A simple web app that retrieves movies playing today from browser geo-location. Implemented with React and Flux.
Install brew:
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"
Install git and node:
brew install git node
Install gulp globally by running:
npm install -g gulp
Clone project:
git clone https://github.com/mistermendez/movie-finder.git
After cloning, just
in there, install dependencies by runningnpm install
Build the project by running
gulp watch
Open in browser: http://localhost:4444/
- /assets - application media assets (images, app icons, video)
- /src - JavaScript source files. Flux (Reflux) architecture:
- /actions - helper functions that pass data to the dispatcher and api services to fetch data
- /components - modular components of pages
- /stores - store application state and logic, similar to model in MVC
- /views - page views
- /styles - src (less, scss, sass) stylesheets, styles for individual components should be broken out and put in the components folder. They can be included in the build using an @import statement