochs.StakingV4Step2EnableEpoch = 3
+				cfg.EpochConfig.EnableEpochs.StakingV4Step3EnableEpoch = 4
+				cfg.EpochConfig.EnableEpochs.MaxNodesChangeEnableEpoch[2].EpochEnable = 4
+			},
+		})
+		require.Nil(t, err)
+		require.NotNil(t, cs)
+		defer cs.Close()
+		testChainSimulatorDirectStakedWithdrawUnstakedFundsBeforeUnbonding(t, cs, 3)
+	})
+	t.Run("staking ph 4 step 3 is active", func(t *testing.T) {
+		cs, err := chainSimulator.NewChainSimulator(chainSimulator.ArgsChainSimulator{
+			BypassTxSignatureCheck:   false,
+			TempDir:                  t.TempDir(),
+			PathToInitialConfig:      defaultPathToInitialConfig,
+			NumOfShards:              3,
+			GenesisTimestamp:         time.Now().Unix(),
+			RoundDurationInMillis:    roundDurationInMillis,
+			RoundsPerEpoch:           roundsPerEpoch,
+			ApiInterface:             api.NewNoApiInterface(),
+			MinNodesPerShard:         3,
+			MetaChainMinNodes:        3,
+			NumNodesWaitingListMeta:  3,
+			NumNodesWaitingListShard: 3,
+			AlterConfigsFunction: func(cfg *config.Configs) {
+				cfg.EpochConfig.EnableEpochs.StakingV4Step1EnableEpoch = 2
+				cfg.EpochConfig.EnableEpochs.StakingV4Step2EnableEpoch = 3
+				cfg.EpochConfig.EnableEpochs.StakingV4Step3EnableEpoch = 4
+				cfg.EpochConfig.EnableEpochs.MaxNodesChangeEnableEpoch[2].EpochEnable = 4
+			},
+		})
+		require.Nil(t, err)
+		require.NotNil(t, cs)
+		defer cs.Close()
+		testChainSimulatorDirectStakedWithdrawUnstakedFundsBeforeUnbonding(t, cs, 4)
+	})
+func testChainSimulatorDirectStakedWithdrawUnstakedFundsBeforeUnbonding(t *testing.T, cs chainSimulatorIntegrationTests.ChainSimulator, targetEpoch int32) {
+	err := cs.GenerateBlocksUntilEpochIsReached(targetEpoch)
+	require.Nil(t, err)
+	privateKey, blsKeys, err := chainSimulator.GenerateBlsPrivateKeys(1)
+	require.Nil(t, err)
+	err = cs.AddValidatorKeys(privateKey)
+	require.Nil(t, err)
+	metachainNode := cs.GetNodeHandler(core.MetachainShardId)
+	mintValue := big.NewInt(10000)
+	mintValue = mintValue.Mul(oneEGLD, mintValue)
+	validatorOwner, err := cs.GenerateAndMintWalletAddress(core.AllShardId, mintValue)
+	require.Nil(t, err)
+	stakeValue := big.NewInt(0).Mul(oneEGLD, big.NewInt(2600))
+	txDataField := fmt.Sprintf("stake@01@%s@%s", blsKeys[0], mockBLSSignature)
+	txStake := generateTransaction(validatorOwner.Bytes, 0, vm.ValidatorSCAddress, stakeValue, txDataField, gasLimitForStakeOperation)
+	stakeTx, err := cs.SendTxAndGenerateBlockTilTxIsExecuted(txStake, maxNumOfBlockToGenerateWhenExecutingTx)
+	require.Nil(t, err)
+	require.NotNil(t, stakeTx)
+	err = cs.GenerateBlocks(2) // allow the metachain to finalize the block that contains the staking of the node
+	require.Nil(t, err)
+	testBLSKeyStaked(t, cs, metachainNode, blsKeys[0], targetEpoch)
+	shardIDValidatorOwner := cs.GetNodeHandler(0).GetShardCoordinator().ComputeId(validatorOwner.Bytes)
+	accountValidatorOwner, _, err := cs.GetNodeHandler(shardIDValidatorOwner).GetFacadeHandler().GetAccount(validatorOwner.Bech32, coreAPI.AccountQueryOptions{})
+	require.Nil(t, err)
+	balanceBeforeUnbonding, _ := big.NewInt(0).SetString(accountValidatorOwner.Balance, 10)
+	log.Info("Step 1. Create from the owner of staked nodes a transaction to withdraw the unstaked funds")
+	unStakeValue := big.NewInt(10)
+	unStakeValue = unStakeValue.Mul(oneEGLD, unStakeValue)
+	txDataField = fmt.Sprintf("unStakeTokens@%s", hex.EncodeToString(unStakeValue.Bytes()))
+	txUnStake := generateTransaction(validatorOwner.Bytes, 1, vm.ValidatorSCAddress, zeroValue, txDataField, gasLimitForStakeOperation)
+	unStakeTx, err := cs.SendTxAndGenerateBlockTilTxIsExecuted(txUnStake, maxNumOfBlockToGenerateWhenExecutingTx)
+	require.Nil(t, err)
+	require.NotNil(t, unStakeTx)
+	err = cs.GenerateBlocks(2)
+	require.Nil(t, err)
+	// check bls key is still staked
+	testBLSKeyStaked(t, cs, metachainNode, blsKeys[0], targetEpoch)
+	txDataField = fmt.Sprintf("unBondTokens@%s", blsKeys[0])
+	txUnBond := generateTransaction(validatorOwner.Bytes, 2, vm.ValidatorSCAddress, zeroValue, txDataField, gasLimitForUnBond)
+	unBondTx, err := cs.SendTxAndGenerateBlockTilTxIsExecuted(txUnBond, maxNumOfBlockToGenerateWhenExecutingTx)
+	require.Nil(t, err)
+	require.NotNil(t, unBondTx)
+	err = cs.GenerateBlocks(2)
+	require.Nil(t, err)
+	log.Info("Step 2. Check the outcome of the TX & verify new stake state with vmquery (`getUnStakedTokensList`)")
+	scQuery := &process.SCQuery{
+		ScAddress:  vm.ValidatorSCAddress,
+		FuncName:   "getUnStakedTokensList",
+		CallerAddr: vm.ValidatorSCAddress,
+		CallValue:  big.NewInt(0),
+		Arguments:  [][]byte{validatorOwner.Bytes},
+	}
+	result, _, err := metachainNode.GetFacadeHandler().ExecuteSCQuery(scQuery)
+	require.Nil(t, err)
+	require.Equal(t, okReturnCode, result.ReturnCode)
+	expectedUnStaked := big.NewInt(10)
+	expectedUnStaked = expectedUnStaked.Mul(oneEGLD, expectedUnStaked)
+	require.Equal(t, expectedUnStaked.String(), big.NewInt(0).SetBytes(result.ReturnData[0]).String())
+	// the owner balance should decrease only with the txs fee
+	accountValidatorOwner, _, err = cs.GetNodeHandler(shardIDValidatorOwner).GetFacadeHandler().GetAccount(validatorOwner.Bech32, coreAPI.AccountQueryOptions{})
+	require.Nil(t, err)
+	balanceAfterUnbonding, _ := big.NewInt(0).SetString(accountValidatorOwner.Balance, 10)
+	txsFee, _ := big.NewInt(0).SetString(unBondTx.Fee, 10)
+	balanceAfterUnbondingWithFee := big.NewInt(0).Add(balanceAfterUnbonding, txsFee)
