diff --git a/.vscode/settings.json b/.vscode/settings.json
index 94b55862b9..964fb161f8 100644
--- a/.vscode/settings.json
+++ b/.vscode/settings.json
@@ -15,4 +15,4 @@
"**/.exchange_modules_tmp": true,
".mule": true
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules/ROOT/pages/_partials/nav-app-dev.adoc b/modules/ROOT/pages/_partials/nav-app-dev.adoc
index 16e98a20c5..1c3663e660 100644
--- a/modules/ROOT/pages/_partials/nav-app-dev.adoc
+++ b/modules/ROOT/pages/_partials/nav-app-dev.adoc
@@ -2,55 +2,68 @@
** xref:mule-app-dev-hellomule.adoc[Tutorial: Create a "Hello World" Mule app]
** xref:mule-app-tutorial.adoc[Tutorial: Create a Mule app that uses the Database Connector and DataWeave]
** xref:about-components.adoc[Core Components]
- *** xref:async-scope-reference.adoc[Async Scope]
- *** xref:batch-processing-concept.adoc[]
+*** xref:component-async.adoc[]
+// *** xref:async-scope-reference.adoc[Async Scope OLD]
+ //NOTE: shareable batch doc not available yet
+ *** xref:batch-processing-concept.adoc[Batch ()]
**** xref:batch-phases.adoc[]
**** xref:batch-filters-and-batch-aggregator.adoc[]
**** xref:batch-job-instance-id.adoc[]
**** xref:batch-error-handling-faq.adoc[]
**** xref:batch-reference.adoc[]
- *** xref:cache-scope.adoc[Cache Scope]
- **** xref:cache-scope-to-configure.adoc[Configure the Cache Scope]
- **** xref:cache-scope-strategy.adoc[Set Up a Caching Strategy]
- **** xref:cache-scope-invalidate.adoc[Invalidate Cache Entries]
- *** xref:choice-router-concept.adoc[Choice Router]
- *** xref:business-events-custom.adoc[Custom Business Event Component]
- *** xref:dynamic-evaluate-component-reference.adoc[Dynamic Evaluate Component]
- *** xref:first-successful.adoc[First Successful Router]
- *** xref:flow-component.adoc[Flow and Subflow Scopes]
- *** xref:flowref-about.adoc[Flow Reference Component]
- *** xref:for-each-scope-concept.adoc[For Each Scope]
- *** xref:idempotent-message-validator.adoc[Idempotent Message Validator]
- *** xref:logger-component-reference.adoc[Logger Component]
- *** xref:on-error-scope-concept.adoc[On-Error Components]
- *** xref:parallel-foreach-scope.adoc[Parallel For Each Scope]
- *** xref:parse-template-reference.adoc[Parse Template Component]
- *** xref:raise-error-component-reference.adoc[Raise Error Component]
- *** xref:round-robin.adoc[Round Robin Router]
- *** xref:remove-variable.adoc[Remove Variable Transformer]
- *** xref:scheduler-concept.adoc[Scheduler Endpoint (Trigger)]
- *** xref:scatter-gather-concept.adoc[Scatter-Gather Router]
- *** xref:set-payload-transformer-reference.adoc[Set Payload Transformer]
- *** xref:set-transaction-id.adoc[Set Transaction Id Component]
- *** xref:variable-transformer-reference.adoc[Set Variable Transformer]
- *** xref:transform-component-about.adoc[Transform Message Component]
- **** xref:transform-workflow-create-mapping-ui-studio.adoc[Workflow: Create a Mapping in Anypoint Studio]
- ***** xref:transform-input-output-structure-transformation-studio-task.adoc[Define Input and Output Structure of a Transformation]
- ***** xref:transform-graphically-construct-mapping-studio-task.adoc[Graphically Construct a Mapping]
- ***** xref:transform-preview-transformation-output-studio-task.adoc[Preview the Output of a Transformation]
- ***** xref:transform-tips-transform-message-ui-studio.adoc[Tips: Transform Message Component UI]
- ***** xref:transform-change-target-output-transformation-studio-task.adoc[Change the Target Output of a Transformation]
- ***** xref:transform-add-another-output-transform-studio-task.adoc[Add Another Output Target]
- ***** xref:transform-move-transformations-separate-file-studio-task.adoc[Move Transformations to Separate Files]
- **** xref:transform-workflow-create-mapping-ui-design-center.adoc[Workflow: Create a Mapping in Design Center]
- ***** xref:transform-input-output-structure-transformation-design-center-task.adoc[Define Input and Output Structure of a Transformation]
- ***** xref:transform-graphically-construct-mapping-design-center-task.adoc[Graphically Construct a Mapping]
- ***** xref:transform-preview-transformation-output-design-center-task.adoc[Preview the Output of a Transformation]
- **** xref:transform-to-change-target-output-design-center.adoc[Output a Transformation to an Attribute or Variable]
- **** xref:transform-dataweave-xml-reference.adoc[Transform XML Reference]
- *** xref:try-scope-concept.adoc[Try Scope]
- **** xref:try-scope-xml-reference.adoc[Try Scope XML Reference]
- *** xref:until-successful-scope.adoc[Until Successful Scope]
+*** xref:component-cache.adoc[]
+ *** xref:cache-scope.adoc[Cache Scope OLD]
+ **** xref:cache-scope-to-configure.adoc[Configure the Cache Scope OLD]
+ **** xref:cache-scope-strategy.adoc[Set Up a Caching Strategy OLD]
+// **** xref:cache-scope-invalidate.adoc[Invalidate Cache Entries OLD]
+*** xref:component-choice.adoc[]
+ *** xref:choice-router-concept.adoc[Choice Router OLD]
+*** xref:component-custom-event.adoc[]
+ *** xref:business-events-custom.adoc[Custom Business Event Component OLD]
+*** xref:component-dynamic-evaluate.adoc[]
+ *** xref:dynamic-evaluate-component-reference.adoc[Dynamic Evaluate Component OLD]
+*** xref:component-error-handler.adoc[]
+Includes On-Error Continue (``) and On-Error Propagate (``)
+ *** xref:on-error-scope-concept.adoc[On-Error Components OLD]
+*** xref:component-first-successful.adoc[]
+ *** xref:first-successful.adoc[First Successful Router OLD]
+*** xref:component-flow.adoc[]
+ *** xref:flow-component.adoc[Flow and Subflow Scopes OLD]
+*** xref:component-flow-ref.adoc[]
+ *** xref:flowref-about.adoc[Flow Reference Component OLD]
+*** xref:component-for-each.adoc[]
+ *** xref:for-each-scope-concept.adoc[For Each Scope OLD]
+*** xref:component-idempotent-message-validator.adoc[]
+ *** xref:idempotent-message-validator.adoc[Idempotent Message Validator OLD]
+*** xref:component-invalidate-cache.adoc[]
+*** xref:cache-scope-invalidate.adoc[Invalidate Cache Entries OLD]
+*** xref:component-invalidate-key.adoc[]
+// MOVED UP *** xref:on-error-scope-concept.adoc[On-Error Components OLD]
+*** xref:component-logger.adoc[]
+ *** xref:logger-component-reference.adoc[Logger Component OLD]
+*** xref:component-parallel-for-each.adoc[]
+ *** xref:parallel-foreach-scope.adoc[Parallel For Each Scope OLD]
+*** xref:component-parse-template.adoc[]
+ *** xref:parse-template-reference.adoc[Parse Template Component OLD]
+*** xref:component-raise-error.adoc[]
+ *** xref:raise-error-component-reference.adoc[Raise Error Component OLD]
+*** xref:component-round-robin.adoc[]
+ *** xref:round-robin.adoc[Round Robin Router OLD]
+*** xref:component-remove-variable.adoc[]
+ *** xref:remove-variable.adoc[Remove Variable Transformer OLD]
+*** xref:component-scatter-gather.adoc[]
+ *** xref:scatter-gather-concept.adoc[Scatter-Gather Router OLD]
+*** xref:component-scheduler.adoc[]
+*** xref:component-set-payload.adoc[]
+*** xref:component-transaction.adoc[]
+*** xref:component-set-variable.adoc[]
+*** xref:component-subflow.adoc[]
+*** xref:component-transform.adoc[]
+*** xref:component-try.adoc[]
+*** xref:component-until-successful.adoc[]
** xref:build-application-from-api.adoc[Build an Application from an API]
** xref:build-an-https-service.adoc[Build an HTTPS Service]
** xref:global-elements.adoc[Configure Global Elements]
diff --git a/modules/ROOT/pages/_partials/set-transaction-id.adoc b/modules/ROOT/pages/_partials/set-transaction-id.adoc
index 527d7ac760..b8f258e84b 100644
--- a/modules/ROOT/pages/_partials/set-transaction-id.adoc
+++ b/modules/ROOT/pages/_partials/set-transaction-id.adoc
@@ -5,37 +5,13 @@ The transaction ID supports DataWeave expressions, which enables you to create a
-== Customize the Transaction ID
+== Customize the Transaction ID in Studio
-Follow these steps to set a transaction ID either in Anypoint Studio or by editing the configuration XML:
+Follow these steps to set a transaction ID from the Anypoint Studio UI:
-* In the Studio UI:
. Drag the *Set Transaction Id* component to your flow.
