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Kubernetes Ingress Controller

This example shows how a Continuous Delivery solution can be implemented for a Flex Gateway instance installed as a Kubernetes ingress controller, in local mode. In this mode, Flex Gateway is mostly disconnected from the Anypoint control plane and is managed with declarative configuration files.

K8S Ingress Controller deployment architecture

This example uses ArgoCD, a declarative, GitOps continuous delivery tool for Kubernetes. Configuration file(s) which describe the desired state of the target cluster are stored within a GitHub repository. ArgoCD polls the repository in order to detect when the desired state has changed and applies changes to the target cluster in order to ensure that its actual state matches the desired state.

Note: the steps below are correct at time of writing. Please refer to the Flex Gateway documentation for up-to-date instructions on installing and configuring Flex Gateway: Flex Gateway Docs


  1. A tool to create Kubernetes clusters. This example was developed using k3d.
  2. kubectl, a tool used to interact with Kubernetes clusters.
  3. Helm, a tool used to install Flex Gateway. Version 3.0.0 or later is required.

Prepare Your Environment

  1. Create a new Kubernetes cluster with a single server node. For example, if using k3d to run a cluster locally:
k3d cluster create flex-ingress \
--k3s-arg "--disable=traefik@server:*" \
--port '80:80@server:*' \
--port '443:443@server:*'
  1. Pull the Flex Gateway container image from Docker Hub:
docker pull mulesoft/flex-gateway

Run the Registration Command

Please refer to the official docs for up-to-date instructions on how to run the registration command.

You can register Flex Gateway using a username and password, a connected app or a token. In this example, we will use a username and password.

  1. Obtain the Organization ID and of your Anypoint Platform organization
  2. Obtain the Environment ID for the environment where you want to run Flex Gateway
  3. Replace the <your-username>, <your-password>, <your-environment-id>, <your-org-id> and <your-gateway-name> name placeholders in the sample command below. For <your-gateway-name>, provide a name you wish to use to identify this gateway instance or replica.
  4. Register your Flex Gateway by executing the following command. Here, we have specified that we want to run it in local mode by specifying connected=false:
docker run --entrypoint flexctl -w /registration -v $(pwd):/registration mulesoft/flex-gateway \
register \
--username=<your-username> \
--password=<your-password> \
--environment=<your-environment-id> \
--connected=false \
--organization=<your-org-id> \
--anypoint-url= \

Run the Installation Commands

Follow the instructions here.

Install ArgoCD

For simplicity, ArgoCD is installed in the same cluster as Flex Gateway in this example. It is accessed from outside of the cluster using port forwarding. In practice, you may wish to install ArgoCD in a separate cluster, expose it using an ingress controller such as NGINX and use it to manage one or more Flex Gateway clusters.

Note: the steps below are correct at time of writing, based on the ArgoCD Getting Started docs. Please refer to these docs for up-to-date instructions on installing ArgoCD.

  1. Install ArgoCD into a new namespace called argocd
kubectl create namespace argocd
kubectl apply -n argocd -f
  1. Download and install the ArgoCD CLI. The method of installation varies depending on your operating system. Refer to the CLI installation docs for more detailed instructions. If you have Homebrew, it can be installed as shown:
brew install argocd
  1. To access the ArgoCD API Server, use kubectl port-forwarding. Open a separate CLI window and run:
kubectl port-forward svc/argocd-server -n argocd 8080:443
  1. Log in using the CLI. The initial password for the admin account is auto-generated and can be retrieved using this command:
kubectl -n argocd get secret argocd-initial-admin-secret -o jsonpath="{.data.password}" | base64 -d; echo

Using the userame admin and the password from above, log in to ArgoCD:

argocd login localhost:8080
  1. Change the password for the admin user using this command:
argocd account update-password

Create a source code repository

The k8s-ingress-controller directory within this repository contains example YAML configuration files which describe the desired state of the Flex Gateway cluster we created above. We will create a new application in ArgoCD, which will use these files to configure the cluster. Before we can do this, we need to create a source code repository which the ArgoCD application will connect to. In this example, we fork this GitHub repo, then configure ArgoCD to connect to it. ArgoCD can be configured to connect to other Git-based SCMs too - please refer to the docs if needed.

To fork this repo and configure your fork, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to and click on the Fork button in the top-right.
  2. Select an owner and specify a name for your repository
  3. Click on the Create fork button. The new repo is created and you are redirected to the repo homepage.
  4. In your fork, within the develop branch, edit the jsonplaceholder.yml file. Replace the <your-registration-uuid> placeholder with the UUID for your registration. This can be obtained from the filenames of your .conf, .key and .pem files which were created when running the registration command.

Now, we can create a GitHub Personal Access Token. ArgoCD will use this token to access your GitHub repo. Create the token by following these steps:

  1. In GitHub, navigate to Settings | Developer Settings | Personal Access Tokens
  2. Click on the Generate new token button
  3. Specify a note which describes the purpose of the token. Select an expiration period. Select all of the repo scopes as shown:
    alt text
  4. Click on the Generate token button at the bottom of the page.
  5. The Personal access tokens screen is displayed and your token is visible. Make sure to copy it (e.g. to a text editor window) as we will need this later and it will not be visible after you navigate away from this screen!

Create an ArgoCD Application

The k8s-ingress-controller directory within this repository contains example YAML configuration files which describe the desired state of the Flex Gateway cluster we created above. We will now create a new application in ArgoCD, which will use these files to configure the cluster. TODO: list the files and describe their content here

  1. In a browser window, navigate to https://localhost:8080. You can choose to ignore any certificate validity warnings and you should reach the login screen. If not, check to ensure that you have the port-forwarding command running as described above.
  2. Log in as the admin user, using the password you set earlier for this user.
  3. Click on the Settings icon on the navigation bar on the left of the screen, then click on Repositories
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  4. In the Repositories screen, a message states that no repositories are connected. Click on the Connect Repo using HTTPS button.
  5. In the dialog, populate the Type, Project, Repository URL, Username and Password fields as shown below. We don't need to provide a username because we're using a token, so we can just enter not-used in the Username field. In the Password field, paste the GitHub Personal Access Token string which we copied earlier.
    alt text
  6. We can use the default values for all other fields. Click on the Connect button.
  7. The Repositories screen is shown again, but this time, the repository connection we just created is listed. Check to make sure that the Connection Status is SUCCESSFUL as shown below.
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  8. Click on the three dots to the right of the Connection Status and select Create Application.
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  9. In the Create Application dialog:
  • specify an Application Name and select the default project.
  • Set the Sync Policy to Automatic.
  • In Sync Options, select Auto-create Namespace.
  • In the Source section, specify the develop branch in the Revision field. In the Path field, specify k8s-ingress-controller.
  • In the Destination section, specify https://kubernetes.default.svc as the Cluster URL. This tells ArgoCD to use the cluster it is running in as the target cluster. Specify gateway as the namespace. You can also click on a button in the top-right to edit the app configuration as YAML. Here is a snippet showing how it should be configured:
kind: Application
  name: k8s-ingress-controller-example
    name: ''
    namespace: gateway
    server: 'https://kubernetes.default.svc'
    path: k8s-ingress-controller
    repoURL: '<your-repo-url>'
    targetRevision: develop
  project: default
      prune: false
      selfHeal: false
      - CreateNamespace=true
  1. Click on the Create button.
  2. The Applications screen is displayed, and the app we just created is shown. Initially, the status is Missing, OutOfSync, Syncing because the desired state defined in the GitHub repo does not exist on the target cluster:
    alt text
  3. Click on the app name to view further details. The Current Sync Status should change to Synced and a diagram is displayed depicting the resources which have been configured on the cluster:
    alt text
  4. From a CLI window, run this command to try to access the jsonplaceholder microservice via Flex Gateway:
curl -v http://localhost/api/users/1

You should get a response which includes 401 Unauthorized and a description of what went wrong:

*   Trying
* Connected to localhost ( port 80 (#0)
> GET /api/users/1 HTTP/1.1
> Host: localhost
> User-Agent: curl/7.79.1
> Accept: */*
* Mark bundle as not supporting multiuse
< HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
< www-authenticate: Basic realm="mule-realm"
< content-type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
< content-length: 123
< date: Tue, 12 Apr 2022 10:28:38 GMT
< server: Anypoint Flex Gateway
* Connection #0 to host localhost left intact
{"error":"Registered authentication is set to HTTP basic authentication but there was no security context on the session."}

This is expected, because our YAML configuration contains the following PolicyBinding:

kind: PolicyBinding
  name: ingress-http-auth
    name: ingress-http
    name: http-basic-authentication-flex
    username: foo
    password: bar
  1. Try including the username and password from the YAML configuration in the curl command, like this:
curl -u foo:bar -v http://localhost/api/users/1

You should receive a response which includes the HTTP response code 200 OK and the following JSON object in the response body:

  "id": 1,
  "name": "Leanne Graham",
  "username": "Bret",
  "email": "[email protected]",
  "address": {
    "street": "Kulas Light",
    "suite": "Apt. 556",
    "city": "Gwenborough",
    "zipcode": "92998-3874",
    "geo": {
      "lat": "-37.3159",
      "lng": "81.1496"
  "phone": "1-770-736-8031 x56442",
  "website": "",
  "company": {
    "name": "Romaguera-Crona",
    "catchPhrase": "Multi-layered client-server neural-net",
    "bs": "harness real-time e-markets"
  1. To observe ArgoCD automatically detecting changes to the deired state and updating the Flex Gateway instance, try changing the username and password within the PolicyBinding at the bottom of the jsonplaceholder.yaml file. Commit this change to the develop branch of your repo. In the ArgoCD user interface, observe the commit being detected and the configuration being updated. You can then test with the old password -
curl -u foo:bar -v http://localhost/api/users/1

... and you should receive a 401 Unauthorized response. Now try again, with the new username and password (replace the placeholders in the command below -

curl -u <new-username>:<new-password> -v http://localhost/api/users/1

You should receive a response which includes the HTTP response code 200 OK and the same JSON object in the response body as in step 15 above.