+	txsFee, _ = big.NewInt(0).SetString(unStakeTx.Fee, 10)
+	balanceAfterUnbondingWithFee.Add(balanceAfterUnbondingWithFee, txsFee)
+	txsFee, _ = big.NewInt(0).SetString(stakeTx.Fee, 10)
+	balanceAfterUnbondingWithFee.Add(balanceAfterUnbondingWithFee, txsFee)
+	require.Equal(t, 1, balanceAfterUnbondingWithFee.Cmp(balanceBeforeUnbonding))
+// Test description:
+// Withdraw unstaked funds in first available withdraw epoch
+// Internal test scenario #29
+func TestChainSimulator_DirectStakingNodes_WithdrawUnstakedInWithdrawEpoch(t *testing.T) {
+	if testing.Short() {
+		t.Skip("this is not a short test")
+	}
+	roundDurationInMillis := uint64(6000)
+	roundsPerEpoch := core.OptionalUint64{
+		HasValue: true,
+		Value:    30,
+	}
+	// Test Steps
+	// 1. Wait for the unbonding epoch to start
+	// 2. Create from the owner of staked nodes a transaction to withdraw the unstaked funds
+	// 3. Check the outcome of the TX & verify new stake state with vmquery ("getUnStakedTokensList")
+	t.Run("staking ph 4 is not active", func(t *testing.T) {
+		cs, err := chainSimulator.NewChainSimulator(chainSimulator.ArgsChainSimulator{
+			BypassTxSignatureCheck:   false,
+			TempDir:                  t.TempDir(),
+			PathToInitialConfig:      defaultPathToInitialConfig,
+			NumOfShards:              3,
+			GenesisTimestamp:         time.Now().Unix(),
+			RoundDurationInMillis:    roundDurationInMillis,
+			RoundsPerEpoch:           roundsPerEpoch,
+			ApiInterface:             api.NewNoApiInterface(),
+			MinNodesPerShard:         3,
+			MetaChainMinNodes:        3,
+			NumNodesWaitingListMeta:  3,
+			NumNodesWaitingListShard: 3,
+			AlterConfigsFunction: func(cfg *config.Configs) {
+				cfg.EpochConfig.EnableEpochs.StakingV4Step1EnableEpoch = 100
+				cfg.EpochConfig.EnableEpochs.StakingV4Step2EnableEpoch = 101
+				cfg.EpochConfig.EnableEpochs.StakingV4Step3EnableEpoch = 102
+				cfg.EpochConfig.EnableEpochs.MaxNodesChangeEnableEpoch[2].EpochEnable = 102
+			},
+		})
+		require.Nil(t, err)
+		require.NotNil(t, cs)
+		defer cs.Close()
+		testChainSimulatorDirectStakedWithdrawUnstakedFundsInFirstEpoch(t, cs, 1)
+	})
+	t.Run("staking ph 4 step 1 is active", func(t *testing.T) {
+		cs, err := chainSimulator.NewChainSimulator(chainSimulator.ArgsChainSimulator{
+			BypassTxSignatureCheck:   false,
+			TempDir:                  t.TempDir(),
+			PathToInitialConfig:      defaultPathToInitialConfig,
+			NumOfShards:              3,
+			GenesisTimestamp:         time.Now().Unix(),
+			RoundDurationInMillis:    roundDurationInMillis,
+			RoundsPerEpoch:           roundsPerEpoch,
+			ApiInterface:             api.NewNoApiInterface(),
+			MinNodesPerShard:         3,
+			MetaChainMinNodes:        3,
+			NumNodesWaitingListMeta:  3,
+			NumNodesWaitingListShard: 3,
+			AlterConfigsFunction: func(cfg *config.Configs) {
+				cfg.EpochConfig.EnableEpochs.StakingV4Step1EnableEpoch = 2
+				cfg.EpochConfig.EnableEpochs.StakingV4Step2EnableEpoch = 3
+				cfg.EpochConfig.EnableEpochs.StakingV4Step3EnableEpoch = 4
+				cfg.EpochConfig.EnableEpochs.MaxNodesChangeEnableEpoch[2].EpochEnable = 4
+			},
+		})
+		require.Nil(t, err)
+		require.NotNil(t, cs)
+		defer cs.Close()
+		testChainSimulatorDirectStakedWithdrawUnstakedFundsInFirstEpoch(t, cs, 2)
+	})
+	t.Run("staking ph 4 step 2 is active", func(t *testing.T) {
+		cs, err := chainSimulator.NewChainSimulator(chainSimulator.ArgsChainSimulator{
+			BypassTxSignatureCheck:   false,
+			TempDir:                  t.TempDir(),
+			PathToInitialConfig:      defaultPathToInitialConfig,
+			NumOfShards:              3,
+			GenesisTimestamp:         time.Now().Unix(),
+			RoundDurationInMillis:    roundDurationInMillis,
+			RoundsPerEpoch:           roundsPerEpoch,
+			ApiInterface:             api.NewNoApiInterface(),
+			MinNodesPerShard:         3,
+			MetaChainMinNodes:        3,
+			NumNodesWaitingListMeta:  3,
+			NumNodesWaitingListShard: 3,
+			AlterConfigsFunction: func(cfg *config.Configs) {
+				cfg.EpochConfig.EnableEpochs.StakingV4Step1EnableEpoch = 2
+				cfg.EpochConfig.EnableEpochs.StakingV4Step2EnableEpoch = 3
+				cfg.EpochConfig.EnableEpochs.StakingV4Step3EnableEpoch = 4
+				cfg.EpochConfig.EnableEpochs.MaxNodesChangeEnableEpoch[2].EpochEnable = 4
+			},
+		})
+		require.Nil(t, err)
+		require.NotNil(t, cs)
+		defer cs.Close()
+		testChainSimulatorDirectStakedWithdrawUnstakedFundsInFirstEpoch(t, cs, 3)
+	})
+	t.Run("staking ph 4 step 3 is active", func(t *testing.T) {
+		cs, err := chainSimulator.NewChainSimulator(chainSimulator.ArgsChainSimulator{
+			BypassTxSignatureCheck:   false,
+			TempDir:                  t.TempDir(),
+			PathToInitialConfig:      defaultPathToInitialConfig,
+			NumOfShards:              3,
+			GenesisTimestamp:         time.Now().Unix(),
+			RoundDurationInMillis:    roundDurationInMillis,
+			RoundsPerEpoch:           roundsPerEpoch,
+			ApiInterface:             api.NewNoApiInterface(),
+			MinNodesPerShard:         3,
+			MetaChainMinNodes:        3,
+			NumNodesWaitingListMeta:  3,
+			NumNodesWaitingListShard: 3,
+			AlterConfigsFunction: func(cfg *config.Configs) {
+				cfg.EpochConfig.EnableEpochs.StakingV4Step1EnableEpoch = 2
+				cfg.EpochConfig.EnableEpochs.StakingV4Step2EnableEpoch = 3
+				cfg.EpochConfig.EnableEpochs.StakingV4Step3EnableEpoch = 4
+				cfg.EpochConfig.EnableEpochs.MaxNodesChangeEnableEpoch[2].EpochEnable = 4