. In the *Set Transaction ID* configuration screen, set an ID value for the *Transaction ID* field:
image::mruntime-custom-transaction-id.png["Configuration for setting a transaction ID in a Mule flow"]
-* In the XML editor:
-** Add a child element to the `flow` element:
-== Set Transaction ID Reference
-| Field | Description
-| Transaction ID (`id`) a| Defines the value of the identifier. It can be an expression or a literal. By default, the component assigns a numeric value.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules/ROOT/pages/batch-processing-concept.adoc b/modules/ROOT/pages/batch-processing-concept.adoc
index 023102cbd0..aee3b50ca2 100644
--- a/modules/ROOT/pages/batch-processing-concept.adoc
+++ b/modules/ROOT/pages/batch-processing-concept.adoc
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-= Batch Processing
+= Batch Processors ()
diff --git a/modules/ROOT/pages/component-async.adoc b/modules/ROOT/pages/component-async.adoc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..393965c0cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/ROOT/pages/component-async.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+// Filenames follow a syntax component-some-name.adoc
+// So for component-scatter-gather.adocs, the confugration is
+// :component-filename: scatter-gather
+:component-filename: async
+:page-aliases: async-scope-reference.adoc
+//:page-deployment-options: cloud-ide, desktop-ide
+//TBD if this is needed for changing singular to plural
+:example: example
+//title of this page
+//short description
+//long description, if needed
+//NOTE: in docs-mule-runtime only
+//component XML title
+//component XML
+//component XML variant, as needed
+//Component element and attribute descriptions
+// component SNIPPET JSON, if available:
+//Child Element (if needed, repeating as necessary):
+//Component element and attribute descriptions
+//Grandchild/Descendant Element (if needed, repeating as necessary):
+//Component element and attribute descriptions
+//example: title (Examples)
+//example: generic intro
+//XML example
+//XML example 2, if needed
+//SEE ALSO SECTION, if needed
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules/ROOT/pages/component-cache.adoc b/modules/ROOT/pages/component-cache.adoc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7645d69cab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/ROOT/pages/component-cache.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+// Filenames follow a syntax component-some-name.adoc
+// So for component-scatter-gather.adocs, the confugration is
+// :component-filename: scatter-gather
+:component-filename: cache
+:version: 4.4
+//TBD if this is needed for changing singular to plural
+:example: example
+//title of this page
+//short description
+//long description, if needed
+//Caching process
+//Caching strategy
+//component XML title
+//component XML
+//component XML variant, as needed
+//Component element and attribute descriptions
+//component XML global config
+// component SNIPPET JSON, if available:
+//example: title (Examples)
+//example: generic intro
+//XML example
+//XML example 2, if needed
+//XML example 3, if needed
+//N/A for ACB (studio only)
+//SEE ALSO SECTION, if needed
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules/ROOT/pages/component-choice.adoc b/modules/ROOT/pages/component-choice.adoc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1c9b7a7809
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/ROOT/pages/component-choice.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+// Filenames follow a syntax component-some-name.adoc
+// So for component-scatter-gather.adocs, the confugration is
+// :component-filename: scatter-gather
+:component-filename: choice
+//:page-deployment-options: cloud-ide, desktop-ide
+//TBD if this is needed for changing singular to plural
+:example: example
+//title of this page
+//short description
+//long description, if needed
+//component XML title
+//component XML
+//component XML variant, as needed
+//Component element and attribute descriptions
+// component SNIPPET JSON, if available:
+//Child Element (if needed, repeating as necessary):
+//Component element and attribute descriptions
+//Grandchild/Descendant Element (if needed, repeating as necessary):
+//Component element and attribute descriptions
+//example: title (Examples)
+//example: generic intro
+//XML example
+//XML example 2, if needed
+//SEE ALSO SECTION, if needed
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules/ROOT/pages/component-custom-event.adoc b/modules/ROOT/pages/component-custom-event.adoc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8f6fbaa5bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/ROOT/pages/component-custom-event.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+// Filenames follow a syntax component-some-name.adoc
+// So for component-scatter-gather.adocs, the confugration is
+// :component-filename: scatter-gather
+:component-filename: custom-event
+//TBD if this is needed for changing singular to plural
+:example: example
+//title of this page
+//short description
+//long description, if needed
+//component XML title
+//component XML
+//component XML variant, as needed
+//Component element and attribute descriptions
+// component SNIPPET JSON, if available:
+//Child Element (if needed, repeating as necessary):
+//Component element and attribute descriptions
+//Grandchild/Descendant Element (if needed, repeating as necessary):
+//Component element and attribute descriptions
+//example: title (Examples)
+//example: generic intro
+//XML example
+//XML example 2, if needed
+//SEE ALSO SECTION, if needed
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules/ROOT/pages/component-dynamic-evaluate.adoc b/modules/ROOT/pages/component-dynamic-evaluate.adoc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..324524a815
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/ROOT/pages/component-dynamic-evaluate.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+// Filenames follow a syntax component-some-name.adoc
+// So for component-scatter-gather.adocs, the confugration is
+// :component-filename: scatter-gather
+:component-filename: dynamic-evaluate
+//TBD if this is needed for changing singular to plural
+:example: example
+//title of this page
+//short description
+//long description, if needed
+//component XML title
+//component XML
+//component XML variant, as needed
+//Component element and attribute descriptions
+// component SNIPPET JSON, if available:
+//Child Element (if needed, repeating as necessary):
+//Component element and attribute descriptions
+//Grandchild/Descendant Element (if needed, repeating as necessary):
+//Component element and attribute descriptions
+//example: title (Examples)
+//example: generic intro
+//XML example
+//XML example 2, if needed
+//SEE ALSO SECTION, if needed
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules/ROOT/pages/component-error-handler.adoc b/modules/ROOT/pages/component-error-handler.adoc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..aeb0dc41de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/ROOT/pages/component-error-handler.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+// Filenames follow a syntax component-some-name.adoc
+// So for component-scatter-gather.adocs, the confugration is
+// :component-filename: scatter-gather
+:component-filename: error-handler
+//:page-deployment-options: cloud-ide, desktop-ide
+//TBD if this is needed for changing singular to plural
+:example: example
+//title of this page
+//short description
+//long description, if needed
+//component XML title
+//component XML
+//component XML variant, as needed
+// component SNIPPET JSON, if available:
+//Component element and attribute descriptions
+//Child Element (if needed, repeating as necessary):
+//Component element and attribute descriptions
+//Grandchild/Descendant Element (if needed, repeating as necessary):
+//Component element and attribute descriptions
+//example: title (Examples)
+//example: generic intro
+//XML example
+//XML example 2, if needed
+//SEE ALSO SECTION, if needed
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules/ROOT/pages/component-first-successful.adoc b/modules/ROOT/pages/component-first-successful.adoc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..07b79e52b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/ROOT/pages/component-first-successful.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+// Filenames follow a syntax component-some-name.adoc
+// So for component-scatter-gather.adocs, the confugration is
+// :component-filename: scatter-gather
+:component-filename: first-successful
+//TBD if this is needed for changing singular to plural
+:example: example
+//title of this page
+//short description
+//long description, if needed
+//component XML title
+//component XML
+//component XML variant, as needed
+//Component element and attribute descriptions
+// component SNIPPET JSON, if available:
+//Child Element (if needed, repeating as necessary):
+//Component element and attribute descriptions
+//Grandchild/Descendant Element (if needed, repeating as necessary):
+//Component element and attribute descriptions
+//example: title (Examples)
+//example: generic intro
+//XML example
+//XML example 2, if needed
+//SEE ALSO SECTION, if needed
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules/ROOT/pages/component-flow-ref.adoc b/modules/ROOT/pages/component-flow-ref.adoc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..504cbcfb28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/ROOT/pages/component-flow-ref.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+// Filenames follow a syntax component-some-name.adoc
+// So for component-scatter-gather.adocs, the confugration is
+// :component-filename: scatter-gather
+:component-filename: flow-ref
+//TBD if this is needed for changing singular to plural
+:example: example
+//title of this page
