diff --git a/connect.yaml b/connect.yaml
index 42bed82..3e275aa 100644
--- a/connect.yaml
+++ b/connect.yaml
@@ -23,6 +23,9 @@ deployAs:
           description: Debug mode (0 or 1)
           required: false
           default: "0"
+          description: Payment method Bank Transfer due date (1d -> 100d)
+          default: "14d"
         - key: MOLLIE_API_TEST_KEY
           description: Mollie PSP test API key
diff --git a/processor/.env.jest b/processor/.env.jest
index 610d232..e4013e3 100644
--- a/processor/.env.jest
+++ b/processor/.env.jest
@@ -12,5 +12,6 @@ MOLLIE_CARD_COMPONENT=0
 CONNECTOR_MODE=test ## Either test or live
diff --git a/processor/src/types/index.types.ts b/processor/src/types/index.types.ts
index 0ef36da..49c0ce2 100644
--- a/processor/src/types/index.types.ts
+++ b/processor/src/types/index.types.ts
@@ -29,5 +29,6 @@ export type ConnectorEnvVars = {
     profileId: string;
     debug: string;
     cardComponent: string;
+    bankTransferDueDate: string;
diff --git a/processor/src/utils/config.utils.ts b/processor/src/utils/config.utils.ts
index 871029e..828230e 100644
--- a/processor/src/utils/config.utils.ts
+++ b/processor/src/utils/config.utils.ts
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ export const readConfiguration = () => {
       debug: process.env.DEBUG as string,
       profileId: process.env.MOLLIE_PROFILE_ID as string,
       cardComponent: process.env.MOLLIE_CARD_COMPONENT as string,
+      bankTransferDueDate: process.env.MOLLIE_BANK_TRANSFER_DUE_DATE as string,
diff --git a/processor/src/utils/constant.utils.ts b/processor/src/utils/constant.utils.ts
index f74dcae..82cfab4 100644
--- a/processor/src/utils/constant.utils.ts
+++ b/processor/src/utils/constant.utils.ts
@@ -44,3 +44,7 @@ export const ErrorMessages = {
 export const PAY_LATER_ENUMS = [PaymentMethod.klarnapaylater, PaymentMethod.klarnasliceit];
 export const CancelStatusText = 'Cancelled from shop side';
+export const DUE_DATE_PATTERN = /^(\d+)d$/;
+export const DEFAULT_DUE_DATE = 14;
diff --git a/processor/src/utils/map.utils.ts b/processor/src/utils/map.utils.ts
index 17e2bc9..705968a 100644
--- a/processor/src/utils/map.utils.ts
+++ b/processor/src/utils/map.utils.ts
@@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
 import { CustomFields } from './constant.utils';
 import { logger } from './logger.utils';
-import { makeMollieAmount } from './mollie.utils';
+import { calculateDueDate, makeMollieAmount } from './mollie.utils';
 import { CustomPaymentMethod, ParsedMethodsRequestType } from '../types/mollie.types';
 import { Payment } from '@commercetools/platform-sdk';
 import CustomError from '../errors/custom.error';
 import { MethodsListParams, PaymentCreateParams, PaymentMethod } from '@mollie/api-client';
 import { parseStringToJsonObject, removeEmptyProperties } from './app.utils';
+import { readConfiguration } from './config.utils';
 const extractMethodsRequest = (ctPayment: Payment): ParsedMethodsRequestType | undefined => {
   return ctPayment?.custom?.fields?.[CustomFields.payment.request];
@@ -71,8 +72,7 @@ const getSpecificPaymentParams = (method: PaymentMethod | CustomPaymentMethod, p
       return { applePayPaymentToken: paymentRequest.applePayPaymentToken ?? '' };
     case PaymentMethod.banktransfer:
       return {
-        dueDate: paymentRequest.dueDate ?? '',
-        billingEmail: paymentRequest.billingEmail ?? '',
+        dueDate: calculateDueDate(readConfiguration().mollie.bankTransferDueDate),
     case PaymentMethod.przelewy24:
       return { billingEmail: paymentRequest.billingEmail ?? '' };