+			},
+		})
+		require.Nil(t, err)
+		require.NotNil(t, cs)
+		defer cs.Close()
+		testChainSimulatorDirectStakedWithdrawUnstakedFundsInFirstEpoch(t, cs, 4)
+	})
+func testChainSimulatorDirectStakedWithdrawUnstakedFundsInFirstEpoch(t *testing.T, cs chainSimulatorIntegrationTests.ChainSimulator, targetEpoch int32) {
+	err := cs.GenerateBlocksUntilEpochIsReached(targetEpoch)
+	require.Nil(t, err)
+	privateKey, blsKeys, err := chainSimulator.GenerateBlsPrivateKeys(1)
+	require.Nil(t, err)
+	err = cs.AddValidatorKeys(privateKey)
+	require.Nil(t, err)
+	metachainNode := cs.GetNodeHandler(core.MetachainShardId)
+	mintValue := big.NewInt(10000)
+	mintValue = mintValue.Mul(oneEGLD, mintValue)
+	validatorOwner, err := cs.GenerateAndMintWalletAddress(core.AllShardId, mintValue)
+	require.Nil(t, err)
+	stakeValue := big.NewInt(0).Mul(oneEGLD, big.NewInt(2600))
+	txDataField := fmt.Sprintf("stake@01@%s@%s", blsKeys[0], mockBLSSignature)
+	txStake := generateTransaction(validatorOwner.Bytes, 0, vm.ValidatorSCAddress, stakeValue, txDataField, gasLimitForStakeOperation)
+	stakeTx, err := cs.SendTxAndGenerateBlockTilTxIsExecuted(txStake, maxNumOfBlockToGenerateWhenExecutingTx)
+	require.Nil(t, err)
+	require.NotNil(t, stakeTx)
+	err = cs.GenerateBlocks(2) // allow the metachain to finalize the block that contains the staking of the node
+	require.Nil(t, err)
+	testBLSKeyStaked(t, cs, metachainNode, blsKeys[0], targetEpoch)
+	shardIDValidatorOwner := cs.GetNodeHandler(0).GetShardCoordinator().ComputeId(validatorOwner.Bytes)
+	accountValidatorOwner, _, err := cs.GetNodeHandler(shardIDValidatorOwner).GetFacadeHandler().GetAccount(validatorOwner.Bech32, coreAPI.AccountQueryOptions{})
+	require.Nil(t, err)
+	balanceBeforeUnbonding, _ := big.NewInt(0).SetString(accountValidatorOwner.Balance, 10)
+	unStakeValue := big.NewInt(10)
+	unStakeValue = unStakeValue.Mul(oneEGLD, unStakeValue)
+	txDataField = fmt.Sprintf("unStakeTokens@%s", hex.EncodeToString(unStakeValue.Bytes()))
+	txUnStake := generateTransaction(validatorOwner.Bytes, 1, vm.ValidatorSCAddress, zeroValue, txDataField, gasLimitForStakeOperation)
+	unStakeTx, err := cs.SendTxAndGenerateBlockTilTxIsExecuted(txUnStake, maxNumOfBlockToGenerateWhenExecutingTx)
+	require.Nil(t, err)
+	require.NotNil(t, unStakeTx)
+	err = cs.GenerateBlocks(2)
+	require.Nil(t, err)
+	// check bls key is still staked
+	testBLSKeyStaked(t, cs, metachainNode, blsKeys[0], targetEpoch)
+	scQuery := &process.SCQuery{
+		ScAddress:  vm.ValidatorSCAddress,
+		FuncName:   "getUnStakedTokensList",
+		CallerAddr: vm.ValidatorSCAddress,
+		CallValue:  big.NewInt(0),
+		Arguments:  [][]byte{validatorOwner.Bytes},
+	}
+	result, _, err := metachainNode.GetFacadeHandler().ExecuteSCQuery(scQuery)
+	require.Nil(t, err)
+	require.Equal(t, okReturnCode, result.ReturnCode)
+	expectedUnStaked := big.NewInt(10)
+	expectedUnStaked = expectedUnStaked.Mul(oneEGLD, expectedUnStaked)
+	require.Equal(t, expectedUnStaked.String(), big.NewInt(0).SetBytes(result.ReturnData[0]).String())
+	log.Info("Step 1. Wait for the unbonding epoch to start")
+	err = cs.GenerateBlocksUntilEpochIsReached(targetEpoch + 1)
+	require.Nil(t, err)
+	log.Info("Step 2. Create from the owner of staked nodes a transaction to withdraw the unstaked funds")
+	txDataField = fmt.Sprintf("unBondTokens@%s", blsKeys[0])
+	txUnBond := generateTransaction(validatorOwner.Bytes, 2, vm.ValidatorSCAddress, zeroValue, txDataField, gasLimitForUnBond)
+	unBondTx, err := cs.SendTxAndGenerateBlockTilTxIsExecuted(txUnBond, maxNumOfBlockToGenerateWhenExecutingTx)
+	require.Nil(t, err)
+	require.NotNil(t, unBondTx)
+	err = cs.GenerateBlocks(2)
+	require.Nil(t, err)
+	log.Info("Step 3. Check the outcome of the TX & verify new stake state with vmquery (`getUnStakedTokensList`)")
+	scQuery = &process.SCQuery{
+		ScAddress:  vm.ValidatorSCAddress,
+		FuncName:   "getTotalStaked",
+		CallerAddr: vm.ValidatorSCAddress,
+		CallValue:  big.NewInt(0),
+		Arguments:  [][]byte{validatorOwner.Bytes},
+	}
+	result, _, err = metachainNode.GetFacadeHandler().ExecuteSCQuery(scQuery)
+	require.Nil(t, err)
+	require.Equal(t, okReturnCode, result.ReturnCode)
+	expectedStaked := big.NewInt(2590)
+	expectedStaked = expectedStaked.Mul(oneEGLD, expectedStaked)
+	require.Equal(t, expectedStaked.String(), string(result.ReturnData[0]))
+	// the owner balance should increase with the (10 EGLD - tx fee)
+	accountValidatorOwner, _, err = cs.GetNodeHandler(shardIDValidatorOwner).GetFacadeHandler().GetAccount(validatorOwner.Bech32, coreAPI.AccountQueryOptions{})
+	require.Nil(t, err)
+	balanceAfterUnbonding, _ := big.NewInt(0).SetString(accountValidatorOwner.Balance, 10)
+	// substract unbonding value
+	balanceAfterUnbonding.Sub(balanceAfterUnbonding, unStakeValue)
+	txsFee, _ := big.NewInt(0).SetString(unBondTx.Fee, 10)
+	balanceAfterUnbondingWithFee := big.NewInt(0).Add(balanceAfterUnbonding, txsFee)
+	txsFee, _ = big.NewInt(0).SetString(unStakeTx.Fee, 10)
+	balanceAfterUnbondingWithFee.Add(balanceAfterUnbondingWithFee, txsFee)
+	txsFee, _ = big.NewInt(0).SetString(stakeTx.Fee, 10)
+	balanceAfterUnbondingWithFee.Add(balanceAfterUnbondingWithFee, txsFee)
+	require.Equal(t, 1, balanceAfterUnbondingWithFee.Cmp(balanceBeforeUnbonding))
+// Test description:
+// Unstaking funds in different batches allows correct withdrawal for each batch
+// at the corresponding epoch.
