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Translator Knowledge Graph Exchange Archive Architecture

This document outlines the design requirements for KGE Archive Architecture supporting the use cases for community-wide exchange of Translator standards compliant knowledge graphs captured or exported as as distinct sets of KGX-formatted text files ("KGE files").

KGX-compliant TSV or JSON formatted files and Neo4j database text file dumps are two examples of possible file formats which could be shared. However, it is generally anticipated that KGX tooling itself will enforce a uniform KGX file format within the Translator Knowledge Graph Exchange Archive itself, thus KGE submissions must be compatible and consumable as some format recognized by the KGX tooling.

Note that we use the acronyms "KGX" and "KGE" somewhat interchangeably, where the former pertains more to standard formats and associated tooling for interconverting Biolink Model compliant graphs in various format; the latter, more commonly designates distinct knowledge graphs being shared in the form of a metadata documented set KGX formatted files, within the Translator community and information system.

Landscape of Translator Sharing of Knowledge Products

KGX formatted files are one of three channels with which Knowledge Providers (KP) implementations can share knowledge graphs, the other two channels being an implementation of the Translator Reasoner Application Programming Interface ("TRAPI") or possibly, of a non-TRAPI SmartAPI-registered bespoke APIs. Autonomous Relay Agents (ARA) serving novel knowledge may also publish them as KGE file sets.

The first general requirement is the ability to locate and describe such KGE files. For this purpose, indexing of such KGE files within the SmartAPI-based Translator registry with Translator standardized metadata is now a Translator community agreed requirement.

The second general requirement notes that since by design, the SmartAPI registry only records and publishes metadata about its indexed resources, for human or programmatic lookup, as OpenAPI 3 compliant Application Programming Interfaces, it has been concluded that from the standpoint of SmartAPI, all resources registered in the Translator Registry must be "API-like" in nature, both by specification and by the implementation of a live web service access.

In alignment with this vision, all KGE files of interest will need to be wrapped behind some other implemented ("live") SmartAPI OpenAPI 3 API endpoint. The KGE Archive API is proposed to be that specification and (by default) a NCATS-hosted Translator KGE Archive implementing the KGE Archive API is also proposed for implementation and deployment.

General Types of KGE File Sets to be Shared

The KGE files to be shared could be the full or a partial subset of knowledge graph contents representing their underlying knowledge sources: TRAPI-wrapped KP (or possibly, ARA-embedded KP) or non-KP (non-ARA) knowledge set (e.g. of Biolink Model compliant Semantic Medline Database knowledge graph). There may also be the potential to cache knowledge graph results from KP or ARA queries as KGE files for further reuse in later queries or knowledge workflow integration.

Translator KGE Archive

The results of a community survey some months ago suggested that all Translator teams would avail of the option to host all the KGE file sets that they generate in a common Translator community location. This is the purpose of the proposed Translator KGE Archive to be deployed as a reference implementation of a KGE Archive API, although in principle, additional specialised KGE Archives could be implemented by teams for independent management of their KGE files.

The current concept of the Translator KGE Archive is not prescriptive about exactly where the KGE files themselves will be hosted: they may reside within the web server running the Archive or perhaps to a NCATS-hosted (Amazon Web Services S3?) cloud storage site. The Translator KGE Archive web services will themselves obviously be deployed on a live web server somewhere, likely on a (Amazon Web Services EC2?) cloud instance.

The hostname of the production server for the Translator KGE Archive web server remains to be decided by Translator community.

Metadata Access

Some mechanism will be required to publish (Translator standard metadata to describe the contents of KGE files. Given that discussions are underway to add a new TRAPI Knowledge Map endpoint, that will serve publish knowledge graph content metadata for TRAPI wrapped resources, such content metadata will be dynamically updated as the KP (or ARA) evolves with time. Although KGE file metadata may be more static in nature, it is now the consensus of the Working Group that the KGE Archive API can implement an equivalent /knowledge_map endpoint to remain harmonized with the TRAPI standard for serving such metadata to the users of the system. Further design discussions is required to discern the precise overlap in functionality between the TRAPI and KGE Archive API implementation, and to discern what additional endpoints may be useful in the KGE Archive in addition to the /knowledge_map endpoint.

The proposed use of such an endpoint is not currently prescriptive about how the KGE Archive itself could manage such metadata - either in (JSON?) text files or in a database on the server - but wherever recorded, such metadata will be published out through the relevant /knowledge_map endpoint associated with a given KGE file set.

KGE File Registry

Irrespective of the how the metadata is transmitted and its specific composition, it is apparent that the KGE Archive will eventually host an arbitrary number of diverse, distinct TRAPI and and non-TRAPI KGE file sets to be indexed for sharing.

There is a consensus in the working group that the indexing of such distinct KGE file sets will be the responsibility of the Translator SmartAPI Registry ("the Registry") and that the Registry will ideally be represented each and every distinct Knowledge Graph published as a KGE file set, as an independent KGE API entry within the Registry, even if the base URIs of these entries resolve as a set of distinct REST URI paths on the Translator Archive web site. These distinct KGE API entries will fully specify the specific metadata and KGX files for each associated knowledge graph instance, primarily through the channel of a /knowledge_map endpoint, one per distinct KGE API. One example of this design pattern is the

The exact procedure by which KGE API entries are published to the Registry, and KGE file set versions tracked, remains to be specified as an KGE Archive implementation detail.

How the KGE Archive will publish the existence of uploaded KGE file sets, to the Registry, is a design detail to be specified.


See the Getting Started document for more practical details about Archive deployment. Refer to the detailed roadmap for implementation details.