List of shortcuts
- multi select
- toggle project sidebar
- search everywhere
- go to line
- find class
- find file
- switch tabs
- switcher
- list class structures and method and you can search on that
- public function
- private function
- protected function
- echo
- foreach
- throw
- html page structure
- reformat code
- select and copy whole line
- cut whole line
- remove whole line
- refactor
- generate
- multiple select of a word
- select next occurrence
- terminal
- version control
- replace
- document
- next or prev method
- close tab
- go next line
- recent files
- find path
- find error
- navigate declaration
- wrap remove
- generate constant from value of variable
- rename
- list methods
alt + 1
shift + shift
ctrl + G
ctrl + N
ctrl + shift + N
alt + Right or alt + Left
ctrl + tab
ctrl + F12
pubf + tab
prif + tab
prof + tab
fore and forek
! + tab or html:5 + tab
ctrl + alt + shift + l
ctrl + c
ctrl + x
ctrl + y
ctrl + alt + shift + t
alt + insert
ctrl + alt + shift + j
alt + j
alt + F12
alt + 9
ctrl + R
ctrl + Q
alt + up or alt + down
ctrl + F4
shift + enter
ctrl + E
ctrl + shift = F
ctrl + alt + shift + mouse click
ctrl + B
ctrl + shif + del
ctrl + alt + c
shift + f6
ctrl + f12