MonstarLab Flutter Template w/Riverpod 2.x
Based loosely around the prior MonstarLab Flutter Template which uses BLOC instead of Riverpod. The main theme is Anime News. The API used is Jikan API (4.0.0) which is an unofficial API for the well known MyAnimeList website. No API key is required as of creation, making it ideal for a demo/template.
- Flutter Riverpod Architecture
- Presentation, Application, Domain and Data Layers.
- Freezed Code Generation
- Riverpod Provider Generation
- Retrofit API calls,
function Generation.
For help getting started with Flutter development, view the online documentation, which offers tutorials, samples, guidance on mobile development, and a full API reference.
- run below command
flutter pub get
flutter packages pub run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs
Launch Configurations are included in the .run
- Follow .vscode/launch.json
- flutter run --flavor Development -t lib/main/main_development.dart
- Select Development schema from top center and run in development mode(Debug)
- Should select Production for archive release mode ipa file
flutter test
Location : test/data/use_case/anime/get_top_anime_test.dart
Repository is mocked with Mockito
to simulate a blank (null) response from the API. Test verifies
that the factory will handle this case gracefully, and correctly produce a blank list of
ui TopAnimeItemModel
Repository is mocked with Mockito
to simulate a response from the API containing 2 Top Anime
items. Test verifies that the factory will produce a list containing 2 ui TopAnimeItemModel
objects with the correct data.
Location : test/presentation/feature/news/top_anime_page_test.dart
Repository is mocked with Mockito
to simulate a response from the API containing 2 Top Anime
items. Test verifies that the UI displays 2 TopAnimeItemWidget
which contain the contents of the
API data.
- ref
- define localization string file in app_en.arb, app_ja.arb it will be automatically generated to use.
- use example - AppLocalizations.of(context)!.home_tab_profile