description |
Quick Usage |
Use composer to install
composer require mitmelon/guard-power
require_once __DIR__."/vendor/autoload.php";
// Place GuardPower Class untop of your application
$guardPower = new GuardPower();
//Your Application Code Here
You can change GuardTor properties by calling it before calling the init() method.
//Allow GuardTor to create or modify .htaccess with added functionalities to prevent bad bots
//Default is false.
//Please make sure you only enable this on development for one request to prevent over-writeups
//Once request is complete from your browser, change $guardPower->createhtaccess = false;
//On production change to $guardPower->createhtaccess = false;
$guardPower->createhtaccess = true;
//Never block tor users
//Default is true.
$guardPower->blocktor = false;
//Set the block page url users will be redirected to once blocked
//Default is __DIR__.'/error.html';
$guardPower->blockLink = 'BLOCK_PAGE_URL';
//Prevent request block once limit is reached
//Default is true;
//Please note that setting this to true requires redis installed.
$guardPower->block_request = false;
//Set request limit per minute to reach before blocking request
//This could be used to prevent DDOS Attacks
//Default is 100 times per minutes
$guardPower->attempt = 100;
Methods to use for strings sanitizations, retrieve IP address and get device info.
* Validate IPV4 and IPV6 address
* @param $ip string
* @return boolean || string
* Get device ID from every request including device fingerprint
* @return array
* Get request IP Address
* @return string
* Advance cleaning of strings from user inputs
* @param $value string to clean
* @return string
* Clean html inputs to prevent xss attacks
* @param $html string to clean
* @return string
- Spam Detections/Blocker
Released under the MIT license.