These packages are deprecated and are loosely maintained. We suggest using the following tools instead: Biome (replaces ESLint + Prettier), Vitest (replaces Jest), and esbuild (replaces Babel).
This repository is a collection of moon owned and maintained developer tools and shared configurations/presets for common JavaScript tooling -- primarily tools used by moonrepo and its authors.
This repo houses the official moon VS Code extension, moonrepo.moon-console! It is currently under heavy development, but is in a usable condition.
The following packages are not tied to moon directly, and can be used stand-alone within their respective JavaScript tools.
They aim to provide a strict, modern, developer accessible, convention over configuration approach to JavaScript, TypeScript (first), and React/Solid projects! All of these configs have been designed for local and developer tooling based development!
- babel-preset-moon - Babel preset that utilizes
, andreact
presets. - eslint-config-moon - ESLint config that extends
, and a handful of other plugins. - jest-preset-moon - Jest preset that utilizes the circus runner, and provides code coverage.
- prettier-config-moon - Prettier config that aligns with accessibility and community standards.
- tsconfig-moon - TypeScript configs for normal, react, and reference based projects.
And last but not least, the @moonrepo/dev package that provides helpers, constans, and more. This should rarely be used directly!
For the VS Code extension, yes!
For the configs, they're basically personal preference and won't change drastically. You're welcome to use them as-is, but major changes are unlikely to land. Feel free to create an issue otherwise, so that we can discuss any intended change.
The JavaScript ecosystem heavily prefers spaces over tabs. However, tabs are more accessible as they allow developers with vision impairments to control their indentation and improve its readability. Preferring accessibility compliance over a stylistic choice is always the better option.
To start, this repo utilizes conventional commits for versioning and publishing. We achieve this by requiring a specific prefix in pull request titles. With that being said, the versioning strategy is as follows:
- Patch
- Dependency upgrades.
- Bug fixes.
- Minor
- Enabling or disabling settings or lint rules.
- Adding new dependencies (like babel plugins).
- Adding new features.
- Major
- Node.js minimum requirements / upgrades.
- Major version upgrades for tools (e.g., eslint 7 -> 8).