use i for insert mode
use ESC for normal mode
use dd to delete a line
use dG to delete all content of a file
use h as left arrow
use l for right arrow
use j for down arrow
use k for up arrow
use w to jump forwards to the start of a word
use e to jump forwards to the end of a word
use b to jump backwards to the start of a word
use 0 for going to the start of line
use $ for going to the end of line
use * for finding next accurence under cursor
use # for finding next privious under cursor
use gg for going to the begining of the file
use G for going to the end of file
use / for searching
use . to repeat previous command
use :x to save and quit
use :q! quit without save
use :w to save
use :q to quit
use u to undo
use ctrl + r to redo
use :%d to delete whole content