+//short description
+//long description, if needed
+//component XML title
+//component XML
+//component XML variant, as needed
+//Component element and attribute descriptions
+// component SNIPPET JSON, if available:
+//Child Element (if needed, repeating as necessary):
+//Component element and attribute descriptions
+//Grandchild/Descendant Element (if needed, repeating as necessary):
+//Component element and attribute descriptions
+//Considerations when using target variables
+//example: title (Examples)
+//example: generic intro
+//XML example
+//XML example 2, if needed
+//SEE ALSO SECTION, if needed
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules/ROOT/pages/component-flow.adoc b/modules/ROOT/pages/component-flow.adoc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9acc2966a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/ROOT/pages/component-flow.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+// Filenames follow a syntax component-some-name.adoc
+// So for component-scatter-gather.adocs, the confugration is
+// :component-filename: scatter-gather
+:component-filename: flow
+//:page-deployment-options: cloud-ide, desktop-ide
+//TBD if this is needed for changing singular to plural
+:example: example
+//title of this page
+//short description
+//long description, if needed
+//component XML title
+//component XML
+//component XML variant, as needed
+//Component element and attribute descriptions
+// component SNIPPET JSON, if available:
+//Child Element (if needed, repeating as necessary):
+//Component element and attribute descriptions
+//Grandchild/Descendant Element (if needed, repeating as necessary):
+//Component element and attribute descriptions
+//example: title (Examples)
+//example: generic intro
+//XML example
+//XML example 2, if needed
+//SEE ALSO SECTION, if needed
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules/ROOT/pages/component-for-each.adoc b/modules/ROOT/pages/component-for-each.adoc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7efef4c2d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/ROOT/pages/component-for-each.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+// Filenames follow a syntax component-some-name.adoc
+:component-filename: for-each
+//:page-deployment-options: cloud-ide, desktop-ide
+//TBD if this is needed for changing singular to plural
+:example: example
+//title of this page
+//short description
+//long description, if needed
+//component XML title
+//component XML
+//component XML variant, as needed
+// component SNIPPET JSON, if available:
+//Component element and attribute descriptions
+//Child Element (if needed, repeating as necessary):
+//Component element and attribute descriptions
+//Grandchild/Descendant Element (if needed, repeating as necessary):
+//Component element and attribute descriptions
+//example: title (Examples)
+//example: generic intro
+//XML example
+//XML example 2, if needed
+//SEE ALSO SECTION, if needed
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules/ROOT/pages/component-idempotent-message-validator.adoc b/modules/ROOT/pages/component-idempotent-message-validator.adoc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a39dc02591
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/ROOT/pages/component-idempotent-message-validator.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+// Filenames follow a syntax component-some-name.adoc
+// So for component-scatter-gather.adocs, the confugration is
+// :component-filename: scatter-gather
+:component-filename: idempotent-message-validator
+//TBD if this is needed for changing singular to plural
+:example: example
+//title of this page
+//short description
+//long description, if needed
+//component XML title
+//component XML
+//component XML variant, as needed
+//Component element and attribute descriptions
+// component SNIPPET JSON, if available:
+//Child Element (if needed, repeating as necessary):
+//Component element and attribute descriptions
+//Grandchild/Descendant Element (if needed, repeating as necessary):
+//Component element and attribute descriptions
+//example: title (Examples)
+//example: generic intro
+//XML example
+//XML example 2, if needed
+//SEE ALSO SECTION, if needed
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules/ROOT/pages/component-invalidate-cache.adoc b/modules/ROOT/pages/component-invalidate-cache.adoc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2339202c5d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/ROOT/pages/component-invalidate-cache.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+// Filenames follow a syntax component-some-name.adoc
+// So for component-scatter-gather.adocs, the confugration is
+// :component-filename: scatter-gather
+:component-filename: invalidate-cache
+//TBD if this is needed for changing singular to plural
+:example: example
+//title of this page
+//short description
+//long description, if needed
+//component XML title
+//component XML
+//component XML variant, as needed
+//Component element and attribute descriptions
+// component SNIPPET JSON, if available:
+//Child Element (if needed, repeating as necessary):
+//Component element and attribute descriptions
+//Grandchild/Descendant Element (if needed, repeating as necessary):
+//Component element and attribute descriptions
+//example: title (Examples)
+//example: generic intro
+//XML example
+//XML example 2, if needed
+//SEE ALSO SECTION, if needed
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules/ROOT/pages/component-invalidate-key.adoc b/modules/ROOT/pages/component-invalidate-key.adoc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f6833fb426
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/ROOT/pages/component-invalidate-key.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+// Filenames follow a syntax component-some-name.adoc
+// So for component-scatter-gather.adocs, the confugration is
+// :component-filename: scatter-gather
+:component-filename: invalidate-key
+//TBD if this is needed for changing singular to plural
+:example: example
+//title of this page
+//short description
+//long description, if needed
+//component XML title
+//component XML
+//component XML variant, as needed
+//Component element and attribute descriptions
+// component SNIPPET JSON, if available:
+//Child Element (if needed, repeating as necessary):
+//Component element and attribute descriptions
+//Grandchild/Descendant Element (if needed, repeating as necessary):
+//Component element and attribute descriptions
+//example: title (Examples)
+//example: generic intro
+//XML example
+//XML example 2, if needed
+//SEE ALSO SECTION, if needed
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules/ROOT/pages/component-logger.adoc b/modules/ROOT/pages/component-logger.adoc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f4bd5a04ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/ROOT/pages/component-logger.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+// Filenames follow a syntax component-some-name.adoc
+:component-filename: logger
+//:page-deployment-options: cloud-ide, desktop-ide
+//TBD if this is needed for changing singular to plural
+:example: example
+//title of this page
+//short description
+//long description, if needed
+//component XML title
+//component XML
+//component XML variant, as needed
+// component SNIPPET JSON, if available:
+//Component element and attribute descriptions
+//Child Element (if needed, repeating as necessary):
+//Component element and attribute descriptions
+//Grandchild/Descendant Element (if needed, repeating as necessary):
+//Component element and attribute descriptions
+//example: title (Examples)
+//example: generic intro
+//XML example
+//XML example 2, if needed
+//SEE ALSO SECTION, if needed
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules/ROOT/pages/component-parallel-for-each.adoc b/modules/ROOT/pages/component-parallel-for-each.adoc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4782338749
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/ROOT/pages/component-parallel-for-each.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+// Filenames follow a syntax component-some-name.adoc
+// So for component-scatter-gather.adocs, the confugration is
+// :component-filename: scatter-gather
+:component-filename: parallel-for-each
+//:page-deployment-options: cloud-ide, desktop-ide
+//TBD if this is needed for changing singular to plural
+:example: example
+//title of this page
+//short description
+//long description, if needed
+//component XML title
+//component XML
+//component XML variant, as needed
+// component SNIPPET JSON, if available:
+//Component element and attribute descriptions
+//Child Element (if needed, repeating as necessary):
+//Component element and attribute descriptions
+//Grandchild/Descendant Element (if needed, repeating as necessary):
+//Component element and attribute descriptions
+//example: title (Examples)
+//example: generic intro
+//XML example
+//XML example 2, if needed
+//SEE ALSO SECTION, if needed
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@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+// Filenames follow a syntax component-some-name.adoc
+// So for component-scatter-gather.adocs, the confugration is
+// :component-filename: scatter-gather
+:component-filename: parse-template
+//TBD if this is needed for changing singular to plural
+:example: example
+//title of this page
+//short description
+//long description, if needed
+//component XML title
+//component XML
+//component XML variant, as needed
+//Component element and attribute descriptions
+// component SNIPPET JSON, if available:
+//Child Element (if needed, repeating as necessary):
+//Component element and attribute descriptions
+//Grandchild/Descendant Element (if needed, repeating as necessary):
+//Component element and attribute descriptions
+//example: title (Examples)
+//example: generic intro
+//XML example
+//XML example 2, if needed
