This is the shared backend for the Community Accommodation User Interfaces
To run tests, you'll need to start a few docker dependencies using:
You can then run tests in intellij or via the command line e.g.
To run the application locally, use ap-tools README as this will manage starting all the required dependencies
Most endpoints require a JWT from HMPPS Auth - an instance of this runs in Docker locally on port 9091 (via ap-tools). You can get a JWT by running:
The access_token
value in the output is the JWT. These are valid for 20 minutes.
This value is then included in the Authorization header on requests to the API, as a bearer token, e.g.
Authorization: Bearer {the JWT}
- Architectural decisions are documented in doc/architecture/decisions
- Miscellaneous guidance is provided in doc/how-to
There is are linting and static analysis checks in the build pipeline. You can lint and check for issues before pushing by running
./gradlew ktlintFormat && ./gradlew detekt
The service is deployed to the MoJ Cloud Platform. This is
managed by Kubernetes and Helm Charts which reside within this repo at ./helm_deploy
To get set up with Kubernetes and configure your system so that the kubectl
command authenticates, see this
[MoJ guide to generating a 'kube' config].
You should then be able to run kubectl
commands, e.g. to list the 'pods' in a given 'namespace':
$ kubectl -n hmpps-community-accommodation-dev get pods
hmpps-approved-premises-api-655968557b-5qlbc 1/1 Running 0 83m
hmpps-approved-premises-api-655968557b-bp7v9 1/1 Running 0 83m
hmpps-approved-premises-ui-5cf65777bf-bqtlc 1/1 Running 0 74m
hmpps-approved-premises-ui-5cf65777bf-n4j89 1/1 Running 0 74m
hmpps-temporary-accommodation-ui-67b49b8dcd-p85pt 1/1 Running 0 125m
hmpps-temporary-accommodation-ui-67b49b8dcd-tgjd5 1/1 Running 0 125m
NB: this kubectl
cheatsheet is a good reference to
other commands you may need.
Details of the different environments and their roles can be found in Confluence.
Our release process aligns with the other CAS teams and as such lives in Confluence. The steps are also available in the PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE.