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<h1>Music transcribed-by-ear for the accordion, in abc notation</h1>
<h2>okay, maybe with a little help where scores existed for some of them, or were straight-up provided (as in the case of the John Spiers piece at the bottom of the page)</h2>
<p>Right click any of them to download the svg</p>
<img src="abc/sikele.svg"><br>
<img src="abc/kogda.svg"><br>
<img src="abc/odgar.svg"><br>
<img src="abc/plato.svg"><br>
<img src="abc/sovwal.svg"><br>
<img src="abc/vlesu.svg">
<p>Intro flavor for the bass side (featuring a lead on the counterbass row):</p>
<svg xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" role="img" width="755" height="162.0445"><path d="M 274.11165625 82.007 L 287.92165625 82.007 L 287.92165625 82.707 L 274.11165625 82.707 z" stroke="none" fill="#000000" class=""></path><path d="M 274.11165625 89.757 L 287.92165625 89.757 L 287.92165625 90.457 L 274.11165625 90.457 z" stroke="none" fill="#000000" class=""></path><path d="M 69.07900000000001 82.007 L 82.88900000000001 82.007 L 82.88900000000001 82.707 L 69.07900000000001 82.707 z" stroke="none" fill="#000000" class=""></path><g><path d="M 15 43.257 L 366.11165625 43.257 L 366.11165625 43.957 L 15 43.957 z" stroke="none" fill="#000000" class=""></path><path d="M 15 51.007 L 366.11165625 51.007 L 366.11165625 51.707 L 15 51.707 z" stroke="none" fill="#000000" class=""></path><path d="M 15 58.757 L 366.11165625 58.757 L 366.11165625 59.457 L 15 59.457 z" stroke="none" fill="#000000" class=""></path><path d="M 15 66.507 L 366.11165625 66.507 L 366.11165625 67.207 L 15 67.207 z" stroke="none" fill="#000000" class=""></path><path d="M 15 74.257 L 366.11165625 74.257 L 366.11165625 74.957 L 15 74.957 z" stroke="none" fill="#000000" class=""></path></g><path d="M 0 22.65 L 100 22.65 L 100 23.35 L 0 23.35 z" stroke="none" fill="rgba(0,0,0,0)" fill-opacity="0" class="" data-vertical="23"></path><path d="m 26.3 43.557c 0.36 -0.03 1.65 0 2.13 0.03c 3.6 0.42 6.03 2.1 6.93 4.86c 0.27 0.84 0.36 1.5 0.36 2.58c 0 0.9 -0.03 1.35 -0.18 2.16c -0.78 3.78 -3.54 7.08 -8.37 9.96c -1.74 1.05 -3.87 2.13 -6.18 3.12c -0.39 0.18 -0.75 0.33 -0.81 0.36c -0.06 0.03 -0.15 0.06 -0.18 0.06c -0.15 0 -0.33 -0.18 -0.33 -0.33c 0 -0.15 0.06 -0.21 0.51 -0.48c 3 -1.77 5.13 -3.21 6.84 -4.74c 0.51 -0.45 1.59 -1.5 1.95 -1.95c 1.89 -2.19 2.88 -4.32 3.15 -6.78c 0.06 -0.42 0.06 -1.77 0 -2.19c -0.24 -2.01 -0.93 -3.63 -2.04 -4.71c -0.63 -0.63 -1.29 -1.02 -2.07 -1.2c -1.62 -0.39 -3.36 0.15 -4.56 1.44c -0.54 0.6 -1.05 1.47 -1.32 2.22l -0.09 0.21l 0.24 -0.12c 0.39 -0.21 0.63 -0.24 1.11 -0.24c 0.3 0 0.45 0 0.66 0.06c 1.92 0.48 2.85 2.55 1.95 4.38c -0.45 0.99 -1.41 1.62 -2.46 1.71c -1.47 0.09 -2.91 -0.87 -3.39 -2.25c -0.18 -0.57 -0.21 -1.32 -0.03 -2.28c 0.39 -2.25 1.83 -4.2 3.81 -5.19c 0.69 -0.36 1.59 -0.6 2.37 -0.69zm 11.58 2.52c 0.84 -0.21 1.71 0.3 1.89 1.14c 0.3 1.17 -0.72 2.19 -1.89 1.89c -0.99 -0.21 -1.5 -1.32 -1.02 -2.25c 0.18 -0.39 0.6 -0.69 1.02 -0.78zm 0 7.5c 0.84 -0.21 1.71 0.3 1.89 1.14c 0.21 0.87 -0.3 1.71 -1.14 1.89c -0.87 0.21 -1.71 -0.3 -1.89 -1.14c -0.21 -0.84 0.3 -1.71 1.14 -1.89z" stroke="none" fill="#000000" class=""></path><rect x="15" y="43.607" width="25.153" height="31" fill="#000000" stroke="#000000" fill-opacity="0" stroke-opacity="0"></rect><path d="m 55.132999999999996 44.137c 0.36 -0.03 1.2 0 1.59 0.06c 0.9 0.15 1.68 0.51 2.25 1.05c 0.57 0.51 0.87 1.23 0.84 1.98c -0.03 0.51 -0.21 0.9 -0.6 1.26c -0.24 0.24 -0.45 0.39 -0.75 0.51c -0.21 0.06 -0.27 0.06 -0.6 0.06c -0.33 0 -0.39 0 -0.6 -0.06c -0.3 -0.12 -0.51 -0.27 -0.75 -0.51c -0.39 -0.36 -0.57 -0.78 -0.57 -1.26c 0 -0.27 0 -0.3 0.09 -0.42c 0.03 -0.09 0.18 -0.21 0.3 -0.3c 0.12 -0.09 0.3 -0.21 0.39 -0.27c 0.09 -0.06 0.21 -0.18 0.27 -0.24c 0.06 -0.12 0.09 -0.15 0.09 -0.33c 0 -0.18 -0.03 -0.24 -0.09 -0.36c -0.24 -0.39 -0.75 -0.6 -1.38 -0.57c -0.54 0.03 -0.9 0.18 -1.23 0.48c -0.81 0.72 -1.08 2.16 -0.96 5.37l 0 0.63l 0.3 -0.12c 0.78 -0.27 1.29 -0.33 2.1 -0.27c 1.47 0.12 2.49 0.54 3.27 1.29c 0.48 0.51 0.81 1.11 0.96 1.89c 0.06 0.27 0.06 0.42 0.06 0.93c 0 0.54 0 0.69 -0.06 0.96c -0.15 0.78 -0.48 1.38 -0.96 1.89c -0.54 0.51 -1.17 0.87 -1.98 1.08c -1.14 0.3 -2.4 0.33 -3.24 0.03c -1.5 -0.48 -2.64 -1.89 -3.27 -4.02c -0.36 -1.23 -0.51 -2.82 -0.42 -4.08c 0.3 -3.66 2.28 -6.3 4.95 -6.66zm 0.66 7.41c -0.27 -0.09 -0.81 -0.12 -1.08 -0.06c -0.72 0.18 -1.08 0.69 -1.23 1.71c -0.06 0.54 -0.06 3 0 3.54c 0.18 1.26 0.72 1.77 1.8 1.74c 0.39 -0.03 0.63 -0.09 0.9 -0.27c 0.66 -0.42 0.9 -1.32 0.9 -3.24c 0 -2.22 -0.36 -3.12 -1.29 -3.42zm -0.6599999999999966 8.090000000000003c 0.33 -0.03 1.02 -0.03 1.32 0c 1.32 0.12 2.49 0.6 3.21 1.32c 0.39 0.39 0.66 0.81 0.78 1.29c 0.09 0.36 0.09 1.08 0 1.44c -0.21 0.84 -0.66 1.59 -1.59 2.55l -0.3 0.3l 0.27 0.18c 1.47 0.93 2.31 2.31 2.25 3.75c -0.03 0.75 -0.24 1.35 -0.63 1.95c -0.45 0.66 -1.02 1.14 -1.83 1.53c -1.8 0.87 -4.2 0.87 -6 0.03c -1.62 -0.78 -2.52 -2.16 -2.46 -3.66c 0.06 -0.99 0.54 -1.77 1.8 -2.97c 0.54 -0.51 0.54 -0.54 0.48 -0.57c -0.39 -0.27 -0.96 -0.78 -1.2 -1.14c -0.75 -1.11 -0.87 -2.4 -0.3 -3.6c 0.69 -1.35 2.25 -2.25 4.2 -2.4zm 1.53 0.69c -0.42 -0.09 -1.11 -0.12 -1.38 -0.06c -0.3 0.06 -0.6 0.18 -0.81 0.3c -0.21 0.12 -0.6 0.51 -0.72 0.72c -0.51 0.87 -0.42 1.89 0.21 2.52c 0.21 0.21 0.36 0.3 1.95 1.23c 0.96 0.54 1.74 0.99 1.77 1.02c 0.09 0 0.63 -0.6 0.99 -1.11c 0.21 -0.36 0.48 -0.87 0.57 -1.23c 0.06 -0.24 0.06 -0.36 0.06 -0.72c 0 -0.45 -0.03 -0.66 -0.15 -0.99c -0.39 -0.81 -1.29 -1.44 -2.49 -1.68zm -1.44 8.07l -1.89 -1.08c -0.03 0 -0.18 0.15 -0.39 0.33c -1.2 1.08 -1.65 1.95 -1.59 3c 0.09 1.59 1.35 2.85 3.21 3.24c 0.33 0.06 0.45 0.06 0.93 0.06c 0.63 0 0.81 -0.03 1.29 -0.27c 0.9 -0.42 1.47 -1.41 1.41 -2.4c -0.06 -0.66 -0.39 -1.29 -0.9 -1.65c -0.12 -0.09 -1.05 -0.63 -2.07 -1.23z" stroke="none" fill="#000000" class=""></path><rect x="50.153" y="43.866" width="10.926" height="30.485500000000002" fill="#000000" stroke="#000000" fill-opacity="0" stroke-opacity="0"></rect><path d="m 77.16900000000001 78.307c 0.36 -0.03 1.2 0 1.53 0.06c 1.17 0.24 1.89 0.84 2.16 1.83c 0.06 0.18 0.06 0.3 0.06 0.66c 0 0.45 0 0.63 -0.15 1.08c -0.66 2.04 -3.06 3.93 -5.52 4.38c -0.54 0.09 -1.44 0.09 -1.83 0.03c -1.23 -0.27 -1.98 -0.87 -2.25 -1.86c -0.06 -0.18 -0.06 -0.3 -0.06 -0.66c 0 -0.45 0 -0.63 0.15 -1.08c 0.24 -0.78 0.75 -1.53 1.44 -2.22c 1.2 -1.2 2.85 -2.01 4.47 -2.22zm 3.719999999999999 -26.98836633663366L 80.88900000000001 81.582L 80.28900000000002 81.582L 80.28900000000002 51.31863366336634z" stroke="none" fill="#000000" class=""></path><rect x="71.07900000000001" y="51.31863366336634" width="9.81" height="35.085366336633655" fill="#000000" stroke="#000000" 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-1.38c 0 -1.02 0 -1.11 0.06 -1.2c 0.03 -0.06 0.09 -0.12 0.12 -0.15c 0.06 -0.03 0.42 -0.21 0.84 -0.36l 0.78 -0.33l 0 -2.43c 0 -1.32 0 -2.43 -0.03 -2.43c 0 0 -0.27 0.12 -0.6 0.24c -0.69 0.27 -0.78 0.3 -0.96 0.15c -0.21 -0.15 -0.21 -0.18 -0.21 -1.38c 0 -1.02 0 -1.11 0.06 -1.2c 0.03 -0.06 0.09 -0.12 0.12 -0.15c 0.06 -0.03 0.42 -0.21 0.84 -0.36l 0.78 -0.33l 0 -2.52c 0 -2.28 0.03 -2.55 0.06 -2.64c 0.21 -0.36 0.72 -0.36 0.93 0c 0.03 0.09 0.06 0.33 0.06 2.43l 0.03 2.31l 1.26 -0.51l 1.26 -0.51l 0 -2.43c 0 -2.28 0 -2.43 0.06 -2.55c 0.06 -0.12 0.12 -0.18 0.27 -0.24zm -0.33 10.65l 0 -2.43l -1.29 0.51l -1.26 0.51l 0 2.46l 0 2.43l 0.09 -0.03c 0.06 -0.03 0.63 -0.27 1.29 -0.51l 