+//SEE ALSO SECTION, if needed
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@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+// Filenames follow a syntax component-some-name.adoc
+// So for component-scatter-gather.adocs, the confugration is
+// :component-filename: scatter-gather
+:component-filename: raise-error
+//:page-deployment-options: cloud-ide, desktop-ide
+//TBD if this is needed for changing singular to plural
+:example: example
+//title of this page
+//short description
+//long description, if needed
+//component XML title
+//component XML
+//component XML variant, as needed
+//Component element and attribute descriptions
+// component SNIPPET JSON, if available:
+//Child Element (if needed, repeating as necessary):
+//Component element and attribute descriptions
+//Grandchild/Descendant Element (if needed, repeating as necessary):
+//Component element and attribute descriptions
+//example: title (Examples)
+//example: generic intro
+//XML example
+//XML example 2, if needed
+//SEE ALSO SECTION, if needed
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@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+// Filenames follow a syntax component-some-name.adoc
+// So for component-scatter-gather.adocs, the confugration is
+// :component-filename: scatter-gather
+:component-filename: remove-variable
+//TBD if this is needed for changing singular to plural
+:example: example
+//title of this page
+//short description
+//long description, if needed
+//component XML title
+//component XML
+//component XML variant, as needed
+//Component element and attribute descriptions
+// component SNIPPET JSON, if available:
+//Child Element (if needed, repeating as necessary):
+//Component element and attribute descriptions
+//Grandchild/Descendant Element (if needed, repeating as necessary):
+//Component element and attribute descriptions
+//example: title (Examples)
+//example: generic intro
+//XML example
+//XML example 2, if needed
+//SEE ALSO SECTION, if needed
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@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+// Filenames follow a syntax component-some-name.adoc
+// So for component-scatter-gather.adocs, the confugration is
+// :component-filename: scatter-gather
+:component-filename: round-robin
+//TBD if this is needed for changing singular to plural
+:example: example
+//title of this page
+//short description
+//long description, if needed
+//component XML title
+//component XML
+//component XML variant, as needed
+//Component element and attribute descriptions
+// component SNIPPET JSON, if available:
+//Child Element (if needed, repeating as necessary):
+//Component element and attribute descriptions
+//Grandchild/Descendant Element (if needed, repeating as necessary):
+//Component element and attribute descriptions
+//example: title (Examples)
+//example: generic intro
+//XML example
+//XML example 2, if needed
+//SEE ALSO SECTION, if needed
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index 0000000000..d6d73f2f44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/ROOT/pages/component-scatter-gather.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+// Filenames follow a syntax component-some-name.adoc
+:component-filename: scatter-gather
+//:page-deployment-options: cloud-ide, desktop-ide
+//TBD if this is needed for changing singular to plural
+:example: example
+//title of this page
+//short description
+//long description, if needed
+//component XML title
+//component XML
+//component XML variant, as needed
+// component SNIPPET JSON, if available:
+//Component element and attribute descriptions
+//Child Element (if needed, repeating as necessary):
+//Component element and attribute descriptions
+//Grandchild/Descendant Element (if needed, repeating as necessary):
+//Component element and attribute descriptions
+//example: title (Examples)
+//example: generic intro
+//XML example
+//XML example 2, if needed
+//SEE ALSO SECTION, if needed
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+++ b/modules/ROOT/pages/component-scheduler.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+// Filenames follow a syntax component-some-name.adoc
+// So for component-scatter-gather.adocs, the confugration is
+// :component-filename: scatter-gather
+:component-filename: scheduler
+:page-aliases: scheduler-concept.adoc
+//TBD if this is needed for changing singular to plural
+:example: example
+//title of this page
+//short description
+//long description, if needed
+//component XML title
+//component XML
+//component XML variant, as needed
+//Component element and attribute descriptions
+// component SNIPPET JSON, if available:
+//Child Element (if needed, repeating as necessary):
+//Component element and attribute descriptions
+//Grandchild/Descendant Element (if needed, repeating as necessary):
+//Component element and attribute descriptions
+//Grandchild/Descendant Element (if needed, repeating as necessary):
+//Component element and attribute descriptions
+//example: title (Examples)
+//example: generic intro
+//XML example
+//XML example 2, if needed
+//SEE ALSO SECTION, if needed
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new file mode 100644
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+++ b/modules/ROOT/pages/component-set-payload.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+// Filenames follow a syntax component-some-name.adoc
+// So for component-scatter-gather.adocs, the confugration is
+// :component-filename: scatter-gather
+:component-filename: set-payload
+:page-aliases: set-payload-transformer-reference.adoc
+//:page-deployment-options: cloud-ide, desktop-ide
+//TBD if this is needed for changing singular to plural
+:example: example
+//title of this page
+//short description
+//long description, if needed
+//component XML title
+//component XML
+//component XML variant, as needed
+//Component element and attribute descriptions
+// component SNIPPET JSON, if available:
+//Child Element (if needed, repeating as necessary):
+//Component element and attribute descriptions
+//Grandchild/Descendant Element (if needed, repeating as necessary):
+//Component element and attribute descriptions
+//example: title (Examples)
+//example: generic intro
+//XML example
+//XML example 2, if needed
+//SEE ALSO SECTION, if needed
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ea0effe65a
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+++ b/modules/ROOT/pages/component-set-variable.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+// Filenames follow a syntax component-some-name.adoc
+// So for component-scatter-gather.adocs, the confugration is
+// :component-filename: scatter-gather
+:component-filename: set-variable
+//:page-deployment-options: cloud-ide, desktop-ide
+//TBD if this is needed for changing singular to plural
+:example: example
+//title of this page
+//short description
+//long description, if needed
+//component XML title
+//component XML
+//component XML variant, as needed
+//Component element and attribute descriptions
+// component SNIPPET JSON, if available:
+//Child Element (if needed, repeating as necessary):
+//Component element and attribute descriptions
+//Grandchild/Descendant Element (if needed, repeating as necessary):
+//Component element and attribute descriptions
+// Accessing Variables in Other Event Processors
+//example: title (Examples)
+//example: generic intro
+//XML examples
+//SEE ALSO SECTION, if needed
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..15673a2fda
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+++ b/modules/ROOT/pages/component-subflow.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+// Filenames follow a syntax component-some-name.adoc
+// So for component-scatter-gather.adocs, the confugration is
+// :component-filename: scatter-gather
+:component-filename: subflow
+//:page-deployment-options: cloud-ide, desktop-ide
+//TBD if this is needed for changing singular to plural
+:example: example
+//title of this page
+//short description
+//long description, if needed
+//component XML title
+//component XML
+//component XML variant, as needed
+//Component element and attribute descriptions
+// component SNIPPET JSON, if available:
+//Child Element (if needed, repeating as necessary):
+//Component element and attribute descriptions
+//Grandchild/Descendant Element (if needed, repeating as necessary):
+//Component element and attribute descriptions
+//example: title (Examples)
+//example: generic intro
+//XML example
+//XML example 2, if needed
+//SEE ALSO SECTION, if needed
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+++ b/modules/ROOT/pages/component-template-acb.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+:component-filename: logger
+:example: example
+//title of this page
+//short description
+//long description, if needed
+//component XML title
+//component XML intro
+//component XML
+//component XML variant, as needed
+//Component element and attribute descriptions
+//example: title (Examples)
+//example: generic intro
+//XML example
+//XML example 2, if needed
+//see also, if needed
+== See Also
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index 0000000000..50e952f654
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@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+// Filenames follow a syntax component-some-name.adoc
+// So for component-scatter-gather.adocs, the confugration is
+// :component-filename: scatter-gather
+:component-filename: transaction
+:page-aliases: set-transaction-id.adoc
+//TBD if this is needed for changing singular to plural
+:example: example
+//title of this page
+//short description
+//long description, if needed
+//component XML title
+//component XML
+//component XML variant, as needed
+== Customize the Transaction ID in Studio
+Follow these steps to set a transaction ID from the Anypoint Studio UI:
+. Drag the *Set Transaction Id* component to your flow.
+. In the *Set Transaction ID* configuration screen, set an ID value for the *Transaction ID* field:
+//Component element and attribute descriptions
+// component SNIPPET JSON, if available:
+//Child Element (if needed, repeating as necessary):
+//Component element and attribute descriptions
+//Grandchild/Descendant Element (if needed, repeating as necessary):
+//Component element and attribute descriptions
+//example: title (Examples)
+//example: generic intro
+//XML example
+//XML example 2, if needed
+//SEE ALSO SECTION, if needed
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..04b4664f88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/ROOT/pages/component-transform.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+// Filenames follow a syntax component-some-name.adoc
+// So for component-scatter-gather.adocs, the confugration is
+// :component-filename: scatter-gather
+:component-filename: transform
+//TBD if this is needed for changing singular to plural
+:example: example
+//title of this page
+//short description
+//long description, if needed
+//Metadata info
+//component XML title
+//component XML
+//component XML variant, as needed
+//Component element and attribute descriptions
+// component SNIPPET JSON, if available:
+//Child Element (if needed, repeating as necessary):
+//Component element and attribute descriptions
+//Grandchild/Descendant Element (if needed, repeating as necessary):
+//Component element and attribute descriptions
+//example: title (Examples)
+//example: generic intro
+//XML example
+//XML example 2, if needed
+//XML example 3, if needed
+//SEE ALSO SECTION, if needed
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index 0000000000..1992c48479
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+++ b/modules/ROOT/pages/component-try.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+// Filenames follow a syntax component-some-name.adoc
+// So for component-scatter-gather.adocs, the confugration is
+// :component-filename: scatter-gather
+:component-filename: try
+:page-aliases: try-scope-concept.adoc, try-scope-xml-reference.adoc
+//:page-deployment-options: cloud-ide, desktop-ide
+//TBD if this is needed for changing singular to plural
+:example: example
+//title of this page
+//short description
+//long description, if needed
+== Try Scope Structure
+A Try scope has the following structure:
+* A single root element ``
+* Components that are executed under the error-handling rules defined by
+the Try scope are defined as child elements of the `try` element. You can place one or many here.
+* A single `` element holds all error handling strategies for the scope.
+* In the error handler, one or several `on-error-continue` and `on-error-propagate` define the various strategies. At least one of these error handling components must be present.
+* Components that are executed when a matching error occurs are defined as child elements of the `on-error` element. You can place one or many here.
+Each error handling strategy in a Try scope (`on-error-*`) follows a condition. This condition is typically an error type (or a list of several) which must match the current error. You can also define this condition as a freely written expression, such as `error.cause.message.contains("fatal")`.
+Note that conditions are evaluated in order and only the first strategy to match is executed.
+The following example includes two error handling strategies, each executing a logger component:
+//component XML title
+//component XML
+//component XML variant, as needed
+//Component element and attribute descriptions
+// component SNIPPET JSON, if available:
+//Child Element (if needed, repeating as necessary):
+//Component element and attribute descriptions
+//Grandchild/Descendant Element (if needed, repeating as necessary):
+//Component element and attribute descriptions
+== Variable and Payload Propagation
+Every payload modification or variable addition, modification, or removal is propagated through the rest of the execution. This propagation includes modifications that take place inside the error handlers.
+== Configuring Local or XA Transactions
+In addition to configuring the Transactional Action, you can also configure the Transaction Type to be Local (single Resource) or XA Transaction.
+The Try scope uses the Transaction Type configuration only when a new transaction is created. The type cannot change while a transaction executes.
+For each Transactional Action, the behavior changes:
+* Ignore (`INDIFFERENT`)
+The Transaction used is the one already created (if there is one). This means that setting the Transactional Type makes no difference for this Transactional Action.
+* Always Begin (`ALWAYS_BEGIN`)
+The Transaction created is of the type set in the Transaction Type configuration. Remember that `ALWAYS_BEGIN` is an invalid configuration when already running within a Single Resource transaction.
+* Begin or Join (`BEGIN_OR_JOIN`)
+If there is a Transaction already created, then the Transactional Type makes no difference, as in the case of `INDIFFERENT`. If there is no Transaction, it creates one of the Type configured in Transaction Type, as in the case of `ALWAYS_BEGIN`.
+//example: title (Examples)
+//example: generic intro
+//XML example
+//XML example 2, if needed
+//XML example 3 if needed
+// STUDIO Example (not shared)
+=== Example: Try Scope Configuration
+In the following example, any database connection errors (`DB:CONNECTIVITY`) are propagated because of the On Error Propagate (`on-error-propagate`) error handler. Propagation of this error causes the Try scope's execution to fail and the flow’s error handler to execute. Other errors are handled through the On Error Continue (`on-error-continue`) error handler, so the Try scope's execution is treated as successful when they occur, meaning that the next operation, an HTTP request, continues its execution.
+Configuration example in Anypoint Studio:
+image::error-handling-try-scope.png[Error Handling with the Try Scope]
+//TODO: Consider showing the same in ACB.
+If the Try scope has several components, then after a component raises an exception, subsequent components in the Try scope are not executed, regardless of the type of error handler that catches the exception. In the case of On Error Propagate, the error is propagated to the flow's error handler, as if the Try scope did not exist. In the case of On Error Continue, processing continues outside the Try scope at the next flow component, as if the Try scope never threw an exception.
+//SEE ALSO SECTION, if needed
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2a945050cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/ROOT/pages/component-until-successful.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+// Filenames follow a syntax component-some-name.adoc
+// So for component-scatter-gather.adocs, the confugration is
+// :component-filename: scatter-gather
+:component-filename: until-successful
+:page-aliases: acb-component-{component-filename}.adoc
+:version: 4.x
+:page-deployment-options: cloud-ide, desktop-ide
+//TBD if this is needed for changing singular to plural
+:example: example
+//title of this page
+//short description
+//long description, if needed
+//component XML title
+//component XML
+//component XML variant, as needed
+//Component element and attribute descriptions
+// component SNIPPET JSON, if available:
+//Child Element (if needed, repeating as necessary):
+//Component element and attribute descriptions
+//Grandchild/Descendant Element (if needed, repeating as necessary):
+//Component element and attribute descriptions
+//Variable propagation
+//example: title (Examples)
+//example: generic intro
+//XML example
+//XML example 2, if needed
+//SEE ALSO SECTION, if needed
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules/ROOT/pages/scheduler-concept.adoc b/modules/ROOT/pages/scheduler-concept.adoc
deleted file mode 100644
index 1b2c83a5ec..0000000000
--- a/modules/ROOT/pages/scheduler-concept.adoc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,280 +0,0 @@
-= Scheduler Endpoint (Trigger)
-:page-aliases: scheduler-xml-reference.adoc
-The Scheduler component is a Mule event source that triggers the execution of a flow based on a time-based condition. For example, a Scheduler might create and send a message that will trigger the flow processing every 5 seconds or every day at 12:00 in a given time zone.
-Consider the following when adding a Scheduler to your Mule application:
-* Schedulers use the same timezone as the machine on which Mule is running. However, if an application is running in CloudHub, the Scheduler conforms to the UTC timezone, regardless of the geographic region in which the application is running.
-To set a different time zone for the Scheduler, see `timeZone` in <>.
-* The `disallowConcurrentExecution` property enables you to prevent the Scheduler from triggering the execution of the flow while a previously-triggered execution is running.
-* If xref:execution-engine.adoc#backpressure[back-pressure] occurs because no resources are available at the time of the scheduled trigger, Mule skips that execution.
-//Enhancement request for this: MULE-14930
-* In a Mule runtime engine cluster or multi-worker CloudHub deployment, the Scheduler executes only on the primary node (that is, only in one Mule instance).
-== Architecture
-Like other Mule event source components, a Scheduler is the first component in a Mule flow.
-image::scheduler-component-ex.png["Scheduler component in Mule flow"]
-The XML for the Scheduler consists of the following elements:
-* ``: Top-level element of the Scheduler.
-* ``: Second-level element that accepts one of the following children:
-** ``: For common scheduling frequencies, such as every second.
-** ``: For <> and time zone settings.
-The Scheduler sets a scheduling strategy at a fixed frequency or an interval based on a cron expression. For example:
-* The fixed frequency setting in the following Scheduler executes every fifteen seconds:
-[source, xml]
-* The cron expression in this Scheduler triggers the generation of a Mule message in a new execution of the flow every fifteen seconds:
-[source, xml]
-At least one processor must follow the Scheduler. Processors include Mule components and connector operations, such as an HTTP Request operation or Transform Message component. Failure to provide a processor produces a `MuleRuntimeException` and causes the deployment of the Mule application to fail with the following ERROR message in the logs (edited for readability):
-ERROR ...MuleRuntimeException ...
-The content of element 'flow' is not complete.
-One of '{"http://www.mulesoft.org/schema/mule/core":abstract-message-processor,
-is expected.
-For Scheduler attributes, see <>.
-== Reference
-The Scheduler elements accept attributes for configuring the execution interval and concurrency.
-=== Scheduler (``)
-By default, the Scheduler does not wait for one execution of a given flow to complete before executing another instance of the flow at the configured cadence. You can change this behavior by setting the `disallowConcurrentExecution="true"` attribute directly in the configuration XML.
-| Attribute XML | Description
-| When this attribute is set to `true`, the Scheduler skips its scheduled execution if a previous execution is still running. Once the flow finishes, the Scheduler executes at the next configured interval. The default value is `false`.