+// Internal test scenario #30
+func TestChainSimulator_DirectStakingNodes_WithdrawUnstakedInBatches(t *testing.T) {
+	if testing.Short() {
+		t.Skip("this is not a short test")
+	}
+	roundDurationInMillis := uint64(6000)
+	roundsPerEpoch := core.OptionalUint64{
+		HasValue: true,
+		Value:    30,
+	}
+	// Test Steps
+	// 1. Create 3 transactions for unstaking: first one unstaking 11 egld each, second one unstaking 12 egld and third one unstaking 13 egld.
+	// 2. Send the transactions in consecutive epochs, one TX in each epoch.
+	// 3. Wait for the epoch when first tx unbonding period ends.
+	// 4. Create a transaction for withdraw and send it to the network
+	// 5. Wait for an epoch
+	// 6. Create another transaction for withdraw and send it to the network
+	// 7. Wait for an epoch
+	// 8. Create another transasction for withdraw and send it to the network
+	t.Run("staking ph 4 is not active", func(t *testing.T) {
+		cs, err := chainSimulator.NewChainSimulator(chainSimulator.ArgsChainSimulator{
+			BypassTxSignatureCheck:   false,
+			TempDir:                  t.TempDir(),
+			PathToInitialConfig:      defaultPathToInitialConfig,
+			NumOfShards:              3,
+			GenesisTimestamp:         time.Now().Unix(),
+			RoundDurationInMillis:    roundDurationInMillis,
+			RoundsPerEpoch:           roundsPerEpoch,
+			ApiInterface:             api.NewNoApiInterface(),
+			MinNodesPerShard:         3,
+			MetaChainMinNodes:        3,
+			NumNodesWaitingListMeta:  3,
+			NumNodesWaitingListShard: 3,
+			AlterConfigsFunction: func(cfg *config.Configs) {
+				cfg.EpochConfig.EnableEpochs.StakingV4Step1EnableEpoch = 100
+				cfg.EpochConfig.EnableEpochs.StakingV4Step2EnableEpoch = 101
+				cfg.EpochConfig.EnableEpochs.StakingV4Step3EnableEpoch = 102
+				cfg.EpochConfig.EnableEpochs.MaxNodesChangeEnableEpoch[2].EpochEnable = 102
+				cfg.SystemSCConfig.StakingSystemSCConfig.UnBondPeriodInEpochs = 6
+			},
+		})
+		require.Nil(t, err)
+		require.NotNil(t, cs)
+		defer cs.Close()
+		testChainSimulatorDirectStakedWithdrawUnstakedFundsInBatches(t, cs, 1)
+	})
+	t.Run("staking ph 4 step 1 is active", func(t *testing.T) {
+		cs, err := chainSimulator.NewChainSimulator(chainSimulator.ArgsChainSimulator{
+			BypassTxSignatureCheck:   false,
+			TempDir:                  t.TempDir(),
+			PathToInitialConfig:      defaultPathToInitialConfig,
+			NumOfShards:              3,
+			GenesisTimestamp:         time.Now().Unix(),
+			RoundDurationInMillis:    roundDurationInMillis,
+			RoundsPerEpoch:           roundsPerEpoch,
+			ApiInterface:             api.NewNoApiInterface(),
+			MinNodesPerShard:         3,
+			MetaChainMinNodes:        3,
+			NumNodesWaitingListMeta:  3,
+			NumNodesWaitingListShard: 3,
+			AlterConfigsFunction: func(cfg *config.Configs) {
+				cfg.EpochConfig.EnableEpochs.StakingV4Step1EnableEpoch = 2
+				cfg.EpochConfig.EnableEpochs.StakingV4Step2EnableEpoch = 3
+				cfg.EpochConfig.EnableEpochs.StakingV4Step3EnableEpoch = 4
+				cfg.EpochConfig.EnableEpochs.MaxNodesChangeEnableEpoch[2].EpochEnable = 4
+				cfg.SystemSCConfig.StakingSystemSCConfig.UnBondPeriodInEpochs = 6
+			},
+		})
+		require.Nil(t, err)
+		require.NotNil(t, cs)
+		defer cs.Close()
+		testChainSimulatorDirectStakedWithdrawUnstakedFundsInBatches(t, cs, 2)
+	})
+	t.Run("staking ph 4 step 2 is active", func(t *testing.T) {
+		cs, err := chainSimulator.NewChainSimulator(chainSimulator.ArgsChainSimulator{
+			BypassTxSignatureCheck:   false,
+			TempDir:                  t.TempDir(),
+			PathToInitialConfig:      defaultPathToInitialConfig,
+			NumOfShards:              3,
+			GenesisTimestamp:         time.Now().Unix(),
+			RoundDurationInMillis:    roundDurationInMillis,
+			RoundsPerEpoch:           roundsPerEpoch,
+			ApiInterface:             api.NewNoApiInterface(),
+			MinNodesPerShard:         3,
+			MetaChainMinNodes:        3,
+			NumNodesWaitingListMeta:  3,
+			NumNodesWaitingListShard: 3,
+			AlterConfigsFunction: func(cfg *config.Configs) {
+				cfg.EpochConfig.EnableEpochs.StakingV4Step1EnableEpoch = 2
+				cfg.EpochConfig.EnableEpochs.StakingV4Step2EnableEpoch = 3
+				cfg.EpochConfig.EnableEpochs.StakingV4Step3EnableEpoch = 4
+				cfg.EpochConfig.EnableEpochs.MaxNodesChangeEnableEpoch[2].EpochEnable = 4
+				cfg.SystemSCConfig.StakingSystemSCConfig.UnBondPeriodInEpochs = 6
+			},
+		})
+		require.Nil(t, err)
+		require.NotNil(t, cs)
+		defer cs.Close()
+		testChainSimulatorDirectStakedWithdrawUnstakedFundsInBatches(t, cs, 3)
+	})
+	t.Run("staking ph 4 step 3 is active", func(t *testing.T) {
+		cs, err := chainSimulator.NewChainSimulator(chainSimulator.ArgsChainSimulator{
+			BypassTxSignatureCheck:   false,
+			TempDir:                  t.TempDir(),
+			PathToInitialConfig:      defaultPathToInitialConfig,
+			NumOfShards:              3,
+			GenesisTimestamp:         time.Now().Unix(),
+			RoundDurationInMillis:    roundDurationInMillis,
+			RoundsPerEpoch:           roundsPerEpoch,
+			ApiInterface:             api.NewNoApiInterface(),
+			MinNodesPerShard:         3,
+			MetaChainMinNodes:        3,
+			NumNodesWaitingListMeta:  3,