1.17 -0.48l 0 -2.46zm 10.939999999999998 -3.510000000000005c 0.36 -0.03 1.2 0 1.53 0.06c 1.17 0.24 1.89 0.84 2.16 1.83c 0.06 0.18 0.06 0.3 0.06 0.66c 0 0.45 0 0.63 -0.15 1.08c -0.66 2.04 -3.06 3.93 -5.52 4.38c -0.54 0.09 -1.44 0.09 -1.83 0.03c -1.23 -0.27 -1.98 -0.87 -2.25 -1.86c -0.06 -0.18 -0.06 -0.3 -0.06 -0.66c 0 -0.45 0 -0.63 0.15 -1.08c 0.24 -0.78 0.75 -1.53 1.44 -2.22c 1.2 -1.2 2.85 -2.01 4.47 -2.22zm 3.719999999999999 -25.03168316831683L 110.88900000000001 77.707L 110.28900000000002 77.707L 110.28900000000002 49.40031683168317z" stroke="none" fill="#000000" class=""></path><rect x="101.07900000000001" y="49.40031683168317" width="9.81" height="33.128683168316826" fill="#000000" stroke="#000000" fill-opacity="0" stroke-opacity="0"></rect><path d="m 126.55900000000001 63.417c 0.21 -0.12 0.54 -0.03 0.66 0.24c 0.06 0.12 0.06 0.21 0.06 2.31c 0 1.23 0 2.22 0.03 2.22c 0 0 0.27 -0.12 0.6 -0.24c 0.69 -0.27 0.78 -0.3 0.96 -0.15c 0.21 0.15 0.21 0.18 0.21 1.38c 0 1.02 0 1.11 -0.06 1.2c -0.03 0.06 -0.09 0.12 -0.12 0.15c -0.06 0.03 -0.42 0.21 -0.84 0.36l -0.75 0.33l -0.03 2.43c 0 1.32 0 2.43 0.03 2.43c 0 0 0.27 -0.12 0.6 -0.24c 0.69 -0.27 0.78 -0.3 0.96 -0.15c 0.21 0.15 0.21 0.18 0.21 1.38c 0 1.02 0 1.11 -0.06 1.2c -0.03 0.06 -0.09 0.12 -0.12 0.15c -0.06 0.03 -0.42 0.21 -0.84 0.36l -0.75 0.33l -0.03 2.52c 0 2.28 -0.03 2.55 -0.06 2.64c -0.21 0.36 -0.72 0.36 -0.93 0c -0.03 -0.09 -0.06 -0.33 -0.06 -2.43l 0 -2.31l -1.29 0.51l -1.26 0.51l 0 2.43c 0 2.58 0 2.52 -0.15 2.67c -0.06 0.09 -0.27 0.18 -0.36 0.18c -0.12 0 -0.33 -0.09 -0.39 -0.18c -0.15 -0.15 -0.15 -0.09 -0.15 -2.43c 0 -1.23 0 -2.22 -0.03 -2.22c 0 0 -0.27 0.12 -0.6 0.24c -0.69 0.27 -0.78 0.3 -0.96 0.15c -0.21 -0.15 -0.21 -0.18 -0.21 -1.38c 0 -1.02 0 -1.11 0.06 -1.2c 0.03 -0.06 0.09 -0.12 0.12 -0.15c 0.06 -0.03 0.42 -0.21 0.84 -0.36l 0.78 -0.33l 0 -2.43c 0 -1.32 0 -2.43 -0.03 -2.43c 0 0 -0.27 0.12 -0.6 0.24c -0.69 0.27 -0.78 0.3 -0.96 0.15c -0.21 -0.15 -0.21 -0.18 -0.21 -1.38c 0 -1.02 0 -1.11 0.06 -1.2c 0.03 -0.06 0.09 -0.12 0.12 -0.15c 0.06 -0.03 0.42 -0.21 0.84 -0.36l 0.78 -0.33l 0 -2.52c 0 -2.28 0.03 -2.55 0.06 -2.64c 0.21 -0.36 0.72 -0.36 0.93 0c 0.03 0.09 0.06 0.33 0.06 2.43l 0.03 2.31l 1.26 -0.51l 1.26 -0.51l 0 -2.43c 0 -2.28 0 -2.43 0.06 -2.55c 0.06 -0.12 0.12 -0.18 0.27 -0.24zm -0.33 10.65l 0 -2.43l -1.29 0.51l -1.26 0.51l 0 2.46l 0 2.43l 0.09 -0.03c 0.06 -0.03 0.63 -0.27 1.29 -0.51l 1.17 -0.48l 0 -2.46zm 10.939999999999998 -3.510000000000005c 