-In the following example, the Scheduler skips its execution if the flow takes longer to complete than the fixed frequency of 10 milliseconds:
-Each time a Scheduler skips its execution, Mule logs an `Execution skipped` message, for example (edited for readability):
-INFO 2022-11-09 15:15:43,082 ...
-Flow 'scheduler-disallowConcurrentExecution-ex' is already running and
-'disallowConcurrentExecution' is set to 'true'. Execution skipped.
-INFO 2022-11-09 15:15:43,083 ...
-Flow 'scheduler-disallowConcurrentExecution-ex' is already running and
-'disallowConcurrentExecution' is set to 'true'. Execution skipped.
-=== Fixed Frequency (``)
-The fixed frequency scheduling strategy accepts the following attributes:
-|Attribute | XML | Default | Description
-| `frequency`
-| `1000`
-|The frequency at which the Scheduler triggers the flow given the `timeUnit` setting.
-| *Start Delay*
-| `startDelay`
-| `0`
-| The amount of time to delay execution of the Scheduler for the first time after the application starts. This property uses the same `timeUnit` as the frequency.
-| *Time Unit*
-| `timeUnit`
-| One of the following time units for the values of `frequency` and `startDelay`:
-This strategy delays executes the Scheduler every 10 seconds after an initial 10 second delay:
-=== Cron (``)
-For more complex scheduling strategies, you can use a cron expression.
-|Attribute |XML |Description
-| *Expression*
-| `expression`
-| A cron expression for triggering the Scheduler. There is no default cron expression. For guidance with expressions, see <>. Example: `expression="1 1 1 1,7 * ?"`
-| *Time Zone*
-| `timeZone`
-| Time zone passed as a system property, or in a machine's operating system. https://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/util/TimeZone.html[Java time zone^] values are supported. Avoid Java abbreviations, such as `PST` and `AGT`, and instead use the full-name Java equivalents, such as `America/Los_Angeles`. Example: `timeZone="America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires"`
-The following example uses a cron expression to trigger the flow at 12:00 every day in the `America/Los_Angeles` time zone.
-== Cron Expressions
-Cron is a widely used standard for describing time and date information. The Cron Expression (`` scheduling strategy (``) is useful for triggering a flow at intervals not available through the Fixed Frequency scheduling strategy.
-The Scheduler keeps track of every second and creates a Mule event when the
-Quartz Cron expression matches your time-date setting. You can trigger the event
-just once or at regular intervals.
-A date-time expression consists of six required settings and can include the
-optional year setting. Specify the settings in the following order:
-. Seconds (`0`-`59`)
-. Minutes (`0`-`59`)
-. Hours (`0`-`23`)
-. Day of month (`1`-`31`)
-. Month (`1`-`12` or `JAN`-`DEC`)
-. Day of the week (`1`-`7` or `SUN`-`SAT`)
-. Year (empty or a 4-digit year between `1970`-`2099`, for example, `2019`)
-The Scheduler supports Quartz Cron expressions. Here are a few examples:
-|Expression |Behavior
-|`1/2 * * * * ?` |Run every 2 seconds of the day, every day.
-|`0 15 10 ? * *` |Run at 10:15 a.m., every day. `0 15 10 * * ? *` and
-`0 15 10 * * ?` produce the same effect.
-|`0 15 10 * * ? 2019` |Run at 10:15 a.m., every day during the year 2019.
-|`0 * 14 * * ?` |Run every minute starting at 2pm and ending at 2:59pm, every day.
-|`0 0/5 14 * * ?` |Run every 5 minutes starting at 2pm and ending at 2:55pm, every day
-|`1 1 1 1,7 * ?` |Run the first second of the first minute of the first hour, on the first and seventh day, every month.
-The Scheduler component also supports Quartz Scheduler special characters:
-* `*`: All values.
-* `?`: No specific value.
-* `-`: Range of values, for example, `1-3`.
-* `,`: Additional values, for example, `1,7`.
-* `/`: Incremental values, for example, `1/7`.
-* `L`: Last day of the week or month, or last specific day of the month
- (such as `6L` for the last Saturday of the month).
-* `W`: Weekday, which is valid in the month and day-of-the-week fields.
-* `#`: "nth" day of the month. For example, `#3` is the third day of the month.
-//source info: +http://www.quartz-scheduler.org/documentation/quartz-2.x/tutorials/crontrigger.html+
-This example logs the message "hello" every second:
-Note that there are a number of free online tools that can help you build Cron
-== Examples in Anypoint Exchange
-The following examples in https://www.mulesoft.com/exchange/[Anypoint Exchange^] show use cases for a Scheduler component:
-* _Data Sync Using Watermarking and Batch_
-* _Import Contacts into Microsoft Dynamics CRM_
-* _Import Leads into Salesforce_
-* _Importing a CSV File into mongoDB_
-* _Importing an Email Attachment Using the IMAP Connector_
-* _Salesforce to MySQL Database Using Batch Processing_
-* _Sending a CSV File Through Email Using SMTP_
-To download and open the project from Anypoint Studio, see xref:studio::import-project-exchange.adoc[].
-== Debugging in Anypoint Studio
-In Anypoint Studio xref:studio::visual-debugger-concept.adoc[debug mode], the Mule application disables the triggering of events. You can manually execute the Scheduler component when debugging by clicking the green arrow icon in Studio that appears at the bottom of the component, for example:
-image:scheduler-component-debug-ex.png[Debug arrow in the Scheduler]
-== See Also
-* xref:flow-component.adoc[]
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-= Set Payload Transformer
-:keywords: anypoint studio, mule, set payload, payload
-The Set Payload (`set-payload`) component lets you update the payload of the message.
-The payload can be a literal string or a DataWeave expression. The `set-payload`
-component, however, is not recommended for complex expressions or transformations
-but rather, simple ones, such as selections. You should use xref:transform-component-about.adoc[Transform Message Component]
-for complex scenarios.
-| Field | Usage | Description
-| Value (`value`)
-| Required
-| Accepts a literal string or DataWeave expression that defines how to set the payload, for example, ``"some string"`` or `#[now()]`.
-| Mime Type (`mimeType`)
-| Optional
-| The mime type of the value assigned to the payload, for example, `text/plain` or `application/json`.
-|Encoding (`encoding`)
-| Optional
-| The encoding of the value assigned to the payload, for example, `UTF-8`.
-The `mimeType` and `encoding` attributes will not affect a DataWeave expression
-used as `value`. They only affect the output Mule Message. If a transformation
- is required, the DataWeave expression must contain an explicit output directive.
-This XML example sets a payload with static values:
-.Static Content Example:
-The next example sets the message payload to "Hello, World" appending today's date using a DataWeave expression:
-`#['Hello World!' ++ ' Today is ' ++ now()]`
-.Expression Content Example:
-== See Also
-* xref:about-mule-message.adoc[Mule Message Structure]
-* xref:dataweave.adoc[DataWeave Language]
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-= Set Transaction Id
-:keywords: transaction, id, component, mule
-== See Also
-* xref:business-events.adoc[Business Events]
-* xref:business-events-in-components.adoc[Configure Default Events Tracking]
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-= Transform Message Component
+= Transform Message Component in Anypoint Studio
@@ -7,18 +7,6 @@ endif::[]
The Transform (or Transform Message) component converts input data to a new output structure or format. You can use the component's visual mapper to build your transformation implicitly by dragging and dropping elements of the incoming data structure, or you can explicitly write a transformation script in DataWeave expression language.
* Graphical View (Drag-and-Drop editor): Two tree views show the expected metadata structures of the input and output. Mappings between these two trees are represented by lines that connect input to output fields. The lines can be created by dragging and dropping an element from the input to another element to the output.
-.Drag-and-Drop Editor in the Transform Component
-* Script View: The visual mapping can be represented as DataWeave code. Advanced transformations such as aggregation, normalization, grouping, joining, partitioning, pivoting and filtering can be coded here.
-.DataWeave Script in the Transform Component
-Note that changes in one view are reflected in real time with the other.
== Preview
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-= Graphically Construct a Mapping (Design Center)
-Through the graphical UI of the Transform component you can do the tasks below. Each task will produce the DataWeave source code that describes the action.
-== Map a Field
-Drag an element on the input structure over to another on the output structure, this action creates a line that joins these two elements.
-== Map a Structure
-Drag a high-level structure that contains lists of elements or inner fields onto a compatible one in the output. This creates a shaded region covering all the mapped structure. Fields that have identical names in these structures are automatically mapped.
-== Remove a Mapping
-. Select the corresponding input element.
-A trash can icon image:graphically-construct-mapping-design-center-task-2457b.png[] appears on the connection.