+			NumNodesWaitingListShard: 3,
+			AlterConfigsFunction: func(cfg *config.Configs) {
+				cfg.EpochConfig.EnableEpochs.StakingV4Step1EnableEpoch = 2
+				cfg.EpochConfig.EnableEpochs.StakingV4Step2EnableEpoch = 3
+				cfg.EpochConfig.EnableEpochs.StakingV4Step3EnableEpoch = 4
+				cfg.EpochConfig.EnableEpochs.MaxNodesChangeEnableEpoch[2].EpochEnable = 4
+				cfg.SystemSCConfig.StakingSystemSCConfig.UnBondPeriodInEpochs = 6
+			},
+		})
+		require.Nil(t, err)
+		require.NotNil(t, cs)
+		defer cs.Close()
+		testChainSimulatorDirectStakedWithdrawUnstakedFundsInBatches(t, cs, 4)
+	})
+func testChainSimulatorDirectStakedWithdrawUnstakedFundsInBatches(t *testing.T, cs chainSimulatorIntegrationTests.ChainSimulator, targetEpoch int32) {
+	err := cs.GenerateBlocksUntilEpochIsReached(targetEpoch)
+	require.Nil(t, err)
+	privateKey, blsKeys, err := chainSimulator.GenerateBlsPrivateKeys(1)
+	require.Nil(t, err)
+	err = cs.AddValidatorKeys(privateKey)
+	require.Nil(t, err)
+	metachainNode := cs.GetNodeHandler(core.MetachainShardId)
+	mintValue := big.NewInt(2700)
+	mintValue = mintValue.Mul(oneEGLD, mintValue)
+	validatorOwner, err := cs.GenerateAndMintWalletAddress(core.AllShardId, mintValue)
+	require.Nil(t, err)
+	stakeValue := big.NewInt(0).Mul(oneEGLD, big.NewInt(2600))
+	txDataField := fmt.Sprintf("stake@01@%s@%s", blsKeys[0], mockBLSSignature)
+	txStake := generateTransaction(validatorOwner.Bytes, 0, vm.ValidatorSCAddress, stakeValue, txDataField, gasLimitForStakeOperation)
+	stakeTx, err := cs.SendTxAndGenerateBlockTilTxIsExecuted(txStake, maxNumOfBlockToGenerateWhenExecutingTx)
+	require.Nil(t, err)
+	require.NotNil(t, stakeTx)
+	stakeTxFee, _ := big.NewInt(0).SetString(stakeTx.Fee, 10)
+	err = cs.GenerateBlocks(2)
+	require.Nil(t, err)
+	testBLSKeyStaked(t, cs, metachainNode, blsKeys[0], targetEpoch)
+	shardIDValidatorOwner := cs.GetNodeHandler(0).GetShardCoordinator().ComputeId(validatorOwner.Bytes)
+	accountValidatorOwner, _, err := cs.GetNodeHandler(shardIDValidatorOwner).GetFacadeHandler().GetAccount(validatorOwner.Bech32, coreAPI.AccountQueryOptions{})
+	require.Nil(t, err)
+	balanceBeforeUnbonding, _ := big.NewInt(0).SetString(accountValidatorOwner.Balance, 10)
+	log.Info("Step 1. Create 3 transactions for unstaking: first one unstaking 11 egld, second one unstaking 12 egld and third one unstaking 13 egld.")
+	log.Info("Step 2. Send the transactions in consecutive epochs, one TX in each epoch.")
+	unStakeValue1 := big.NewInt(11)
+	unStakeValue1 = unStakeValue1.Mul(oneEGLD, unStakeValue1)
+	txDataField = fmt.Sprintf("unStakeTokens@%s", hex.EncodeToString(unStakeValue1.Bytes()))
+	txUnStake := generateTransaction(validatorOwner.Bytes, 1, vm.ValidatorSCAddress, zeroValue, txDataField, gasLimitForStakeOperation)
+	unStakeTx, err := cs.SendTxAndGenerateBlockTilTxIsExecuted(txUnStake, maxNumOfBlockToGenerateWhenExecutingTx)
+	require.Nil(t, err)
+	require.NotNil(t, unStakeTx)
+	unStakeTxFee, _ := big.NewInt(0).SetString(unStakeTx.Fee, 10)
+	testEpoch := targetEpoch + 1
+	err = cs.GenerateBlocksUntilEpochIsReached(testEpoch)
+	require.Nil(t, err)
+	unStakeValue2 := big.NewInt(12)
+	unStakeValue2 = unStakeValue2.Mul(oneEGLD, unStakeValue2)
+	txDataField = fmt.Sprintf("unStakeTokens@%s", hex.EncodeToString(unStakeValue2.Bytes()))
+	txUnStake = generateTransaction(validatorOwner.Bytes, 2, vm.ValidatorSCAddress, zeroValue, txDataField, gasLimitForStakeOperation)
+	unStakeTx, err = cs.SendTxAndGenerateBlockTilTxIsExecuted(txUnStake, maxNumOfBlockToGenerateWhenExecutingTx)
+	require.Nil(t, err)
+	require.NotNil(t, unStakeTx)
+	testEpoch++
+	err = cs.GenerateBlocksUntilEpochIsReached(testEpoch)
+	require.Nil(t, err)
+	unStakeValue3 := big.NewInt(13)
+	unStakeValue3 = unStakeValue3.Mul(oneEGLD, unStakeValue3)
+	txDataField = fmt.Sprintf("unStakeTokens@%s", hex.EncodeToString(unStakeValue3.Bytes()))
+	txUnStake = generateTransaction(validatorOwner.Bytes, 3, vm.ValidatorSCAddress, zeroValue, txDataField, gasLimitForStakeOperation)
+	unStakeTx, err = cs.SendTxAndGenerateBlockTilTxIsExecuted(txUnStake, maxNumOfBlockToGenerateWhenExecutingTx)
+	require.Nil(t, err)
+	require.NotNil(t, unStakeTx)
+	testEpoch++
+	err = cs.GenerateBlocksUntilEpochIsReached(testEpoch)
+	require.Nil(t, err)
+	// check bls key is still staked
+	testBLSKeyStaked(t, cs, metachainNode, blsKeys[0], targetEpoch)
+	scQuery := &process.SCQuery{
+		ScAddress:  vm.ValidatorSCAddress,
+		FuncName:   "getUnStakedTokensList",
+		CallerAddr: vm.ValidatorSCAddress,
+		CallValue:  big.NewInt(0),
+		Arguments:  [][]byte{validatorOwner.Bytes},
+	}
+	result, _, err := metachainNode.GetFacadeHandler().ExecuteSCQuery(scQuery)
+	require.Nil(t, err)
+	require.Equal(t, okReturnCode, result.ReturnCode)
+	expectedUnStaked := big.NewInt(11)
+	expectedUnStaked = expectedUnStaked.Mul(oneEGLD, expectedUnStaked)
+	require.Equal(t, expectedUnStaked.String(), big.NewInt(0).SetBytes(result.ReturnData[0]).String())
+	scQuery = &process.SCQuery{
+		ScAddress:  vm.ValidatorSCAddress,
+		FuncName:   "getTotalStaked",
+		CallerAddr: vm.ValidatorSCAddress,