0.36 -0.03 1.2 0 1.53 0.06c 1.17 0.24 1.89 0.84 2.16 1.83c 0.06 0.18 0.06 0.3 0.06 0.66c 0 0.45 0 0.63 -0.15 1.08c -0.66 2.04 -3.06 3.93 -5.52 4.38c -0.54 0.09 -1.44 0.09 -1.83 0.03c -1.23 -0.27 -1.98 -0.87 -2.25 -1.86c -0.06 -0.18 -0.06 -0.3 -0.06 -0.66c 0 -0.45 0 -0.63 0.15 -1.08c 0.24 -0.78 0.75 -1.53 1.44 -2.22c 1.2 -1.2 2.85 -2.01 4.47 -2.22zm 3.719999999999999 -23.075000000000003L 140.889 73.832L 140.28900000000002 73.832L 140.28900000000002 47.482z" stroke="none" fill="#000000" class=""></path><rect x="131.079" y="47.482" width="9.81" height="31.171999999999997" fill="#000000" stroke="#000000" fill-opacity="0" stroke-opacity="0"></rect><path d="m 161.079 74.607L 161.079 43.607L 161.679 43.607L 161.679 74.607z" stroke="none" fill="#000000" class=""></path><rect x="161.079" y="43.607" width="1" height="31" fill="#000000" stroke="#000000" fill-opacity="0" 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1.83c 0.06 0.18 0.06 0.3 0.06 0.66c 0 0.45 0 0.63 -0.15 1.08c -0.66 2.04 -3.06 3.93 -5.52 4.38c -0.54 0.09 -1.44 0.09 -1.83 0.03c -1.23 -0.27 -1.98 -0.87 -2.25 -1.86c -0.06 -0.18 -0.06 -0.3 -0.06 -0.66c 0 -0.45 0 -0.63 0.15 -1.08c 0.24 -0.78 0.75 -1.53 1.44 -2.22c 1.2 -1.2 2.85 -2.01 4.47 -2.22zm -6.090000000000003 4.824999999999996L 214.579 120.7430158933357L 215.179 120.7430158933357L 215.179 44.382z" stroke="none" fill="#000000" class=""></path><rect x="214.579" y="39.559999999999995" width="9.81" height="81.18301589333569" fill="#000000" stroke="#000000" fill-opacity="0" stroke-opacity="0"></rect><path d="m 250.669 39.557c 0.36 -0.03 1.2 0 1.53 0.06c 1.17 0.24 1.89 0.84 2.16 1.83c 0.06 0.18 0.06 0.3 0.06 0.66c 0 0.45 0 0.63 -0.15 1.08c -0.66 2.04 -3.06 3.93 -5.52 4.38c -0.54 0.09 -1.44 0.09 -1.83 0.03c -1.23 -0.27 -1.98 -0.87 -2.25 -1.86c -0.06 -0.18 -0.06 -0.3 -0.06 -0.66c 0 -0.45 0 -0.63 0.15 -1.08c 0.24 -0.78 0.75 -1.53 1.44 -2.22c 1.2 -1.2 2.85 -2.01 4.47 -2.22zm 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116.02246821332861L 276.71165625000003 116.02246821332861L 276.71165625000003 90.882z" stroke="none" fill="#000000" class=""></path><rect x="276.11165625" y="22.559999999999995" width="20.72265625" height="93.4624682133286" fill="#000000" stroke="#000000" fill-opacity="0" stroke-opacity="0"></rect><path d="m 312.20165625 39.557c 0.36 -0.03 1.2 0 1.53 0.06c 1.17 0.24 1.89 0.84 2.16 1.83c 0.06 0.18 0.06 0.3 0.06 0.66c 0 0.45 0 0.63 -0.15 1.08c -0.66 2.04 -3.06 3.93 -5.52 4.38c -0.54 0.09 -1.44 0.09 -1.83 0.03c -1.23 -0.27 -1.98 -0.87 -2.25 -1.86c -0.06 -0.18 -0.06 -0.3 -0.06 -0.66c 0 -0.45 0 -0.63 0.15 -1.08c 0.24 -0.78 0.75 -1.53 1.44 -2.22c 1.2 -1.2 2.85 -2.01 4.47 -2.22zm -6.089999999999975 4.824999999999996L 306.11165625 113.7209841066643L 306.71165625000003 113.7209841066643L 306.71165625000003 44.382z" stroke="none" fill="#000000" class=""></path><rect x="306.11165625" y="39.559999999999995" width="9.81" height="74.1609841066643" fill="#000000" stroke="#000000" fill-opacity="0" 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<p>and carry on from there</p><br>
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<p>Typ. chord style for above:</p>
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2.85 2.55 1.95 4.38c -0.45 0.99 -1.41 1.62 -2.46 1.71c -1.47 0.09 -2.91 -0.87 -3.39 -2.25c -0.18 -0.57 -0.21 -1.32 -0.03 -2.28c 0.39 -2.25 1.83 -4.2 3.81 -5.19c 0.69 -0.36 1.59 -0.6 2.37 -0.69zm 11.58 2.52c 0.84 -0.21 1.71 0.3 1.89 1.14c 0.3 1.17 -0.72 2.19 -1.89 1.89c -0.99 -0.21 -1.5 -1.32 -1.02 -2.25c 0.18 -0.39 0.6 -0.69 1.02 -0.78zm 0 7.5c 0.84 -0.21 1.71 0.3 1.89 1.14c 0.21 0.87 -0.3 1.71 -1.14 1.89c -0.87 0.21 -1.71 -0.3 -1.89 -1.14c -0.21 -0.84 0.3 -1.71 1.14 -1.89z" stroke="none" fill="#000000" class=""></path><rect x="15" y="34.357" width="25.153" height="31" fill="#000000" stroke="#000000" fill-opacity="0" stroke-opacity="0"></rect><path d="m 49.793 43.537c 0.33 -0.06 0.87 0 1.08 0.15c 0.06 0.03 0.06 0.36 -0.03 5.25c -0.06 2.85 -0.09 5.19 -0.09 5.19c 0 0.03 0.12 -0.03 0.24 -0.12c 0.63 -0.42 1.41 -0.66 2.19 -0.72c 0.81 -0.03 1.47 0.21 2.04 0.78c 0.57 0.54 0.87 1.26 0.93 2.04c 0.03 0.57 -0.09 1.08 -0.36 1.62c -0.42 0.81 -1.02 1.38 -2.82 2.61c -1.14 0.78 -1.44 1.02 -1.8 1.44c -0.18 0.18 -0.39 0.39 -0.45 0.42c -0.27 0.18 -0.57 0.15 -0.81 -0.06c -0.06 -0.09 -0.12 -0.18 -0.15 -0.27c -0.03 -0.06 -0.09 -3.27 -0.18 -8.34c -0.09 -4.53 -0.15 -8.58 -0.18 -9.03l 0 -0.78l 0.12 -0.06c 0.06 -0.03 0.18 -0.09 0.27 -0.12zm 3.18 11.01c -0.21 -0.12 -0.54 -0.15 -0.81 -0.06c -0.54 0.15 -0.99 0.63 -1.17 1.26c -0.06 0.3 -0.12 2.88 -0.06 3.87c 0.03 0.42 0.03 0.81 0.06 0.9l 0.03 0.12l 0.45 -0.39c 0.63 -0.54 1.26 -1.17 1.56 -1.59c 0.3 -0.42 0.6 -0.99 0.72 -1.41c 0.18 -0.69 0.09 -1.47 -0.18 -2.07c -0.15 -0.3 -0.33 -0.51 -0.6 -0.63zm 5.57 -22.634999999999998c 0.33 -0.06 0.87 0 1.08 0.15c 0.06 0.03 0.06 0.36 -0.03 5.25c -0.06 2.85 -0.09 5.19 -0.09 5.19c 0 0.03 0.12 -0.03 0.24 -0.12c 0.63 -0.42 