diff --git a/processor/src/utils/mollie.utils.ts b/processor/src/utils/mollie.utils.ts
index 4d15849..31d7d3b 100644
--- a/processor/src/utils/mollie.utils.ts
+++ b/processor/src/utils/mollie.utils.ts
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@ import { CentPrecisionMoney } from '@commercetools/platform-sdk';
 import { Amount } from '@mollie/api-client/dist/types/src/data/global';
 import { CTMoney, CTTransactionState } from '../types/commercetools.types';
 import { PaymentStatus, RefundStatus } from '@mollie/api-client';
+import { DEFAULT_DUE_DATE, DUE_DATE_PATTERN } from './constant.utils';
+import { logger } from './logger.utils';
+import CustomError from '../errors/custom.error';
 const convertCTToMollieAmountValue = (ctValue: number, fractionDigits = 2): string => {
   const divider = Math.pow(10, fractionDigits);
@@ -94,3 +97,27 @@ export const shouldRefundStatusUpdate = (
   return shouldUpdate;
+export const calculateDueDate = (input?: string): string => {
+  if (!input) {
+    input = DEFAULT_DUE_DATE + 'd';
+  }
+  const match = input.match(DUE_DATE_PATTERN);
+  if (match) {
+    const days = parseInt(match[1]);
+    if (!isNaN(days)) {
+      const today = new Date();
+      const futureDate = new Date(today.getTime() + days * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
+      return futureDate.toISOString().split('T')[0] as string;
+    }
+  }
+  const errorMessage = `SCTM - calculateDueDate - Failed to calculate the due date, input: ${input}`;
+  logger.error(errorMessage);
+  throw new CustomError(400, errorMessage);
diff --git a/processor/src/validators/env.validators.ts b/processor/src/validators/env.validators.ts
index 09967ae..3d4e434 100644
--- a/processor/src/validators/env.validators.ts
+++ b/processor/src/validators/env.validators.ts
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-import { optional, standardKey, standardString, region } from './helpers.validators';
+import { optional, standardKey, standardString, region, standardDueDate } from './helpers.validators';
  * Create here your own validators
@@ -102,6 +102,12 @@ const envValidators = [
       max: 4,
+  standardDueDate(['mollie', 'bankTransferDueDate'], {
+    code: 'InvalidBankTransferDueDate',
+    message:
+      'Bank transfer due date must be from 1d to 100d, the number must be an integer. If it was not set, the default will be 14d',
+    referencedBy: 'environmentVariables',
+  }),
 export default envValidators;
diff --git a/processor/src/validators/helpers.validators.ts b/processor/src/validators/helpers.validators.ts
index 528f2c0..efb25f8 100644
--- a/processor/src/validators/helpers.validators.ts
+++ b/processor/src/validators/helpers.validators.ts
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
 import validator from 'validator';
 import { ValidatorCreator, Wrapper } from '../types/index.types';
+import { DUE_DATE_PATTERN } from '../utils/constant.utils';
  * File used to create helpers to validate the fields
@@ -20,6 +21,30 @@ export const standardString: ValidatorCreator = (path, message, overrideConfig =
 export const standardEmail: ValidatorCreator = (path, message) => [path, [[required(validator.isEmail), message]]];
+export const standardDueDate = (path, message) => [
+  path,
+  [
+    [
+      required((value) => {
+        if (!value) {
+          return true;
+        }
+        const match = value.match(DUE_DATE_PATTERN);
+        if (match) {
+          const days = parseInt(match[1]);
+          return days >= 1 && days <= 100;
+        }
+        return false;
+      }),
+      message,
+    ],
+  ],
 export const standardNaturalNumber = (path, message) => [
