FXCM, also known as Forex Capital Markets, is a retail foreign exchange broker. This a python fxcm api wrapper that connects to fxcm api and stores data in a local mysql data base. This database can be used connect to excel using excel-MySql connector to do further analysis.
After installing Mysql Database, run the database_setup.py file. This creates the required tables in database for the tool to run. The API credentials can be updated in fxcm.cfg file
#Usage of the command line options
TO show all the currency pairs in the database
python.exe data_manager.py -show_currency_pairs -
To show all the timeframes in the database
python.exe data_manager.pt -show_time_frames
Reset database, all the tables, data and resets to default state. Sets everything to default state!
python.exe data_manager.py -reset_all
Re-run detabase_setup.py file to recreate the database and tables
To add a new currency to the database
python.exe data_manager.py --add_currency_pair {currency pair name}
To add a new time frame to database
python.exe data_managerpy --add_time_frame {time_frame_name}
Update all data for all time frames and currency pairs
python.exe data_manager.py --update_all_data
Custom updates:
Use these methods to update individual timeframe and currency pair
To update one time frame one time frame :
python.exe data_manager.py --update --t_f "m15" --c_p "EUR/USD" --s_d "2018-02-25" --e_d "2018-03-25"
To update one time frame, multiple currecy pair:
python.exe data_manager.py --update --t_f "m15" --c_p "EUR/USD,XAG/USD" --s_d "2018-02-25" --e_d "2018-03-25"
To update multiple time frame, one currecy pair:
python.exe data_manager.py --update --t_f "m15,H4" --c_p "EUR/USD" --s_d "2018-02-25" --e_d "2018-03-25"
To update multiple time frame, multiple currency:
python.exe data_manager.py --update --t_f "m15,H4" --c_p "NZD/USD,GBP/USD" --s_d "2018-02-25" --e_d "2018-03-25"
Python version : 3.x (tested on python3.5)
fxcm api : pip install fxcmpy
MySql python connector : pip install MySQL-python