+		CallValue:  big.NewInt(0),
+		Arguments:  [][]byte{validatorOwner.Bytes},
+	}
+	result, _, err = metachainNode.GetFacadeHandler().ExecuteSCQuery(scQuery)
+	require.Nil(t, err)
+	require.Equal(t, okReturnCode, result.ReturnCode)
+	expectedStaked := big.NewInt(2600 - 11 - 12 - 13)
+	expectedStaked = expectedStaked.Mul(oneEGLD, expectedStaked)
+	require.Equal(t, expectedStaked.String(), string(result.ReturnData[0]))
+	log.Info("Step 3. Wait for the unbonding epoch to start")
+	testEpoch += 3
+	err = cs.GenerateBlocksUntilEpochIsReached(testEpoch)
+	require.Nil(t, err)
+	log.Info("Step 4.1. Create from the owner of staked nodes a transaction to withdraw the unstaked funds")
+	txDataField = fmt.Sprintf("unBondTokens@%s", blsKeys[0])
+	txUnBond := generateTransaction(validatorOwner.Bytes, 4, vm.ValidatorSCAddress, zeroValue, txDataField, gasLimitForUnBond)
+	unBondTx, err := cs.SendTxAndGenerateBlockTilTxIsExecuted(txUnBond, maxNumOfBlockToGenerateWhenExecutingTx)
+	require.Nil(t, err)
+	require.NotNil(t, unBondTx)
+	unBondTxFee, _ := big.NewInt(0).SetString(unBondTx.Fee, 10)
+	err = cs.GenerateBlocks(2)
+	require.Nil(t, err)
+	// the owner balance should increase with the (11 EGLD - tx fee)
+	accountValidatorOwner, _, err = cs.GetNodeHandler(shardIDValidatorOwner).GetFacadeHandler().GetAccount(validatorOwner.Bech32, coreAPI.AccountQueryOptions{})
+	require.Nil(t, err)
+	balanceAfterUnbonding, _ := big.NewInt(0).SetString(accountValidatorOwner.Balance, 10)
+	balanceAfterUnbonding.Sub(balanceAfterUnbonding, unStakeValue1)
+	txsFee := big.NewInt(0)
+	txsFee.Add(txsFee, stakeTxFee)
+	txsFee.Add(txsFee, unBondTxFee)
+	txsFee.Add(txsFee, unStakeTxFee)
+	txsFee.Add(txsFee, unStakeTxFee)
+	txsFee.Add(txsFee, unStakeTxFee)
+	balanceAfterUnbonding.Add(balanceAfterUnbonding, txsFee)
+	require.Equal(t, 1, balanceAfterUnbonding.Cmp(balanceBeforeUnbonding))
+	log.Info("Step 4.2. Create from the owner of staked nodes a transaction to withdraw the unstaked funds")
+	testEpoch++
+	err = cs.GenerateBlocksUntilEpochIsReached(testEpoch)
+	require.Nil(t, err)
+	txDataField = fmt.Sprintf("unBondTokens@%s", blsKeys[0])
+	txUnBond = generateTransaction(validatorOwner.Bytes, 5, vm.ValidatorSCAddress, zeroValue, txDataField, gasLimitForUnBond)
+	unBondTx, err = cs.SendTxAndGenerateBlockTilTxIsExecuted(txUnBond, maxNumOfBlockToGenerateWhenExecutingTx)
+	require.Nil(t, err)
+	require.NotNil(t, unBondTx)
+	err = cs.GenerateBlocks(2)
+	require.Nil(t, err)
+	// the owner balance should increase with the (11+12 EGLD - tx fee)
+	accountValidatorOwner, _, err = cs.GetNodeHandler(shardIDValidatorOwner).GetFacadeHandler().GetAccount(validatorOwner.Bech32, coreAPI.AccountQueryOptions{})
+	require.Nil(t, err)
+	balanceAfterUnbonding, _ = big.NewInt(0).SetString(accountValidatorOwner.Balance, 10)
+	balanceAfterUnbonding.Sub(balanceAfterUnbonding, unStakeValue1)
+	balanceAfterUnbonding.Sub(balanceAfterUnbonding, unStakeValue2)
+	txsFee.Add(txsFee, unBondTxFee)
+	balanceAfterUnbonding.Add(balanceAfterUnbonding, txsFee)
+	require.Equal(t, 1, balanceAfterUnbonding.Cmp(balanceBeforeUnbonding))
+	log.Info("Step 4.3. Create from the owner of staked nodes a transaction to withdraw the unstaked funds")
+	testEpoch++
+	err = cs.GenerateBlocksUntilEpochIsReached(testEpoch)
+	require.Nil(t, err)
+	txDataField = fmt.Sprintf("unBondTokens@%s", blsKeys[0])
+	txUnBond = generateTransaction(validatorOwner.Bytes, 6, vm.ValidatorSCAddress, zeroValue, txDataField, gasLimitForUnBond)
+	unBondTx, err = cs.SendTxAndGenerateBlockTilTxIsExecuted(txUnBond, maxNumOfBlockToGenerateWhenExecutingTx)
+	require.Nil(t, err)
+	require.NotNil(t, unBondTx)
+	err = cs.GenerateBlocks(2)
+	require.Nil(t, err)
+	// the owner balance should increase with the (11+12+13 EGLD - tx fee)
+	accountValidatorOwner, _, err = cs.GetNodeHandler(shardIDValidatorOwner).GetFacadeHandler().GetAccount(validatorOwner.Bech32, coreAPI.AccountQueryOptions{})
+	require.Nil(t, err)
+	balanceAfterUnbonding, _ = big.NewInt(0).SetString(accountValidatorOwner.Balance, 10)
+	balanceAfterUnbonding.Sub(balanceAfterUnbonding, unStakeValue1)
+	balanceAfterUnbonding.Sub(balanceAfterUnbonding, unStakeValue2)
+	balanceAfterUnbonding.Sub(balanceAfterUnbonding, unStakeValue3)
+	txsFee.Add(txsFee, unBondTxFee)
+	balanceAfterUnbonding.Add(balanceAfterUnbonding, txsFee)
+	require.Equal(t, 1, balanceAfterUnbonding.Cmp(balanceBeforeUnbonding))
+// Test description:
+// Unstake funds in different batches in the same epoch allows correct withdrawal in the correct epoch
+// Internal test scenario #31
+func TestChainSimulator_DirectStakingNodes_WithdrawUnstakedInEpoch(t *testing.T) {
+	if testing.Short() {
+		t.Skip("this is not a short test")
+	}
+	roundDurationInMillis := uint64(6000)
+	roundsPerEpoch := core.OptionalUint64{
+		HasValue: true,
+		Value:    30,
+	}
+	// Test Steps
+	// 1. Create 3 transactions for unstaking: first one unstaking 11 egld each, second one unstaking 12 egld and third one unstaking 13 egld.
+	// 2. Send the transactions consecutively in the same epoch
+	// 3. Wait for the epoch when unbonding period ends.