   [[required((value) => validator.isNumeric(String(value), { no_symbols: true })), message]],
diff --git a/processor/src/validators/payment.validators.ts b/processor/src/validators/payment.validators.ts
index 0ace696..f4ab81d 100644
--- a/processor/src/validators/payment.validators.ts
+++ b/processor/src/validators/payment.validators.ts
@@ -264,6 +264,32 @@ export const checkPaymentMethodSpecificParameters = (ctPayment: CTPayment, metho
+    case MolliePaymentMethods.banktransfer: {
+      if (!paymentCustomFields?.billingAddress || !paymentCustomFields?.billingAddress?.email) {
+        logger.error(
+          `SCTM - PAYMENT PROCESSING - email is required for payment method banktransfer. Please make sure you have sent it in billingAddress.email of the custom field`,
+          {
+            commerceToolsPayment: ctPayment,
+          },
+        );
+        throw new CustomError(
+          400,
+          'SCTM - PAYMENT PROCESSING - email is required for payment method banktransfer. Please make sure you have sent it in billingAddress.email of the custom field',
+        );
+      }
+      if (!validateEmail(paymentCustomFields.billingAddress.email)) {
+        logger.error(`SCTM - PAYMENT PROCESSING - email must be a valid email address`, {
+          commerceToolsPayment: ctPayment,
+        });
+        throw new CustomError(400, 'SCTM - PAYMENT PROCESSING - email must be a valid email address');
+      }
+      break;
+    }
     case CustomPaymentMethod.blik:
       if (ctPayment.amountPlanned.currencyCode.toLowerCase() !== 'pln') {
         logger.error(`SCTM - PAYMENT PROCESSING - Currency Code must be PLN for payment method BLIK`, {
diff --git a/processor/tests/utils/config.utils.spec.ts b/processor/tests/utils/config.utils.spec.ts
index 9a71f63..4350e26 100644
--- a/processor/tests/utils/config.utils.spec.ts
+++ b/processor/tests/utils/config.utils.spec.ts
@@ -2,6 +2,8 @@ import { readConfiguration } from '../../src/utils/config.utils';
 import CustomError from '../../src/errors/custom.error';
 import { describe, expect, test } from '@jest/globals';
+const env = process.env;
 describe('Test src/utils/config.utils.ts', () => {
   test('should return the correct configuration when all env vars are valid', () => {
     const config = readConfiguration();
@@ -20,6 +22,7 @@ describe('Test src/utils/config.utils.ts', () => {
         debug: process.env.DEBUG,
         profileId: process.env.MOLLIE_PROFILE_ID,
         cardComponent: process.env.MOLLIE_CARD_COMPONENT,
+        bankTransferDueDate: process.env.MOLLIE_BANK_TRANSFER_DUE_DATE,
@@ -73,4 +76,9 @@ describe('Test src/utils/config.utils.ts', () => {
     delete process.env.CONNECTOR_MODE;
     expect(() => readConfiguration()).toThrow(CustomError);
+  test('should throw an error when MOLLIE_BANK_TRANSFER_DUE_DATE is invalid', () => {
+    process.env.MOLLIE_BANK_TRANSFER_DUE_DATE = 'dummy';
+    expect(() => readConfiguration()).toThrow(CustomError);
+  });
diff --git a/processor/tests/utils/constant.utils.spec.ts b/processor/tests/utils/constant.utils.spec.ts
index 77654d0..e5bfac0 100644
--- a/processor/tests/utils/constant.utils.spec.ts
+++ b/processor/tests/utils/constant.utils.spec.ts
@@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ import {
 } from '../../src/utils/constant.utils';
 import { version } from '../../package.json';
@@ -67,4 +69,13 @@ describe('Test constant.utils.ts', () => {
+  test('should return correct {DUE_DATE_PATTERN} pattern', () => {
+    expect(DUE_DATE_PATTERN).toBeDefined();
+  });
+  test('should return correct {DEFAULT_DUE_DATE} pattern', () => {
+    expect(DEFAULT_DUE_DATE).toBeDefined();
+    expect(DEFAULT_DUE_DATE).toBe(14);
+  });
diff --git a/processor/tests/utils/map.utils.spec.ts b/processor/tests/utils/map.utils.spec.ts
index e8d1ed1..a22a056 100644
--- a/processor/tests/utils/map.utils.spec.ts
+++ b/processor/tests/utils/map.utils.spec.ts
@@ -1,13 +1,20 @@
-import { describe, test, expect, it } from '@jest/globals';
+import { describe, test, expect, it, jest } from '@jest/globals';
 import {
 } from '../../src/utils/map.utils';
 import { Payment } from '@commercetools/platform-sdk';
 import { MethodsListParams, PaymentCreateParams, PaymentMethod } from '@mollie/api-client';
-import { makeMollieAmount } from '../../src/utils/mollie.utils';
+import { calculateDueDate, makeMollieAmount } from '../../src/utils/mollie.utils';
 import { CustomPaymentMethod } from '../../src/types/mollie.types';
+jest.mock('../../src/utils/mollie.utils.ts', () => ({
+  // @ts-expect-error ignore type error
+  ...jest.requireActual('../../src/utils/mollie.utils.ts'),
+  // __esModule: true,
+  calculateDueDate: jest.fn(),
 describe('Test map.utils.ts', () => {
   let mockCtPayment: Payment;
   let mockMolObject: MethodsListParams;
@@ -267,8 +274,9 @@ describe('createMollieCreatePaymentParams', () => {
       locale: 'en_GB',
       redirectUrl: 'https://example.com/success',
       webhookUrl: 'https://example.com/webhook',
-      dueDate: '2024-01-01',
-      billingEmail: 'test@mollie.com',
+      billingAddress: {
+        email: 'test@mollie.com',
+      },
     const CTPayment: Payment = {
@@ -300,7 +308,11 @@ describe('createMollieCreatePaymentParams', () => {
     const extensionUrl = 'https://example.com/webhook';
+    const dueDate = '2024-01-01';
+    (calculateDueDate as jest.Mock).mockReturnValueOnce(dueDate);
     const mollieCreatePaymentParams: PaymentCreateParams = createMollieCreatePaymentParams(CTPayment, extensionUrl);
       method: PaymentMethod.banktransfer,
       amount: {
@@ -311,8 +323,8 @@ describe('createMollieCreatePaymentParams', () => {
       redirectUrl: customFieldObject.redirectUrl,
       webhookUrl: extensionUrl,
       description: customFieldObject.description,
-      dueDate: customFieldObject.dueDate,
-      billingEmail: customFieldObject.billingEmail,
+      billingAddress: customFieldObject.billingAddress,
+      dueDate,
diff --git a/processor/tests/utils/mollie.utils.spec.ts b/processor/tests/utils/mollie.utils.spec.ts
index f53791d..7863481 100644
--- a/processor/tests/utils/mollie.utils.spec.ts
+++ b/processor/tests/utils/mollie.utils.spec.ts
@@ -7,9 +7,12 @@ import {
+  calculateDueDate,
 } from '../../src/utils/mollie.utils';
 import { Amount } from '@mollie/api-client/dist/types/src/data/global';
-import { expect, describe, it } from '@jest/globals';
+import { expect, describe, it, test, jest } from '@jest/globals';
+import { logger } from '../../src/utils/logger.utils';
+import CustomError from '../../src/errors/custom.error';
 describe('Test mollie.utils.ts', () => {
   describe('convertCTToMollieAmountValue', () => {
@@ -179,4 +182,29 @@ describe('Test mollie.utils.ts', () => {
       expect(shouldRefundStatusUpdate('unknown' as RefundStatus, CTTransactionState.Pending)).toBe(false);
+  describe('Test calculateDueDate', () => {
+    test('return the date which is 14 days later in format YYYY-MM-DD when the input is not defined', () => {
+      jest.useFakeTimers().setSystemTime(new Date('2024-01-01'));
+      expect(calculateDueDate()).toEqual('2024-01-15');
+    });
+    test('return the date which is to day + input day in format YYYY-MM-DD when the input is defined', () => {
+      jest.useFakeTimers().setSystemTime(new Date('2024-01-01'));
+      expect(calculateDueDate('5d')).toEqual('2024-01-06');
+    });
+    test('should throw error if no matches', () => {
+      try {
+        calculateDueDate('5');
+      } catch (error: unknown) {
+        expect(logger.error).toBeCalledTimes(1);
+        expect(logger.error).toBeCalledWith('SCTM - calculateDueDate - Failed to calculate the due date, input: 5');
+        expect(error).toBeInstanceOf(CustomError);
+      }
+    });
+  });
diff --git a/processor/tests/validators/helpers.validators.spec.ts b/processor/tests/validators/helpers.validators.spec.ts
index aa624c2..8ee84bf 100644
--- a/processor/tests/validators/helpers.validators.spec.ts
+++ b/processor/tests/validators/helpers.validators.spec.ts
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-import { describe, test, expect, jest } from '@jest/globals';
 import {
+  standardDueDate,
@@ -9,8 +9,9 @@ import {
-} from '../../src/validators/helpers.validators';
-import { Message } from '../../src/types/index.types';
+} from './../../src/validators/helpers.validators';
+import { describe, test, expect, jest, it } from '@jest/globals';
+import { ConnectorEnvVars, Message } from '../../src/types/index.types';
 import envValidators from '../../src/validators/env.validators';
 const mockObject = {
@@ -67,6 +68,15 @@ const mockObject = {
       referencedBy: 'environmentVariables',
     } as Message,
+  standardDueDate: {
+    path: ['./demo/path/dueDate'] as string[],
+    message: {
+      code: 'InvalidBankTransferDueDate',
+      message:
+        'Bank transfer due date must be from 1d to 100d, the number must be an integer. If it was not set, the default will be 14d',
+      referencedBy: 'environmentVariables',
+    } as Message,
+  },
 const mockResponse = {
@@ -98,6 +108,20 @@ const mockResponse = {
+  standardDueDate: [
+    ['./demo/path/dueDate'],
+    [
+      [
+        [jest.fn()],
+        {
+          code: 'InvalidBankTransferDueDate',
+          message:
+            'Bank transfer due date must be from 1d to 100d, the number must be an integer. If it was not set, the default will be 14d',
+          referencedBy: 'environmentVariables',
+        },
+      ],
+    ],
+  ],
   standardNaturalNumber: [
@@ -239,6 +263,7 @@ describe('Test helpers.validators.ts', () => {
         debug: (process.env.DEBUG ?? '0') as string,
         profileId: process.env.MOLLIE_PROFILE_ID as string,
         cardComponent: (process.env.MOLLIE_CARD_COMPONENT ?? '0') as string,
+        bankTransferDueDate: process.env.MOLLIE_BANK_TRANSFER_DUE_DATE,
     const error = getValidateMessages(envValidators, vars);
@@ -262,6 +287,7 @@ describe('Test helpers.validators.ts', () => {
         debug: (process.env.DEBUG ?? '0') as string,
         profileId: process.env.MOLLIE_PROFILE_ID as string,
         cardComponent: (process.env.MOLLIE_CARD_COMPONENT ?? '0') as string,
+        bankTransferDueDate: process.env.MOLLIE_BANK_TRANSFER_DUE_DATE,
     const error = getValidateMessages(envValidators, vars);
@@ -299,4 +325,109 @@ describe('Test helpers.validators.ts', () => {
+  test('call standardDuedate', async () => {
+    const response = standardDueDate(mockObject.standardDueDate.path, mockObject.standardDueDate.message);
+    expect(response).toBeDefined();
+    expect(response[0]).toStrictEqual(mockResponse.standardDueDate[0]);
+    expect(response[1][0][1]).toStrictEqual(mockResponse.standardDueDate[1][0][1]);
+  });
+describe('test getValidateMessages', () => {