-. Click the trash can icon.
-== Set a Fixed Value or Function
-. Double click on a field (that doesn't have any children) in the output tree. This adds a function icon image:graphically-construct-mapping-design-center-task-8a822.png[] next to it.
-. A box with the default value `null` appears. You can change `null` to anything you want, such as:
-* A fixed text value by using " ".
-* A reference to an input field.
-* A statement that includes DataWeave functions.
-This experience relates to that of using a spreadsheet, where each field can be a direct reference to another field, or can be the product of a function that involves such references.
-Functions can be removed by clicking on the trash-can icons that appear next to them.
-== See Also
-xref:dataweave::dw-functions.adoc[DataWeave Function Reference]
-xref:dataweave.adoc[DataWeave Language]
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-= Define Input and Output Structure of a Transformation (Design Center)
-To use the graphical view and construct mappings via drag and drop, the Transform component first needs information about what fields are available for dragging and dropping.
-If you plan to create your transformation entirely by writing DataWeave source code, you can skip defining input and output and reference elements directly via code.
-== Define Data Structure on Other Components
-. Make sure that all other elements in the flow are fully configured.
-When all other elements are configured and you have a component that has a predicted data structure, the structure can be passed onto the Transform component.
-. Manually define input and output data structures if Design Center cannot predict the data structure.
-For example, an HTTP Listener might receive requests containing any type of payload. If you know what this payload will look like, you can set the data type through the Input and Output tabs in the HTTP Listener dialog box.
-== Define Data Structures in the Transform Component
-. Click Set Data Type:
-* For the input pane, highlight the payload, attributes, or a variable and click the Set Data Type icon at the bottom of the input pane.
-* For the output pane, select the Set data type button. If the output pane has an existing data type, click the drop-down arrow at the top of the Output pane to set a new data type.
-. Manually define the data structure by providing a sample or a schema.
-== See Also
-xref:dataweave.adoc[DataWeave Language]
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-= Preview the Output of a Transformation (Design Center)
-You can provide sample input data to your Transform component to see how the transformation affects it. You don't need to run your application to use this feature. A sample output is updated in real time as you make changes both to the sample input and the transformation.
-. On the input pane, select one of the parts of the input (the Payload, Attributes or a specific Variable).
-. At the bottom of the window, select the Edit Sample Data icon image:preview-transformation-output-design-center-1a65a.png[].
-. The Sample Data tab opens and is populated.
-* If you defined your Data Type through a sample, these same values are used.
-* If you defined your Data Type through a schema or it was automatically defined, values are populated with the string `????` as a placeholder.
-Note that when the input is of type POJO (Plain Old Java Object), samples must be written in DataWeave format. This is not a transformation in itself, just a way to express how data is structured.
-Example data in DataWeave format:
- {
- message @(id: "FSD-483"): "Hello World!",
- date: |2017-05-06|,
- items: {
- item1: 434,
- item2: "344222"
- }
- },
- {
- message @(id: "DSF-829"): "This is what DataWeave format looks like.",
- date: |2017-03-21|,
- items: {
- item1: 728,
- item2: "14422"
- }
- }
-. Replace these placeholder values with different values.
-As you make changes in the sample data or the transformation, notice how the output preview changes.
-Note that if your transformer has multiple outputs (for example, to both the payload and a variable), the *Preview* pane displays the one corresponding to the currently selected transformation.
-When the output is of type POJO (Plain Old Java Object), the preview is represented in JSON format.
-. Test your transformation for any special characters or structures that might arrive, verify that the output is what you expected.
-Note that samples defined in this pane work only within the *Transform* component. These samples do not affect any other components in your application.
-== See Also
-xref:dataweave.adoc[DataWeave Language]
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-= Output a Transformation to an Attribute or Variable (Design Center)
-By default, the Transform component outputs to the payload of a Mule event. You can also output data to a variable or attribute that you create.
-Before you begin, you should set up a basic flow that sends the Transform component Input data.
-. From the Mapping tab in the Transform component, click the title of the Output column, which should say Output Payload by default.
-. Select Add Transformation.
-. Select one of these types:
-* Attributes
-* Variable
-. For a variable, provide a name.
-. Create or select a data type for the attribute or variable.
-. Map the portion of the Transformer input that you want to output to the attribute or variable.
-Note that you can check your mapping by adding a Logger after the Transformer, for example:
-* Logger message for an attribute: `message.attributes`
-* Logger message for the variable `myVar`: `vars.myVar`
-After deploying your app, the Logs should output your logger message.
-== Remove an Output Transformation
-. Click the title of the Output column.
-. Click the Trash Can icon for the transformation that you want to delete.
-== See Also
-xref:about-mule-message.adoc[Mule Message Structure]
-xref:dataweave.adoc[DataWeave Language]
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-= Workflow: Create a Mapping through the Design Center UI
-. xref:transform-input-output-structure-transformation-design-center-task.adoc[Define Input and Output Structure of a Transformation]
-Provide expected input and required output structures.
-. xref:transform-graphically-construct-mapping-design-center-task.adoc[Graphically Construct a Mapping]
-Drag elements of the input and drop them onto elements of the output. You can also include fixed values and functions to build out the output.
-. xref:transform-preview-transformation-output-design-center-task.adoc[Preview the Output of a Transformation]
-Verify that the transformation produces the expected output.
-== See Also
-xref:dataweave.adoc[DataWeave Language]
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-= Try Scope
-The Try scope enables you to handle errors that may occur when attempting to execute any of the components inside the Try scope. It also supports transactions. A Try scope wraps one or more operations, then catches and handles any exceptions that might be thrown by any of these enclosed operations. The behavior is as if you extracted those enclosed event components into a separate flow with its own error handling strategy, but inline, without having to actually define a new flow.
-== Error Handling with the Try Scope
-When designing your flow, try to group those operations that are likely to experience errors inside a Try scope. The Try scope enables you to isolate potentially troublesome operations in your flow and assign them an error-handling method. You can also configure the operations inside the Try scope to be processed as a transaction.
-The Try scope has an error handling strategy that you configure in the same way you configure error handling for a flow.
-The Try scope can distinguish among various error type conditions and apply different behaviors. If an error is raised by a component inside a Try scope, then the Try scope's error handler is executed. At this point, the error is available for inspection, so the handlers can execute and act accordingly:
-* On Error Continue
-Executes and sends the result of the execution to its container Try scope, which uses that result to complete the execution successfully. Any transactions at this point are also committed.
-* On Error Propagate
-Rolls back any transactions, then executes and uses that result to re-throw the existing error, causing its container Try scope's execution to fail.
-Example Try Scope Configuration
-image::error-handling-try-scope.png[Error Handling with the Try Scope]
-In the previous example, any database connection errors (`DB:CONNECTIVITY`) are propagated because of the On Error Propagate (`on-error-propagate`) error handler. Propagation of this error causes the Try scope's execution to fail and the flow’s error handler to execute. Other errors are handled through the On Error Continue (`on-error-continue`) error handler, so the Try scope's execution is treated as successful when they occur, meaning that the next operation, an HTTP request, continues its execution.
-If the Try scope has several components, then after a component raises an exception, subsequent components in the Try scope are not executed, regardless of the type of error handler that catches the exception. In the case of On Error Propagate, the error is propagated to the flow's error handler, as if the Try scope did not exist. In the case of On Error Continue, processing continues outside the Try scope at the next flow component, as if the Try scope never threw an exception.
-== Handling Transactions
-A transaction is a series of actions that should never be partially executed. Configure a Try scope so that it is a set of operations that are considered one unit that either succeeds or fails, depending on whether errors are propagated and the transaction rolled back, or handled and the transaction committed. In either case, the process flow in which the Try scope resides continues.
-image::error-handling-try-scope-config.png[Try Scope Configuration]
-The Try scope treats child operations as a transaction when the Transactional Action (`transactionalAction`) is set to `ALWAYS_BEGIN` or `BEGIN_OR_JOIN`. It can be configured in the following ways:
-* Ignore (`INDIFFERENT`)
-Default. If a transaction is active, the scope joins it. If not, the scope does not create a transaction.
-* Always Begin (`ALWAYS_BEGIN`)
-A new transaction is started every time the scope is executed.
-* Begin or Join (`BEGIN_OR_JOIN`)
-Relevant only when execution order might vary (for example, due to asynchronous actions occurring outside the flow).
-If current flow processing has already started a transaction, the scope joins it. If not, the scope initiates a new transaction.