+	// 4. Create a transaction for withdraw and send it to the network
+	t.Run("staking ph 4 is not active", func(t *testing.T) {
+		cs, err := chainSimulator.NewChainSimulator(chainSimulator.ArgsChainSimulator{
+			BypassTxSignatureCheck:   false,
+			TempDir:                  t.TempDir(),
+			PathToInitialConfig:      defaultPathToInitialConfig,
+			NumOfShards:              3,
+			GenesisTimestamp:         time.Now().Unix(),
+			RoundDurationInMillis:    roundDurationInMillis,
+			RoundsPerEpoch:           roundsPerEpoch,
+			ApiInterface:             api.NewNoApiInterface(),
+			MinNodesPerShard:         3,
+			MetaChainMinNodes:        3,
+			NumNodesWaitingListMeta:  3,
+			NumNodesWaitingListShard: 3,
+			AlterConfigsFunction: func(cfg *config.Configs) {
+				cfg.EpochConfig.EnableEpochs.StakingV4Step1EnableEpoch = 100
+				cfg.EpochConfig.EnableEpochs.StakingV4Step2EnableEpoch = 101
+				cfg.EpochConfig.EnableEpochs.StakingV4Step3EnableEpoch = 102
+				cfg.EpochConfig.EnableEpochs.MaxNodesChangeEnableEpoch[2].EpochEnable = 102
+				cfg.SystemSCConfig.StakingSystemSCConfig.UnBondPeriodInEpochs = 3
+			},
+		})
+		require.Nil(t, err)
+		require.NotNil(t, cs)
+		defer cs.Close()
+		testChainSimulatorDirectStakedWithdrawUnstakedFundsInEpoch(t, cs, 1)
+	})
+	t.Run("staking ph 4 step 1 is active", func(t *testing.T) {
+		cs, err := chainSimulator.NewChainSimulator(chainSimulator.ArgsChainSimulator{
+			BypassTxSignatureCheck:   false,
+			TempDir:                  t.TempDir(),
+			PathToInitialConfig:      defaultPathToInitialConfig,
+			NumOfShards:              3,
+			GenesisTimestamp:         time.Now().Unix(),
+			RoundDurationInMillis:    roundDurationInMillis,
+			RoundsPerEpoch:           roundsPerEpoch,
+			ApiInterface:             api.NewNoApiInterface(),
+			MinNodesPerShard:         3,
+			MetaChainMinNodes:        3,
+			NumNodesWaitingListMeta:  3,
+			NumNodesWaitingListShard: 3,
+			AlterConfigsFunction: func(cfg *config.Configs) {
+				cfg.EpochConfig.EnableEpochs.StakingV4Step1EnableEpoch = 2
+				cfg.EpochConfig.EnableEpochs.StakingV4Step2EnableEpoch = 3
+				cfg.EpochConfig.EnableEpochs.StakingV4Step3EnableEpoch = 4
+				cfg.EpochConfig.EnableEpochs.MaxNodesChangeEnableEpoch[2].EpochEnable = 4
+				cfg.SystemSCConfig.StakingSystemSCConfig.UnBondPeriodInEpochs = 3
+			},
+		})
+		require.Nil(t, err)
+		require.NotNil(t, cs)
+		defer cs.Close()
+		testChainSimulatorDirectStakedWithdrawUnstakedFundsInEpoch(t, cs, 2)
+	})
+	t.Run("staking ph 4 step 2 is active", func(t *testing.T) {
+		cs, err := chainSimulator.NewChainSimulator(chainSimulator.ArgsChainSimulator{
+			BypassTxSignatureCheck:   false,
+			TempDir:                  t.TempDir(),
+			PathToInitialConfig:      defaultPathToInitialConfig,
+			NumOfShards:              3,
+			GenesisTimestamp:         time.Now().Unix(),
+			RoundDurationInMillis:    roundDurationInMillis,
+			RoundsPerEpoch:           roundsPerEpoch,
+			ApiInterface:             api.NewNoApiInterface(),
+			MinNodesPerShard:         3,
+			MetaChainMinNodes:        3,
+			NumNodesWaitingListMeta:  3,
+			NumNodesWaitingListShard: 3,
+			AlterConfigsFunction: func(cfg *config.Configs) {
+				cfg.EpochConfig.EnableEpochs.StakingV4Step1EnableEpoch = 2
+				cfg.EpochConfig.EnableEpochs.StakingV4Step2EnableEpoch = 3
+				cfg.EpochConfig.EnableEpochs.StakingV4Step3EnableEpoch = 4
+				cfg.EpochConfig.EnableEpochs.MaxNodesChangeEnableEpoch[2].EpochEnable = 4
+				cfg.SystemSCConfig.StakingSystemSCConfig.UnBondPeriodInEpochs = 3
+			},
+		})
+		require.Nil(t, err)
+		require.NotNil(t, cs)
+		defer cs.Close()
+		testChainSimulatorDirectStakedWithdrawUnstakedFundsInEpoch(t, cs, 3)
+	})
+	t.Run("staking ph 4 step 3 is active", func(t *testing.T) {
+		cs, err := chainSimulator.NewChainSimulator(chainSimulator.ArgsChainSimulator{
+			BypassTxSignatureCheck:   false,
+			TempDir:                  t.TempDir(),
+			PathToInitialConfig:      defaultPathToInitialConfig,
+			NumOfShards:              3,
+			GenesisTimestamp:         time.Now().Unix(),
+			RoundDurationInMillis:    roundDurationInMillis,
+			RoundsPerEpoch:           roundsPerEpoch,
+			ApiInterface:             api.NewNoApiInterface(),
+			MinNodesPerShard:         3,
+			MetaChainMinNodes:        3,
+			NumNodesWaitingListMeta:  3,
+			NumNodesWaitingListShard: 3,
+			AlterConfigsFunction: func(cfg *config.Configs) {
+				cfg.EpochConfig.EnableEpochs.StakingV4Step1EnableEpoch = 2
+				cfg.EpochConfig.EnableEpochs.StakingV4Step2EnableEpoch = 3
+				cfg.EpochConfig.EnableEpochs.StakingV4Step3EnableEpoch = 4
+				cfg.EpochConfig.EnableEpochs.MaxNodesChangeEnableEpoch[2].EpochEnable = 4
+				cfg.SystemSCConfig.StakingSystemSCConfig.UnBondPeriodInEpochs = 3
+			},
+		})
+		require.Nil(t, err)
+		require.NotNil(t, cs)
+		defer cs.Close()
+		testChainSimulatorDirectStakedWithdrawUnstakedFundsInEpoch(t, cs, 4)
+	})
+func testChainSimulatorDirectStakedWithdrawUnstakedFundsInEpoch(t *testing.T, cs chainSimulatorIntegrationTests.ChainSimulator, targetEpoch int32) {
+	err := cs.GenerateBlocksUntilEpochIsReached(targetEpoch)
+	require.Nil(t, err)
+	privateKey, blsKeys, err := chainSimulator.GenerateBlsPrivateKeys(1)
+	require.Nil(t, err)
+	err = cs.AddValidatorKeys(privateKey)
+	require.Nil(t, err)
+	metachainNode := cs.GetNodeHandler(core.MetachainShardId)
+	mintValue := big.NewInt(2700)
+	mintValue = mintValue.Mul(oneEGLD, mintValue)
+	validatorOwner, err := cs.GenerateAndMintWalletAddress(core.AllShardId, mintValue)
+	require.Nil(t, err)
+	stakeValue := big.NewInt(0).Mul(oneEGLD, big.NewInt(2600))
+	txDataField := fmt.Sprintf("stake@01@%s@%s", blsKeys[0], mockBLSSignature)
+	txStake := generateTransaction(validatorOwner.Bytes, 0, vm.ValidatorSCAddress, stakeValue, txDataField, gasLimitForStakeOperation)
+	stakeTx, err := cs.SendTxAndGenerateBlockTilTxIsExecuted(txStake, maxNumOfBlockToGenerateWhenExecutingTx)
+	require.Nil(t, err)
+	require.NotNil(t, stakeTx)
+	stakeTxFee, _ := big.NewInt(0).SetString(stakeTx.Fee, 10)
+	err = cs.GenerateBlocks(2)
+	require.Nil(t, err)
+	testBLSKeyStaked(t, cs, metachainNode, blsKeys[0], targetEpoch)
+	shardIDValidatorOwner := cs.GetNodeHandler(0).GetShardCoordinator().ComputeId(validatorOwner.Bytes)
+	accountValidatorOwner, _, err := cs.GetNodeHandler(shardIDValidatorOwner).GetFacadeHandler().GetAccount(validatorOwner.Bech32, coreAPI.AccountQueryOptions{})
+	require.Nil(t, err)
+	balanceBeforeUnbonding, _ := big.NewInt(0).SetString(accountValidatorOwner.Balance, 10)
+	log.Info("Step 1. Create 3 transactions for unstaking: first one unstaking 11 egld each, second one unstaking 12 egld and third one unstaking 13 egld.")
