Releases: mjucker/aostools
Releases · mjucker/aostools
aostools v2.1.3
Removed matplotlib.mlab.find() and replaced with numpy.where() to diminish package requirements.
aostools v2.1.2
Package requirement netcdf4-python does not seem to work. Replaced with netCDF4, which is the same package.
Code content still the same as in v2.1.
aostools v2.1.1
Trying to make sure the package requirements are working.
Code is otherwise identical to v2.1.
aostools v2.1
Corrected a problem with the inclusion of README and LICENSE in the PyPi package.
Also added the possibility to call ComputeBaroclinicity() on only one vertical level.
aostools v2.0
Several bugfixes are corrected in this release.
This is a major version release for two reasons:
- WriteGenericNc() now uses NETCDF-4 instead of NETCDF3_64BIT, such that netCDF groups are now possible.
- aostools is now also on PyPi. As a consequence, the file had to be renamed to avoid problems with the io module
aostools: Collection of postprocessing functions for Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences
N2const in n2 calculation Adds the possibility to use a constant number for N2, as this can be very messy otherwise