Ping Pong scoreboard managing app
- mrowles
- jkelleher
- kchew
- elliot-smith
- bho10
- nbalsaras
- brew
- mongo
- node 4.4.5
- heroku toolkit
Install Mongo:
brew install mongodb
Set environment variable (.zshrc, .bash_profile etc.):
export MONGODB_URI="mongodb://localhost/lop-dev"
if you see the this error
Failed to connect to, reason: errno:61 Connection refused
brew services start mongodb
use lop-dev
db.createUser({user: '<username>', pwd: '<password>', roles: ["readWrite"]});
db.players.insert({"firstname":"vrum", "lastname":"vrum", "email":"[email protected]"});
npm install
This will start the application on http://localhost:8765/
npm start
This will start the application on http://localhost:5000/
heroku local web
npm run [command]
i.e., npm run css-build
To see a list of all tasks:
npm run
npm run tslint
npm run eslint