Out of the box, starting vlc-discord-rpc will open VLC, and closing VLC will close vlc-discord-rpc. This is the "attached" mode, and it is the default because "it just works" in most cases.
Detached mode will not open VLC for you, and closing VLC won't close vlc-discord-rpc. It requires a bit of tweaking, but once it is configured, it allows you to open and close VLC as you normally would and still show a rich presence.
These instructions apply to all platforms. For a visual guide, see this GIF
Open VLC Media Player
In the Tools drop-down menu, select Preferences to open the Preferences window.
To the bottom left corner of the Preferences window, you'll see a box labeled "Show settings". Choose "All" to reveal the advanced preferences.
Type "Lua" into the search bar that appears in the top left, and click "Main interfaces" from the results.
Enable the HTTP interface by checking the "Web" checkbox.
Under "Main interfaces" in the left pane, click "Lua".
Enter a fresh new password into the Password field under Lua HTTP.
Click the Save button at the bottom of the window.
Open the config/config.js file in a text editor
Put the password you made earlier between the single-quotes of the
password: '',
line, and changedetached: false
todetached: true
to enable detached mode.
It is possible to have album art show up on your rich presence, in place of the VLC cone icon. Unfortunately, there is no way to have the art upload automatically, so you must manually upload each album art to Discord before it can be used. It's not a difficult process, but it does require some time and has limitations.
Go to the Discord Developer Portal and create a new application. You should name it "VLC Media Player", though it's up to you.
In the left menu, click Rich Presence.
Upload the "playing", "paused", "stopped", and "vlc" icons, and give them their respective names. The default assets can be found here and here.
Upload the album art you want to display, giving them sensible names for your own sake (eg. the album title with no spaces or special characters).
Open the config/art.json file in a text editor. Between the curly braces (
{ }
), put new lines for each of your albums, The format for each line should be:
"Album Title Exactly How It's Displayed": "discordassetname",
Note that the comma at the end must not be there on the last line you add.
Heres a realistic example of a complete config/art.json file:
"Thriller": "thriller",
"Diamond Dogs": "diamonddogs",
"Welcome to Sky Valley": "welcometoskyvalley",
"Demon Days": "demondays"
Open the config/config.js file in a text editor. Change the id field to your new Application ID. You can find the ID in the General Information tab of the application page.
Run vlc-discord-rpc, and you should see the album art when listening to albums you've added. If no image is shown, make sure the album name you put is exactly how it displays in VLC, case sensitive.