+  it('should able to return suitable error message when MOLLIE_BANK_TRANSFER_DUE_DATE is invalid', () => {
+    const envVars: ConnectorEnvVars = {
+      commerceTools: {
+        clientId: process.env.CTP_CLIENT_ID as string,
+        clientSecret: process.env.CTP_CLIENT_SECRET as string,
+        projectKey: process.env.CTP_PROJECT_KEY as string,
+        scope: process.env.CTP_SCOPE as string,
+        region: process.env.CTP_REGION as string,
+      },
+      mollie: {
+        testApiKey: process.env.MOLLIE_API_TEST_KEY as string,
+        liveApiKey: process.env.MOLLIE_API_LIVE_KEY as string,
+        mode: process.env.CONNECTOR_MODE as string,
+        debug: process.env.DEBUG as string,
+        profileId: process.env.MOLLIE_PROFILE_ID as string,
+        cardComponent: process.env.MOLLIE_CARD_COMPONENT as string,
+        bankTransferDueDate: 'dummy',
+      },
+    };
+    const result = getValidateMessages(envValidators, envVars);
+    expect(result).toEqual([
+      {
+        code: 'InvalidBankTransferDueDate',
+        message:
+          'Bank transfer due date must be from 1d to 100d, the number must be an integer. If it was not set, the default will be 14d',
+        referencedBy: 'environmentVariables',
+      },
+    ]);
+  });
+  it('should able to return suitable error message when MOLLIE_BANK_TRANSFER_DUE_DATE is invalid', () => {
+    const envVars: ConnectorEnvVars = {
+      commerceTools: {
+        clientId: process.env.CTP_CLIENT_ID as string,
+        clientSecret: process.env.CTP_CLIENT_SECRET as string,
+        projectKey: process.env.CTP_PROJECT_KEY as string,
+        scope: process.env.CTP_SCOPE as string,
+        region: process.env.CTP_REGION as string,
+      },
+      mollie: {
+        testApiKey: process.env.MOLLIE_API_TEST_KEY as string,
+        liveApiKey: process.env.MOLLIE_API_LIVE_KEY as string,
+        mode: process.env.CONNECTOR_MODE as string,
+        debug: process.env.DEBUG as string,
+        profileId: process.env.MOLLIE_PROFILE_ID as string,
+        cardComponent: process.env.MOLLIE_CARD_COMPONENT as string,
+        bankTransferDueDate: 'dummy',
+      },
+    };
+    const result = getValidateMessages(envValidators, envVars);
+    expect(result).toEqual([
+      {
+        code: 'InvalidBankTransferDueDate',
+        message:
+          'Bank transfer due date must be from 1d to 100d, the number must be an integer. If it was not set, the default will be 14d',
+        referencedBy: 'environmentVariables',
+      },
+    ]);
+  });
+  it('should able to return suitable error message when MOLLIE_BANK_TRANSFER_DUE_DATE is more than 100 days', () => {
+    const envVars: ConnectorEnvVars = {
+      commerceTools: {
+        clientId: process.env.CTP_CLIENT_ID as string,
+        clientSecret: process.env.CTP_CLIENT_SECRET as string,
+        projectKey: process.env.CTP_PROJECT_KEY as string,
+        scope: process.env.CTP_SCOPE as string,
+        region: process.env.CTP_REGION as string,
+      },
+      mollie: {
+        testApiKey: process.env.MOLLIE_API_TEST_KEY as string,
+        liveApiKey: process.env.MOLLIE_API_LIVE_KEY as string,
+        mode: process.env.CONNECTOR_MODE as string,
+        debug: process.env.DEBUG as string,
+        profileId: process.env.MOLLIE_PROFILE_ID as string,
+        cardComponent: process.env.MOLLIE_CARD_COMPONENT as string,
+        bankTransferDueDate: '101d',
+      },
+    };
+    const result = getValidateMessages(envValidators, envVars);
+    expect(result).toEqual([
+      {
+        code: 'InvalidBankTransferDueDate',
+        message:
