diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 327580b..c8e988b 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -106,6 +106,12 @@ The graph-related files are stored in a directory called `graphs`. ### Create remaining static features To create the remaining static files run the scripts `create_global_grid_features.py`, `create_global_forcing.py` and `create_parameter_weights.py`. +## Loading Pre-Trained Models + +Checkpoints for the pre-trained models from the paper can be downloaded from [here](https://liuonline-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/joeos82_liu_se/Eux3kNp8ZitPuuMSa_XyV8EBdFhHxxuaP7OVPFAW2Tb0xg?e=oI7ac7). +The directory `eval_scripts` in this repository contains example scripts that load these checkpoints and run evaluation. +For these scripts to work the downloaded checkpoints should be placed in a directory called `paper_checkpoints` and the graphs named as described above. + ## Weights & Biases Integration The project is fully integrated with [Weights & Biases](https://www.wandb.ai/) (W&B) for logging and visualization, but can just as easily be used without it. When W&B is used, training configuration, training/test statistics and plots are sent to the W&B servers and made available in an interactive web interface.