Minisat is host-based virtualization in which one can have access and control the VM from single server. ###Operating System
Operating System is the most important program which runs on computer. You can use any linux based Operating system for your virtual machine. For our simplicity we have setup the server where we have rsync the mirros of Fedora 25, Fedora 26 and so on. You can use any mirror of linux based OS.
Add new
Here you have to fill up two fields
- Operating System Name
The name can be anything you want to give but good practice is giving actual name of OS which you are going to provide to Virtual machine.
- Location
Here you have to provide the location of the operating system repo from where it will fetch the OS.
Already Existing
All the OS you have added while be visible in this section.
###Create Host
In this user has to fill various details such as
- Name
- Compute Resource
- Profile
- Operating System
- Activation Name
- Host Group
- Root Password
Except Name and Root Password user has to select other details from drop down as they have created all those Earlier.
If you Have already created Host Group then you have to only enter
- Name
- Host Group
- Root Password
All the remainig fields are filled automaticatlly.