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+# Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct
+## Our Pledge
+We as members, contributors, and leaders pledge to make participation in our
+community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body
+size, visible or invisible disability, ethnicity, sex characteristics, gender
+identity and expression, level of experience, education, socio-economic status,
+nationality, personal appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity
+and orientation.
+## Our Standards
+Examples of behavior that contributes to a positive environment:
+* Demonstrating empathy and kindness toward other people
+* Being respectful of differing opinions, viewpoints, and experiences
+* Giving and gracefully accepting constructive feedback
+* Accepting responsibility and apologizing to those affected by our mistakes
+* Focusing on what is best for the community
+Examples of unacceptable behavior:
+* The use of sexualized language or imagery
+* Trolling, insulting or derogatory comments
+* Public or private harassment
+* Publishing others' private information
+* Other conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate
+## Enforcement Responsibilities
+Community leaders are responsible for clarifying and enforcing our standards of
+acceptable behavior and will take appropriate and fair corrective action in
+response to any behavior that they deem inappropriate, threatening, offensive,
+or harmful.
+## Scope
+This Code of Conduct applies within all community spaces, and also applies when
+an individual is officially representing the community in public spaces.
+## Enforcement
+Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be
+reported to the community leaders responsible for enforcement at
+## Attribution
+This Code of Conduct is adapted from the [Contributor Covenant][homepage],
+version 2.0, available at
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+# Contributing to Under The Hood Of Executables
+We love your input! We want to make contributing to this guide as easy and transparent as possible, whether it's:
+- Reporting a typo
+- Discussing the current state of the content
+- Submitting a fix
+- Proposing new sections
+- Becoming a maintainer
+## We Develop with Github
+We use GitHub to host code, to track issues and feature requests, as well as accept pull requests.
+## Pull Requests
+1. Fork the repo and create your branch from `main`.
+2. If you've added content, make sure it follows our style guide.
+3. If you've changed APIs or functionality, update the documentation.
+4. Make sure your code follows our formatting guidelines.
+5. Issue that pull request!
+## Any contributions you make will be under the MIT Software License
+When you submit code changes, your submissions are understood to be under the same [MIT License](LICENSE) that covers the project.
+## Report issues using Github's [issue tracker](https://github.com/mohitmishra786/underTheHoodOfExecutables/issues)
+We use GitHub issues to track public bugs and requests.
+## Write bug reports with detail, background, and sample code
+**Great Bug Reports** tend to have:
+- A quick summary and/or background
+- Steps to reproduce
+ - Be specific!
+ - Give sample code if you can.
+- What you expected would happen
+- What actually happens
+- Notes (possibly including why you think this might be happening)
+## License
+By contributing, you agree that your contributions will be licensed under its MIT License.
+## References
+This document was adapted from the open-source contribution guidelines for [Facebook's Draft](https://github.com/facebook/draft-js/blob/a9316a723f9e918afde44dea68b5f9f39b7d9b00/CONTRIBUTING.md).
