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CS287 Homework 1


The code is written in python 3. In order to install the requiriments run

pip install -r requiriments

Before running the code make sure to set the PYTHONPATH to be the homework folder. You can do that by running the following command:

export PYTHONPATH=path_to_cs287_hw1/

The data and logging for all the parts experiments will be saved in the folders data/partX/. This will contain the final value function contour (if the state space is of dimension lower or equal than 2), the learning curve of the run, a csv file with the returns per iteration, and a json file with the parameters of the run. If the experiments are run rendering the progress (by using the flag -r or --render), then it will save two videos with the learning progess, one for the contours and another with the rollouts.

To visualize data of combined experiments you can use the command python viskit/frontend path_to_the_experiments_folder. You will be able to visualize the learning curves split by any parameter that you decide or we ask in the report.

Each part folder has its own run script named partX/ that will run all the environments we ask for. You will have to modify the arguments of the run script to answer the different questions, you can see what each command means by running python partX/ --help. In all the run scripts you can run visualize the rollouts by adding the flag --render or -r ,i.e., python partX/ -r.

The functions are documented to explain all the inputs, returns, and the utilities needed to solve each question.

Part 1: Value Iteration

Question (a): Implement value iteration for a deterministic policy

You will need to fill the code in part1/ below the lines if self.policy_type == 'deterministic'. Run python part1/ to run the code that will generate the plots and loggings.

Question (b): Implement value iteration for a maximum entropy policy

You will need to fill the code in part1/ below the lines if self.policy_type == 'max_ent'. Run python part1/ -p max_ent -t TEMPERATURE to run value iteration with a maximum entropy policy and different temperature values.

Part 2: Discretization

Question (a): Implementation of nearest-neighbor interpolation

You will need to fill the code in part2/ below the lines if self.mode == 'nn'. To run this question type python part2/ -m nn . You can modify the number of points used per dimension in the state anc action space by running python part2/ -m nn -s NUM_STATES, where NUM_STATES is the number of points per state dimension.

Question (b): Implementation of n-linear interpolation

You will need to fill the code in part2/ below the lines if self.mode == 'linear'. To run this question type python part2/ -m linear -s NUM_STATES in the command line.

Question (c): Nearest-neighbor vs. n-linear interpolation

To run this question type python part2/ -m INTERPOLATION_MODE, where INTERPOLATION_MODE is either nn for nearest-neighbor interpolation, or linear for n-linear interpolation. You can first visualize and then save the plot by running python viskit/ data/part2_c/ and then splitting the figures by env and splitting the series by mode.

Question (d): Implementation of look ahead policy

ou will need to fill the code in part2/ You can run this question by typing python part2/ -p look_ahead -H HORIZON , where HORIZON represents how many time steps into the future you do the look ahead. The results should be split by environmen: as in the previous question, but this time the series should be splitted by horizon.

Part3: Value Iteration & Fuction Approximation

Question (a): Implement value iteration for continuous state spaces

You will need to fill the code in part3/continuous\_value\ and part3/look\_ahead\ The policy implemented will maximize the values function over a random set of actions. You will need to do it for continuous and discrete actions. You can run this question by typing python part3/ . Even though we don't ask it in the report you can play with the batch_size and learning_rate for training the nerual network value function, and with the number of actions to maximize value function! You can do that by running python part3/ -bs BATCH_SIZE -lr LEARNING_RATE -a NUM_ACTIONS .

Question (b): Implement look ahead cross-entropy

You will need to fill the code in part3/look\_ahead\ You can run this question with the command python part3/ -H HORIZON , where HORIZON represents how many time steps into the future you do the look ahead. You can first visualize and then save the plot by running python viskit/ data/part3_b/.

Part 4: Vectorized Discretization (Extra Credit)

You will need to fill the code in part4/ below the lines if self.mode == 'nn' and if self.mode == 'linear To run this question type python part4/ -m nn . You can modify the number of points used per dimension in the state anc action space by running python part2/ -m INTERPOLATION_MODE -s NUM_STATES, where INTERPOLATION_MODE is either nn for nearest-neighbor interpolation, or linear for n-linear interpolation and NUM_STATES is the number of points per state dimension.