1.41 -0.66 2.19 -0.72c 0.81 -0.03 1.47 0.21 2.04 0.78c 0.57 0.54 0.87 1.26 0.93 2.04c 0.03 0.57 -0.09 1.08 -0.36 1.62c -0.42 0.81 -1.02 1.38 -2.82 2.61c -1.14 0.78 -1.44 1.02 -1.8 1.44c -0.18 0.18 -0.39 0.39 -0.45 0.42c -0.27 0.18 -0.57 0.15 -0.81 -0.06c -0.06 -0.09 -0.12 -0.18 -0.15 -0.27c 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-0.03 0.18 -0.09 0.27 -0.12zm 3.18 11.01c -0.21 -0.12 -0.54 -0.15 -0.81 -0.06c -0.54 0.15 -0.99 0.63 -1.17 1.26c -0.06 0.3 -0.12 2.88 -0.06 3.87c 0.03 0.42 0.03 0.81 0.06 0.9l 0.03 0.12l 0.45 -0.39c 0.63 -0.54 1.26 -1.17 1.56 -1.59c 0.3 -0.42 0.6 -0.99 0.72 -1.41c 0.18 -0.69 0.09 -1.47 -0.18 -2.07c -0.15 -0.3 -0.33 -0.51 -0.6 -0.63z" stroke="none" fill="#000000" class=""></path><rect x="50.153" y="36.5815" width="24.25" height="34.300999999999995" fill="#000000" stroke="#000000" fill-opacity="0" stroke-opacity="0"></rect><path d="m 89.383 34.887c 0.36 -0.03 1.2 0 1.59 0.06c 0.9 0.15 1.68 0.51 2.25 1.05c 0.57 0.51 0.87 1.23 0.84 1.98c -0.03 0.51 -0.21 0.9 -0.6 1.26c -0.24 0.24 -0.45 0.39 -0.75 0.51c -0.21 0.06 -0.27 0.06 -0.6 0.06c -0.33 0 -0.39 0 -0.6 -0.06c -0.3 -0.12 -0.51 -0.27 -0.75 -0.51c -0.39 -0.36 -0.57 -0.78 -0.57 -1.26c 0 -0.27 0 -0.3 0.09 -0.42c 0.03 -0.09 0.18 -0.21 0.3 -0.3c 0.12 -0.09 0.3 -0.21 0.39 -0.27c 0.09 -0.06 0.21 -0.18 0.27 -0.24c 0.06 -0.12 0.09 -0.15 0.09 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3.75c -0.03 0.75 -0.24 1.35 -0.63 1.95c -0.45 0.66 -1.02 1.14 -1.83 1.53c -1.8 0.87 -4.2 0.87 -6 0.03c -1.62 -0.78 -2.52 -2.16 -2.46 -3.66c 0.06 -0.99 0.54 -1.77 1.8 -2.97c 0.54 -0.51 0.54 -0.54 0.48 -0.57c -0.39 -0.27 -0.96 -0.78 -1.2 -1.14c -0.75 -1.11 -0.87 -2.4 -0.3 -3.6c 0.69 -1.35 2.25 -2.25 4.2 -2.4zm 1.53 0.69c -0.42 -0.09 -1.11 -0.12 -1.38 -0.06c -0.3 0.06 -0.6 0.18 -0.81 0.3c -0.21 0.12 -0.6 0.51 -0.72 0.72c -0.51 0.87 -0.42 1.89 0.21 2.52c 0.21 0.21 0.36 0.3 1.95 1.23c 0.96 0.54 1.74 0.99 1.77 1.02c 0.09 0 0.63 -0.6 0.99 -1.11c 0.21 -0.36 0.48 -0.87 0.57 -1.23c 0.06 -0.24 0.06 -0.36 0.06 -0.72c 0 -0.45 -0.03 -0.66 -0.15 -0.99c -0.39 -0.81 -1.29 -1.44 -2.49 -1.68zm -1.44 8.07l -1.89 -1.08c -0.03 0 -0.18 0.15 -0.39 0.33c -1.2 1.08 -1.65 1.95 -1.59 3c 0.09 1.59 1.35 2.85 3.21 3.24c 0.33 0.06 0.45 0.06 0.93 0.06c 0.63 0 0.81 -0.03 1.29 -0.27c 0.9 -0.42 1.47 -1.41 1.41 -2.4c -0.06 -0.66 -0.39 -1.29 -0.9 -1.65c -0.12 -0.09 -1.05 -0.63 -2.07 -1.23z" stroke="none" fill="#000000" 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