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+# From Source to Binary: A C Programmer's Guide to Linking and Loading
+**Part 1: Building Blocks**
+* [**Chapter 1: The Mystery of Executable Size**](https://github.com/mohitmishra786/underTheHoodOfExecutables/tree/main/Ch-1-The-Mystery-Of-Executable-Size)
+ * [Why is my "Hello World" so Big?](https://github.com/mohitmishra786/underTheHoodOfExecutables/blob/main/Ch-1-The-Mystery-Of-Executable-Size/Why%20is%20my%20%22Hello%20World%22%20so%20Big%3F.md)
+* [**Chapter 2: ELF: Unpacking the Executable and Link Format**](https://github.com/mohitmishra786/underTheHoodOfExecutables/tree/main/Ch-2-The-Executable-And-Linkable-Format)
+ * [Demystifying the Executable Format](https://github.com/mohitmishra786/underTheHoodOfExecutables/blob/main/Ch-2-The-Executable-And-Linkable-Format/Demystifying-the-Executable-Format.md)
+* [**Chapter 3: Sections: Organizing Code and Data**](https://github.com/mohitmishra786/underTheHoodOfExecutables/tree/main/Ch-3-Sections-Organizing-Code-And-Data)
+ * [Understanding ELF Sections](https://github.com/mohitmishra786/underTheHoodOfExecutables/blob/main/Ch-3-Sections-Organizing-Code-And-Data/Understanding-ELF-Sections.md)
+* [**Chapter 4: Global Variables and Initialization**](https://github.com/mohitmishra786/underTheHoodOfExecutables/tree/main/Ch-4-Global-Variables-And-Initialization)
+ * [The Secret Life of Global Variables in C](https://github.com/mohitmishra786/underTheHoodOfExecutables/blob/main/Ch-4-Global-Variables-And-Initialization/The-Secret-Life-of-Global-Variables-in-C.md)
+**Part 2: The Linker's Dance**
+* [**Chapter 5: The Linker's Role: Piecing Together the Puzzle**](https://github.com/mohitmishra786/underTheHoodOfExecutables/tree/main/Ch-5-The-Linker's-Role)
+ * [Bringing The C Code Together](https://github.com/mohitmishra786/underTheHoodOfExecutables/blob/main/Ch-5-The-Linker's-Role/Bringing-The-C-Code-Together.md)
+* [**Chapter 6: Relocations: Patching the Code**](https://github.com/mohitmishra786/underTheHoodOfExecutables/tree/main/Ch-6-Relocations-Patching-The-Code)
+ * [The Linker's Patchwork](https://github.com/mohitmishra786/underTheHoodOfExecutables/blob/main/Ch-6-Relocations-Patching-The-Code/The%20Linker's%20Patchwork.md)
+* [**Chapter 7: Symbols: Identifying and Resolving References**](https://github.com/mohitmishra786/underTheHoodOfExecutables/tree/main/Ch-7-Symbols)
+ * [Symbols](https://github.com/mohitmishra786/underTheHoodOfExecutables/blob/main/Ch-7-Symbols/Symbols.md)
+* [**Chapter 8: Linker Scripts: Controlling the Layout**](https://github.com/mohitmishra786/underTheHoodOfExecutables/tree/main/Ch-8-Customizing-The-Layout)
+ * [Introduction To Linker Scripts](https://github.com/mohitmishra786/underTheHoodOfExecutables/blob/main/Ch-8-Customizing-The-Layout/Introduction-To-Linker-Scripts.md)
+**Part 3: Dynamic Linking: Sharing and Flexibility**
+* [**Chapter 9: Dynamic Linking: Sharing Code and Resources**](https://github.com/mohitmishra786/underTheHoodOfExecutables/tree/main/Ch-9-Dynamic-Linking)
+ * [Shrinking Executables and Sharing Code](https://github.com/mohitmishra786/underTheHoodOfExecutables/blob/main/Ch-9-Dynamic-Linking/Shrinking%20Executables%20and%20Sharing%20Code.md)
+* [**Chapter 10: The Dynamic Linking Process**](https://github.com/mohitmishra786/underTheHoodOfExecutables/tree/main/Ch-10-Dynamic-Linking-Process)
+ * [Lazy Loading: Dynamic Linking on Demand](https://github.com/mohitmishra786/underTheHoodOfExecutables/blob/main/Ch-10-Dynamic-Linking-Process/Lazy%20Loading:%20Dynamic%20Linking%20on%20Demand.md)
+* [**Chapter 11: Controlling Dynamic Linking Behavior**](https://github.com/mohitmishra786/underTheHoodOfExecutables/tree/main/Ch-11-Controlling-Dynamic-Linking-Behavior)
+ * [Taking Control: Environment Variables For Dynamic Linking](https://github.com/mohitmishra786/underTheHoodOfExecutables/blob/main/Ch-11-Controlling-Dynamic-Linking-Behavior/Taking-Control-Environment-Variables-For-Dynamic-Linking.md)