+          'Bank transfer due date must be from 1d to 100d, the number must be an integer. If it was not set, the default will be 14d',
+        referencedBy: 'environmentVariables',
+      },
+    ]);
+  });
diff --git a/processor/tests/validators/payment.validators.spec.ts b/processor/tests/validators/payment.validators.spec.ts
index 7f72c62..b36918d 100644
--- a/processor/tests/validators/payment.validators.spec.ts
+++ b/processor/tests/validators/payment.validators.spec.ts
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ jest.mock('@mollie/api-client', () => ({
     dummy: 'dummy',
     creditcard: 'creditcard',
     giftcard: 'giftcard',
+    banktransfer: 'banktransfer',
@@ -445,6 +446,201 @@ describe('checkPaymentMethodSpecificParameters', () => {
+  it('should throw an error if the payment method is banktransfer and the billingAddress is not specified', () => {
+    const paymentRequest = {
+      description: 'Test',
+    };
+    const CTPayment: Payment = {
+      id: '5c8b0375-305a-4f19-ae8e-07806b101999',
+      version: 1,
+      createdAt: '2024-07-04T14:07:35.625Z',
+      lastModifiedAt: '2024-07-04T14:07:35.625Z',
+      amountPlanned: {
+        type: 'centPrecision',
+        currencyCode: 'EUR',
+        centAmount: 1000,
+        fractionDigits: 2,
+      },
+      paymentStatus: {},
+      transactions: [],
+      interfaceInteractions: [],
+      paymentMethodInfo: {
+        method: 'banktransfer',
+      },
+      custom: {
+        type: {
+          typeId: 'type',
+          id: 'sctm-payment-custom-fields',
+        },
+        fields: {
+          sctm_create_payment_request: JSON.stringify(paymentRequest),
+        },
+      },
+    };
+    try {
+      checkPaymentMethodSpecificParameters(CTPayment, CTPayment.paymentMethodInfo.method as string);
+    } catch (error: unknown) {
+      expect(error).toBeInstanceOf(CustomError);
+      expect((error as CustomError).message).toBe(
+        'SCTM - PAYMENT PROCESSING - email is required for payment method banktransfer. Please make sure you have sent it in billingAddress.email of the custom field',
+      );
+      expect(logger.error).toBeCalledTimes(1);
+      expect(logger.error).toBeCalledWith(
+        `SCTM - PAYMENT PROCESSING - email is required for payment method banktransfer. Please make sure you have sent it in billingAddress.email of the custom field`,
+        {
+          commerceToolsPayment: CTPayment,
+        },
+      );
+    }
+  });
+  it('should throw an error if the payment method is banktransfer and the billingAddress is specified but does not provide email', () => {
+    const paymentRequest = {
+      description: 'Test',
+      billingAddress: {
+        title: 'Billing address title',
+      },
+    };
+    const CTPayment: Payment = {
+      id: '5c8b0375-305a-4f19-ae8e-07806b101999',
+      version: 1,
+      createdAt: '2024-07-04T14:07:35.625Z',
+      lastModifiedAt: '2024-07-04T14:07:35.625Z',
+      amountPlanned: {
+        type: 'centPrecision',
+        currencyCode: 'EUR',
+        centAmount: 1000,
+        fractionDigits: 2,
+      },
+      paymentStatus: {},
+      transactions: [],
+      interfaceInteractions: [],
+      paymentMethodInfo: {
+        method: 'banktransfer',
+      },
+      custom: {
+        type: {
+          typeId: 'type',
+          id: 'sctm-payment-custom-fields',
+        },
+        fields: {
+          sctm_create_payment_request: JSON.stringify(paymentRequest),
+        },
+      },
+    };
+    try {
+      checkPaymentMethodSpecificParameters(CTPayment, CTPayment.paymentMethodInfo.method as string);
+    } catch (error: unknown) {
+      expect(error).toBeInstanceOf(CustomError);