-=== Analyzing Different Transactional Actions in Try Scope
-The following example shows a `jms:listener` operation configured to initiate a transaction at flow level, a Try scope that tries to initiate or join the transaction (depending on its configuration), and a `jms:publish` operation configured to run outside of the transaction:
-If the operations within the Try scope do not produce an error, the scope finishes the execution and commits the transaction, independently of the configured `transactionalAction` value.
-The transaction and the messages are handled differently when a `` component is added, depending on the `transactionalAction` of the Try scope:
-* Ignore (`INDIFFERENT`)
-In this case, the transaction continues while executing the operations inside the Try scope. When the error is raised, it is propagated to the source (which does not handle it with an `` error handler). The transaction is rolled back, and the message is available again in the JMS queue. This rollback does not affect the completed `jms:publish` operation, which was outside of the transaction scope because `transactionAction` was set to its default, `NOT_SUPPORTED`.
-Had `transactionAction` been set to `JOIN_IF_POSSIBLE`, the `jms:publish` operation would have been rolled back.
-* Always Begin (`ALWAYS_BEGIN`)
-This raises an error because an active transaction already exists.
-* Begin or Join (`BEGIN_OR_JOIN`)
-In this case, a transaction was already initiated so the scope joins the active transaction. The result is the same as in `INDIFFERENT`.
-==== Error Handler at Flow Level
-In the following example, an error handler is added at flow level:
-The behavior in this example is:
-* Ignore (`INDIFFERENT`)
-The transaction continues. Because the error is handled by an `on-error-continue` error handler, the transaction is committed. The message read from the `jms:listener` source is consumed, and the message processed by the `jms:publish` operation is actually sent.
-* Always Begin (`ALWAYS_BEGIN`)
-Raises an error because an active transaction already exists.
-* Begin or Join (`BEGIN_OR_JOIN`)
-Displays the same behavior as `INDIFFERENT`.
-==== Error Handler Inside the Try Scope
-In this case, the error handler is inside the Try scope and the error occurs after the execution of the scope:
-Depending on the configured `transactionalAction`, the behavior in the Try scope is one of the following:
-* Ignore (`INDIFFERENT`)
-The transaction continues but the error is not handled by an `on-error-continue` at the flow level, causing the transaction to be rolled back, and the message to not be sent.
-* Always Begin (`ALWAYS_BEGIN`)
-Raises an error because an active transaction already exists.
-* Begin or Join (`BEGIN_OR_JOIN`)
-Displays the same behavior as `INDIFFERENT`.
-=== Configuring Local or XA Transactions
-In addition to configuring the Transactional Action, you can also configure the Transaction Type to be Local (single Resource) or XA Transaction.
-The Try scope uses the Transaction Type configuration only when a new transaction is created. The type cannot change while a transaction executes.
-For each Transactional Action, the behavior changes:
-* Ignore (`INDIFFERENT`)
-The Transaction used is the one already created (if there is one). This means that setting the Transactional Type makes no difference for this Transactional Action.
-* Always Begin (`ALWAYS_BEGIN`)
-The Transaction created is of the type set in the Transaction Type configuration. Remember that `ALWAYS_BEGIN` is an invalid configuration when already running within a Single Resource transaction.
-* Begin or Join (`BEGIN_OR_JOIN`)
-If there is a Transaction already created, then the Transactional Type makes no difference, as in the case of `INDIFFERENT`. If there is no Transaction, it creates one of the Type configured in Transaction Type, as in the case of `ALWAYS_BEGIN`.
-== Variable and Payload Propagation
-Every payload modification or variable addition, modification, or removal is propagated through the rest of the execution. This propagation includes modifications that take place inside the error handlers.
-== See Also
-* xref:try-scope-xml-reference.adoc[Try Scope XML Reference]
-* xref:error-handling.adoc[Error Handling]
-* xref:transaction-management.adoc[Transaction Management]
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-= Try Scope XML Reference
-A Try scope follows the structure described below.
-* A single root element ``
-* Components that are executed under the error-handling rules defined by
-the Try scope are defined as child elements of the `try` element. You can place one or many here.
-* A single `` element holds all error handling strategies for the scope.
-* In the error handler, one or several `on-error-continue` and `on-error-propagate` define the various strategies. At least one of these must be present.
-* Components that are executed when a matching error occurs are defined as child elements of the `on-error` element. You can place one or many here.
-Each error handling strategy in a Try scope (`on-error-*`) follows a condition. This condition is typically an error type (or a list of several) which must match the current error. You can also define this condition as a freely written expression, such as `error.cause.message.contains("fatal")`.
-Note that conditions are evaluated in order and only the first strategy to match is executed.
-Below is an example that includes two error handling strategies, each executing a logger component:
-== Properties of Try
-|Property | Default |Description
-|`transactionalAction` | INDIFFERENT | Defines if what's in the scope is treated as a transaction. Possible values:
-* INDIFFERENT : What's in the scope isn't treated as a transaction.
-* ALWAYS_BEGIN: A new transaction is started every time the scope is executed.
-* BEGIN_OR_JOIN: If the current processing of the flow has already begun a transaction, join it. Otherwise, begin a new one. (Only relevant when execution order may vary).
-|`transactionalType` | LOCAL | Defines the type of transaction to use. Possible values:
-* "LOCAL"
-* "XA"
-== See Also
-* xref:try-scope-concept.adoc[Try Scope Concept]
-* xref:error-handling.adoc[Error Handling]
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-= Until Successful Scope
-:keywords: anypoint studio, studio, mule, until successful, reattempts, retry
-The Until Successful scope executes processors within it, in order, until they
-all succeed or the scope exhausts the maximum number of retries.
-Until Successful runs synchronously. If any processor
-within the scope fails to connect or to produce a successful result,
-Until Successful retries all the processors within it, including the one that failed, until all configured retries
-are exhausted. If a retry succeeds, the scope proceeds to the next
-component. If the final retry does not succeed, Until Successful produces an error.
-Routing is successful if no exception is raised
-or if the response matches an expression.
-Common processes that use Until Successful include:
-* Dispatching to outbound endpoints, for example, when calling a remote web service that might have availability issues.
-* Executing a component method, for example, when executing on a Spring bean that may depend on unreliable resources.
-* Using a sub-flow to re-execute several actions until they all succeed.
-== Until Successful Scope Configuration
-To configure an Until Successful scope, add the `` XML element inside an application flow.
-You can configure the following attributes in the Until Successful scope:
-|Field | XML | Description
-|Max Retries | `maxRetries` |Specifies the maximum number of retries that are allowed. This attribute can be either a number or an expression that resolves to a number. An error message looks like this: `Message: 'until-successful' retries exhausted.` The Mule error type is `MULE:RETRY_EXHAUSTED`.
-|Milliseconds Between Retries | `millisBetweenRetries` |Specifies, in milliseconds, the minimum interval between two retries. The actual interval depends on the previous execution, but it should not exceed twice this number. The default value is 60000 milliseconds (one minute). This attribute can be either a number or an expression that resolves to a number.
-== Example Configuration of the Until Successful Scope
-The following XML example configures a flow triggered by a Scheduler component and an Until Successful scope that executes an FTP Write operation:
-[source, xml, linenums]
-Behavior of the example application:
-* If the FTP Write operation fails
-The Until Successful scope retries the operation every `3000` milliseconds until the operation succeeds, with a limit of `5` retries. If the last execution fails, the scope throws a `MULE:RETRY_EXHAUSTED` error. Then, the `` handles the error and executes the Logger with the message: `File upload failed`.
-Before throwing `MULE:RETRY_EXHAUSTED`, Mule also logs each unsuccessful attempt to retry execution of the processors on the Mule event, for example:
-ERROR 2022-12-09 17:41:44,910 ... event: cdad31c0-782b-11ed-af21-147ddaaf4f97]
-...UntilSuccessfulRouter: Retrying execution of event, attempt 1 of 5.
-ERROR 2022-12-09 17:41:55,079 ... event: cdad31c0-782b-11ed-af21-147ddaaf4f97]
-...UntilSuccessfulRouter: Retrying execution of event, attempt 5 of 5.
-* If the FTP Write operation executes successfully in any of the attempts
-The next processor after the Until Successful scope executes, in this case, the Logger showing the message: `File upload success`.
-== Variable Propagation
-Every execution of the Until Successful scope starts with the same variables and values present before the execution of the block. New variables or modifications to already-existing variables while processing one element are not visible in the next execution (in case there is an error). If the execution finishes correctly, the variables (and payload) are propagated to the rest of the flow.
-== See also
-* xref:transaction-management.adoc#tx_scopes_routers[How Transactions Affect Scopes and Routers]