+**Part 4: Advanced Linking and Optimization**
+* [**Chapter 12: Weak Symbols and Link-Time Optimization**](https://github.com/mohitmishra786/underTheHoodOfExecutables/tree/main/Ch-12-Weak-Symbols)
+ * [Weak Symbols: A Linker's Flexibility](https://github.com/mohitmishra786/underTheHoodOfExecutables/blob/main/Ch-12-Weak-Symbols/Weak%20Symbols:%20A%20Linker's%20Flexibility.md)
+**Part 5: Looking Ahead**
+* [**Chapter 13: Conclusion: A Deeper Understanding**](https://github.com/mohitmishra786/underTheHoodOfExecutables/tree/main/Ch-13-Final-Chapter)
+ * [Level Up Your C](https://github.com/mohitmishra786/underTheHoodOfExecutables/blob/main/Ch-13-Final-Chapter/Level-Up-Your-C.md)
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-# From Source to Binary: A C Programmer's Guide to Linking and Loading
+# Under The Hood Of Executables 🔍
-**Chapter Breakdown:**
+[![License: MIT](https://img.shields.io/badge/License-MIT-yellow.svg)](https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)
+[![PRs Welcome](https://img.shields.io/badge/PRs-welcome-brightgreen.svg)](CONTRIBUTING.md)
+[![Made with Love](https://img.shields.io/badge/Made%20with-❤-red.svg)](https://github.com/mohitmishra786/underTheHoodOfExecutables)
-**Part 1: Building Blocks**
+An in-depth exploration of how C programs transform from source code to executable binaries. This repository contains a comprehensive guide to understanding linking, loading, and executable formats.
-* **Chapter 1: The Mystery of Executable Size**
-* **Chapter 2: ELF: Unpacking the Executable and Link Format**
-* **Chapter 3: Sections: Organizing Code and Data**
-* **Chapter 4: Global Variables and Initialization**
+## 📚 Book Website
-**Part 2: The Linker's Dance**
+Visit our interactive book website: [Under The Hood Of Executables](https://mohitmishra786.github.io/underTheHoodOfExecutables/)
-* **Chapter 5: The Linker's Role: Piecing Together the Puzzle**
-* **Chapter 6: Relocations: Patching the Code**
-* **Chapter 7: Symbols: Identifying and Resolving References**
-* **Chapter 8: Linker Scripts: Controlling the Layout**
+## 🌟 Features
-**Part 3: Dynamic Linking: Sharing and Flexibility**
+- Detailed explanations of ELF format
+- Deep dive into linking and loading processes
+- Practical examples and case studies
+- Interactive diagrams and illustrations
+- Step-by-step tutorials
+- Real-world applications
+- Performance optimization insights
-* **Chapter 9: Dynamic Linking: Sharing Code and Resources**
-* **Chapter 10: The Dynamic Linking Process: Lazy Loading and Resolution**
-* **Chapter 11: Controlling Dynamic Linking Behavior**
+## 📖 Content Structure
-**Part 4: Advanced Linking and Optimization**
+The book is organized into five parts, each focusing on different aspects of the compilation and linking process. [View detailed content structure](index.md)
-* **Chapter 12: Weak Symbols and Link-Time Optimization**
+## 🚀 Getting Started
-**Part 5: Looking Ahead**
+1. Clone the repository:
+ ```bash
+ git clone https://github.com/mohitmishra786/underTheHoodOfExecutables.git
+ ```
-* **Chapter 13: Conclusion: A Deeper Understanding**
+2. Navigate to the chapter you're interested in:
+ ```bash
+ cd underTheHoodOfExecutables
+ ```
+3. Read the chapters in markdown format or visit our [website](https://mohitmishra786.github.io/underTheHoodOfExecutables/) for an enhanced reading experience.
+## 🤝 Contributing
+Contributions are welcome! Please read our [Contributing Guidelines](CONTRIBUTING.md) and [Code of Conduct](CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md) before getting started.
+## 📄 License
+This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file for details.
+## 🙏 Acknowledgments
+- All contributors who have helped improve this guide
+- The C programming community
+- Open source tools and documentation that made this possible
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