+	log.Info("Step 2. Send the transactions in consecutively in same epoch.")
+	unStakeValue1 := big.NewInt(11)
+	unStakeValue1 = unStakeValue1.Mul(oneEGLD, unStakeValue1)
+	txDataField = fmt.Sprintf("unStakeTokens@%s", hex.EncodeToString(unStakeValue1.Bytes()))
+	txUnStake := generateTransaction(validatorOwner.Bytes, 1, vm.ValidatorSCAddress, zeroValue, txDataField, gasLimitForStakeOperation)
+	unStakeTx, err := cs.SendTxAndGenerateBlockTilTxIsExecuted(txUnStake, maxNumOfBlockToGenerateWhenExecutingTx)
+	require.Nil(t, err)
+	require.NotNil(t, unStakeTx)
+	unStakeTxFee, _ := big.NewInt(0).SetString(unStakeTx.Fee, 10)
+	unStakeValue2 := big.NewInt(12)
+	unStakeValue2 = unStakeValue2.Mul(oneEGLD, unStakeValue2)
+	txDataField = fmt.Sprintf("unStakeTokens@%s", hex.EncodeToString(unStakeValue2.Bytes()))
+	txUnStake = generateTransaction(validatorOwner.Bytes, 2, vm.ValidatorSCAddress, zeroValue, txDataField, gasLimitForStakeOperation)
+	unStakeTx, err = cs.SendTxAndGenerateBlockTilTxIsExecuted(txUnStake, maxNumOfBlockToGenerateWhenExecutingTx)
+	require.Nil(t, err)
+	require.NotNil(t, unStakeTx)
+	unStakeValue3 := big.NewInt(13)
+	unStakeValue3 = unStakeValue3.Mul(oneEGLD, unStakeValue3)
+	txDataField = fmt.Sprintf("unStakeTokens@%s", hex.EncodeToString(unStakeValue3.Bytes()))
+	txUnStake = generateTransaction(validatorOwner.Bytes, 3, vm.ValidatorSCAddress, zeroValue, txDataField, gasLimitForStakeOperation)
+	unStakeTx, err = cs.SendTxAndGenerateBlockTilTxIsExecuted(txUnStake, maxNumOfBlockToGenerateWhenExecutingTx)
+	require.Nil(t, err)
+	require.NotNil(t, unStakeTx)
+	// check bls key is still staked
+	testBLSKeyStaked(t, cs, metachainNode, blsKeys[0], targetEpoch)
+	scQuery := &process.SCQuery{
+		ScAddress:  vm.ValidatorSCAddress,
+		FuncName:   "getUnStakedTokensList",
+		CallerAddr: vm.ValidatorSCAddress,
+		CallValue:  big.NewInt(0),
+		Arguments:  [][]byte{validatorOwner.Bytes},
+	}
+	result, _, err := metachainNode.GetFacadeHandler().ExecuteSCQuery(scQuery)
+	require.Nil(t, err)
+	require.Equal(t, okReturnCode, result.ReturnCode)
+	expectedUnStaked := big.NewInt(11 + 12 + 13)
+	expectedUnStaked = expectedUnStaked.Mul(oneEGLD, expectedUnStaked)
+	require.Equal(t, expectedUnStaked.String(), big.NewInt(0).SetBytes(result.ReturnData[0]).String())
+	scQuery = &process.SCQuery{
+		ScAddress:  vm.ValidatorSCAddress,
+		FuncName:   "getTotalStaked",
+		CallerAddr: vm.ValidatorSCAddress,
+		CallValue:  big.NewInt(0),
+		Arguments:  [][]byte{validatorOwner.Bytes},
+	}
+	result, _, err = metachainNode.GetFacadeHandler().ExecuteSCQuery(scQuery)
+	require.Nil(t, err)
+	require.Equal(t, okReturnCode, result.ReturnCode)
+	expectedStaked := big.NewInt(2600 - 11 - 12 - 13)
+	expectedStaked = expectedStaked.Mul(oneEGLD, expectedStaked)
+	require.Equal(t, expectedStaked.String(), string(result.ReturnData[0]))
+	log.Info("Step 3. Wait for the unbonding epoch to start")
+	testEpoch := targetEpoch + 3
+	err = cs.GenerateBlocksUntilEpochIsReached(testEpoch)
+	require.Nil(t, err)
+	log.Info("Step 4.1. Create from the owner of staked nodes a transaction to withdraw the unstaked funds")
+	txDataField = fmt.Sprintf("unBondTokens@%s", blsKeys[0])
+	txUnBond := generateTransaction(validatorOwner.Bytes, 4, vm.ValidatorSCAddress, zeroValue, txDataField, gasLimitForUnBond)
+	unBondTx, err := cs.SendTxAndGenerateBlockTilTxIsExecuted(txUnBond, maxNumOfBlockToGenerateWhenExecutingTx)
+	require.Nil(t, err)
+	require.NotNil(t, unBondTx)
+	unBondTxFee, _ := big.NewInt(0).SetString(unBondTx.Fee, 10)
+	err = cs.GenerateBlocks(2)
+	require.Nil(t, err)
+	// the owner balance should increase with the (11+12+13 EGLD - tx fee)
+	accountValidatorOwner, _, err = cs.GetNodeHandler(shardIDValidatorOwner).GetFacadeHandler().GetAccount(validatorOwner.Bech32, coreAPI.AccountQueryOptions{})
+	require.Nil(t, err)
+	balanceAfterUnbonding, _ := big.NewInt(0).SetString(accountValidatorOwner.Balance, 10)
+	balanceAfterUnbonding.Sub(balanceAfterUnbonding, unStakeValue1)
+	balanceAfterUnbonding.Sub(balanceAfterUnbonding, unStakeValue2)
+	balanceAfterUnbonding.Sub(balanceAfterUnbonding, unStakeValue3)
+	txsFee := big.NewInt(0)
+	txsFee.Add(txsFee, stakeTxFee)
+	txsFee.Add(txsFee, unBondTxFee)
+	txsFee.Add(txsFee, unStakeTxFee)
+	txsFee.Add(txsFee, unStakeTxFee)
+	txsFee.Add(txsFee, unStakeTxFee)
+	balanceAfterUnbonding.Add(balanceAfterUnbonding, txsFee)
+	require.Equal(t, 1, balanceAfterUnbonding.Cmp(balanceBeforeUnbonding))