+      expect((error as CustomError).message).toBe(
+        'SCTM - PAYMENT PROCESSING - email is required for payment method banktransfer. Please make sure you have sent it in billingAddress.email of the custom field',
+      );
+      expect(logger.error).toBeCalledTimes(1);
+      expect(logger.error).toBeCalledWith(
+        `SCTM - PAYMENT PROCESSING - email is required for payment method banktransfer. Please make sure you have sent it in billingAddress.email of the custom field`,
+        {
+          commerceToolsPayment: CTPayment,
+        },
+      );
+    }
+  });
+  it('should throw an error if the payment method is banktransfer and the email is not valid', () => {
+    const paymentRequest = {
+      description: 'Test',
+      billingAddress: {
+        title: 'Billing address title',
+        email: 'dummy string',
+      },
+    };
+    const CTPayment: Payment = {
+      id: '5c8b0375-305a-4f19-ae8e-07806b101999',
+      version: 1,
+      createdAt: '2024-07-04T14:07:35.625Z',
+      lastModifiedAt: '2024-07-04T14:07:35.625Z',
+      amountPlanned: {
+        type: 'centPrecision',
+        currencyCode: 'EUR',
+        centAmount: 1000,
+        fractionDigits: 2,
+      },
+      paymentStatus: {},
+      transactions: [],
+      interfaceInteractions: [],
+      paymentMethodInfo: {
+        method: 'banktransfer',
+      },
+      custom: {
+        type: {
+          typeId: 'type',
+          id: 'sctm-payment-custom-fields',
+        },
+        fields: {
+          sctm_create_payment_request: JSON.stringify(paymentRequest),
+        },
+      },
+    };
+    try {
+      checkPaymentMethodSpecificParameters(CTPayment, CTPayment.paymentMethodInfo.method as string);
+    } catch (error: unknown) {
+      expect(error).toBeInstanceOf(CustomError);
+      expect((error as CustomError).message).toBe('SCTM - PAYMENT PROCESSING - email must be a valid email address');
+      expect(logger.error).toBeCalledTimes(1);
+      expect(logger.error).toBeCalledWith(`SCTM - PAYMENT PROCESSING - email must be a valid email address`, {
+        commerceToolsPayment: CTPayment,
+      });
+    }
+  });
+  it('should should not throw any error or terminate the process if the payment method is banktransfer and the email is provided correctly', () => {
+    const paymentRequest = {
+      description: 'Test',
+      billingAddress: {
+        title: 'Billing address title',
+        email: 'test@gmail.com',
+      },
+    };
+    const CTPayment: Payment = {
+      id: '5c8b0375-305a-4f19-ae8e-07806b101999',
+      version: 1,
+      createdAt: '2024-07-04T14:07:35.625Z',
+      lastModifiedAt: '2024-07-04T14:07:35.625Z',
+      amountPlanned: {
+        type: 'centPrecision',
+        currencyCode: 'EUR',
+        centAmount: 1000,
+        fractionDigits: 2,
+      },
+      paymentStatus: {},
+      transactions: [],
+      interfaceInteractions: [],
+      paymentMethodInfo: {
+        method: 'banktransfer',
+      },
+      custom: {
+        type: {
+          typeId: 'type',
+          id: 'sctm-payment-custom-fields',
+        },
+        fields: {
+          sctm_create_payment_request: JSON.stringify(paymentRequest),
+        },
+      },
+    };
+    expect(checkPaymentMethodSpecificParameters(CTPayment, CTPayment.paymentMethodInfo.method as string)).toBe(
+      undefined,
+    );
+    expect(logger.error).toBeCalledTimes(0);
+  });
   it('should throw an error if the payment method is blik and the currency code is not PLN', () => {
     const CTPayment: Payment = {
       id: '5c8b0375-305a-4f19-ae8e-07806b101999',